THE VOICE OF AMERICA 1942-1992 511-110E.79WAVIE _D_QD 79Clak7 July 1992 Volume 21, Number 7 2. THE DXPERIENCE, Dan Brame 6. PORTABLES ON PARADE, Don Brewer7. ANTENNA TUNERS, John Plimmer 8. WHAT'S ON, Daniel Sampson 9. SHORTWAVE TO GOI, Dale Vanderpoel 15. WESTERN HEMISPHERE, Don Thornton20. EUROPE, Bob Colyard 25. THE COMMONWEALTH, Jason Beni 27. ONDA CORTA, Gabriel Ivan Barrera 27. DX MOSCOW, Anatoly Klepov 28. AFRICA, Paul Wakefield 32. ASIA/OCEANIA, William Westenhaver37. QSL REPORT, Mike Wolfson 40. TRASH AND TREASURE, Donald J. Weber 41. UTILITY WORLD, Chuck Yarbrough 46. SPEEDX SPOTLIGHTS, Edward Janusz Published by SPEEDX Send any interesting DX/SWL info to: THE 1)XPERRENCE Dan Brame Your column of notes, news and views of what's 376 S. Jeffrey Lane happening in the exciting world of shortwave radio! Wheeling, IL 60090 JULY 1992 GREETINGS FROM WHEELING This is really a shame, since I don't know Hello to all and welcome to summer! We of too many people that have QSLed Radiod- just had one of those typical wild Chicago iffusion de la Republique Rwandaise lately. I storms the other day with tree limbs fallinghope that the VOA doesn't follow DW's lead everywhere and massive power outages. Withand decide to drop their policy of verifying all of the wind damage and flooding, I'm glad specific relay sites.I still have some left to that I don't have two things: a basement or an QSL! outdoor antenna! I hope that go Bulls! you are having a good NEW AWR RELAY SITES IN RUSSIA summer DX season. This always seems like a from 5/92 AWR Current via Don Weber good time to catch up on program listening By now, many of you have heard about and sending out a batch of reception reportsthe three new sites that AWR is using in to the old favorite stations just to let themRussia. Here's the full scoop direct from the know you're still out there.With summer station itself: storms like this one and the increased day- "All three of the new transmitters have light hours, it makes me think wistfully aboutan output of 200 kw. The Samara station will those late December afternoons when you canbe used for reaching Northern Europe. The pull in all that great African DX on the 60second at Ekaterinoburg will be used to meter band. Of course, the snow, slush and broadcast into Central Europe, and the third subzero windchill leaves a lot to be desired, so based in Moscow will be used to reach Southern enjoy the warm sun and look for different ways Europe. The Novosibirsk Station already in to amuse yourself on the bands! operation is presently being used to reach This has been a great month for contri- Eastern countries like West China, Myarnnar, butions, so without further ado ... India, Uzbekistan and Pakistan. AWR's ex- pansion into Russia can be attributed to the DEUTSCHE WELLE PHASES OUT FULL political and economical changes under way DATA QSL CARDS in the new CIS. Presently there is a great need via DW direct in the Republics for hard Western currency. In honor of their 30th anniversary on theState owned shortwave stations that before airwaves (or was it the reunification?),were used for state propaganda and the jam- Deutsche Welle was issuing full data QSLsming of Western transmissions have sud- last year that specified transmitter sites. I denly found themselves out of a job. So, AWR sent off a number of reports and picked upis able to rent their facilities for a very veries on all of their German sites as well as reasonable price." Antigua and Malta. So this year I decided to The story goes on to discuss the prob- improve my African country count by sending lems they are encountering with a shortage of in a report on the Rwanda site.I got a great programming in the new languages, the unre- looking, no data card and the following formliable mail system and the need to purchase letter: new studios and equipment. A benefit to "The number of reception reports to beusing the Russian sites is that it is cheaper confirmed by QSL-cards has been and isthan broadcasting from Italy and Portugal increasing continuously. This leads to an ever and allows them to reach a wider audience. increasing amount of work to be done by theThe future of these broadcasts, however, will members of our Radio Frequency Depart- rely on the political situation in Russia as well ment. as the cost of renting the transmitters. For "In order to be able to deal with thenow, anyway, it opens up a new world of requests for verification more promptly and service for them and more challenges for the thus to shorten the waiting period for our DXerl listeners, we do not state the following data on our cards: time, frequency, date and location DON'T MISS THE EXCITING of transmitter. In this connection, we would