VoLo's GcifDe to Another morn brightens the rain And so I must travel on again To see fresh marvels ahead. Eating wayfarers' bread, The leavings are my only pain. —Synder Gallowglass, The Minstrel of Many Roads, "Ballad of the Wayfarer" Sample file Dedication To Wes Nicholson— Grand host, greater booster of gaming, and a traveller even more energetic (and con- siderably more competent) than Volo. A good man—may Earth and Toril alike hold many more of them. Crcedfts Design: Ed Greenwood Editing: Julia Martin Cover Art: John and Laura Lakey Interior Art: Valerie Valusek Cartography: Dennis Kauth Typesetting: Angelika Lokotz Production: Dee Barnette Othew Socmcebooks in This Senfes Volo's Guide to Waterdeep Volo's Guide to the North Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&.D, and FORGOTTEN REALMS are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. MONSTKOL'S MANUAL and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by TSR Inc. C199S TSR, Inc. A)l Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English language products of TSR, Inc. Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc. 94S6 Sample file TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. 201 Sheridan Springs Rd. 120 Church End Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton WI53147 Cambridge CB1 3LB U.S.A. United Kingdom Foreword 4 Stag Steads 169 Volo's Ratings System 5 Tyrluk 172 Waymoot 174 The Forest Kingdom 6 Bearing Arms in Cormyr 7 The East Reaches 180 How Best to Behave 8 Hultail 189 Passwords 8 Juniril 191 Procuring Licenses 9 The High Helm 192 The Crystal Grot 10 Thunderstone 194 The Swords of State 11 Tilverton 195 The Character of the Realm .... 11 The West Reaches 204 The Cities 12 Greatgaunt 209 Suzail 15 Hornshield 212 Marsember 34 Wyvernhunt 215 Arabel 53 Appendix I: The Coast 76 Folk of Cormyr 217 Bogbrook 81 Dawngleam 83 Appendix II: Gladehap 87 The Sword Heralds 225 Kirinwood 92 Monksblade 97 Appendix III: Wheloon 104 Magic in Cormyr 230 Wormtower 117 Appendix IV: The Heartlands 122 Index 238 Aunkspear 127 Blisterfoot Inn 129 Dhedluk 135 Espar 139 EveningstaSampler 142 file Immersea 152 Jester's Green 159 Games 161 Knightswood 163 "The Cormyte's Boast" 165 Mouth C Gargoyles 166 elcome to the fourth of folk thinking of Cormyr from afar. The I my groundbreaking section on the heartlands is followed (umm, perhaps that's an by one covering the east reaches, unfortunate choice of where the countryside is more open, I word) travel guides. Many and finally by one on the almost- folk have long clamored for coverage of forgotten, mountainous west reaches. I the fair realm of Cormyr in my oeuvre (I think you'll be as pleasantly surprised don't know what that word means, but as I was to find all the delightful back- Elminster uses it, so it must mean waters and corners the Forest King- something grand),1 and your wishes, dom holds. ladies and gentlesirs, are my com- The reader interested in things magi- mands. I pray, therefore, to all the gods cal is urged to consult the second and who may be disposed to smile favorably third appendices forthwith. They con- upon such efforts that your eyes also tain much of interest to the visitor to find favor with this latest of my works:2 Cormyr. Volo 's Guide to Cormyr. What's Heize Using and Why This Guidebook A casual glance at this peerless tome Entries have been included not for may reveal to the discerning reader a every hamlet or backlane crossroads in slight paucity of information on the Cormyr, but for every place that's likely larger cities of the Forest Kingdom. to be interesting—or unavoidable and Please be aware that this is not due to useful—to the traveler. For ease of use, I any lack of proper diligence on my have divided Cormyr into the districts part but is part of a deliberate plan:3 It familiar to most Cormyreans. From is my purpose in this work to eschew them I have plucked the cities to investi- repeated coverage of the all-too-famil- gate first. iar ground of what's where in Suzail, As you page through this guide, first Arabel, and Marsember, and instead you're presented with the cities and show the reader something of the thenSample the coast. These are followed by countryside of th e Foresfilet Kingdom, the the heartlands, which are the area cov- glories of its lesser-known and smaller ered by the King's Forest—the endless settlements, and places even some deep green woods envisaged by most Cormyreans may know little of. Read 'Elminster: The base flattery of the man disgusts me. -Elminster: Sigh. He's been taking lessons, hasn't he? ^Elminster: I used to sound like this—about a thousand years ago. reporting everything folk would fain keep on, then, and discover the real 4 secret for good reason. When he was done, Cormyr —Volo's Cormyr. what he'd produced was a treatise on the security of Cormyr, how precisely the war wizards guard it, and how ye—or rather, a less honest and scrupulous reader—could shatter it and quickly bring about the downfall of the realm. Mindful (sigh) of the beauty of Cormyr and how some of us are responsible [Ahem. "Real" Cormyr, eh? Ah-hah. Well, enough that we'd like to preserve it, I set the reader who hopes this book provides about expunging the most vital of his reve- any sort of useful place-by-place guide to lations. What remains is far more than the fair kingdom of Cormyr will of course enough for adventurers to get themselves (and as usual) be sadly disappointed. Those into deep trouble and give Vangerdahast who want to get a feel of the flavor of back- more than few anxious moments (heh- country Cormyr will, 1 trust, be generally heh). That should only make the realm well served by this work. As gossip, 'tis pure stronger—and a more entertaining place to gold, and as entertainment, 'tis worth—sev- dwell in.l eral tankards. (Er . empty ones, of course.) Ahem, yes. There's something I should tell ye. Volo spent his youthful energies doing what he does best—spying and then ^Elminster: Delusions this grand are the final frightening stages of the descent into babbling idiocy. Hmmm, perhaps the lad would've made a good mage after all. VoLo's Ratings System Pipes Tankards Coins Daggers (Inns) (Taverns) (Prices) (Alleyways, Courtyards, etc.) WorstSample fileUnsafe Dangerous Deadly Sample file.
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