„iipmwoommum■MINIMII SPEMV+IREAAINGPON REMOVABLE LABEL TAB GUIDES AND FOLDERS MADE IN U. S. A. CATALOG NO. 4550L 1.5 x • ft' 4J Fir m I . -M.M•••■11.1-a■•■•••■ • m. +••••••• •—•••• i C(Letr.9•22044) aPmp . -15:1:7 c n EFFT RADIO I S 4 5 ) Date Fire # •• di ei " Licenied.L.,,,c5TT:421T23.,.., 1 41:12120,,INC. (AI leftat -47 DELBERT BERT+HOLF(Alow5;1:54055:EFT: 04-65) SIAti:2•)4405,4,„*WIIA) chars . RI.,ERN S 0,41 r+LoT41$ t .: Xypillkli)(440,,,F4 :rg. A•Tpltie gi: rizzr, tsitLLIAMS.C1Cdak_SED STATION LOC.: SPOKANE, WASH. K e.-iii'IJ:_l iw ,ICir s .(BoVi 6-26-5°8 Fit: -- ' -- ), ID .M LAS DLEBLIH D I A 034:Partnership (AL 7-24-52, Err 84442 x. LOCIS '..iakriM (AL Si- y)ii:1-50 EFIlv::7-71-1700 Name of it Spokane Broadcastirc Corporation(aasignment 8-23-29) I Nort., Central Eieh School Licences: _......„................._ . •■■•-•11.1.■11.■-•■■- ■■■■• —"--•• ■•••11-dk■■••■••=irsiimm.morr•,....... healt y 1310.47., 24.2 W.,(iverui(le tc..c., .7.1.-'.1. ishi:-xton (CL 2'7.52) (Lic.6-190.52 2C526 7ivv.rslde Av:., :7:,okune, .,"/,t...:, ..;, (Mc. 5407.6-35) Transmitter 213 Riverside Awe., Spokane. lkihington (Lic. 912-.30) Location; x!i. f r __,..ils.....,apoicataa„ou.1..„- ... 1"..11■■•■. West 933 3rd Avenue, Spokane, Washington (BRC 4.29-66) Yo 55th & Regalyhoran bulookane, Washincton (BHC 3-1.5) La!talt;• acc,, 2'42 4okane, Was:cton (Jr 2-7.52)Lic.6-49-52 7ivursiue Avv., pcJAPt" fr in to“ . Lic. 5.7.35 ZETP94)-24-0. 213 Riverside Ave.. Spokane, Washington (Lc. '912-30) Main Studio Yorti. -, 1trul Bldg., Spokune, Tu.sh. Loz'ation: _ 1.- RC-55 CZASTRUCTION PERMIT AND DAto PE RIO lasved From To MEI ■Mm..O. IMari qlm• it 6. 1::20 100 411. •. al• •••• 71-.P-711 elA 4ed 2-20-J3 KITIMKOT_ L (740. a) Tocat ion 11..73 1-11 1.7-31a-29 10L nt of 1 5-11-E-73 licerAm extende 69 7-31 10-31-29 1230 100 lu IJI 1 31 30 100 5-.11'w51:1-589 5vDp-B4,1147 5-R.513-73 1120 100 ?-31 to10-31-- 5-11-B-39 'ere 47 9-D12 10-3140 -P-B-165 in u 1-5 2-5-3 100 0-31 1121MESIIMI 11111131MMIIM 1-31 4-30-3 5-R-B-73 4-24-31 1120 k 4-30 10-1-31. 1120 10-1. 4-1-32 MOM )t BROADCASTING STATION LICENSE RECORD CARD 013 I)htc firAt licensed _ • ...... r411 letter!! . _1710_ _ See Card #1. Name of livenmie 1r B.rw4ciketips. - ...... d 4. AF ..... - - • - 4r • NI •• - d • • . N. Trititinitter location W M. IP dr dr w dr thin -tuitio locatiun 41 ..-dr Mr= • 4 al-a• .rt.rr__•.+t;_r_A..a... ■ • • I BROADCASTING STATION LICENSE RECORD fa Date first lisatetwx1 Call let ter r Name of licensee en GARD #1 , Transmitter location 5111 GARD .1 Main studio to SZE GARD #1 r blob AAA IRT Girtic4 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AND LICENSE RECORD Date Time e'er Trom 1O-1-52 250w 12-1 6-1-53 P hate 114: 1-76- 3 25Jv tq c ,Reg. 130. 