The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan uttwh 71,uns. Iapid. Soc. .1opan 47 (4): 209-214, December 1996 Hendecaneura axiotiina (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) and its allied new species from the Himalayan range Yoshitsugu NAsu 153-2, Nakado, Hashimoto, Wakayama, 648 Japan Abstract ffbndecanetfva himaga),ana Nasu, n. sp., a clese ally of HL cndotima (Meyrick), is described from Nepal and India (Sikkim). RL axiotima is newly recorded frorn Nepal and India (Sikkim). The adults and the genitalia of both species are illustrated. Key words Hendecaneuva hiinugayana Nasu, n. sp., Lfbndecaneura cLxiotima (Meyrick), the Himalayan range, genitalia, Tortricidae. I exarnined a short series of tortricids identified as Ifendecaneza7u exiotima (Meyrick) from Nepal and India (Sikkim) at the Natural History Museum, London, UK (BMNH), and concluded that it consists of two species, U axiolima and a new species. In the following lines the description of the new species and distinguishing characters between them are given, with illustrations of adults and genitalia, All materials are deposited in BMNH. Hendecaneura himalagana Nasu, n. sp. (Figs 1, 3, 6) Male(Fig,1). Wingexpanse25-26mm. Headcream-white, Antennagrayishbrown, scape cream-white, Labial palpus blackish brown, inner surface whitish. Thorax blackish brown ; tegula blackish brown, posterior half cream-white. Forewing with 12 veins, all veins separated ; ground color blackish brown, Costa with six pairs of whitish /gt1 ieeuetzatt:/tt...ttt Figsl,2. Adults of libndecaneetm spp. 1. IL himalayana n. sp., holotype, di. 2. Hl exiotima (Meyrick), Iectotype, [ln NII-Electronic LibraryMbrary Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 210 YoshitsuguNAsu ' tt -lnl ' " n. ' 'k l"lIn'-l'n ' l tttt' -vzatttlr 4 I .tiSjlllnt lttt In zau ta-la in LIILrtT}vttll ltr mu sscthgfk,,:\"di mpin'reFdififevsl ' l' rtix 5 / "i:fi H n Figs3-5 Male gemtalia of Hlandecaneum spp 3 hzmalayana sp , holotype,slide BMNH27576 4 ll axeotima (Mevrick),shde BNINH 27574 5 Dttto,lectotype shde BMNH 712I Scales 05mm NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan I7endecaneblrtz exzotima (Meyrick) and a New Ally 21I /i ff aji ttt tr ' ni nv di ll l ijv il ":il' Figs6 7 Female genitalia of Hlandecaneblmspp 6 H hzmala}ana n bp,paratype slide BMNH 27577 7 H axzottma (Meynck), shde BMNH 27575 Scales 1mm strigulae from apex to basal 1/4 the first two large, apically, formmg , pairs confluent a triangular crearn-white patch , second and third pairs obscure, emittmg outward-oblique smuate gray streaks to middle, the last two pairs emitting cream-white streaks, confiuent, forming an irregular cream-white patch (median fascia) Dorsum with a wide sinuate cream-white streak runnmg frorn near base to near tornus and an irregular cream-white patch before tornus Termen with three cream-"hite spots medially Cilia blackish brown, cream-white on tornus Hmdwing hght grayish brown, with cubital cdia concolorous with wmg pecten , Male gemtalia (Fig 3) Tegumen with a pair of small mound-1ike Iobes dorsolaterally Uncus mound-Iike Socius short, oblong lobe, setose Gnathos weakly sclerotized Aedeagus short, cone-shaped , vesica with 33 cornuti Valva constricted deeply (neck distinct,narrow), basal opemng large,with many thick setae on the posterioredge , sacculus with mound-1ike lobe, cucullus triangular Male