Hnl Coryell *ogee esa....=• See ettotatas.esiouensfrene nun. NEWS WHILE ! THE HOME IT IS NEWS i NEWSPAPER 1 Inionproca. an •I ,.S•am.• ••••••••011M,••=111.4-SOS• BY W. A. SMITH SAN SABA, SAN SABA COUNTY.THUItSD a Y. JAN. 3, 1918-8 PAGES VOLUME NO. 44, NO. 1 ARMED SLACKERS REFUGEE SAYS AT LEAST 1,000 000 HOArcruratvarNEG HOUSES RAZED IN FORTIFIED IN CAVE 'FRENCH GET SPECIAL SESSION GREEKS HAVE PERISHED THROUGH ORGANIZED BRUTALITY OF GUATEMALA CITY WEST TEXAS POSSE ARRANG- THE TURKS AND TEUTONS BEFORE DECIDING ON COURSE ING TO MAKE DRIVE AGAINST 1400 PRISONERS EARTHQUAKES CONTINUE IN WILL AWAIT COMPLETE RE- FIVE MEN. HUNS' ITALIAN LINES' SHAKEN SECTION-MUCH DAMAGE PORT OF INVESTIGATING BY ATTACK isaianalawaposeat.e.e.easaasease.e.e.e.easesed DONE TO PROPERTY. San Angelo, Dec. 29.-Fortified New York, Dec. 31.-At least one COMMITTEE and ROOSEVELT LINES UP among the crags and peaks of a can- million Greeks, men, women Guatamala City, Dec. 31.-Earth Rome, Dec. 31. In the Monte Tomba WITH NATION-WIDERS yon in the Big Bend country in a children, have perished as the result Austin, Dec. 29.-Governor Hobby shocks that began here at 11 o'clock region on the northern front the will not make up his mind as to the on Christmas night and are still con- rendezvous well-nigh inaccessible are French have captured the enemy's of organized massacres and deports- Declares Saloon Is "One of the Most five Americans of draft age who re- tions by "the Turco-Teutons," in necessity for calling a special ses- tinuing caused millions of dollars positions between Osteria di Monfer- Mischievous Elements" in fused to register for the selective Asiatic Turkey, according to a state- sion of the Thirty-fifth Legislature damage to this city, the death of a ena and Maranzine, the war office an- - America draft on June 5, and who are now inent by Lazaros George Marcides, son until he has received a complete re- few persons and the injury of about nounces. They also captured about prepared to fight to death of a leading merchant of Trebizond, New York, Dec. 23.-Colonel Theo- port of the investigation made by the 100 others. rather than 1,400 men and sixty machine guns register or enlist, according to relia- made public through the Armenian lore Roosevelt has come out flat- legislative investigating committee. Every house in the city was ren- and seven cannon. ' During the past several weeks the ble information received here. The and Syrian relief committee here to- footed in favor of Nation-wide prohi- dered uninhabitable and the entire Berlin, Dec. 31.-French forces on chief executive has been receiving lair of the slackers is known in that day. Marcides, who recently arrived bition in a letter which he sent to the population is living in the parks and the northern Italian front yesterday section of the country as the "Cave of here, says he was one of a party of Rev.R Ferdinand C. Iglehart, who for many letters and there has also been open spaces. The first shocks were took the offensive. In the afternoon considerable speculation relative to the Five Brothers", not because the 2,000 Greeks which was rescued by years was superintendent of the New light, giving warning of the heavy the French infantry penetrated por- the probability of another extraordin- five men hidden there are brothers, the Russian fleet that bombarded the York Anti-Saloon League and whose ones that might follow. In the in- tions of the Austro-German positions but because it is said that three of town of Ordou late last August, and activity in the cause of prohibition ary session of the legislature, and in terim every one had opportunity to on Monte Tomba, the German general them bear one name. These, with the took the refugees aboard. He had is a matter of record. Dr. Iglehart order to set at rest and at the same seek safety in the open air. staff announced. time answer these letters and specu- others, left their homes several days been taken to Ordou, he said, when wrote a book called "King Alchohol The devastation wrought was wide- The Austro-German lines on the before the date set for registration the Turks raided Trebizond and seiz- I Dethroned" recently and received the lation, he has authorized a statement spread. The presidential palace, the Italian Mountain front felt the shock and have since then confined their ell his father's store along with those following acknowledgement of a copy on the proposition setting forth brief- postoffice, the cathedral, all the yesterday of a French infantry blow appearance to the vicinity of the cave of other Greek merchants. "Those of which he sent to Colonel Roosevelt. ly his attitude. In this statement he churches, the hospitals, the schools and were shaken if not broken