1838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE January 22, 1981 SENATE-Thursday, January 22, 1987 The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was long on the adoption of those resolu­ Mr. President, the air traveling called to order by the Honorable PAUL tions, or, if it is a single omnibus reso­ public does not have the luxury of SIMON, a Senator from the State of Il­ lution, on the adoption of the resolu­ waiting. The longer the delay in ap­ linois. tion. pointing members, the longer the I know of no other business that will delay in getting corrective action. PRAYER be taken up before the Senate today, This is not a partisan issue. It is an The Chaplain, the Reverend Rich­ and the Senate will go over until issue that will affect the safety of air ard C. Halverson, D.D., offered the fol­ Monday. So I do not anticipate any passengers, all air passengers. I would lowing prayer: rollcall votes being ordered. If there again urge the President to fulfull his Let us pray. were to be, they would be put over responsibility and appoint the mem­ God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, until Monday. bers of the Aviation Safety Commis­ today at noon we were reminded of sion without further delay and allow the plight of Soviet Jews-their op­ the Commission to begin its vital work. pression, their frustration in not being WHY THE DELAY IN NAMING Mr. President, it will be my intention permitted to emigrate, their incredible MEMBERS OF THE AVIATION to speak on this matter frequently perseverance, and that of all Jewish SAFETY COMMISSION? until the Commission is appointed. people universally throughout their Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, on Janu­ The Congress has spoken. It has been generations. With profound gratitude, ary 12,. 1987, I made a lengthy state­ the decision by the elected representa­ we thank Thee for the presence of ment to this body reiterating my con­ tives of the people in both Houses that Yuri Orlov and the influence of his cerns regarding the issue of aviation such a Commission be appointed. Time life before and since his liberation. safety, and I renewed my request that is passing. This is an urgent matter. I Our minds and hearts go to all the the administration immediately ap­ urge the administration to act without peoples of the world who suffer from point members to the Aviation Safety further delay. human rights abuses, and we ask Gra­ Commission as required by law. Mr. President, I yield back the re­ cious God that our Nation shall never Subsequently, I was assured by the mainder of my time. fail in its commitment to those rights. White House that the administration Help us to remember, mighty Lord, would soon be naming the Commission that human rights are rooted in Bibli­ members. A week has passed, and I RECOGNITION OF THE cal values-Judeo-Christian traditions. have yet to hear anything from the MINORITY LEADER Engrave on our hearts the words of administration regarding the appoint­ Thomas Jefferson as they are en­ ment of Commission members. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The graved on the wall of his memorial: Mr. President, we experienced last distinguished minority leader is recog­ "God who gave us life, gave us liberty. Thursday, January 15, 1987, a tragic nized. Can the liberties of a nation be secure reminder of the need to have a thor­ when we have removed the conviction ough and immediate evaluation of our that those liberties are the gift of JANUARY 22, <1917): WILSON'S aviation safety system. It was on that "PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY" God?" Give us ears to hear, minds to afternoon that a commuter airliner understand, and wills to obey this collided in midair with a smaller plane SPEECH sacred obligation and legacy. We pray about 8 miles south of Salt Lake City's Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, Senators in His name Who is universal love and international airport, killing 10 people. have made many memorable speeches justice. Amen. Preliminary indications are that the in this Chamber but 70 years ago smaller aircraft was flying illegally in today a President of the United States RECOGNITION OF THE the restricted airspace around the Salt delivered an important address, from MAJORITY LEADER Lake City airport. Circumstances in­ the rostrum before us. At 1 p.m. on The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The volving this crash unfortunately bear January 22, 1917, President Woodrow majority leader is recognized. · a remarkable resemblance to the cir­ Wilson was escorted into the Chamber cumstances that led to the Aeromex­ by a committee of Senators, and took ico disaster that occurred in the skies a seat to the right of Vice President THE JOURNAL over Los Angeles last August. Thomas R. Marshall, the presiding of­ Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I ask