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OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] --------------~------- --...-----~----- -~------ - -------~----. ~- ---- UNITED NATfONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION ICROELECTRONICS ONITOR Issue No. 20/21 987 I Dear Reader, We have been looking at ways and means of speeding up the aiailing of the Microelectronics Monitor to overseas countries. One possibility that was also suggested by several readers is that they purchase UNESCO coupons (IRCs) with their national currency at the local distributing agent, which as a rule will be the National COlllDission for UNESCO. Readers may wish to inquire into this and let us know by returning the attached questionnaire (page 62). An altemative solution for readers who are in posession of convertible currency is that delivery is done by an agent in Vienna who will charge directly for airmail plus a small handling fee. Those who might be U.terested in such a scheme should also indicate so on the attached questionnaire. We are also considering a~cepting paid advertisements from commercial companies and using eventual revenues towards helping print the Microelectronics Monitor. We will be glad to answer inquiries from companies which would like to know more about it. lbe Microelectronics Monitor is published four times a yeac with a roll figure of 1200. It is sent to a selected clientele in some 100 countries, both developing and developed. You will find on page 8 a review article on application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) which is reprinted with kind permission from High Technology Magazine. The article provides an interesting overview of recent developments and trends in this sector of the IC market. Finally, let me assure you that despite financial constraints the Microelectronics Monitor will continue to be published as our readers have confirmed that there is a felt need for it and that it is useful. K. Venkataraman Senior Technical Adviser Department for Industrial ,romotion, Consultations and Technology .t/ (z'/, The MICROELECTRONICS MONITOR is not .,, offici1I document Ind ha been reproduced without form1I editing. Opinions expreued in it do not nec:es11rily reflect the views of th• United Nltions lndustri•I Development Orpnization (UNIDO). Mention of th• n1m11 of firms 1nd commerci1I products don not imply •n endorsement by UNIDO. Copyrighted m1teri1I reproduced in th"' PIQll m1V be quoted only with pmni11ion of the journ1l1 concerned. Compiled by Oevelo~ment 1ntJ Transfer of TechnolQgy Division Department. for lndustr!al Promotion, Con1ultat1ons and Technology, UNIDO, P.O. Box 300, A-1400 V11nna, ,Austria. - i - COllTEtrTS lllllS All> EVUTS • • • • lritiah Coven119e11t fuada aalliu. arsenide research 11 Triaide4 worlt•hop Thomsoa to tap freah CaAa field 11 Polici•• aaol •trateai•• of iaformatioa Profiu r ..uced a .. joba cut at tec.. oloai•• for dewelo,..at llM amt ATr 11 l•tenaatioaal conference oa Si-•• joiaa the 1-tlb drl!.a club lY i•for.-•ica ia ,...iciae l Ii& chip ia aet for PC dCll8aia 19 Africa• rt. ioaal computer c-federati­ 1 lleaachip aaaouac..... :a 19 Fr•ac•/UK: videoconfereaci"I& link l Th098on joi~• flank• vith the Italian ~ 20 lateraepcoa/S.. icoadt1etor lorea '17 l Two Geraan aianta te- up to take oa IM zo JllllOF, Oaaka 2 ATT ... OliYetti reach aev aareemeat zo lartc databa•• free to developiaa Fujit•u to buJ into Fairchild zu - 1:-trie• 2 llotorola, Toahiba •iaa chip pact zo llev body to aid ia develo,..at of Japan••• compaaiea 8IOYiD& into Europe 21 c-ication• 2 14,000-aate lloaeyvell IC lead• mobot• application ia ....11 a ... neat bipolar vave Zl ... i ... i ..u•trie• 2 Succ••• of llotorola' • llC6IOO aerie• lateraatioaal •:r-.oaiua - educati-, of llotorola 2l iafor.atica. a.. the •chool •y•t• l latenaational s,_,..i... oa IT oa COUllDt llEl'OaTS Z2 llaaaa-•t a.. "-• •••-re•• l ..., iaforaatic• uaderaraduate proar...,. 