TWENTY RAMAZ SENIORS WIN STATE SCHOLARSHIPS Seven Win Engineering Scholarships The New York State Board of Re¬ gents this week published the names of all winners of State Scholarships. Wealth and Wisdom Mark Eastern European "Greats' Included among them are twenty se¬ Dr. niors of Ramaz School. They are: Agus Cites Combination of Qualities Rena Benathan At the fourth lecture in his series Europe, the outstanding trait sought Miriam Bokser "One Thousand in Years the Develop¬ by all was scholarship. Every man James Cleeman ment of Judaism," Dr. Irving Agus learned at his own level. Adult edu¬ Rochelle Dyckman described an interesting combination cation was not optional equipment Lionel Etra of qualities which marked the great for the esoteric few but rather a daily Suzanne Friedman scholars of East European Jewry. affair in which every Jew was in¬ Barbara Frisch Speaking before another beautiful volved and around which his life Martin Kasofsky centered. turnout wFiich filled every seat in the It, therefore, followed that Naomi Lebowitz social hall, Dr. Agus indicated that the most honored, respected, and ad¬ Judith Lefkowitz the great Jewish minds of 17th cen¬ mired individual in the community Manuel 'Lerman tury Poland not only were possessed was the "Talmid Chacham" — the Carmi Margolis of wisdom but were also character¬ scholar of Law and Lore. Nat Mayer ized by unusual physical wealth. Solomon Mowshowitz The Vilna Gaon was the end pro¬ In his lecture, "Rabbinism — A Charlotte Pearlberg duct of this frame of values. He was Jewish Response to the Age of Rea¬ Yvette Rotenberg the acme of perfection by Jewish son," Professor Agus described such Eugene Rothman standards. The Jewish as Rabbi Moses Isserles and Rabbi community Michael Schwartz lived to be able to produce such a Solomon Luria as extremely wealthy Jerrold Silverstein giant of the spirit. In many cases they men by every standard. He traced Samuel Sokolik even died for this ideal as well. this wealth to their fathers-in-law. In In addition to those listed, seven Poland, a wealthy man would search The final lecture in this series will seniors have been announced as win¬ far and wide for an up and coming be delivered by Dr. Agus on Wednes¬ ners of Engineering scholar who would Scholarships. marry his daught¬ day evening, March 9 at 9:00. His They are: er. The father-in-law would then sup¬ topic will be: "Chasidism — The Jews' James Cleeman port his son-in-law in ihe most gen¬ Response to the Romantic Period." Lionel Etra erous fashion. All who are "Chasidim" of Dr. Agus Martin Kasofsky Our lecturer gave a clear reason will no doubt be present. All others Judith Lefkowitz for this. He asserted that, in Eastern are invited to join the throng. Manuel Lerman Solomon Mowshowitz Jerrold Silverstein themselves as winners. We are in¬ National Merit Scholarship test. This formed that this is the highest per¬ test was administered to 550,000 stu¬ It is extremely gratifying to report centage of any school in the State of dents throughout the nation, that two Ramaz seniors, James Clee¬ repre¬ New York. senting 14,500 high schools. man and Martin Kasofsky, are in a This We offer our second-place tie amongst all the win¬ report does not complete the congratulations to all honors of the the winners and to their families. All ners of scholarships in New York present senior class. We those associated with County. Two students, Ronald Han¬ just received word that three stu¬ this great edu¬ dents, James cational over and Rachel Shimkin are alter¬ Cleeman, Martin Kasof¬ enterprise, have reason to feel nates for State Scholarships. sky and Judith Lefkowitz have ach¬ proud of this year's scholastic ieved the grade of Finalists in the achievements. This scholastic achievement is re¬ markable and is a tribute to the win¬ ners and to their school. In all, thirty one students took the examination. Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein will preach this Sabbath at 11:00 A.M. It means, therefore, that close to sev¬ enty per cent have distinguished "A NON-JEW WHO WROTE A PORTION INTO THE BIBLE" 2 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN SJSTERHOOD TO HEAR Teen Agers Discuss Anti-Semitism SECOND LECTURE ON The K. J. Teen Age Group, a club for MUSIC AT MEETING COLLEGE CLASS STUDIES boys (14-18) and girls (13-16) held its second regular meeting last The next meeting of the Sisterhood TALMUD AND BIBLE Sunday afternoon in the synagogue will be held on Monday, February house auditorium. Over In a very quiet and unobtrusive twenty five 29th in the Synagogue Social Hall. manner, a group of young men have young people attended. At the meeting, Mr. Stanley Wolfe been meeting with Rabbi Haskel will present the second lecture on The main portion of the