Eastern Illinois University The Keep October 1991 10-25-1991 Daily Eastern News: October 25, 1991 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1991_oct Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: October 25, 1991" (1991). October. 19. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1991_oct/19 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1991 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in October by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ocal sounds ~ Kickfest Tribulations of c Booters host Akron and Charleston rock bands co:__:'!!!ir..=::.::::::.:~===.:::J Cleveland State this weekend. Section B Page 12A ormer BOG chair. calls Rives' extended evaluation 'unusual' STUART TART Chair James Althoff, who was not reap­ the president. mance reviews on Sept. 26. Although pointed to the board when his term expired Rives' administration has been under Rives was the third of five presidents to last summer. fire for almost a year for administrative hir­ meet with the board, his evaluation was the The Board of Governors' former chair "Obviously, this is not a routine evalua­ ings that allegedly circumvented university, only one not completed on that day. id Thursday the two continuations of tion," he said. "(But) if they're going to BOG and affirmative action guidelines and The board also met with Rives last sident Stan Rives' annual evaluation are delve into these issues, you have to take for Rives' alleged mishandling of a sexual Thursday during a four-hour continuation usual but do not necessarily indicate his some time. harassment complaint between two of the evaluation. BOG Chancellor Thomas is in jeopardy. "When I left the board (in early June), I Lumpkin College of Business faculty Layzell said at the time that Rives' evalua­ However, the board did have some con­ thought this presidency was saveable," he members. tion was not completed. s about hirings under Rives' adminis­ said. Rives and the four other university presi­ Althoff said the board will consider tion and his handling of a sexual dis­ Althoff added that a routine evaluation is dents within the BOG system met with Rives' performance during the entire year . "mination complaint, said former BOG a two-hour meeting between the board and board members for their annual perfor- * Continued on page 2A obeson worki~g at home Abella says ue to ~ffice space limits Eastern faculty CHRIS SEPER meeting with contractors and not apathetic architects. I'm in contact with By TANYA ZIEGLER him all the time." Staff writer Circumstances surrounding the Although he is no longer signation of Vic Robeson, along involved in any supervisory Although all of Eastern 's fac­ ith already tight office space, duties, Robeson deals with pro­ ulty may not be members of the ve been the reasoning behind jects already initiated by him or union, everyone seems to be e choice to give Robeson a any more recent small-scale pro­ interested and pulling for a set­ me office. jects. Replacement of the air con­ tlement, said University Profess­ "The reason we did this was ditioning in Booth Library, the ionals of Illinois representatives. cause of the nature of his resig­ heat and cold pumps in Lumpkin And when asked whether tion and why he stepped out in Hall, as well as projects in the Eastern faculty were apathetic e first place," said Charles student recreation center and about the possibility of a strike, olbert, vice president of busi­ Greek Court are projec!s Robeson UPI vice president Ann Abella ss affairs. "We felt that it was is currently occupied with. said that is not the case. obably best for Mr. Robeson According to Strode, the move "Eastern faculty is tremen­ for the people around him to of Robeson's office hasn't affect­ dously involved and very an­ ve his office elsewhere." ed his efficiency or his availabili­ gry," Abella said. Robeson, the former director of ty, adding that Robeson's home is DemonstratiO'lls in Chicago physical plant, left after a lack a five-minute drive away. and in front of EIU have been confidence vote by faculty and "I haven't had any problems," successful due to the large num­ ff, conflicting philosophies in Strode said. "He hasn't been a ber of faculty and staff involved, physical plant and continued detriment or been a problem to she added. ess" and bad feelings between locate when we need him. I've "I feel the board is respond­ self and the administration. always been able to get a hold of ing to the pressures, but not "!_have no problems with him him. enough," Abella said. t being at the physical plant," "Any phone call· about projects, BOG spokeswoman Michelle lbert said. "In fact, I'd rather we transfer to him, or if there's Brazell said the Board of 'd not be there." any meeting he needs to be aware Governors faxed a formal pro­ Even though Robeson takes of we contact him," she added. posal to the union Thursday ls at home and has a computer "He's able to prepare any usual morning, and the union faxed re for his personal use, Colbert things he's done here on campus." back a counter proposal. There id Robeson is more easily "He's more on campus than he is no impasse, and there is still essible at the school, where he is at his house," Colbert said. "He talking to be done, she added. often seen. just doesn't have an office on SCOTT PFEIFFER \Staff photographer Three terms would have to be "We contact him at his home or campus." met before union members campus; I usually see him Due to the need for all faculty Jazzing it up could strike. Before a strike could occur, the union must 'ly," said Carol Strode, physical members, graduate assistants and Christopher Hollyday on saxophone accompanies Ron Savage lant dii;ector. "He's usually administrators to have an office, Thursday night in a jazz concert sponsored by University Board. enter federal or state mediation ecking on different projects or t Continued on page 2A and must provide a five-day notice before striking. The union would also have to termi­ thics code forums close, UPI still disputes code nate the contract extension BOG faculty are currently working may obviate the UPI's objections: Ozier said she did not want to ELLIOTT PEPPERS some form of sanctions or enforce­ under. comment on Barger's recommend­ ment would be taken. Nothing in this code shall add to, BOG faculty's contracts ed amendment to the code. "At this "One of the major objections subtract from or modify in any expired Sept. 1. Open forums on a proposed point, I don't have any further com­ we've had was the fear that (the other fashion, the enforceable pro­ "We're optimistic we can get ics code came to a close ment. We are still supporting our code) might become a legally visions of any negotiated agree­ everything settled without a ursday with only seven people position as stated," she said. "I will enforced document that might be ment to which Eastern Illinois strike, and it's a very good sign ending the final open meeting take the statement back to the UPI, added to the (university's) law," University is a party," Barger said the two· sides are communicat­ Id b the ethics committee in aruLwe will discuss.it and get ba aid Robert Barger, chair of t in the letter ing frequenny," said Bra-ze1i. leman Auditorium. to the committee with some type of ethics committee. "The code was "We want to make perfectly clear ·"We've had a lot of activity Among the seven was Jayne response." not meant to add to university law, that no part of this code will be on the committee and no one 'er, chief negotiator for Eastem's Barger said the name of the pro­ but it was meant as a conscientious legally enforced," he added. wants to go on strike," said Rich ·versity Professionals of Illinois posed plan may be change from an guideline for ethical behavior (for Section A. l of the proposed Dulka, an Eastern UPI represen­ apter, the union representing ethics "code" to possibly an ethics university employees)." ethics code states: "This code pro­ tative. tern's faculty. Barger gave Ozier a copy of a vides ethical guidelines for statement. Dulka said he helps keep Ozier reiterated the union's posi­ He said several people also memorandum he sent to the other Eastern 's faculty, staff and adminis- members of the faculty updated. that some of the code's provi­ objected that the .committee is not members of the ethics committee . trators. It is intended to serve as a No one is certain what could . ns conflict with the faculty's representative of the campus com­ on a possible solution to the UPI's reminder of the ethical responsibili­ happen if there would be a tract. munity. "There is a grievance that objections. ties that faculty, staff and adminis­ strike, but Dulka said, "If they She said the code was full of this is an administrative effort." "I believe adding something like trators have to themselves, students, are still negotiating, something biguities and suggested that if a The committee includes mostly the following to the end of section colleagues, business contacts and must be getting accomplished." ovision of the code is broken, A. l of the second draft of the code the general public." •Continued on page 2A Friday,October 25, 1991 The Dally Eastern RHA members prepare for conference By SUSAN KIEL is Patrick Bradley, and our bid for "The Haunted House is coming Staff writer program of the year is the Sean R.
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