UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Bierman Field Athletic Building 516 15th Avenue Souttu;ast Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 625~4090 Fax 625-0359 ._, ,~ l . c FOR REl:E.ASE~PON, RECEIPT Jan.3, 1992 -· MOLITORl-JiA:k~ Glfi:.l OF $1 00,000 TO MEN'S ATHLETICS Paul Molitor o( the Milwaukee Brewers, an All-American · .. shor1$tpp ·for· tlie Golden Gophers in 1976 and l97~; h~s made -a -gift to· Msp!s~~t~.f~tiC!s __ uf $1 oo,-oob, it was armoun~~d today'.· -· .. .-- tfik·cg_ittc.~Cbecon~e a.n ec~dowme_n-tJund and will .'t>tovid:~)rJconie­ .'<..- ·......... .. to the ,department on an ·_-anffiJ_p.! basis to· cover· the expense _qf, one< , · scholarship in the University's -~a~ball. program. ' --_:. ';.~. "We an~. extremely gratJful tb ·~au I fbr his· g.enerou~ .gift," ~aid Director of Athletics Dr. _McKinleiy ·aostoh. i•Build_i'ng financiaJ;_ support for our ·>entire. progr.~m is· a major goal of. mine. This .type. of .:gift has _, · a very dir:ect and positive impact on student-athletes. cind helps - ensure contit1ued ~uccess for our baseball program." . ' "Paul is a first-class person as well as an outsta.n9ing player," said Golden .Goptl~r_Baseball Coac~ Johri'Ande.rson.. "I kno~ Paul is grateful for 1 what~Jhe University, Dick Siebert .. and-- the-baseball program ·did for him. We're certainly grateful for what ·he's done and is doing for tis." ,, Gopher men's athletics have joined the ranks of a number of major Divjsion I athletic programs in establishing individual sport endowment progra..ms to deal with ongoing scholarship obligations, according, to ASsociate Athletic Director Mark. Dienhart. ·.. The :ljick Siebert.. :Schoiarship Endowment -ProgTam:.-in b.ase~IL is ·bnly.. : a y~~r 6id;- bt:}J ·alr.eady has s~cwed' p.ledges-t>r-gif!§ in~~ffl~ ·amo·un~- of -· ,.. :' $35'0.,Qoo. ·Other_:major dOnor$ to the ·prograih inc.ludQ- ;tor.mer · · .· . ;; Minnisotci-- TwinS. owner·Calvin -_Griffith·- and 'Minneap·olis ··-eusinessmcuf • • ~ ;.'» ' •. .... -David Weiner. ·· UNIVERSITY OE MINNESOTA Bierman Field Athletic Building 511) 15th .-\\ enuc S<1u!ht'N \lmneapoiJ,, \I~ .'i5~'i5 ~612 I 6.25--illYo F-+x h2'i-1 1)'q . \ . , _ 'For UJWtediate Ke 1ease: January ::>, 1992 ·:J_ -_BASKETBALL HOCKEY 1:119 · L UM 67 Brazil Ripasa 66 10/1~ U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame Game ilfitS'~ UM 93, AlA 100 UM 5, N~. Michigan 7 :::.:,;:~·'/25 UM 83 A k 10/lS UM 7, Minnesota-Duluth 3 r· l'a ' r ansas 92 10/19 UM-4, Minnesota-Duluth 7 .~tV26 UM 89, Providence 82 10/25 UM 2, Denver4 UM_ 69, Arizona State 37 10/26 UM 5, Denver 1 1:\)[ili.~~:·:~~~~~tft~ UM 95, Hf)Ward 54 11/1 UM 7, St. Cloud State 4 ·ulZi'" UM 98 Youngstown St. 59 1172 UM7,-st~ C~oud State 2 ': .~:;J&IH UM Ak · ___ 11/8 UM 3, Mich1gan 7 :;: ~ :... 86, l'On 59 -•.•... ~ ·1119 . UM 6, Michigan 7 )·_.= "tii2A4 UM 80, Alabam~.-Birm. 86· )ili-s:·:·-ul\f S$.:Wiscons~ 4 ·· ·• \::= -.·mr11 uM 68, DetrQit 66 ·· ·· ··· .