6-6-57 1230kc 8-6-57 2-6•4.58 n t on Ilene 123Gke 2tOw 8-29 u corer c met it (m,losi940) horizei r- elicy Bi‘1#--3052 ol. gnnen* of lice. KLK, e. olunta j trans t,7-olof licensee corpora ion fr 7el to viarie S orm Taf 1 Taft. Jr.' and W. • 5* .5 Co;.u..iss D def .ed acti on renewal nidin, Airthe canaille ti Au h.. ent thr1 Ext au n.s1142111 Ext. au n silent CUMIOSS mit ED ACT IENDIN' CuNS ILE MN, •M! 7■1. tit re xt. mat of OW OW 1.1, ED OD ED 4B IP Eh Wire um. "Biala au n.sittnt, thzu.10- 634 i Eat .Aut /tient thru 1•44-644 Lt r • th. re trit reins tuci Wi re 'it. aut. lip INF 4P 4D ED 'M R41173 ".enewil VoluntA mss rent o icense to ■ 157 Form BC 126 Juno 1954 DAD 07 BROADCASTING STATION UCENSE RECORD KSP O 040 solve S. • • .41 sim di i.. Date first 1 'tensed SOO& •4.4 .411140,1M sews Call letters slime echo ea- 00 ...a Goo lb.. arm 111 SP. Station iocatios "214....14EL. WiLSHINGT°4 ..... mmmmmm ... Name of 11 licensee tar. ip • 11P.E m• am, 'OP ...... 1•1 ...... M. AI ..... El •.i El. lb. .... • 1. 1111...r ... Transmitter location ........ .. •4km. • feria. .. Maio studio location .. 0111. ••• .. " " • a. MI °L.' 11"0"... CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AND LICENSE RECORD Date Time Issued Fr. 11v xtat iltnt lah BAL-5345 -8065 nvolunt ry assi nment of Ic. to E.1.1* : arleen Mina ,execut z of the state o D•Gene Williams, r eccased BRC-2617 3-1-65 1230kc U Mod. of licenEe e studio 55th tack 11, Mor. 2Spokan ax A ()per, to trai y remote studio cation. 3.11. •5 1230kc 250w .11 2.1. Authori to de mine ower by direct asurem t af a r. BP-16377 5-5-65 50wslkw LS U 7-5-65 1-5-66 CP to in ytime wer to I w, change studio 1 spec if remote c ntrol point same as stall new tr 5mitter C llins ondal Volunta assIR nt of 1 lc. Se CP BP-16.3 7) to D LBERT BE HOU MmIL.119 1230kc 250110 L. Laic to vet - CP BP-16,377 incr de time r cog st and tall ne traria R Z5(.41i, UD. licens to chan to con rol pro to Avenue S kane ment of license to SAL-G472 1-22-71 lITC41689 -3-71 BR•73(L) 'I27ft 7 2 o L ice =IS f 11111111 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AND LICENSE RECORD Date ',sued Fr. i Icnover BR-73( RENEWAL 2- - 81 ..... BT C780831 VOL TC EFF 11- #78 .Er dr # dp .m ir M M. EP BTC800130 VOL . C Et' 3P-20D080 r. ' 11, APPLICATION RECORD - BROADCASTING a Call Letters Name ■ .. 111aillinlim-11 • am - Action Application for Nature Date ■■ File No... Dated JI• •. - - 5.1.1E8.73 7-18-31 ienewni of license Granted 9-11-A Tienewal of licence Cranto4 5•ql - P - 73 56-R.s.E —T1 7-75-32 Renewal of lleenfe Granted 5-R4-B-73 2-5-33 Renewal 'If licenne 5-15-33 "-.4 ification of 'License to change frequency Returne from 110 kc to 86c kc Trong f 7 -IN -33 Renewal of licenstl. (4?7-4FaT-+4e) 4,411mito Resubmitte I (;ranted 5—R—F-71 1-22-14 Renewal of license Grianted 3.