LARGE FORMAT CUTTERS! DESIGNED & BUILT IN THE UK CONTENTS 1. ARTEMIS - Safety straight edges 2. EUROPA - Large format cutters 3. NEMESIS/ATHENA - Integrated cutting systems 4. ATHENA A2 - Integrated cutting systems 5. KRONOS - General purpose cutters 6. ATLAS - Workbench systems 7. APOLLO XL - Multi substrate cutters 8. TOOLHOLDERS & BLADES 9. PRODUCT SELECTOR ARTEMIS – Safety straight edges Length Artemis The Artemis safety straight edge is a simple and effective solution to 60 4000 assist in the safe cutting of many of 100 4001 the materials used in the modern ARTEMIS – Safety straight edges Sign and Graphics industries. 150 4002 200 4003 A full length measuring scale is fitted The Artemis safety straight edge is Length Artemis 250 4004 along the front of the straight edge. a simple and effective solution to 300 4005 A press-fit stainless steel bead helps assist in the safe cutting of many of 60 4000 to protect the aluminium from blade the materials used in the modern 100 4001 damage and the underside features Sign and Graphics industries. 150 4002 two full length silicone inserts to assist gripping and to provide 200 4003 A full length measuring scale is fitted ARTEMIS – Safety straight edges essential protection for sensitive 250 4004 along the front of the straight edge. surfaces. 300 4005 A press-fit stainless steel bead helps ARTEMISARTEMIS - Safety – Safety straight straight edges edges The Artemis tosafety protect straight the aluminium edge is from blade Length Artemis The Artemis is shaped to help focus a simple and damageeffective andsolution the undersideto features downward pressure on clamping the ARTEMISLength – ArtemisSafety straightassist in the safetwoedges cuttingfull length of many silicon ofe inserts to The Artemis safety straight edge is 60 4000 work pieceedges and to protect straight fingers Safety – the materials used in the modern a simple and effective solution to ARTEMIS 100 4001 assist gripping and toagainst provide any tool slippages. 60 4000 Sign and Graphicsessential industries. protection for sensitive assist in the safe cutting of many of 150 4002 Length Artemis is edge straight safety Artemis The The Artemis safety straight edge is surfaces. the materials used in the modernArtemis 100 4001 to solution effective and simple a a simple and effective solution to Length 200 4003 A full length measuring scale is fitted Sign and Graphics industries. 150 4002of many of cutting safe the in assist assist in the safe cutting of many of 250 4004 EUROPA60 –4000 Large format cutters the materials used in the modern modern the in alongused the frontmaterials The ofthe Artemisthe straight is shaped edge. to helpthe focmaterialsus used in the modern 4000 60 ARTEMIS – Safety straight100 4001 200edges 4003 A full length measuring scale is fitted 300 4005 ARTEMIS – Safetyindustries. A pressGraphics - fit straight stainlessand downwardSign steel p bead ressureedges helps on clamping Sign andthe Graphics industries. 4001 100 150 4002250 4004 to protect the aluminium from blade along the front of the straight edge. Like all Trimalco products, the Europa and Europa work piece and to protect fingers 4002 150 300 4005 damage and the underside features A press-fit stainless steel bead helps Length Artemis Pro cutter 200rails are manufactured4003 in thefitted is UK. scale The measuring Artemis Lengthlength againstfull safety A straightany Europatool edge slippages. is EuropaA full length measuringTable scale is fitted 4003 200 Length Artemis . edge two full length silicone inserts to toThe protect Artemis the safetyaluminium straight from edge blade is 250 4004 straight the a of simplefront andthe effective along solution to alongPro the front of the straight edge. 4004 250 helps bead steel assist stainless gripping fit - press andA to provide damagea simple andand teffectivehe underside solution features to 60 4000 The Europa300 has a guaranteed4005 accuracy of 1mm overassist in the 60safe cutting of 4010many of A press -fit stainless steel bead helps 4005 300 60 4000blade from essentialaluminium the protectionprotect to for sensitive twoassist full in lengththe safe silicon cuttinge inserts of many to of EUROPA its– length.Large The uniqueformat multi cavity, cutters single extrusion the materials used in the modern to protect the aluminium from blade 100 4001 features underside surfaces. he t and 100 damage 4011 assistthe materials4801 gripping used and into theprovide modern design is lightweight, portable100 and 4001offers an inbuilt Sign and Graphics industries. damage and the underside features 150 4002 to inserts e silicon length 150full two 4012 essentialSign 4802and protectionGraphics industries. for sensitive rigidity allowing the cutters150 to be manufactured4002 up to two full length silicone inserts to Like all Trimalco products, the Europa and Europa provide to Theand Artemisgripping 200 is assist shaped to help4013 foc us surfaces. 