by the and canyon. us who were between the ages of 16 • "My Dear Dr. Iglehart: I thank says: and Masonic temple were seriously impact. That the slacken are well supplied and 60 were drafted into the Turk- you for your book and appreciate "In view of the inquiries that are damaged. The electric lighting sys- The French stroke was delivered on with arms and ammunition and that ish army," said Marcides. "Our wo_ • your sending it to me, and I wish to continually made of me with regard tem was put out of commission and the easterly end of the mountain line they Are in regular communication men and children and the other men congratulate you on what has hap- to a special session of the legislature, telegraphic and railway communica- near, its junction with the Piave, the with theoutside world by means of were placed temporarily in homes and pened in Congress and the success I desire to state that when I receive tion interrupted. assault being directed at Monte Tom- Mexican sentinels and messengers orphanages, until the opportunity of- that is crowning your long fight the complete report of the legislative The government is relieving the ba. The attacking columns broke into have been ascertained by those peace fered to dispose of them in the ap- against alchoholism. investigating committee in January I situation by the distribution of pro- the enemy defenses on the mountain officers who are now planning to proved Turco-Teuton fashion, which "The American saloon has been will take that report under considera- visions. Every one is prohibited from at some points and apparently made capture the clan. While the men in this instance turned out to be by one of the most mischievous elements tion, together with other matters that remaining inside of any of the build- good their hold and Berlin admits a themselves have not been seen at any wholesale drowning. The unfortunate in American social, political and in- are engaging the attention of the peo- ings in the city. Excellent order has penetration of portions of the Tomba survivors of deportation were towed dustrial life. No man has warred ple, and determine upon the necessity been preserved. of the towns or ranches in the Big. positions. Bend country since they took up their out for several miles into the Black more valiantly against it than you for calling a special session." Relief Is Sought. The official bulletin from Rome de- have, and I am glad that it has been abode in the impassable mountain sea and then calmly dumped over- One "Other Matter." New :York, Dec. 31.-A cable mes-mes- clares that the French captured enemy my privilege to stand with you in the sage received today by the board gorges, they have been seen hunting board just like so much garbage. None Among the "other matters" may positions between Osteria di Monfe- of them survived. German efficiency contest. Faithfully yours.-Theodore of foreign missionsionsmiss of the Presbv- in the canyon. They are described rena and Maranzine, with about 1,400 Roosevelt." be mentioned the question of passing terian church in North America, from aas representing savages, and as hav- has simply organized the natural suitable legislation that will put in men, sixty machine guns and several brutality of the Turk and made it This is the first time that Colonel one of its missionaries in Guatamala ing grizzley beards, in some instances cannon. Roosevelt has formally and unequiv- operation the constitutional amend- City read: a foot long. many times more effective than ever ment providing for the conservation The Austrian official statement before. I should think that, at the ocally come out in favor of Nation- "Terrible quakes continue. One Those who imparted the informa- makes the French victory appear wide prohibition-at least so far as of the resources of the state. A short hundred thousand homeless, hundreds tion concerning the location of this most conservative estimate, at least time ago a delegation from North and even more significant than does that one million of my fellow countrymen the records show. He has always suffering. Send $25,000 if possible im- band of slackers declare there is al- of Berlin, as it announces the prepar- Northeast Texas called on the gover- mediately. Missionaries safe. have perished miserably through the been outspoken in his denunciation All ways a Mexican or two loitering about ation of counter measures against the nor and urged him to call a special buildings wrecked. Hurry." organized cruelty of this Turco-Teu- of the abuse of strong drink, but the habitation of the men and that French. session of the legislature to enact This expression has previous- tonic alliance.
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