Thursday, March >1, 195* AUTOMOBILES ni SALE AUTOMOBILES NI SALE AUTOMOBILES NI SALE AUTOMOBILES NI SALE ummoims hi she mtomohles hi she automobiles for sale automobiles fob sale __ >^,4^ OUBLE CHECKED Nash Reductions .USED 1954 Rambler Custom sedan, . #48A .....................SAVE SPENDABLE 1954 Rambler Custom con­ < 1 vertible,' #71A, smart chartreuse, black top.SAVE • II 1954 Rambler Custom sta­ IRT-CHEAP cheveout . j tion wagon, #88A. Full air - conditioning; very smart.......SAVE DRIVE a "RECONDITIONED" IMS USED CARS 1153 Rambler Custom con­ vertible, #64 A. Bright *?L!JYMOUTM CHEVROLET red, black top, white­ NEW CAR TRADE-IN '48 PONTIAC walls .................. S1395 '47 TORD 1953 Rambler Custom hard­ $195 JES $145 #?363 GIVE-AWAY PRICE SALE! We're Still Giving 2-Day Free Driving Trial I/ i n-’ ' $645 $195 top, #55A . :....sim 1153 Rambler Custom start- 3Dsi *50 CHRYSLER VHt our conveniently located Used Car Lot or your way to *51 PLYMOUTH tion wagon, black and All Carefully Selected One-Owner Cars ar from Th* Rapid Transit Only 1 block East et Windemere Used Cars! $545 Used Cars! $595 rod, #30A. Few Station. #1366 nrilee . 8139* 1952 Rambler Custom sta­ 1942 CADILLAC C9QK 1>M STUDEBAKER tion wagon, #46A. 1953 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-Door Sedee $295 *47 CHRYSLER 4-Door ------------------- 4-Door------------ *49 PONTIAC *49 PLYMOUTH *50 FORD Very clean ................... $89* This luxurious Bel Air finished in the ever popular a mm Oh HH 1948 PLYMOUTH Special COBE <|1?X $295 1952 Rambler Custom con­ ivory over sunaold, offeet by beautiful whitewalls, nn ElnJ IMS STUDEBAKER Si AB J[j|gi3^ $275 2-Door «OK Convertible, R. 4c H. Deluxe 4-Door _ $345 #1377 vertible, #1152B. Light Interior color blends harmoniously with the exterior ▼ ■ ■ lea _____ £1*1 color. Equipped with radio, heater, and many other I Kg B 1947 OLDSMOBILE C9QK INI DODGE 4-Door CTOK ivory, blade top ......... $89* value plus accessories. Priced below th* market. ■ 2-Door. R. & H------- Radio & Heater */□« *49 CHRYSLER __ _ t *53 PLYMOUTH 1951 Rambler Custom con­ DODGE “6” <11 OB vertible, #R2043. New INS PLYMOUTH CR9R 1953 X7 $395 Club Coupe ----------- *343 Club Coupe--------ailww Used Cars! Used Cars! $M5 palomino brown. Re­ 1953 DODGE V-8 4-Door Torque. _____________ £12* conditioned ..........369* 1953 CHEVROLET -nr : ooo» 1S53 FORD V-E 4-Door R. A H. White ClOQE 1951 Rambler Cuetom sta­ Radio & Heater _V*W*a aide walls_______eiWw 1^'51 PLYMOUTH Beautiful two-ton* beige over Hawaiian bronze, d d d ■■ '49 CHRYSLER *47 CHRYSLER *52 CHRYSLER tion wagon, #95A. Fully equipped for - your driving pleasure, j 1 n INI PLYMOUTH CftOB IMS CHEVROLET 2-Door COOK ^B ■ ■ Cranbrook Windsor 1950 Custom convertible. Radio and heater. Ion* weartn* genuine Chevrolet ” ■ ■ 4-Dr. Cranbrook ----- sNlwv R. & H. Very clean ■ ■ 4-Door seat covers. Very attractive car that must be seen ■ ■ ^B Very clean ...................379* to be appreciated. By far one of the cleanest ’53 ■ ■ $39$ #1360 $95 #1381 $645i $995 MOUTH EHD SPECIAL #15B. New top, recon- - Chevrolets in town. *50 PLYMOUTH *51 LINCOLN dlttoned .........................349* ISM DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR. $595 1954 Statesman sedan, Radio and Heater---- -------------------- --- Used Cars! #)JM #1188A. Beautiful 2- MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Used