meeting 'Lookstein every Thursday evening, Music. The is Short Survey was devoted to a film "All the Way topic "A week in and week out since Novem¬ of the Opera and the Symphony." Home" and a discussion of antisemi- ber for a study session. The session, of tism and racial prejudice which were The members the Sisterhood which lasts two and a half hours, is the who were on hand at the first lec¬ subjects of the film. devoted to the study of Talmud and ture, were so impressed by Mr. Bible. The group, with Marshal Etra serv¬ Wolfe and the informative material ing as moderator, some of The boys began by studying The explored he presented, that they will certainly the basic causes of antisemitism. Introduction to Maimonides' Commen¬ be at this forthcoming meeting. There seemed to be some agreement tary on the Mishna. In this work the Others who were not at the last that the underlying force which main¬ great medieval philosopher and le¬ meeting will certainly want to be tained this seed of hatred was a re¬ galist discusses the fundamental con¬ present at this one on February 29th. ligious one and that the first place cepts of the Oral Law. He also treats Luncheon will be served at 12:00. in which to begin eradicating anti¬ the organization of the Talmud into semitism was in the Houses of Wor¬ "Orders" and Tractates. Besides hav¬ ship. Religious leaders of other faiths YOUNG MARRIEDS ing learned the contents of this basic would have to begin to counter ac¬ work thoroughly, the boys have also MEET THIS SATURDAY tively the inu.endos and imputations learned by heart the names of the The which have been directed at the Jew Young Marrieds of Kehilath sixty three Tractates and the order in Jeshurun will hold a meeting this during the past eighteen hundred which they are found in the Talmud. Saturday night, February 20th at years. 8:30, in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Through this study, the students have Norman Javitt, 19 East 98th Street. acquired the keys by which the doors of the Talmud may be opened Excursion and Theatre Party The subject under discussion will to greater understanding of Judaism be the During the business portion of the pros and cons of a Day School and Jewish Law. education as opposed to public school meeting the group made definite and Talmud Torah training. Twelve The class has recently begun the plans for a number of functions dur¬ couples have informed the hostess study of Berachot, the first of the six¬ ing the next few weeks. to be of their intention present at ty three Tractates. They are learning On Sunday afternoon, February what the text promises to be educationally together with Rashi, Tosafot, 28th, the teen agers will visit the and a very interesting Maimonides, and other important socially, meet¬ Statue of Liberty as a group. They commentaries. The ing. disputations in the will meet at the synagogue at 2:00 Talmud are also traced through the and WITHIN OUR FAMILY proceed from there to South legal codes in order to determine Ferry for the boat ride to the Statue Birth — precisely how they are distilled into of Liberty. law. Our heartiest congratulations to our On Saturday night, April 2nd, the members Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. In Bible, the students have been group will attend a play at the Bronx Lightstone on the birth of a son. studying Deuteronomy with the com¬ High School of Science. The play, mentaries of Rashi and Nachmanides. Birthdays — "You Can't Take It With You," is a Many happy returns of the day to They are presently engaged in ana¬ former Pulitzer Prize winner and was Alexander A. Bernstein, Bernard D. lyzing the Ten Commandments in written by George S. Kaufman and detail. Fischman, Dr. Frank Goodman, Louis Moss Hart. We have obtained a very limited number of tickets Olshan, Mrs. Gilbert Portnoy, Joseph Five of these students are gradu¬ (at $1.00 Schlang, Julius I. Silver, Albert Wald, ates of Ramaz High School, the others each), most of which have been re¬ Harry Zaifert, and Albert A. Zuch. have been graduated from the Ye- served already. Those interested in reserving are Anniversaries — shiva of Flatbush and the Manhattan the remaining tickets High School of Yeshiva University. urged to inform the Synagogue Office Greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Samson immediately. Gordon, and Dr. and Mrs. Jack We are extremely proud of the ac¬ Lieberman. complishments of these boys, and we urge all, who are qualified, to be¬ Welcome Back — WOMEN'S CLASS RECESS come part of this group of budding We were very happy to see our scholars. The Women's Class in Prayer, devoted member Reuben Westerman which meets regularly on Monday at services last Saturday.
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