Search Terms 2019.Xlsx

Search Terms 2019.Xlsx

Basic Terms 着物 Kimono 着付け Kitsuke The art and process of dressing in kimono 振袖 Furisode Long-sleeved kimono for young women 訪問着 Houmongi Formal visiting wear kimono 留袖 Tomesode Short-sleeved kimono 黒留袖 Kuro-tomesode Black kimono with designs on hem 色留袖 Iro-tomesode Coloured kimono with designs on hem 色無地 Iromuji Solid-coloured kimono 江戸小紋 Edo-komon Pattern of tiny dots that looks solid 付け下げ Tsukesage Semi-formal kimono 小紋 Komon Casual all-over pattern 浴衣 Yukata Cotton summer kimono 家紋 Kamon Family crest アンサンブル Ensemble 帯 Obi Waist sash 丸帯 Maru obi Formal (semi-obsolete) obi 袋帯 Fukuro obi Full-width formal obi 昼夜帯 Chuuya obi Reversible "day/night" obi 名古屋帯 Nagoya obi Versatile obi with narrow part 半巾帯 Hanhaba obi Narrow casual obi 兵児帯 Heko obi Soft, very casual obi 帯揚げ Obiage Scarf to cover bustle pad in obi 帯締め Obijime Decorative cord to tie obi 三分紐 Sanbu-himo Thin obijime to be worn with obidome 帯留 Obidome Brooch/jewelry for front of obi しごき帯 Shigoki obi Scarf-like accessory for below obi 袴 Hakama Pleated skirt-like garment worn over kimono 襟 Eri Collar 羽織 Haori Short, open jacket 道行 Michiyuki Longer jacket with closing front placket 雨 Ama (rain - use for search with coats, shoes) トンビインバネス Tonbi Coat Victorian-style overcoat 草履 Zori Dressy sandals for wear with kimono 下駄 Geta Wooden sandals for casual wear おこぼ Okobo High platform sandals worn by maiko ポックリ Pokkuri High platform sandals worn by maiko 巾着 Kinchaku Drawstring purse 襦袢 Juban Under-robe 足袋 Tabi Traditional split-toe socks 小物 こもの Komono Small accesories たとう紙 Tatoshi Storage wrappers 簪 Kanzashi Hair ornaments 櫛 Kushi Combs 笄 Kogai Hair sticks 芸者 Geisha 芸子 Geiko Kyoto dialect for Geisha 舞子 舞妓 Maiko Apprentice Geiko 花魁 Oiran Courtesan 太夫 Tayuu Courtesan 引き摺り Hikizuri Trailing formal kimono 裾引き Susohiki Trailing formal kimono だらり帯 Darari obi Dangling obi worn by maiko 鬘 Katsura Wig 日本髪 Nihon Gami Katsura Specific style of wig 高島田 Takashimada Katsura Specific style of wig うちかけ Uchikake Wedding over-robe 白無垢 Shiromuku White wedding kimono 掛下 かけした Kakeshita Wedding kimono (white or coloured) 結婚式 Kekkonshiki Wedding 喪服 もふく Mofuku Mourning dress/Funeral attire 十二単 Juunihitoe Twelve-layered Heian robe Sizes & Dimensions 身丈 Mitake Length of entire garment 袖丈 Sodetake Length of sleeve 裄 Yuki Width of garment from mid-seam to cuff 巾 Haba Width (non-specific) 肩巾 Katahaba Width of shoulder 後 Ato Width of back Jidai - 時代 - Japanese Traditional Eras 江戸 Edo 1603 - 1868 明治 Meiji 1868 - 1912 大正 Taisho 1912 - 1926 昭和 Showa 1926 - 1989 平成 Heisei 1989 - 2019 令和 Reiwa 2019 - Present Traditional patterns and techniques 矢羽 Yabane or Yagasuri Arrow feather 佐賀錦 Saga-nishiki