~_i716 . ··· •:.r~4;~1 · , · . ,~ · ;=: --~~/19 UM 62, Meinphis State 11/22·· UM 4, Alas!r..ll~~'t:oora'ge-0..,~ .. ~..... .. _ ... / . · . UM 92 Weber St t 52· :. , -11/23 UM 3, Alaska,-AnC~or~e} - -""'-.;- < . '. =-. ·:· ,a e · 11129 UM4,NortbDakotal·>· ···• · 1 . ··•= Il/:27 U~··S?,~O~~~gon64 - 11130 . UM 8, NO.:th Dakri_tal~!._ : • . .. 12/28 UM 80; 9~-: ; . U/14 UM 5, Nortbetn Mic)ijgah ·7 -. -... t.:nt'4 UM 73; Iqwa Sta«: 76·,·~·.:: 12115 UM 3, No-;l!'ern Micll:~gan 4. , ·, l/9 @ Indiana·--=-~ ·< .~. 12/21 UM 5, Pro~ulence·i. , H o o 1 : 12/22 UM 6, Bowling Green 5-(0T) · .,'"·•·=·<·=·==·=···=··=··· .~:,.r{;lt: Machagan · 12/30 UM 10, Un'iversiti6r'calgau .(-~ ' · . i/15 @ WiSconsin · 1/3 UM s. Michigan Tech 2 " :- _.,IJ..f8,. Michigai):State 1/4 UM 6, Michigan Tech 1 • :'1/22 @ Ohio--State ' · - lliO Minnesota~Dulutb · ~w~ggb~ii!h =. • ltZ5 Olinois · · t/11 Minnesota-D~Iutb . ~~~· \.'~'1:"1'_. N h , 1/17 MichiganTecb . ~H'*"7 ort western · -- · 1/18 Michigan. Tech 'j . 2/l @ Iowa l/24 @ Colorado College ·- @ Purdue · l/25 · @ Colorado College~ '@ Northwestern '· · l/31 ~- @ Northern Michig:a., · indiana 2/l @ Northern Michigan· . 2n @ Wisconsin @ Ilhn01s 2/8 @ Wisconsin @ M~-~igan 2/14 ColoradO'College :"·.· ._ · r.. ;- ·' •• ·-st/1-5 · Iowa 2/15 ColoraNIO College· '':;'~"~ -~,~~.. } ;314 ·· Wi~~~sin.. 2121 Denver '')''•: : ;,377' · Purdue · . ~i! ~:~:ud state ·' · :j/11 @.,Michigan State 2h9 @. St..CloU<lSta~ , · ~3tl4-'IS 0 hio Sta:te. · ··:...... .' 316. · · ~· · :wmnen~s'@~~:'- ··· .. --~ ·~ · :~·.3/:i .GO:bDEN· . - . · Jan. 6 • BilsketbaUCoach Clem. Hls.gM.~OIDIIlents aft« Iowa State'!~·"'' . Tpes .• Jan. 7- TennisCo~h-'DavidG.eaCz·l'teviewsRolex;QiJalifier · ·. ~, :. ~ . · '! Wed~; Jan: 8 -Basketball Coach ctenD·I~skin'S'B~~n 'fet~9!Uerenee) 'Thurs., Jan.'9 -.Hock:ey-'Coach Do!lg.Wo;>g~:vtews~iiaf · . Fri .. Jim .. 10 ~'Oymnastics"Coach Fred R~Jtilisberget pre'vt~vs--!\N~l~lJJf.!fli . ·.' . ~ . BASKETBALL TEAM OPENS BIG TEN ACTION TlJJS WEEK Head Coach Oem.Hasldns' Golden Gopher basketball teamJ8-S) wj1l ope~ the Big Ten season on Thursday at defe~Kfin:g league c~hampion Indiana (9-2). G~~ :a~ Asscmtbl~ ~is 7:00-p.m, .. (Central). The Golden Gophers will then return home to face Mic~ga,n (8-1) at~ams Arena on Saturday. Tip-off is at Noon. ' '"' Probable Starting Lineup: Forward: 132 Jayson Walton (Dallas), 6-6, Freshman, 7.8 ppg, 4.2· rpg, .1 ~ apg Forward: 134 Randy Carter (Memphis, Tenn.), 6-8, Sophomore, 12.1 ppg, 6.8 rpg; 1.5 apg Center: 155 Bob Martin (Apple Valley, Minn.), 7-0, Senior, 9.5 ppg, S:.~ J'Pg, 2.5 bpg Guard: 110 Arriel McDonald (Raleigh, N.C.), 6-2, Sophomore, '1.2 ppg, ~3.5 rpg, 3.8 apg Guard: #21 Voshon Lenard (Detroit), 6-4, Freshman, 13.5 ppg, 3.3,rpg, 3.8 apg "'·· . Broadcast Coverage: Thursday's game at Indiana will be broadC~t on WC<;:Q-TV with Ted Robinson on the play-by-play and Billy \icKinney as the analyst. s·aturday's ~e game against Michigan will be broadcast on the Raycom weekend series and be seen locally_onthe Midwest Sports Channel. WCCO-AM 830 ts the exclusive radio voice of University of ~nesota basketball with Ray Christensen calling all of the action. .J c. ,. The Scouting Report: Defending Big Ten co-champion Indiana !