Btata for the In- UBIOB Arenoe to ESTABLISHED 1893.—'No. 1316. CRANFORD. UNION boUNTY. N.J.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 4, 1912 PRICE 3 CENTS Arena* Fourth Street to I thereto, u eon. Satdal Nettttt, PUPILS* MUSIC/OE . TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE V.LA.NOTES " • Townthlp Com. 11. be collected In Furniture, ruga. Ho., tor sals Friday and The pupils' recital given by\Mrs. Trie ordinance providing for the The quarterly meeting of the V. L - s ftnt Instalment Saturday at 5 Hamilton •rente. < C. L. Plumb on the afternoon of De- construction, relaying and repair of attbedtMoluid A. was held Tuesday afternoon in the , •ulnuot thail br For Salt: Urge iim, Bobn Stab* B*. cember 28th, • touched a high standarbV curbs and gutters, which was laid on library building. Preceding"the tran- ' ISIS, and the thlnl trigentor, used only 8 month*; hqtlre 14 4>1* Aisiut lat of mosical excellence, and Mrs. Gel V^e table on Sept. 6lh, s/ter a hear- saction of business, prayer was offend " '.Just received a full line of Rtm- Central avenue, . • . *: ' . latly'a delightful muaie-rooin waa ing had brought out some vigorous < «h»ll Ute.l- Have yoo a copy of the Cranford pirec by the Rev. E. M. Compton. torjr? &U «r telephone your orferto the filled with a most-appreciative audi- oral and written objections from citi- The name of tbe Forestry Commit- Cranfonl Chronicle. ' : : / ence. The programme itself was un zens, was taken up and pasBed un- tee has been changed to tbe Commit* ItOerk. kel's Cocoa -and. Chocolates. Laundry work dooa home; also "Raitg usual only in that it embraced no animously at last night'a meeting of lee for the Conservation of Natural ervnlogt; Mr*. Lavlnia.Spiirloek,Johnson commonplace numbers, but Mrs the Township Committee. A reading Beauties. See Window Display. } Plumb's illuminating comments and of the ordinance will show that it It was voted that a letter of thanks Wanted: Beliabls woman u eeofc and explanations, as each pupil took her gives the committeu the same control be written Poitfhaster Warner for the laundrest or for general homework, S3 place at the key board, let the hearer Central avenue. •• . v. .i over curbs and gutters that it already able and efficient manner In wVjh the An experienced trained aitaedMt and in behind the scenes, so to speak, and exercises over sidewalks, and there is holiday mail was cared for. \ WALTER SCHOLES practical nuns would like position with showed the serious parposa and broad no more reason to suppose that the President Taft's Peace programme ' invalid man or woman, no lifting. AiHrew ideals of thai work of the earnest lit- authority will be abused in one case waa approved after Mrs. Benedict, 0, Box 8. Westfield, VI J. ^ r tle group of students. than In the other. Certainly in some president u( tbe New York Peace . Wo. Iileib li a temoher of art in 6oe In a talk on "Touch and Technic," parts of the town the presetvation of Tel. 62 respect,—ha can make farnacet drair. -He Circle, had spoken regarding it. U an expert in tbo plnmbing bMiartt, too, Mrs. Plumb said in part: "All technic (heitreets-as well as tidiness demands Mrs. Tubby of the Westtteld Wo- and will be glad to do your work properly is mental, and when the abstraction! that curbs and gutters be built, and min's Club gave an address on tbe and promptly. * ~ - of muscular contraction and other bad no improvement can be expected until work of the College Settlements. The Elmoret»r b praiied by •rtrybody habits ate eliminated, the avenue it the work is done by legal means. except the man who I* trying to Mil you a opened and a free ar.d intelligent con- An ordinance- for the paving of CASINO CONCERT & DANCE machine of anoibermake. A call at the cept of a compoiltion may bo given. Westfleld Garag* will show lh» reasons for Union avenue between Manor and One of the many pleasant events of Elmore superiority. ' ' ' il'ii' " Beauty of tone through complete Chester places was passed on two ho Holiday aeison was" the New There in nothing new about J. 1. Mil- muscular relaxation must accompany readings, and Jan. 17th was set OB Year concert and dance at the Casino ler's method of doing business. W gets studies in constructive analysis and the date for the hearing and ' final lait Friday evening? Tbe audience (rood vegetable* sua selli 'em al^hoo the mental and physical effort simul- passage of the measure. was large and brilliant. Tbe ballroom prices. - . j| taneously stimulated." Too few lis- Considerable surprise was occasion- in its Yuletlde decorations was a Bagoarpetsand rags wo«n to,order; teners are able to come away from THE BUSINESS WORLD drop a card and I will calL