NEWS UD reacts to Devos’ announcement to revise sexual assualt guidlines, pg. 4 A&E Staff writer discusses need for self-care in college, pg. 10 OPINIONS UD alum, Chris Irvine, releases debut novel, pg. 6 SPORTS New asst. women’s soccer coaches bring international expertise to the field, pg. 13 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2017 FLYER NEWS, VOL. 65 NO. 3 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON Meet SGA’s President and Vice President TAYLOR ALEXANDER Staff Writer Jamie Vieson and Allen Bruce approach their roles as Student Government President and Vice President with enthusiasm as they look to increase SGA visibility on campus through serving as effec- tive liaisons between the adminis- tration and student body. “Allen and I met through Camp Blue our freshman year, and we were in the same orientation group as well. He reached out to me during our junior year to see if I was interested in being appoint- ed as a Senator to fill a vacancy, and I talked to him about running for Vice President when it be- came clear we shared a vision for Jamie Vieson and Allen Bruce are excited to serve as the connection be- the direction in which we wanted tween UD students and administration. Photos courtesy of Jamie Vieson. to take SGA,” said Vieson. Vieson and Bruce were elected mittee and Sustainability Com- that’s going to happen,” and Vie- to their roles in March and imme- mittee. “We’ll also partner with son agrees. “I look forward to the diately began implementing that different organizations depending opportunity to make our mark on vision. Their five-point plan has on the campus climate,” said Vie- campus. I’m just really excited for internal and external goals. Chief son, referring to the Divided but what’s to come.” among them is the desire to in- United event sponsored in part by There are many ways to con- crease perception and visibility, Vieson and Bruce’s commit- through advocacy. “Advocacy is SGA following the U.S. presiden- nect with SGA to raise concerns, and to bridge the gap between ment to visibility extends to ad- essentially addressing the issues tial election. suggest advocacy projects or get SGA and campus organizations. ministration as well as campus that impact students on campus,” SGA elections happen twice involved. SGA is on Facebook “We are committed to attend- life; they both agree they’ve built explained Bruce. a year: class senators are elect- as University of Dayton Student ing different campus organization a solid foundation with the school SGA senators facilitated ed in the fall and the executive Government Association, on events and meetings so we can administration. “So far, we’ve met changes on campus, like add- team, including a vice president Twitter and Instagram as @ud_ learn about them and give them with Dr. Spina, and we’re looking ing stop signs to busy intersec- of finance and vice president of sga and Snapchat as ud_sga2. the opportunity to learn about forward to working with him this tions, increasing communication communication, are elected in the “If you have ideas for cam- some of the other things SGA year,” said Vieson. between Public Safety and the spring. This semester’s elections pus, you don’t have to be a part can do outside of funding,” said “We have real potential for a student body and getting more are Sept. 18 and 19 via OrgSync. of SGA to make those dreams a Vieson. “I also want to focus on relationship in helping each other equipment at the UD RecPlex. “I Each student is encouraged to reality. There are suggestion cards building a better relationship with achieve our goals. The adminis- want to delegate a little bit more vote for four senators to repre- to drop in the box outside of our the Center for International Pro- tration is open to new ideas and to the senators, so they realize sent their class. office at KU 253, and our email grams because I’ve noticed the you can tell they really care about what they’re doing is important,” Their goals might be lofty, but address is [email protected],” disconnect between domestic and the students,” said Bruce. said Bruce. their expectations are realistic. said Vieson. “If you want to keep international students. If we real- “That’s really exciting,” add- SGA sponsors events like Cul- Vieson and Bruce both believe in up with what we’re doing, the TV ly believe in community, we need ed Vieson, “because we have the tureFest, the 9/11 Flag Memorial setting reasonable expectations so screens in KU air our social media to reach out to international stu- unique opportunity to help ad- on the Central Mall and St. Pat- that projects are being completed announcements, and our weekly dents who are more interested in ministration with their goals as rick’s Day programming, as well and not left undone. “We only meetings are open to the pub- getting involved on campus and well.” as running various committees, have a year,” Vieson said, “and we lic.” These meetings take place on connect them with events they Another key internal goal is including Dayton2Daytona, Re- want to make the most of it.” Sundays at 6:00 p.m. in the KU might not be aware of.” to increase senator involvement ligious and Faith Affiliates Com- Bruce is “excited for the change Ballroom. 