Cars! $495 $695 1950 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2-DOOR tone green; new oar Finished tn eye catching 2-tone green. Equipped with C I guarantee ................... S1995 full complement of genuine Chevrolet accessories in- I own payment p EMONSTRATION elivery 1953 Statesman sedan, eluding radio, heater. This one is clean and has received Ml ■ I YOUR OLD CAR IMMEDIATELY #57A. Low mileage. S1395 careful attention. A bargain at this special price. • SB B QB I FINANCING IS ENOUGH 1953 Statesman Custom D D TO SUIT YOU hardtop, #1194B. Pop­ CANNING'S ular red and black, Tear Headquarters lor DODGE - PLYMOUTH CARS and DODGE TRUCES We Dare Anyone Anywhere To Match Our Deal red leather.................S1595 1954 FORD CUSTOMLINE CLUB COUPE USED CAR LOT 1952 Statesman sedan, Th* fashion oar the family is sure to like. This one 14401 Euclid Avenue #535. Beautiful 2-tone 3995 —gleaming moonlite cream over fallom green. Mile- d* NS OpsetMe Beat Cleveland City Hall ACROSS THE STREET age is so low it's unbelievable. It has all equipment '111 TAKE A TIP-SEE 1951 Statesman 2-door, r’EN MONDAY. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY #1085B. Economy including push button sir conditioning, radio, heater, EVENIN8S TILL • F. M. GLanvilla 1-5300 with many other custom accessories. This outstand- ■ B ^B spedal .............,...........$585 ing Ford is backed by our OK warranty in writing. ■ 1950 Statesman 2-door or 4- Come see this amazing always garaged beauty. door. Choice of sev­ Buy with Confidence at GROFF-TRIPP, INC. eral. all reconditioned, guaranteed ..........8395 CONVERTIBLE 9300 ST. CLAIR AVE. ULster 1-1800 1954 Ambassador Super 1953 CHEVROLET at ALLAN Motors! SEE sedan. Sparkling ebony A shamrock green top over sea mist green body ska dF BH makes this car a perfect picture of beauty. Full ygV ~ Chrysler • Plymouth Qi Cleveland black, chartreuse top, leather interior in matching colors which has had I Don Sanzo, Gen. Mgr. #81A. Hydramatic, absolutely no wear. Genuine Chevrolet radio and ■ *BBB OPEN MON. - WED. - FRI. TILL 9 P. M. - SATURDAYS TILL 6 P. M. all weather air conditioning heater,» directional ■ power steering, lights and side mirror. This won’t be here tong. power brakee........... 82495 during 1953 Ambassador sedan, #1967A. Hydramatic . 81695 1952 Ambassador sedan, 1952 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Clob Coipe OFFICIAL #62A. Hydramatic . $1195 This is a beauty finished in gorgeous jet black. Radio. < ■W D® Many Other Nash Models on heater, low mileage. Honestly mean throughout. Tires W B UK 1^ 5 Display at our 2 Big Addresses are good for a trip to both coasts. We never cut quality, B A but we do cut prices. A real bargain for only B WH SB .a*- Large Selection of Other Nash PUBLIC SALE! Models on Display at Both Ad­ dresses. Low Down Payments, Formerly of TAPCO Months to Pay. 1953 BUICK SUPER HARDTOP Immediate Financing Euclid and Coit Rd. Branches 1152 FORD Customline __ OAQE Join the country chib set in this gorgeous super NW dk M Fordor ..................... QUUU clean, super hardtop convertible. Gleaming sea % V H ■ Integrity Counts! 1854 mist green over woodland green offset by sparkling “ I * PLYMOUTH OCE This is our policy and guarantee; almost new whitewall tires. Of course Buick's time ■ B B NO DOWN PAYMENT! 