4 Araentiaa suacc ... the Siaaapore Computer Society 4 Proce•• coatrol for petrochemical Caleadar of ••••t• 4 -iu 5 Canada 22 Japan punue• optical chip• 5 China c:.Aa OPto IC a•t• up to 200 sate• 6 China to export PCB• 22 AT•T build• fir•t photoaic avitchina chip 6 Ion i.,laater bri•a• aev life to ailicoa 1 UC lioloaical ....,rie• aad proc•••or• 1 t:sran reviewed 22 The aecret ••vea 1 the aecood ataa• of tbe Race Silicon compiler ·cuu deaia• t1- proar- 24 Secord pul•ed mapu!tic field • Euro deal falter• 24 !lectroa-be- chi,..kera -•e out of • the lab EaJPt C:O.,..ter trainiaa 24 I Federal llepublic of Ger.any Silic- done your vay I Ger.ea auperc09pt1ter 24 s-icoaductor ..rut 1917 12 S..icoaductor •hi,....t• arov .ore India thaa 17 per ceat vorlchride ia 1987 13 llldian telec09llUllicatioaa develo,..at 25 US •-icouductor •hipeeau to "uickea Italian telecom coaipaav ia ladia 25 in 1917 13 Teachina iadustrialista to Japaneae •-icoaductor aalea react to read the varaina aian• 25 atroaaer yea 13 S..11 pickup ahead ia Europeaa Japan ...icoaductor• aalea 13 The Japa-.se aupercomputar in Cu•tCll8 chip• outpace coa•eatioaal circuit• 13 tifficul:y 26 CuatCll8 chip in Europe 15 11 per cent arovth forecaat in Euro Sepublic of Korea proar-ble controller •rket lS s ..iconductora: llada in Korea 26 lnduatrial te111inala for da~• ltorea llactroaic• s·.- 1916 26 collection ia Europe 15 lubble -riH 16 lfexico Vafer-acale intearatio• atill 1oin1 atrona 16 llevlett Packard of Mexico aacura• Auto.ated ".oaater" IC pl1nta ..Y ~. excluai•• prlJductioa of tvo .. e11peadn •iatake 17 hp-lOUO 27 .. - ii - Pena ~builds a LISP ..chine for Japan 41 27 eo..ercial interest in natural lancuace proceHinc 41 Sinaapore Software liability 41 Sinaapore to bee- centre for Expert ayat_.: •ophiaticated •oftvare 27 Expert ahella are ready to bec- aenaible 42 Soath-East Asi• Shell c- 41 i.lectr-ica in Soath-Ea•t Asia: 'Ille ..rltet for expert ayst..a 44 •truulinc but poised for take-off 28 Eapert-ayst.. vritinc for the -tettr 44 Co.petiti- fr- ·ther •IC. 29 COMPUT£I EDUCATIOll • unitn 1tinc"- Ult UllYeil• recional technol0&1 lnfor.atin and national education centre plan• lO in France 44 Al•ey back• •1arce•t• CAD project JU Teacher traininc ic co.puter science Multidi•ciplinary centre for Co.puter• tarcet adult illiteracy 45"" electronics JO Microelectr-ic• in ...11 industry JO IOIOTICS AllD FACTOa'l AllTOllATlOll 4S Collputer •cienti•t• put their brain• toeether ll The state-of-the-art aocl trencla Rarclvare ..., plea lo co••r-t ll in robotic• 4'.> Car._ chips initiati•e 32 lollotics ..rut 41> Slovdovn in robotics uae .. ., zi.i.abve Robot• atruccle - 4b Collputer incluatry c-• on key 12 llobot requirement• .. , Two clear trencls in incluatrial robotic• 47 COVE&•-..llT POLICIES J2 aobot• cet 'ear•' for be.tter depth perception 41 Yucosla•ia Japanese FtlS iet the nod lt8 Microelectronic• de•elopment in Aut-tion in 5"l 48 Yucosla•ia 32 Auto handlinc in diesel enciae ..aufacture 48 Jos•f Stefan Institute - leaearch Clll Trends '87 50 in the field of •icroc011pUter applicati- J) STAllDAIDlZAtlOll IJID LECISLATIOll 51 APPLlCATl:>llS • • • 14 Step• fa•ourable to ISO standard• for co.puter networks 51 C.C increa•e• pres• efficiency J4 Standard• publiahecl for ...11 co-puter Plastic 1110Uldinc .onitorecl by ayate. interfaces aacl robots 52 •icroc09pUter 34 AT•T work• with users oa Uni• 52 Lathe 'cells': A •ucceaa •tory 35 US, Europe •••It aoftvare link 52 eo.r.uters 1.,rott .. intenance •y•t• 36 Nineteen unite to watch for cril9e H lnfrr.at ic• enten the acene to Euro eo..isaion aeta fi•e-year plan 53 eli•inate traffic j ... 36 Latin A.arican 19eetinc on the le&•l lnfor.aric• help• the handicapped 37 protection ancl aale of software 53 sornu.u ••• J7 RECHT PUBLICATIOllS • Software ..rket 1987 37 U•IDO publi.,ationa 54 Software procr.. •erifiea C0111Puteri&ed Union reaction to hi&h tech 54 llC c-ncl• 38 The robot• take their ti.a 54 Encineerinc aoftvar• ..rket aet to expand 38 Only the rich ha•e robot• SS Software aur••y 18 Bulletin on lnfor.atica publi•h•d in Co.puter lancuace• 38 Arcntina S6 Definition• of computer lancuace• 40 leaource:a in de•1elop.ant journali•• S6 Central African lesion (Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe), Eastern (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda), Southern Trinidad workshop (lotsvana, Lesotho, ...ibi•, Republic of South Africa, Swaziland), encl Western (Benin, Cambia, UNIDO assi•ted the Cover...ent of Trinidad and Chana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierre Leone).
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