scent organs Costal fold rudimentary, costa a httle curved over from base to 1/4 of costa Forewmg on the upper side with a small circular pecket near the Junction of IA and 2A vems The pocket covered with broad scales on the rim Hmdwing with a tuft of hair-1ike cream-white scales at the base of the cell on the upper side Female Wmg expanse 28 mm Similar to male Female genitalia (Fig 6) Papilla analis large, flat Apophysis posterioris as long as apophysis anterioris Tergite 8 concaved in the antenor edge Sternite 7 broadly sclerotized, semicircular Ostium bursae located m a deep incision on the postenor edge NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 212 Yoshitsugu NAsu of sternite 7. Lamella postvaginalis sclerotized, prolonged, spinulose on the surface, without setae, fused with the incision. Ductus bursae sclerotized medially. Corpus bursae small, oval, spinulose on the inner surface, with two large wide blade-like signa different in size. Material examined. Holotype, NEPALi Chautara Dist., Choche Lekh (3,500m), cl, 14. VIII. 1983 (Allen leg.), slide BMNII 27576, Paratypes. Same locality and date as holotype, 1 di (Allen leg,). INDIA: Sikkim, Tonglo (3,OOOm), 1 4, VII. 1886 (Elwes leg.), slide BMNH 27577. Host-plant. Unknown. Distribution. Nepal, India (Sikkirn). Remarks. This species is closely related to HL axiotima, and has the wing pattern and the male genitalia very similar to those of it. Distinguishing characters between them are described below, himalayana n. sp. czxtot;ma Head Male frons without erected scales with erected scales curved ventrally ln tlps Ferewing Dorsum with wide sinuate cream-white with wide sinuate cream-white streak, which does not touch costal streak,which touche$costal triangu- triangular cream-white patch lar cream-white patch apically apically Male genitalia lobes Tegumen with a pair oi small meund-like withapair of large ear-like lobes dorsolaterally dorsolaterally Female genitalia rounded in anterior eclge Tergite8 concaved in anterior edge expanded in base, formingatriangu- Apophysis anterioris a litt]eexpanded in base lar plate Corpus bursae small, oval large, g]obular Signa different in size equa] in size Hendecaneura axiotima (Meyrick) (Figs2,4,5,7) Eucosma axiotima Meyrick, 1937, in Caradja & Meyrick, Dt. ent. ZL I)'ts 51 : 178 ; Clarke, 195B : 348, figs 2, 2a (wing, [{n genitalia>. Eucosmodes axiotima : Kuznetzov, 1973 : 690, figs 11, 12 (c! g genitalia). Hendecaneuni axiotima: Razewski, 1989a: 289; Kawabe et al., 1992: le7. Material examined. Lectotype, CHINA: Yunnan, Likiang, di, H. 8. 34. [VIII. 1934], slide BMNH 7]21. 0ther materials. NEPAL : Bagmati, Phulchouki (2,000-2,500 m), 1 [ii, 3. VII. 1984 (Allen leg.) ; Nauling Lekh, 1 6", 10. VII. 1984 (Allen leg.), slide BMNH 27574. INDIA : Sikkim, Tonglo (3,OeO rn), 2 6i, VII. 1886 (Elwes leg.) ; 1 9, 8. VII. 1888 (M611er leg,), slide BMNH 27575. Host-plant. Unknown. Distribution. China (Yunnan), Taiwan, Nepal, India (Sikkim) (first record from the latter two regions). -is Remarks. This species closely allied to Hl himalayana n. sp. Distinguishing charac- ters between them are noted in the remarks for himaZdyana n. sp, NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologioalLepidopterological SooietySociety of Japan Hendecaneura exiotima (Meyrick)and a New Ally 213 ’ Kuzneztov (1973)gave the illustrations of the male and female genitalia of