4-Door Sedan .... <1OUU proven famous V-8 engine with Dynaflow, radio, ■ W Ask for your advertised car by heater and many other Buick deluxe accessories. Full Per Full Per 1853 PLYMOUTH number. Prices plainly marked Price Month Price Month on windshields of all advertised 1064 BUICK Hardtop ____ INI CHEVROLET The Best For The Least Belvedere Spt. Cpe. V ■ Super 82396 $27.81 4-Door ..... ._ 296 90 4.31 cars, first come, first served. Cars INI MERCURY 4-Dr. 597.38 4.33 1141 FORD Cuatomlino fOflC specified "as-is" ar* not guaran­ 1952 CHEVROLET Styllae Delixe 2-Dr. 1964 MERCURY Tudor ....................... Monterey __ . 3196.17 INI PLYMOUTH <WsJ0 teed; written 30-day guarantee Belvedere .......— 69742 9.49 — TAKE YOUR PICK — Here’s one of those well kept models which has had m db HH 1063 CHEVROLET on all others. Low finance rates the very best of care and snows absolutely no wear. WK Rd 1951 PONTIAC 2-Dr._ 697.49 8.42 1951 WIUY8 equipped for Includes 2-Door ___ 12.32 PONTIAC by national company, standard Factory your driving pleasure. YJK JK 1950 1951 HENRY J 2-Door ......................................................$125 Station Wagon ........ < ■ Chevrolet public accepted all weather air conditioning mNN M . m 1963 PLYMOUTH 4-Door. blue----- 497.62 7.69 terms. Immediate delivery to heater. This car carries our famous OK full written —— WW Club Coupe - 993.10 1322 1960 MERCURY 1951 DODGE 4-Dr. warranty. 1963 FORD Tudor, 2-Door ___ 369.19 6.19 1949 DODGE Club Coupe ................................................$150 credit-worthy buyers. Remember, 3 of------- ----- 907.32 1343 1960 NASH 4-Door — 197.61 4.03 4-Dr. Coronet .......... wUUU integrity counts! 1983 NASH 4-Door 1067.08 10.M 1950 FORD 1946 PLYMOUTH 2-Door—Sharp ....................................$150 Your Car Can Be Down Paymsni Even With a 1963 PLYMOUTH 4- or 2-Door ___ 287.14 6.12 1947 CHEVROLET Aero 2-Door .................... S150 Many Others To Choos* From "Buy Where Integrity Counts" Club Coupe 70S JI 1342 1960 BUICK, Real Balance Due. See Vs For Dtlaili. 1963 STUDEBAKER sharpI 394.91 6.12 2-Door------------- 90741 14.91 1960 PONTIAC, aharp 497.14 6.02 1946 DODGE 4-Door ....................................................... $175 MF.T BULLER 1052 HENRY J. green 402.01 7.04 1950 OLDSMOBILE 1948 CHEVROLET 2-Door................................................. $250 YOU CAN BE SURE AT 1052 OLDS “M * 2-Dr. 1449 597.15 7.42 MOTORS 1N2 CHRYSLER 4-Dr. 797.18 9.47 1960 STUDEBAKER 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-Door ......................................... ... $250 East End 1N3 FORD Club ----- 59840 8.81 Starlight _ 289.19 4.01 DODGE - PLYMOUTH DEALER 1N2 FORD Victoria _ 897.00 11.62 1949 CADILLAC ‘62’— 798.20 10.65 1948 CHRYSLER New Yorker Sedan............................. $250 1962 CHRYSLER 1949 HUDSON 14020 SL Clair Avenue Hardtop — 807.00 11.62 Convertible — 245 82 525 1948 FORD V-8 Fordor .................................................... $295 DORNER Chevrolet Co. INI PLYMOUTH 1M9 FORD Tudor. GLenville 1-2515 NASH 2*4Door __ _____ 48749 7.02 Clean ______ 243.22 1948 PONTIAC Sedanette ............................................... $295 sBBvnra leveland 27 rsjuts INI NASH Ambae 1040 MERCURY "Ohio's Largest Nash Dealer' C Mdor 3-Dr. ____ 748 2-Door __ 297.10 4.01 1947 CADILLAC "62" 4-Door — Sharp ......................
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