Brocade woven with gold paper 市松 Ichimatsu Checks 丸 Maru Circle 丸文 Marumon Circular crest 巴 Tomoe Comma-like design 菱 Hishi Diamond/Lozenge pattern 花菱 Hanabishi Diamond flower crest 壷垂れ Tsubodare Dripping-jug-glaze design 西陣 Nishijin Famous woven textile 子 Rinzu Figured silk or satin 絣 Kasuri Geometric “splash” woven pattern 博多 Hakata Geometric weave 裾模様 Susomoyo Hem design (pattern location) 藍染め Aizome Indigo dye 格子 Koushi Lattice pattern 紅型 Bingata Okinawan bright stencil dyeing 水玉 Mizutama Polka dot 青海波 Seigaiha Repeating wave 七宝 Shippou Seven Gems/Seven Treasures 縞 Shima Stripe 唐草 Karakusa Swirl or arabesque 亀甲 Kikkou Tortoise shell pattern 立涌 Tatewaku Vertical curved lines 織る Ori Weave 銘仙 Meisen Woven silk pattern Materials 琥珀 Kohaki Amber 綿 めん Men Cotton 蒔絵 Makie Gold dust inlay 象牙 Zoge Ivory 立涌 Urushi Lacquer 袷 Awase Lined kimono 亜麻布 Amanuno Linen, hemp 螺鈿 Raden Mother-of-pearl ポリエステル Poriesuteru Polyester じんけん Jinken Rayon 絹 Kinu Silk 金紗 Chirimen Silk crepe 紗 Sha Silk gauze for summer 絽 Ro Silk gauze with sheer stripe 合成 Gosei Synthetic 鼈甲 Bekko Tortoiseshell 単 Hitoe Unlined kimono ようもう Yomo Wool Motifs - 花 - Hana - Flowers 桔梗 Kikyo Bellflower 椿 Tsubaki Camellia 桜 Sakura Cherry blossom 枝垂桜 Shidarezakura Weeping cherry blossom 菊 Kiku Chrysanthemum 蒲公英 Tanpopo Dandelion 撫子 Nadeshiko Dianthus (pinks) 紫陽花 Ajisai Hydrangea 菖蒲 Ayane Iris 莉 Ri Jasmine 百合 Yuri Lily 橘 たちばな Tachibana Mandarin orange 夕顔 Yuugao Moonflower 朝顔 Asagao Morning glory 牽牛子 Kengoshi Morning glory (alternate) 蘭 Ran Orchid 牡丹 ぼたん Botan Peony 梅 Ume Plum blossom 薔薇 Bara Rose 向日葵 Hinata Sunflower 薊 Azami Thistle 藤 Fuji Wisteria Motifs - 植物 - Shokobutsu - Plants 笹 Sasa Bamboo leaves 竹 たけ Take Bamboo stalks (oft. used interchangeably) 萩 Hagi Bush clover 四つ葉 Yotsuba Four-leaf clover 草 Kusa Grasses 草花 Kusabana Grasses and flowers 麻 あさ Asanoha Hemp leaf 葵 Aoi Hollyhock 蔦 Tsuta Ivy 蓮 Ren Lotus 楓 Kaede Maple 桐 きり Kiri Paulownia 松 Matsu Pine Motifs - 果物 - Kudamono - Fruits & 野菜 - Yasai - Vegetables 林檎 Ringo Apple バナナ Banana Banana 人参 Ninjin Carrot 桜桃 Sakuranbou Cherry 茄子 Nasu Eggplant いちじく Ichigiku Fig 箪 Hyotan Gourd ぶどう Budou Grape レモン Remon Lemon メロン Meron Melon 蜜柑 Mikan Orange 桃 Momo Peach なし Nashi Pear 大根 Daikon Radish 苺 いちご Ichigo Strawberry トマト Tomato Tomato 西瓜 Suika Watermelon Motifs - 動物 - Dobutsu - Animals 蝙蝠 Koumori Bat 熊 Kuma Bear 鯉 こい Koi Carp 猫 Neko Cat 牛 Ushi Cow 蟹 Kani Crab 鹿 Shika Deer 犬 いぬ Inu Dog 魚 Sakana Fish 狐 Kitsune Fox 蛙 Kaeru Frog 麒麟 Kirin Giraffe 金魚 きんぎょ Kingyo Goldfish 針鼠 Harinezumi Hedgehog 馬 Uma Horse 海月 水母 Kurage Jellyfish ラマ Rama Llama 海老 Ebi Lobster/Prawn ライオン Raion Lion 鼠 ねずみ Nezumi Mouse, Rat 猿 Saru Monkey 章魚 Tako Octopus 豚 Buta Pig 兎 Usagi Rabbit 鮫 サメ Same