period; therefore, Spain remained on Tier 1. The government SPAIN demonstrated serious and sustained efforts through increased prosecutions of traffickers, including the first prosecutions of defendants who allegedly forced victims to commit crimes. Authorities cooperated extensively with multinational law enforcement efforts, trained more police and judicial officials, and strengthened collaboration with NGOs in victim identification and assistance. Although the government meets the minimum standards, it convicted fewer traffickers, initiated fewer investigations, and identified fewer labor trafficking victims than in the prior reporting period. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SPAIN Increase prosecutions and convictions of trafficking offenses, particularly for forced labor; increase training on proactive victim identification, in particular among women in prostitution, irregular migrants, unaccompanied minors, and workers in industries and agricultural regions with high incidences of labor exploitation; increase efforts to reduce demand for forced labor, including in supply chains and government procurement; train all prosecutors and judges, not just those specializing in trafficking cases, on a victim-centered approach to law enforcement; extend protections for all victims under the 2015 Law of the Statute of Victims of Crime, including through increased training for judges; increase witness protection resources available to victims; continue improvements in police training at both national and provincial levels, including increased focus on effective and accurate interviewing standards of victims; further strengthen levels of cooperation between NGOs and law enforcement officials at both national and regional levels; continue implementation of the national plan, adding benchmarks and indicators of progress; provide victims with access to compensation, including from assets seized from traffickers. PROSECUTION The government maintained law enforcement efforts. Article 177 bis of the criminal code criminalizes forced labor or begging, sexual exploitation and organ removal by means of force, fraud or coercion. In keeping with international law, reliance on means of force, fraud or coercion is not necessary to prove a crime of trafficking when the victim is a child. The law prescribes penalties from five to eight years imprisonment, with enhanced penalties of up to 12 years in certain circumstances, including when the trafficker is a public official or part of a criminal conspiracy. These penalties are sufficiently stringent and generally commensurate with the prescribed penalties for other serious crimes. Trafficking for purposes of the commission of crimes is expressly prohibited in the criminal code. The Office of the Prosecutor reported investigating 272 cases for sexual or labor trafficking in 2016, compared to 344 cases in 2015 and SPAIN: TIER 1 293 cases in 2014. The government initiated prosecutions of 54 The Government of Spain fully meets the minimum standards defendants (37 for sex trafficking and 17 for labor trafficking) in for the elimination of trafficking. The government continued to 2016, compared with 45 in 2015 (30 and 15, respectively). For the first time the government prosecuted four defendants under demonstrate serious and sustained efforts during the reporting 1 article 177 bis for trafficking for the purpose of the commission continued to update and use a victim resource guide, available of crimes. Courts convicted 24 traffickers in 2016, of which 22 in 12 languages, also for use by victims. The guide listed by were for sex trafficking and two for labor trafficking, a decrease region 50 NGOs providing services, 164 shelters for victims compared with 58 convictions for sex trafficking and two for and their children, and covered social, psychological, medical, labor trafficking in 2015. legal, training, housing, and job search tools. While the government did not provide comprehensive In 2015, the government enacted laws providing additional SPAIN sentencing data, examples included a 34-year sentence for the protections to sex trafficking victims, including more time to leader of a sex trafficking ring, plus a fine of €80,000 ($84,300) appeal the dismissal of cases against alleged traffickers; the ability to be provided to the victims. A court sentenced two traffickers to appeal decisions made by court officials regarding terms of to 10 and 13.5 years in prison, respectively, for sex trafficking incarceration, parole, and release; as well as requiring that of Nigerian women, plus a fine of €100,000 ($105,370) used victims receive updates on the status of cases. The government for victim compensation. Two traffickers received sentences of had not yet reported on implementation of these provisions. 34.5 and 36 years, respectively, for labor exploitation of four Police in Catalonia often asked NGOs to join investigations Spaniards. Traffickers serve an average of 75 percent of their to better assist victims and provide information to victims sentence before being eligible for parole, and courts may impose on resources available to them. Assets seized from convicted separate sentences on multiple criminal offenses. defendants supported a fund used to fight or prevent trafficking or to assist victims, although NGOs reported that seized assets The government did not report any new investigations, were rarely used for victim compensation. NGOs called for legal prosecutions, or convictions of government officials complicit reform to better protect witnesses, including permitting video in human trafficking offenses. Authorities collaborated with testimony in all cases and increased resources to the Office of transnational investigations, including one 2016 operation in Witness Protection to provide adequate assistance to victims, as which national police detained 24 members of a sex trafficking fewer victims were willing to testify against criminal networks ring and assisted 21 Nigerian female victims. The government in cases where the court allowed release of witness names. provided specialized training on trafficking to law enforcement NGOs noted while police training improved with increased officials developed with input from NGOs. In 2016, the use of NGO trainers and materials in victim identification government trained 300 new civil guard officers on victim trainings, law enforcement personnel in some provinces did not identification, all new prosecutors on trafficking issues, and 600 have sufficient knowledge on the sensitivities and techniques civil servants and social workers in rural areas. The government required for interviewing and advising victims. included sessions on trafficking for the annual required training for judges. NGOs noted inconsistent application of victim Foreign victims could request a renewable residence permit for protections by judges, and along with the Office of the National up to five years based on their cooperation with law enforcement Rapporteur recommended increased training for judges on or, in some cases, on the basis of their personal situation without human trafficking. The government continued anti-trafficking regard to whether they assisted law enforcement. Victims could training for consular and immigration officials. also receive assistance to return to their country of origin if they were not participating in a criminal prosecution. The government allowed for reflection periods of a minimum of 90 PROTECTION days—time during which victims from outside the European The government maintained protection efforts. Authorities Union could recover while deciding whether to assist law reported identifying 73 victims of sex trafficking and 12 victims enforcement—however, the government did not report how of labor trafficking in the first six months of 2016, compared many victims received this benefit in 2016. Citizens of EU with 65 sex trafficking victims and 104 labor trafficking victims member states, however, are not limited to the 90-day reflection identified in the first six months of 2015. Authorities also period and face no deadline for claiming social services or identified 274 victims of sexual exploitation and 207 victims cooperating with authorities. Under the 2012 penal code of labor exploitation, who may also be trafficking victims. reform, approved in March 2015, victims are protected from Since 2013, the government has used a victim identification prosecution for any unlawful acts committed as a direct result protocol developed with NGO input. NGOs reported good of being subjected to trafficking. cooperation with law enforcement in the identification and referral of victims for assistance, including NGO participation in inspections of brothels and at locations where victims may PREVENTION have been present. The government maintained prevention efforts. The national anti-trafficking working group, operationally led by the Ministry The government maintained funding levels equal to those of of the Interior, and including the Ministries of Health, Justice, the prior year, allocating €4.9 million ($5.2 million) for the and Labor, set goals for fighting trafficking, established quarterly protection and support of trafficking victims, including €2 reviews, and facilitated data sharing between law enforcement million ($2.1 million) for NGOs providing services and shelter and other agencies. The government extended the national plan to victims. The government provided free health care, legal through 2018, with an increased focus on protection of women assistance, social welfare
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