Mr. President, despite the adminis­ ficer. unanimous consent that the Journal tration's assertion that 1986 was one At that time the first World War of the proceedings be approved to of the safest years for aviation, these was raging in Europe, with England, date. two events are grim reminders that France, and Russia combatting Ger­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. the aviation safety system needs a many and Austria. The United States Without objection, it is so ordered. thorough review. had maintained its neutrality-Wilson That is the purpose of the Aviation had just won reelection under the Safety Commission-to study the slogan: "He kept us out of war"-but SCHEDULE causes of the declining margin of German infringements upon United Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, after the safety in our skies and recommend States neutrality rights were increas­ two leaders have been recognized changes that can reverse that trend. ingly pressuring the Nation into war. under the standing order, there are The law establishing the Commission On this day, however, President certain orders for the recognition of required that the members be named Wilson addressed the Senate, "as the Senators, for not to exceed 5 minutes by the President within 30 days of en­ council associated with me in the final each. I think most of those will be viti­ actment. The law was enacted on Oc­ determination of our international ob­ ated, in light of the storm. tober 18, 1986. Yet, to date, more than ligations," to outline his vision for per­ The Senate will move quickly then 3 months later, no action has been manent peace in the future. to the funding resolutions. I do not an­ taken by the administration to ap­ Wilson took the bold step of calling ticipate that the Senate will be very point the members. for a "peace without victory." This e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. January 22, 1987 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 183~ was difficult to propose in wartime, All of us, all who cherish the free­ a letter I sent to Anne Brusselmans be but he argued that: dom to live and work where we want, included in the RECORD. Victory would mean peace forced upon how we want, should take one moment There being no objection, the letters the loser • • • it would be accepted in hu­ today to remember Anatoly Mar­ were ordered to be printed in the miliation, under duress, at an intolerable chenko. RECORD, as follows: sacrifice, and would leave a sting, resent­ ment, a bitter memory upon which terms of THE WHITE HOUSE, peace would rest, not permanently, but only CITIZENSHIP FOR ANNE Washington, January 14, 1987. as upon quicksand. Only a peace between BRUSSELMANS Hon. Bon DoLE, equals can last. Republican Leader, U.S. Senate, Washing­ Mr. DOLE- Mr. President, on Tues­ ton, DC. The warring powers, of course, ig­ day; Senator CHILES introduced S. 333, DEAR Bon: Today, by administrative nored and ridiculed Wilson's propos­ which I cosponsored, to exempt Anne action, Anne Brusselmans has been granted als, and even the United States forgot Brusselmans from the 5-year residency permanent residence in the United States. them as soon as this Nation entered requirement for citizenship. This is an important first step on the road the war in April 1917. When World When American fliers were shot to full citizenship. War I ended not by peace without vic­ down in Nazi-occupied Belgium during Anne Brusselmans is a courageous woman tory, but with the total defeat of Ger­ World War II, a courageous young to whom this country owes a great debt of many, the resulting peace was built woman named Anne Brusselmans was gratitude. From 1941 to 1945, she helped upon the quicksand that Wilson had there to help them escape. When Jews run the "Comet Escape Line" from Nazi-oc­ predicted, leading, a Second World needed a place to hide from Nazi per­ cupied Belgium to England, through which War just 20 years later. hundreds of American and Allied pilots shot secution, Anne Brusselmans gave down behind enemy lines made it to safety. them shelter. When Allied Forces re­ She ran a spy network that provided intelli­ quired intelligence information, Anne REMEMBERING ANATOLY gence on Nazi troop movements to the Brusselmans did her best to provide it. Allies, and helped Jews by providing them MARCHENKO In recognition of those heroic and cou­ with forged documentation. She fed and Mr. DOLE- Mr. President, yesterday rageous efforts, the United States clothed American, British and Australian afternoon the Senate, by a vote of 99 a warded her the Medal of Freedom. flyers and hid them in her small Brussels to 0, approved a resolution condemn­ Now, more than 40 years later, Anne apartment, all at great risk to herself and to ing the Soviet Union's emigration poli­ Brusselmans has only one simple her family.
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