ax iotima based two specimens and ユ also cited on from China (Yunnan ), Razowski (989b ) his illustration ’ of female gen {talia under axiotima . Of Kuznetzov s 川 ustrations the male one is similar to of czxiotima one of n . sp . rather the genitalia , but the female to the genitalia himalayana than those of aTiotima in having the tergite 8 with concave anterior edge the smaller , corpus bursae and the signa different in size . It is quite possible that the female specimen examined by Kuznetzov is not axiotima but himalayana n . sp . 正/ axiotima was recorded from Taiwan by Kawabe et al .(1992)in the checklist of the Lepidoptera of Taiwan , but the data of voucher specimen (s)have not been described . Ack 皿 owledgments Ithank Mr K . R . Tuck (BMNH )for allowing me to examine the specimens , and Dr F . Komai (Osaka University of Arts, Osaka , Japan)for his kind advice and asistance for photographing genitalia. Referenees Clarkc, J. F . G .,1958. Catagogtte 6ゾ the T)Pe SPecimens (ゾ Micr()」醇)ieloPtera 豌 tlie British Museum 層 ,’ CATatural Histo7:yヅ 傭 56 ガ ろed あ Ed ?“ ard 躍 の n cle 3. 600 pp .,298 pls. British Museum (Natural History ), London . Kawabe , A .& F . K ぐ,mai , with J. Razowski ,1992. Tortricidae. I」I Heppner, J.B .& H .Inoue (eds ), − Checklist. Lepid . Taiwan 1 (2); IO3 109. − − Kuznetzov, V .1.,1973. Descriptions of new Asiatic leafroller moths of the subfamily Olethreutinae − (Lepidoptera , Tortricidae ). En t.0 ろ09r .52 : 682 699 (in I〜ussian ). 厂’ − Razowski, J.,1989a. Miscellaneous notes on ⊥ortricidae . N 吻 9epid.11: 285 289. ,工989∂. The genera of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera )Part 2 ; Palaearctic Olethreutinae. /lcta − 2001 .cracov .32 ; 107 328. 摘 要 Henelecaneura czxiotima Meyrick と ヒ マ ラ ヤ の な 1 ハ マ キ ガ ( ) 産 近 縁 新 種 (鱗翅 目 , 科 ) (那 須 義次 ) ロ ン ド ン の 自然 史博 物館 に 所 蔵 さ れ て い る ヒ マ ラ ヤ 産 の Hendecaneu πa axiotima (Meyrick ) と さ れ . て い る を 査 し た と こ ろ axiotima と そ れ に 近 な 1 を め た . に お い て こ の 標本 調 , 縁 新種 認 本 論文 , 新 を す る と と も に の ・ を 示 し さ ら に の を ま と め た . 種 記 載 , 両種 成虫 雌 雄 交尾 器 図 , 両種 区別点 H6ndecanettra him α layana Nasu n . sp . , − ー 開張 : 雄 25 26mm ,雌 28 mm ,前翅 の 地 色 は 黒 褐 色 .前翅 の 内縁 は 幅広 い 波状 の ク リ ム 白色 線 こ 三 ーム つ い を持 ち , の 線 は前 縁 の 翅 頂 に あ る 角形 の ク リ 白色 紋 とは なが ら な , ー 分布 ネ パ ル ,イ ン ド (シ ッ キ ム ). は czxiotima と で あ り も る が の に し た を た な い こ 本 種 近 縁 , 外 部 標 徴 類 似 す , 1)雄 前 額 隆 起 鱗 片 持 と ,2)前翅 の 内縁 は 幅 広 い 波状 線 を持 ち , こ の 線 は 翅 頂 の 三 角 紋 と は つ な が ら な い こ と ,3)雄 交 尾器 の tegumen は 背側 方 に 1 対 の 小 さ な 隆起 状 の lobes を 持 つ こ と ,4)雌 交 尾器 の 第 8 節 背板 の 前縁が く ぼ ん で い る こ と ,5)apophysis anterioris の 基 部 は 少 し し か 広が ら な い こ と ,6)corpus こ こ bursaeが 小 さ く,卵形 で あ る と , 7)signa の 大 き さが 異 な る と か ら区別 で き る . Hende ‘an 召躍 π axiotima (Meyrick ) ー 分 布 : 中国 (雲南省),台湾,ネ パ ル ,イ ン ド (シ ッ キ ム 〉(後者 の 2 地域 か ら は 新記録), 一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service The LepidopterologioalLepidopterological SooietySociety of Japan 214 Yoshitsugu NAsu / は の に づ い て の を し た が そ Kuznetzov (973) 中国 (雲 南省)産 2 個体 基 ,本種 雌雄 交尾 器 図示 , れ の の ち の は himagayana n . sp .の の と し て い る . が た は ら 図 う , 雌 交尾器 図 も 酷似 彼 検 討 し 雌標 本 himalayana n . sp .で あ る 可 能性 が 高 い . (Accepted September 7, 1996) Published by the Lepidopterological Society of Japan, 一 − − c /oOgata Building,2 ユ7, Imabashi 3 chome , Chuo ku, Osaka ,541 Japan 一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service.
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