4803 200 4003 5m in length. 200 4003 A full length measuring scale is fitted assist gripping and to provide Pro cutter rails are manufactured in the UK. Lengthsensitive for downwardEuropaprotection pressure essential onEuropa clamping the Table A full length measuring scale is fitted 250 4004 250 4004 along the front250 of the straight4014 edge . essential4024 protection4804 for sensitive work piece and surfaces. to protectPro fingers Thealong Artemis the front is ofshaped the straight to help edge focus. 300 4005 The Europa Pro has a guaranteed accuracy of 0.2mmA press -fit stainless300 steel bead4015 helps surfaces.4025 4805 The Europa has a guaranteed accuracy of 1mm300 over 4005 60 against 4010any tool slippages. downwardA press-fit stainlesspressure steelon clamping bead helps the over its length. Outwardly, it looks us identicalfoc help to the toshaped is protect theArtemis 350 aluminium The from4016 blade 4026 4806 its length. The unique multi cavity, single extrusion workto protect piece the and aluminium to protect from fingers blade Europa but it is much heavier, being the manufactured100clamping on damageressure p 4011 and thedownward underside features 4801The Artemis is shaped to help focus design is lightweight, portable and offers an inbuilt 400 4017 againstdamage4807 any and tool the slippages.underside features from two extrusions instead of one. The Europafingers 150 protect Pro twoto fulland 4012 lengthpiece siliconwork e inserts to 4802downward pressure on clamping the rigidity allowing the cutters to be manufactured up to 450 4018 two full4808 length silicone inserts to EUROPA – Largeis factory format adjusted cuttersfor straightness using pinpoint 200 laserslippages. assist tool gripping4013any andagainst to provide 4803work piece and to protect fingers 5m in length. 500 4019 assist4809 gripping and to provide alignment technology. essential protection for sensitive against any tool slippages. 250 4014 4024 4804 essential protection for sensitive EUROPAEUROPA - Large – Large formatsurfaces. format cutters cutters Like all TrimalcoThe Europaproducts, Pro the has Europa a guaranteed and Europa accuracy of 0.2mm 300 4015 4025 4805 surfaces. The cutting head is common to all Trimalco rail Pro cutter railsover are its manufactured length. Outwardly, in the UK.it looks identical to theLength Europa Europa Table cutters format Large – cutters and features a magnetic blade magazine350 whichThe Artemis4016 is shaped4026 to help focus 4806 EUROPA Europa but it is much heavier,EUROPA being manufacturedLike all – Trimalco Large products, format the Europa cutters andPro Europa The Artemis is shaped to help focus accepts standard utility blades. Both models400 can cutdownward 4017 p ressure on clamping the 4807 The Europa hasfrom a twoguaranteed extrusions accuracy instead of of 1mm one. over The ProEuropa cutter Pro60 rails are manufactured4010 in the UK. Length Europadownward Europa pressure on clampingTable the materials up to 20mm thick and come as standard450 withwork piece4018 and to protect fingers 4808 Europa and Europa the products, Trimalco all Like its length. Theis factoryunique adjustedmulti cavity, for straightnesssingle extrusion using pinpoint laser Table Europa Europa Length work piecePro and to protect fingers 100 x utilityLike blades,all Trimalco 1 x acrylic products, 100scoring the blade Europa500 and4011 and1 xagainst Europa 4019any tool slippages. 4801 4809 UK. the in manufactured are rails cutter Pro design is lightweight,alignment portable technology. and offers an inbuilt The Europa has a guaranteed accuracy Pro of 1mm over 60 4010 against any tool slippages. 45mm textilePro cutter cutting rails wheel are andmanufactured150 holder . in the4012 UK. Length 4802 Europa Europa Table rigidity allowing the cutters to be manufactured up to its length. The unique multi cavity, single extrusion 4010 60 200 4013 4803 100 4011over Pro 1mm of accuracy guaranteed a 4801has Europa The 5m in length. The cutting head is common to all Trimalcodesign rail is lightweight, 4801 portable and offers an inbuilt 4011 100 extrusion single cavity, multi Two full Thelength Europa silicon has rubber a guaranteed grip250 strips accuracy fitted 4014to ofthe 1mm over 4024 60 4804 1504010 4012 unique 4802The length. its EUROPAcutters – and Large features a magneticformat blade cuttersmagazinerigidity allowingwhich the cutters4802 to be manufactured up 4012 to inbuilt an offers undersideits oflength. each cutter The EUROPAunique aid clamping multi cavity, and – help singleLarge protect extrusion format 100 cutters 200150 4011 4013 and 4801 portable 4803lightweight,
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