Mm Si ,.v.!.vorw.Mi.vii..'.w.t'.^ .)..!;>il^l;c,l.J; X-.K y .1-1. 11 i i I I Tttur»a»ii Maj 21,1890. PEOPLE'S STORE! YOU SAVE MONEY Elic McManaman spent last Sunday DRY GOODS AND CARPET HOTTSS. nt George Munro's.—Rev, N. E, Olbbs and fainl ly of Suufleld visited v friends " lit this place last week.—Clark Miller of Jackson visited his sister, Mrs, Van- •' Marterlast week. , • • •..•.•'.'.-..•-;• ;;V VOL. XXXVIII-NO 21. Come to Mason Memorial Day. The city intends to observe the custom of devoting the MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 88; 1895 WHOLE NO. 1951. % -^-J West Delhi.: ';'.j",j 'May 18—Loud complaints are being day in doing honor to its brave defenders, and have prepared to exoell all previous efforts. made in tikis vicinity over tlie damage Bead Hall's' ad. this week. orSpring Dress prints 8} cents, nt Hall's. Decoration Day. done to wheat, by the appearance of Come to the People's Store every day for the best values for your money in Dry Goods Insects again.—Henry Pratt lias moved Another good rain Monday evening, Robert Martin will appear before It will he well observed'at Ma• -away, just where we are unable to say. Very pleasant rain last Suuday Justice Squiers today for violating the son and all are Invited to come and and Carpets. New lines of seasonable Goods just received. Ginghams, Prints, Percales, liquor law. —Will Buck's now house has just re• sPiS!aU^„ HAMMOCKS night, participate. ceived a new coat of paint, and he See notice of pooketbook lost in ' YOU are invited to spend your day In Officers of the day: President, will;move in shortly.—The reading m Ilk Hk' ******** Wagon Wash Dress. Goods, Etc another column. Mason July 4. A rousing celebration, Mayor VanSiyke; Marshall, Capt. A. WE HAVE circle will meet with Chas. Chapman CUOQVBT SETS, BASE BALL cool shade, interesting program. Cheney; Chaplain, Rev. H, W. Pow• next Friday evening, May 22.—Mr. We have the greatest variety ever shown in Ingham county and Our Carpets still going at Special Prices. Best All Wool Ingrain Carpet at 49c per yard. Lansing's new city hall tower will ell. Just what you want.. A Nice Samuel Lessenv is building an addi• BIQ.-YCLE8, ' GOODS. - soon contain its two tou bell. Chas. SiUs of Alaledon lias been ar• The procession will form on C street Big Easy'.Lawn!,Chair.for only 98c tion to his burn—Ed. Vromau is ou we are offering Lower Prices than the same quality rested for assault and battery upon Other grades as low as 25c per yard. Jackson and Lansing high schools Wilh right on Ash^street at 1:30 p. in. the sick list. Geo. Parker, u minor, and will have sharp, in the following order: Band, Those Beautiful Glass Berry or of work can be purchased for elsewhere. played ball at Jackson last Tuesday, his trial in Squiers' court today. Our stock of Wall Paper and Window Shades is the Co. F., M. N. a, U. R. K. of P. Fruit Sets arc the Biggest Bargains Holt. A full line of Shirt Waists. New and nobby styles. ' Our aged friend, JamesBoollttie, lies March to G. A. R, hall and escort We manufacture our vehicles and warrant them and our most complete in the city, and our prices suit the times. Special for Saturday at Mills', 10 yds you ever saw for 29c n set. dangerously sick at Ills home in Aure• cbullie and lawn 39c, 1 bale 0 ccotton So PhilMcKeman Post including all vet• May 10—Sam Billon of Bancroft vis- lius. erans, Phil McKeruau W. R. C, El- ited relatives here last week.—Mr. and warrant means something. per yard. * We sell Tea Cups or Saucers Spring Capes and Jackets one-fourth off. Prof. McKone will give the address son Steele Camp S. of V, and flower Mrs. Everett returned from Gratiot Yours truly, The case against F.'E. Clickncr for girls to the opera house. separately. 14 lust Saturday, where they have been BROWNE'S BOOK STORE. at Felts school house Memorial Bey ut 0:30 a. in. hawking and peddling without license That big load of Wall Paper that, visiting relatives for nearly two weeks. Good bargains all through our stock of clean NEW Goods. has been adjourned until to-day and EXERCISES AT OPERA HOUSE. —Mrs. A. Myers und buby of Owosso Tli roc blocks northeast Phillips, optician, remains till Sat• Music. came last Tuesday was for us and it or court house. may be discontinued on account of visited at Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cook's Mason Carriage Co. urday, p. in. No longer. Don't delay.* some defect in the law. Prayer—Rev. H. W. Powell contained some cf the handsomest .receutly.