-23-34 0.111F FEDERAT, .0"dr. a .d. L A% RECOPiS "1„.7:74.14 genewal lf license qrantad 9.m17-34 Form 94 APPLICATION : " ORD - BROADCASTING 014 a Call Letters _ __.__ ....._, Name -.P'-o--iPI•Iw•.•4-■—+•--+'—E•-••.ma■- •,.+mN••,•.-■-.-•++.--•.- _._ __..._ - •-••■•••-• Action File No. Dated Application for Nature - Wap5589 (oo tip from Oar 114) AHMED 2m21-0 ANINDID to revise DOL patters Stead. 341-47 Tiled 34028voi, I Form 94 APPLICATION RECORD BROADCASTING call Letters rFlo &dila 111. No. Dated Application for Nature Date • I -to nau suits • corporation by Arthur L•Smith thru increaus of colipitpl stock to 3010.000 shares. (Piled by Andrew 5.Plei.iitty.) Ett-17 11-.26-0 Renewal of license GRANDED Am.le .49 lee,* 11.29-0 116 F CC Form 04 APPLICATION RECORD - 111WADCASTING Call ••• LOVIS WOE (AL - -:1-450) tiors =rFIC_• Name xsNriart IIMIXAVEING witnitnicif &&&&& a a a mmmmm •■=. 111111■11■01•11MNINME■11■••=11■•••- 42112n File N. bated Application for Nature Date BTC.-1391. Volunte_ry transfer of cluitrol of it • ■•• Meld, 1..-.2:7-450 corporation from Arthur L. Smith to Louis 1.47-50 Vanier e - • - • Ws. I wm • (5000 shares common stock — 100%). r Vernon L. Wilkinson, Atty. ORS 8-29-450 Billow1071 8-15-50 Voluntary assirnment of liense from Ree id 8.-180-30 Spokane road St Corporation to Louis Kin P 31-50 Filed 6.1-50 Wasmer. Vernon L. Wilkinson, Atty. Ø1 APPLICATION RECORD BROADCASTING Call Lettere _ I I AP 09. •• • I I I • Name•/MIS !KAMM • • • I • • ..... ■■■ • a }maimum. • ∎••• .sue = 71T Action File No. Dated Application for Nati_xe 8-9-51 Construction permit to chigage frequency from 8.44-51 1230ke to 1.340ko• 8-14411 GRANTED 11101-52 Vernon L. Wilkinson, Atty. Conditio re blanketi Robert M. Stillman, &gr. AMENDED AMEIDID to change name of applicant to i Meld 8-20-52 D. Gene Williams and Delbert Bertho1f, Filed 8-20-52 a Co-Partnership. and to change transmitte and studio locations to conform with axisting license. ■ ■ a a—a _a a El, aNI aa a ma. amamaa Ea• a. a a. a. a = .110111 a daia Maa• a-m=1-i- a Apo •ma a Bi-73 13m-10-51 itene.:al of license Ain L)-16-51 Yiled by Vrinon .. .114-Anarm atty. 151 ==1 1■.m•• 11. C., C. Sim I Pi TO 144 fie FORM A-170 APPLICATION RECORD • BROADCAST1 NC FoomrRLy FCC FORM 94 Call Letters LOUIS MOM Naas •■•■Mi■IN • 1 - . 4i■■• - Agto File No. Dated Appl ication for Nature Date igras1309 13=51 Vol es assignment of lit:envoi* GRANTED 7--24-52 Reed ideb2G-•1 D. Gene Williams and Delbert pertholf Conditio is Bertholf Med 12-26-51.
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