2 NEWS FLYER NEWS | TUESDAY, SEPT. 19 Discovering University of Dayton Interdenominational Ministry MELODY CONRAD Contributing Writer On a cloudy Wednesday night in the Marianist Hall Chapel, a group of three dancers elegantly swept across the room, toes pointed, bodies bent and arms raised to the sky. Praising God in dance, the trio was part of the Aug. 30 kick start to UDIM’s academic year. UDIM, University of Dayton Interde- nominational Ministry, is part of Campus Ministry. The University of Dayton has a tradition of providing opportunities for Protestant students to gather and worship. Starting as a part-time collaboration be- tween Campus Ministry and the Office of Diverse Student Populations, pastoral ser- vices were provided by an African Amer- ican pastor. Approximately twelve years ago, this grew to a full-time position in Campus Ministry. The University of Dayton Campus Ministry website described UDIM as UDIM gives Protestant students the opportunity to freely practice their own worship. Pictured is a prayer candle in front of stainglass “composed of various denominations and windows that fill Marianist Hall Chapel. Photo courtesy of Melody Conrad. backgrounds.” UDIM serves as a place of worship for Protestant denominations and flecting and discussing the word under the allows those on campus to express and de- direction of Dr. Cox and the UDIM lead- velop in their faith. ership team. This fall, Rev. Dr. Donna Cox, full- “It offers a safe place where you can study time music faculty and choral conductor the Bible in a way that is practical and en- for Ebony Heritage Singers, assumed the courages you to grow deeper in your rela- position of Interim Campus Minister for tionship with God,” said Victoria Brown, Interdenominational Ministry. According leadership team worship chair. to Cox, she “is thrilled to be able to serve Other leadership team members are the University in this capacity.” Cox has Cierra Waller and Alison Gaines, co-disci- a Ph.D. and M.M. degree in performance pleship chair, and Melody Conrad, fellow- practices, particularly in choral conducting ship chair. Openings still exist for ministry and a masters in theological studies. and evangelism chairs as well as committee Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2017 Cox talks passionately about being a members at large. “bridge between the wonderful history Noon to 6pm Aside from the weekly worship and of UDIM,” and “where it will go in the UD RecPlex Bible study, UDIM and its leadership team future.” She teaches sacred music and will be hosting a fall “Encounter” retreat Blood worship at UD and has been involved in Sponsored By: Sept. 22-24 at Indian Lake. Participants church leadership in a variety of Protes- FLYER ENTERPRISES, PHI KAPPA PSI, will leave campus on Friday afternoon and tant denominations. People attending ser- DrivePRE-PHYSICAL THERAPY, RED CROSS CLUB, return Sunday afternoon, spending a qui- vices will see a great mix of traditional and STUDENT DIETETICS, UD PANHELLENIC COUNCIL et weekend building faith, connections, contemporary music and message with an and taking a break from the business of “emphasis on participation by the congre- campus life. The retreat fee of $40 covers gation.” Get your limited transportation, meals, and lodging, with By blending different styles of worship, edition scholarships available to those in need of “Be the Type Cox hopes to engage all styles of praise Who Gives” financial assistance. while helping those in the congregation socks As the school year begins to unfold, when you register to draw closer to God. UDIM wants to encourage students to “I want to create an open atmosphere give blood! grow in their faith life and let their pas- where students can freely worship,” Cox sion for Christ spread to every corner of said. Cox is passionate about the idea of campus. For those interested in attending Make an online appointment to donate representing the arts in worship and would or becoming more involved in UDIM, Rev. at DonorTime.com & enter Sponsor Code 415 love to have people who are interested in Dr. Donna Cox has one piece of advice. forming a praise dance team. Questions? 1-800-388-4483 or “Show up!” Aside from 6 p.m. Sunday worship, bi- [email protected] To find out more information about the ble study is also held on Wednesday nights UDIM’s upcoming retreat, visit their website on from 7:30 p.m.
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