WHIrst, ed by the reading of a letter from the fitting adjunct to the chiming cos- ROM Are., Bahway, N. J. : $29. concerts with an ideal a* definite as State Board of Health, fixing October tumes of the women, The*concert " OH dellrered In 5 and 10 gallon lots at this little programme set forth. Each of this year as thu limit for etopping elten by four artists from the The World Takes You at the lloa gallon; erode oil 80c, floor e I 43o. pupil'seemed desirous of showing an the pollution of the Rahway River ut Russian Symphony assisted by Ztnt- benclne 90c. gasoline in 25 gal lotSt I8o. understanding of the composition an Bricktown with Cranford sewage, as ncr's orchestra was'of a high order, 0 r>avidEpps, 181 B. North are, CSnford. wall as sympathy with the bigger sub- the engineer had beon -told at his visit rho following programme was pre- Estimate You Place For Kent: A dMlrable store Tn"« ke W. ject of music as a whole, ""studied," to Trenton that the town^ would bt sented: M. Sperry building) dtclllagi formate or rant In all parts of town. J. CV" wK flu-as the teacher claimed, "apart from allowed a two years' extension. No Overture—Tannhausc'r, Orohetlra. kin, agt., 11E. North ave. M ^* the limitations of one medluriCBu'ch action on tbe matter was taken. Violin Solo—Hungarian Dances, Mr. Upon Yourself as piano, voice or violin, the medium The vacancies in tho Fire Depiirt^ GroonierRer of the Russian Symphony. Desk blotters In several colors sari brls- s tol board are on sale at the Chrasittl office being too often mistaken for tbe thing ment were filled by the appointment ArUfiom La Bohenie, Mr. Stronaky of at Be. a sheet . ], '.ho Metropolitan Grand Opera Co. The man with a savings itself." Tbe programme was as fol- of A. C. Vandemark and Arthur Kuh- 'Cello Solo-Melody in F, Mr. Edison of Solve the water supply qoertfcn for lows: Idilio, Lack; Minuet, Lys- tard as members, and Clarence Blake- ;ho Russian Symphony. account never lacks for yoorselt by having a well drilled ei your bsrg; Corlnne Belden. own premises by Frank T. Oladta£ Rah- slee as Captain of the Truck Co. Arl» from La Toaoa, Miss F. Lnbin of In view of tho early completion- of self respect and indepen- way, N. J. Tel.a67-B. Bahway. } Nocturne, Opus, No. 2, Chopin; * Violin Solo-HumoreBqu« (Dvorbk.) dence. He asks for what Nocturne, Opus 87, No. 1, Chopin; the undercrusBing adjoining tho river, Mr Greenbergcr. OBITUARY , Mildred Bourne. the engineer was instructed to prepart 'Cello Solo—Nocturne, Chopin, Mr. he wants and usually Polleeman Otto Bebnert di«d friday From Lyric Pieces, Opus 12, Grieg; plana for tho street that is to join Edison. gets it. night at bis borne on Burniide avenue. Walts; Dance of the Elves; Mary North and South avenues at that point. Solcotion—Naughty Marietta, Oroheitra. He was S7 year* of age. and leaves Gellatly. • a. Mayor Huina announced that in Every number was well rendered Having a savings account with this bank, two daughters, his wife hiving died From -Album Opus 68, Schumann; case arrangements coulu be made with and the audience showed Its apprecia- two years agb. ' Enter Verlust; Haschemann, Scbytte; Water Engineer Fuerties to be proBent tion by hearty applause. Zentner's means simply the deppsiting of $1 or more to your Betty LaMont a public meeting to dicauss the orchestra furnished music for dancing Mr. Behuert had been • member of which lasted until mornlnp. A fine credit—you will then do the rest and we pay the the regular police force slue* it was From'Poetic Tone Pictures, Grieg; water plant question would be held in the opera house next Thursday night, supper was served ort the lower floor. interest. founded. He was a member Of Court No. 1, No. 6, RuthKibbe. Onward, No. 61, F. of W.; Court Maxurka Opus 7,! No. 1, Chopin; aa it was thought the. town rooma The Casino management mtjr bo Mary Gellatly. | would not accommodate the crowo. congratulated upon providing so artis- Cranford, I. O. F.; Tonalukm Tribe of tic and pleasant a function. Red Men, and a member of the Pa- From gongs Without Words, Men- that would doubtless be in attendance. trolmen's Benevolent Ataoclatioon. detssohn; Spring Song. A Major; A complaint by F. W.' Park that THE CRANFORD NATIONAL BANK The funeral was held MtJqrfM^nd Corinne Balden. the sidewalk was obstructed by FIRST M. E. CHURCH NOTES interment took^ptaee) In Weatlleld.' ^ Second Mazurka, Opus 64, Godard; Shapiro's awning was answered by Tho Official Board will hold its Mildred Bourne. the statement that an ordinance for monthly meeting in tbo chapel to- Owing to an intJRation to dine with the abatement of such obstructions night.
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