DXPERIENCE TRIVIA CONTEST like to point out that we cannot accept any ON PAGE 3! pre -prepared cards, since such special meas- ENTER FOR SEMI -VALUABLE ure would question our regulation." PRIZES! PIERIENC:E Page Tw® JULY HOLIDAYS the electronic age." From Federal Express via Don Weber Kogawa's station, KXXX Mission Dis- This month's Islamic holiday is the Mus-trict Radio, will operate on about 89.9 MHz on lim New Year, called the First of Moharem or Sunday evenings from 9 to 11 p.m. from a Hegira. It will be celebrated on or about Julydifferent household each week. 2nd, and if you're keeping score at home, it is I know this is always a controversial the year 1413 H. This refers to the number ofissue in the hobby, but the article is quite years passed since Mohammed's escape frominteresting. There is another feature in the a murder plot in 622 A.D. I know the numbers issue about the movement in Japan as well as don't add up, but you can do the rest of the a schematic for building your own FM trans- research yourself! Anyway, on with the inter-mitter. Just attach a cassette player with a built-in mike, a crude antenna, and you're on national parade . the air! Of course, you're also on the FCC hit Algeria - Independence Day, 5 list at the same time ... Argentina - Independence Day, 9 Bahamas - Independence Day, 10 NEW RADIO COUNTRIES Belgium - Nat'l Holiday, 21 from 6/92 RBSWC DX News via Don Weber Botswana - President's Day, 20 In an article in the Radio Budapest lis- Canada - Canada Day & Memorial Day, 1 tener's newsletter, the topic of new radio Colombia - Independence Day, 20 countries has been brought up: France - Bastille Day, 14 "Thelandlist committeeof the European Ghana - Republic Day, 1 DX Council has recently tried to bring order- Malawi - Republic Day, 6 liness to this very chaotic area. The newly Peru - Independence Day, 28-29 formed independent republics on the territory Rwanda - Independence Day, 1 of the former Soviet Union have all become South Korea - Constitution Day, 17 'autonomous radio countries'. .." Venezuela - Independence Day. 5 The thirteen new countries are: Belrus, Moldavia. Russia and Ukraine (Europe), Lots of Independence Days this month. Is itArmenia, Azerbaidzsan, Georgia, Kazachstan, the July heat that causes a nation of dissent-Kirghizistan, Nalthichevan, Tadzsikistan, ers to rise up or is it just coincidence? SoundsTurkmenistan and Uzbeghistan (Asia). Esto- like a good topic for a doctoral thesis ... nia, Latvia and Lithuania have already been considered seperate countries. The EDXC does not, however, recognize PIRATE RADIO IN SAN FRANCISCO as separate countries those regions not ac- from The Bay Guardian 5/13/92 via Henryknowledged by the UN such as Slovenia or Mensch Erithrea. Henry sent along a very interesting ar- What I would like to know, is do we have ticle from a local paper (which looks to be oneany specific policies from ANARC or any other of those interesting, left -of -center weekliesstateside council? Does anybody have any that all good cities have) that talks aboutcomments on this? Our own SPEEDX list is "guerilla broadcasters" taking to the airwavesbased on the ITU list in the WRTH, but that in San Francisco. It seems that a founder ofwon't be updated for quite some time. How Japan's Free Radio movement, Tetsuo Kogawa, about some input, loyal readers? has helped to spread the use of low -wattage unlicensed FM transmitters to provide more HELP WANTED localized programming in the Bay Area. via RN's Media Network 6/5/92 "Political activists started some of these Many of you may remember DW's stations to promote their views, avant-garde Montserrat relay site being destroyed by Hur- musicians used others to broadcast tapes ricane Hugo in 1989. Well, the station is being ignored by mainstream radio, groups ofrebuilt and has been testing as Radio Antilles housewives organized stations to discusson 930 kHz. Their staff is incomplete, how- neighborhood issues. These stations, Kogawa ever, as they are looking for a station manager. said, are the modern equivalent of the leafletAnybody qualified should apply to: R Antilles, or newsletter, grassroots communication forP.O. Box 35, Montserrat, West Indies. Page Three QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS casts on WWV at ,18 minutes past the hour. Dave Thompson wrote in with a question I hope this sheds some light on a techni- about the sunspot cycle and how it effects cal and confusing subject! shortwave radio reception. Well, I did a little By the way, Dave Thompson says he bit of research and found a very helpful article does most of his listening In the daytime and in the 1992 World Radio 'TV Handbook.
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