\COred an 81·60 victory over host Cincinnati on Saturday to raise 1ts overall record to 9-2 on the season. A pair of All-Big Ten performers, 6-6 junior Calbert Cheaney and 6-9 senior Eric Anderson, headline a talented cast that includes a total of 10 returning letterwinners from the 1990-91 squad that racked up an impressive 29-5 overall mark, collected a share of the league crown with Ohio State; and advanced to the Sweet 16 of the NCAA Tournament In ~is 21st season as head coach at lndia,na. Bob Knight has logged a sterling ~-155 ~cord. Overall: he is 570-~05 in 27 ~~s. Michigan clo~ ~t the_ non-conference portlon of 1ts schedule w1th a 63-51 wtn over Vrrguua Tech on..Pecember 30 and 1s now 8-1 overall heading into the Big Ten o~ner at Iowa on Th~. The onlx. blemish on the Wolverines' record was a thrilling 88-85 h()rrie com1 setback in ov~'fO the tQlf-ran.kcdand ' defending national champion Duke Blue Devils back on December 14. Four of'five statters · ' " returned from last year's NIT squad. and llten Head Coach Stev~Fis.ber;added_w~t many astute · observers have called the finest recruiting class ev.er assembled at Olle scmx,I. '=Qui& Webber, who was considered the top prep player in the co~try a year ago, Jalen Ro5e,Jimmy King, Juwan .. Howard, and Ray Jackson make up the Wolverines' "Fab Five." {#his dijrd ~n as headcpa~h ·~ll Micllipn. ~sber, who took ·over as' interim coach at the start of tbe J 989 NCA/l Touinamen~. • ~then Cirected the Wolverines to the natio~ title, is 51-24 overallheading into Thursday's · ~ game at Iowa. ;: - · · c 'I;' Series Records: Indiana holds a 77-47 advantage in the all-time. series with Mit)nesota, while .. Michigan leads 62-4~ The Hoosiers and Wolvez!iiles both swept the season series from the·.' ·· Golden Gophers a year ago. · · Hello Again: Saturday's game agai'nst Michigan will be "reunion day.'' Detr6it Southwestern High School won its second straight Michigan State Class A title and claimed the top ranking in the final USA Today prep national poll a year ago with. present Michigall Assistant-Coach PerrY '' Watson as the head coach. and Minnesota freshman standout Vosbon Lenard (Detroit) and Wolverines rookie star Jalen Rose as the key players. Coach Haskins: In his sixth -;e.,ason ;Jt. the helm, Head Coach Cletn. Haskins has: been the chief architect behind the resurgencei(:)f the Golden Gopher basketball program. Mter. tWo rebuilding seasons, he directed the progi'am to national prominence with back-to-back storybook runs through the NCAA Tournament in 1989 !Sweet Sixteen) and 1990 (Elite Eight). Known as "Clem the Gem." he was a consensus All-Amenca choice, and is still recognized aS one of the most dominant players to ever play in the Ohio Valley Conference, after charting a standout coUegi~ career at · W~stem Kentucky. The third player selected in the NBA draft, he \iient on to play· nine -;. :::. outstanding seasons in the profess10nal ranks. Coach Haskins has recorded an 81:~79- overall. record at Miimesota, including a 62-42 mark aver the past three-plus seasons.
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