Shark 羊 Hitsuji Sheep 烏賊 Ika Squid 虎 Tora Tiger 亀 Kame Turtle 鯨 クジラ Kujira Whale 狼 Ookami Wolf 鳥獣戯画 Choju-jinbutsu-giga Animal Caricatures Motifs - 鳥 - Tori - Birds 鶯 Uguisu Bush Warbler 鶏 Niwatori Chicken 鶴 Tsuru Crane 烏 Karasu Crow 鳩 Haato Dove, Pigeon 鷲 Washi Eagle 鷹 Taka Hawk 陽 Haya Falcon 孔雀 Kujaku Peacock 千鳥 Chidori Plover 鴎 Kamome Seagull 雀 Suzume Sparrow 燕 Tsubame Swallow 鵠 Kugui Swan Motifs - 虫 - Mushi - Insects 蜂 Bachi Bee 蝶 Chou Butterfly 蝉 Semi Cicada 蟋蟀 Korogi Cricket 蜻蛉 Tonbo Dragonfly 飛蝗 Batta Grasshopper 蛍 Hotaru Firefly 蜘蛛 Kumo Spider 蝸牛 Katatsumuri Snail 水黽 Amenbo Water skimmer Motifs - Fantastic Creatures 天女 Tennyo Celestial Maiden 鬼 Oni Demon 龍 Ryu or Tatsu Dragon 神 Kami God 狐 Kitsune Fox-woman spirit 獅子 Shishi Guardian Lion 麒麟 Kirin Mythical deerlike beast 鳳凰 Houou Phoenix Motifs – Objects and concepts 花鳥風月 Kachofugetsu Beauties of Nature (lit. Flower, Bird, Wind, Moon) 招き猫 Maneki Neko Beckoning Cat or Lucky Cat 鐘 Kane Bell (large hanging) 鈴 Suzu Bell (small round) 舟 Bune Boat 書籍 Hoseki Book 茶碗 Chawan Bowl for tea ceremony 車 Kuruma Car, cart, wheel 熨斗 Tabane noshi Celebratory paper strips/ribbons 天象 Tenshou Celestial phenomena, weather 唐子 Karako Children playing 雲 Kumo Cloud クラブ Kurabu Club (card suit) 薬玉 Kusudama Decorative flower or paper ball ダイヤモンド Diyamando Diamond (card suit) さいころ Saikoro Dice 人形 Ningyo Doll 吹き寄せ文 Fukiyose-mon Drifting fallen leaves/autumn debris 扇 おうぎ Ougi or Sensu Fan 羽根 Hane Feather 羽衣 Hagoromo Feather cloak of spirit 折鶴 Orizuru Folded paper crane 屏風 Byobu Folding screen 鼓 Tsuzumi Hand drum 心 Kokoro Heart (shape) ハート Haato Heart (card suit) 京都 Kyoto Kyoto city, also capital 太鼓 Taiko Large drum 電 Inazuma Lightning 霞 Kasumi Mist 鏡 かがみ Kagami Mirror 月 Tsuki Moon 山 San or Yama Mountain 真珠 Shinju Pearl 人物 Jinbutsu Person, character, man かるた Karuta Playing cards (Modern/Western) 花札 Hanafuda Playing cards (Traditional/Japanese) 姫 Hime Princess 文楽 Bunraku Puppets 達磨 Daruma Round-bottomed doll 海 Umi Sea 貝殻 Kaigara Shells 仕覆 Shifuku Silk pouch for tea ceremony implements 雪 Yuki Snow スペード Supedo Spade (card suit) 星 Hoshi Star 陽 Haru Sun 卍 Manji Swastika design 東海道五十三次 Tokaido Gojusan-tsugi 53 Stations of the Tokaido 神殿 Shinden Temple 糸巻き Itomaki Thread bobbin 独楽 Koma Top (toy) こけし Kokeshi Traditional Japanese wooden doll 琴 Koto Traditional lap harp 宝 ずくし Takara Zukushi Treasures (traditional seven treasures) 傘 Kasa Umbrella 水 Mizu Water 波 Nami Wave Colours 黒 Kuro Black 白 Shiro White 灰色 Haiiro Grey 茶色 Chaiiro Brown 赤 Aka Red 橙色 Daidaiiro Orange オレンジ Orenji Orange (romanised, also for motif) 黄色 Kiiro Yellow 緑 Midori Green 青 Ao Blue 紫 Murasaki Purple 桃色 Momoiro Pink.

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