FREE 2016 BENDBUSINESS AND LIFESTYLE PUBLISHED BY THE BENDChamber TECH BIOSCIENCE BREWING DISTILLING FOOD Brian Fratzke CHAIRMAN OF THE BEND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Owner of Fratzke Commercial Real Estate Advisors MAKE Works on Saturdays in his sweatpants, a t-shirt and fl ip fl ops. LEARN MORE ABOUT BRIAN - PAGE 52 the move Relocation resources - page 65 LOOK IN THE RED PAGES FOR BEND’S PREFERRED BUSINESSES - PAGE 76 OUR GRATITUDE GOES OUT TO ALL WHO HAVE SUPPORTED THIS ENDEAVOR, ESPECIALLY THE BEND CHAMBER MEMBERS WHO MAKE IT ALL POSSIBLE. PRODUCTION TEAM PHOTO BY: CHRISTIAN HEEB CASCADE CENTER OF PHOTOGRAPHY DESIGN & LAYOUT STEPHANIE SHAVER [email protected] resource (541) 382-3221 Guides Bend Chamber Staff ..........................4 EDITOR Bend Chamber Board of Directors ...5 RACHAEL REES VAN DEN BERG Community Resources ......................6 [email protected] (541) 382-3221 Business Resources ...........................8 Transportation...................................16 ADVERTISING Relocation .......................................64 PATTY DAVIS Preferred Business Listings [email protected] Red pages.. ......................................76 (541) 382-3221 PUbLIcaTIon credITS : MEMBERSHIP PUbLISher: bend chamber, PrInTIng bY: The bULLeTIn coVer PhoTo bY: The hIdden ToUch PhoTograPhY coVer deSIgn bY STePhanIe ShaVer ©2015 bend chamber. SHELLEY JUNKER no PorTIon of ThIS PUbLIcaTIon maY be reProdUced In anY form WIThoUT WrITTen conSenT from The bend chamber. The InformaTIon In ThIS dIrecTorY IS gaThered In [email protected] SUch a WaY aS To enSUre maXImUm accUracY. (541) 382-3221 COVER PHOTO BY THE HIDDEN TOUCH PHOTOGRPAHY 2 | bend chamber of commerce inside LifestyleArticles Business Articles History of the chamber ................... 18 Don’t lose your marbles ................................... 9 Once upon a time in Bend .............. 20 Entrepreneurial ecosystem ............................. 22 Two Old Hippies ............................ 36 Bioscience ...................................................... 27 Vote with your fork ........................ 40 Tech ................................................................ 28 Business attire ............................... 42 Oregon Outdoor Alliance .............................. 30 Small talk ...................................... 48 Brewing & distilling ...................................... 32 People making an impact ............... 51 Health care ..................................... 62 Tips for trademark protection ........................ 50 New vs. old .................................... 68 Central Oregon Community College ............ 72 A snapshot of our school district .... 73 OSU-Cascades .............................................. 74 bendchamber.org | 3 TIM CASEY SANDY STEPHENSON ROBIN ROGERS JAMIE CHRISTMAN PreSIdenT & ceo coo / cfo SVP ProgramS & eVenTS dIrecTor LeaderShIP bend & [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] goVernmenT affaIrS Serving the bend chamber for 13 years Serving the bend chamber Serving the bend chamber [email protected] executive committee member for over 18 years for 6 years Serving the bend chamber for 3 years CHRIS BOYLE SHELLEY JUNKER RACHAEL REES VAN DEN BERG STEPHANIE SHAVER daTa coordInaTor memberShIP conSULTanT commUnIcaTIonS coordInaTor marKeTIng & deSIgn [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Serving the bend chamber Serving the bend chamber Serving the bend chamber Serving the bend chamber for 10 years for 6 years for 2 years for 3 years CONTACT: (541) 382-3221 BENDCHAMBER.ORG 777 NW WALL ST. STE 200, BEND, OR 97703 We believe in business success, KAY SCHUSTER BONNIE VANDIVER PATTY DAVIS quality of life and engaging the memberShIP SerVIceS eVenT coordInaTor bUSIneSS deV. eXec. community to make a positive [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] impact on the future of Bend. Serving the bend chamber Serving the bend chamber Serving the bend chamber for 1 year for 3 years for 1 year 4 | bend chamber of commerce the eXecUtiVe board CHAIRMAN: brIan fraTZKe CHAIRMAN ELECT: rob moore VICE CHAIR & TREASURER PAST CHAIRMAN: mIchaeL LaLonde fratzke commercial real estate arbor mortgage heaTher hanSen deschutes brewery Inc. [email protected] [email protected] bryant Lovlien & Jarvis Pc [email protected] (541) 306-4948 (541) 323-0422 [email protected] (541) 312-1982 (541) 382-4331 the board TALENA BARKER ELLYN BIEDSCHEID KEITH DODGE JEFF EAGER event divas | (541) 647-4907 hydro flask | (541) 584-9376 Keith dodge cPa LLc | (541) 306-5141 eagerLaw Pc | (541) 848-7144 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] JEFF ROBBERSON GARY KRONMILLER VIC MARTINEZ MICHAEL SIPE adVocacY coUncIL chaIrman [email protected] | (541) 788-1782 Insurance Partners LLc | (541) 280-2831 crossPointe capital | (541) 390-8610 [email protected] robberson ford Lincoln mazda [email protected] (541) 382-4521 | [email protected] STEPHEN WYMER SCOTT WALLACE EX-OFFICIO, Jon SKIdmore EX-OFFICIO, Tom roWLeY onPoint community credit Union The WaLLace groUP Inc city of bend | (541) 693-2175 edco | (541) 388-3236 x4 (541) 749-2240 (541) 382-4707 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] bendchamber.org | 5 COMMunitYResources DEMOGRAPHICS / CLIMATE HEALTHCARE TRANSPORTATION POPULATION (2015) MEDICAL CARE RAIL City of Bend 79,985 St. Charles Health System ....