—Huttie Billon is visiting ber New Advertisements Ibis Week. • Music. sister iu Aiaiedon.—The weekly pray• 42eowtf .Mason, Mich. What Wo Have—Ford & Klrby. The Methodist Sunday school is pre• There wijl he an Ice cream social Decoration Day exercises by Phil patterns you ever saw.. Ice Cream Soda—Longyear Bros. paring to observe Children's day Sun• at Wallace Taylor's Friday night, er meeting will De held at Mr. Alonzo Flno Teas and Coffees—"/undercook Grocery McKernuu Post, No. 53, G. A. 11. All kinds of Crockery, Glass and ; Cheney's next Wednesday evening.— Co. day, June 7. June 5, proceeds to go to the Etchell M usio. Horinsdorr day—Mills Dry Goods Co. Bayard Miller returned to Adrian last Fine Tea and Rev. Bavid Howell will supply the. Sunday school. Come aud have i Roster of comrades wbose gruves Tinware cheap. lie Couldn't Drive Nails. Special Sale—People's Store. good time and help the Sunday school Monday to resume work.—Geo. Miller White Oak. Special Sale—Parkhuist. Presbyterian pulpit next Sabbath both are to be decoruted by Historian W " It always pays you to buy your left for the northern part of the state Fltchborg. days on their large farm last week.— The White Oak and Leroy farmers' Jonas Swartz, Harlviiie, Ohio, re• Specials for one wook—O. II, Hall. morning and evening. Adams. Colored Shoes—F. W. Webb. The Henley lawn mower excels all goods of us and come to Mason to Monday, where lie will work his We regret to learn that Henry Stowell club convened as usual May 10. Meet, lates an experience all the more won• Memorial address by Mrs. Mary C Mrs. M. J. Titus has sold her farm Coffee, Probato Court—Estate or Francis McMabon; Pastor G. T. Curtis of Aurelius and others, for sule only hy C. F. Browu*2 brother's farm. is no better. _ ing called to order by President Curtis derful because be is now nearly seven• You Farmer! Estate of Sally M, Fowler; Estate of Wil• Bliss of Saginaw. celebrate the 4th of July. to Rose Ann Obrieu and will move to liam tiedney. H. W. Powell of Mason exchange pul• The matinee at the fair ground to• Mason to make her future home.—S. Beeman, ty. He says: ''I wouldn't take $100 Music. Aurelius. Will see our new wagon at yourdoor< Order or Publication—A. M. Cummins. pits next Suuday evening. morrow is a sure thing. Tlie bicycle Benediction. Eden. W. Dunham and his wheel have gone Music by our local choir. Roll call for the good Br. Wheeler's Nerve Vi• In a few days. Look for our name< on the wagon. Yon will do well to ( races will he iu the afternoon and will At the close of these exercises the to Cohoctali to-engage iu the crusade The protracted efforts at the M. E. ed by the secretary, and minutes of talizer has done me. I always worked Burglars broke into Mapes aud Co.'s FORD& KIRBY. May 10—Lillie Carr is in this vicini• trade with us, lor you will Und a large < he a quarter mile and a one mile race procession will form and march to the church closed Sunday night.—Claud previous meeting read and approved. hard .and was cureless about a little NEWS NOTES. clothing store at Lansing lust Friday ty again.—Mrs. Leverett and two chil• work.—A fine program has been ar• and complete lino of OUR ROYAL both open to all Ingham county riders cemetery where the following program Hill went to Vernon Suturduy and Select reading was next in order stomach trouble I had and sleepless• night aud took some good clothes. .Bazaar, Crockery and Wall Paper. dren are visiting their uncle, Isaac ranged for Decoration day to he held No charge for eutry. Shoulder your wiii be observed: Upon arriving at at the M. £. church ut 1:30 o'clock. visited his brother over Sunday.— Mrs. Theo, Weston opened the exer ness, which I suppose accounts for the CHOICE.... Only three weeks more will finish Tallmau.—Benuis Walton and Chas. SATSUMA TEA the school year. Tnanks to John Lyon for compli• wheel aud win. the cemetery the procession will Oration will be given by Geo, R. Heck Frank Isiiam was home over Sunday. cises hy reading an interesting and nervous trouble which struck me about Ash and Main Sts. Klrby are putting down drive weils GROCERIES; mentary, delicious and lusty strawber• Bavid M. Miller, father of Mr. Ed movo to the Soldiers' Memorial lot of Lansing. The procession will then —Mr. S. Parker went to Lansing amusing article entitled "Rural Re• four years ago. Limbs of my right side Speclul shirt waist sale at the People's this week.—Miss Grace Staats of Al- And our prices are all right.
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