(541) 382-4321 AMTRAK (passenger) Deschutes Co. Health Dept. .(541) 322-7400 via Chemult Stati on ............ (800) 872-7245 INCOME & EXPENSES Deschutes Co. Behavioral Health (541) 322-7500 Burlington Northern Railroad Median Household Income ............ $35,523 (Freight)...........1-800-795-2673 Average Home Price (2014) ........... $344,694 MEDIA AIR Average Rental (3 bedroom) ............... $1,221 NEWSPAPERS Roberts/Redmond Municipal Airport Bend Business Journal .........(541) 382-3221 (Commercial) ...................(541) 548-0646 AVERAGE TEMPERATURES The Bulleti n ........................(541) 382-1811 Bend Municipal Airport Spring ............................................29°-74° F Cascade Business News ......(541) 388-5665 (General Aviati on) ............(541) 389-0258 Summer ........................................41°-81° F The Source Weekly .............(541) 383-0800 BUS Fall ................................................22°-63° F Cascades East Transit ............(541) 385-8680 Winter ...........................................21°-46° F RADIO STATIONS Bend Radio Group ..............(541) 388-3300 PRECIPITATION KSJJ-FM (102.9) ......... www.ksjj1029.com UTILITIES ELECTRIC Average rainfall per year 11.4 inches KXIX-FM (94.1) ............www.power94.fm Average snowfall per year 23 inches KMGX-FM (100.7) www.themix1007.com Central Electric Coop., Inc ....(541) 389-1980 KICE-AM (940)............www.espn940.com Pacifi c Power .......................(888) 221-7070 Mid State Electric .................(541) 536-2126 EDUCATION RESOURCES KRXF-FM(92.7) ........ www.929online.com Bend-La Pine Public Schools GAS 520 NW Wall St Combined Communicati ons (541) 382-5263 Cascade Natural Gas ............(888) 522-1130 Bend, OR 97703 ..............(541) 355-1000 KBND-AM (1110) ........... www.kbnd.com WATER/SEWER KLRR-FM (101.7) ....... www.clear1017.fm Students enrolled K-12 (public): 17,122 Avion Water Company ..........(541) 382-5342 Public Faciliti es KTWS-FM (98.3) ....... www.thetwins.com KMTK-FM (99.7) ....www.997thebull.com City of Bend .........................(541) 388-5515 Elementary Schools: 17 County Watermaster ...........(541) 306-6885 Middle Schools: 7 KNLR-FM (97.5) ................(541) 389-8873 High Schools: 5 REFUSE/RECYCLING Private Schools: 18 TELEVISION Bend Garbage & Recycling ...(541) 382-2263 Central Oregon Community College BendBroadband ..............(541) 382-5551 Deschutes Recycling .............(541) 388-1910 2600 NW College Way KTVZ-Channel 21 (NBC) ...(541) 383-2121 Cascade Disposal .................(541) 382-6660 Bend, OR 97703 ..............(541) 383-7700 Fox Central Oregon .........(541) 383-2121 Deschutes Co. Solid Waste ...(541) 317-3163 Linfi eld College Zolo Media ......................(541) 388-7714 Knott Landfi ll ........................(541) 317-3163 (800) 452-4176 Oregon Redempti on Center .(877) 912-2019 Oregon State University - Cascades Campus 2600 NW College Way SENIOR SERVICES TELECOMMUNICATIONS Bend, OR 97701 ..............(541) 322-3100 Residenti al and business services: Waldorf School of Bend ................................ Central Oregon Council on Aging (541) 678-5483 BendBroadband ............... (541) 382-5551 2150 NE Studio Rd. Ste. 2 Bend Senior Center ..............(541) 388-1133 Century Link ..................... (541) 388-5214 Bend, OR 97701 ..................(541) 330-8841 Social Security Admin. ..........(800) 772-1213 Cascade Tel ..................... (541) 388-5158 Deschutes County Veteran Services Offi ce Quantum Communicati ons ..(541) 923-5599 .....(541) 385-3214 Business service only: Bend Vet Center ...................(541) 749-2112 BendTel ........................... (541) 389-4020 Phone Books (available at the Bend Chamber): Dex Media ....................... (800) 762-1365 * FULL RESOURCE LISTINGS IN OUR RED PAGES hibu .................................. (877) 237-6120 ZIPLOCAL. ......................... (855) 947-5622 6 | bend chamber of commerce EMERGENCY SERVICES
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