MD 97 (GEORGIA AVE) BUS RAPID TRANSIT STUDY FROM THE WHEATON METRORAIL STATION TO MONTGOMERY GENERAL HOSPITAL PURPOSE AND NEED STATEMENT Montgomery County, Maryland Project No. MO973M11 OCTOBER 2013 Purpose and Need Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................1 1.1 Description of Study Corridor ..................................................................................1 1.2 Existing Roadway and Transit Operations ................................................................3 1.2.1 Roadway Operations ......................................................................................3 1.2.2 Rail Operations ..............................................................................................8 1.2.3 Bus Operations ...............................................................................................9 1.3 Project Background ................................................................................................ 11 2.0 Purpose and Need ........................................................................................................... 12 2.1 Purpose of the Project ............................................................................................. 12 2.2 Need for the Project ................................................................................................ 12 2.2.1 System Connectivity .................................................................................... 12 2.2.2 Mobility ....................................................................................................... 13 2.2.3 Transit Demand and Attractiveness .............................................................. 14 2.2.4 Livability ..................................................................................................... 16 3.0 Land Use and Development ............................................................................................ 18 4.0 Related Plans and Projects .............................................................................................. 21 5.0 Environmental Inventory ................................................................................................. 22 6.0 References ...................................................................................................................... 34 Figures Figure 1. Study Area ................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2. Failing Intersections under Existing and Future (2040) No-Build Conditions along MD 97 (Georgia Ave) ........................................................................................ 6 Figure 3. Existing Transit Operations along MD 97 (Georgia Ave) ........................................... 10 Figure 4. Land Use .................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 5. Priority Funding Areas (PFA)..................................................................................... 23 Figure 6. Potential Environmental Justice (EJ) Communities ..................................................... 27 Figure 7a. Environmental Overview Map .................................................................................. 32 Figure 7b. Environmental Overview Map .................................................................................. 33 Tables Table 1. MD 97 (Georgia Ave) Average Daily Traffic (ADT) .....................................................4 Table 2. Summary of Observed Transit Ridership (Average Weekday, 2007) ............................ 16 Appendices Appendix A. Intersection and Arterial Level of Service Appendix B. Crash Data Summary Appendix C. Land Use Mapping MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) Bus Rapid Transit Study i Purpose and Need 1.0 Introduction The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), in cooperation with the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) and the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA), is proposing a new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line along MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) between the Montgomery General Hospital and the Wheaton Metrorail Station in Montgomery County, Maryland. MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) is classified as a Principal Arterial connecting three major activity centers: Olney, the Glenmont Metrorail Station and the Wheaton Metrorail Station. This corridor has one of the highest levels of existing Metrobus transit ridership in Maryland, on top of the ridership provided by Montgomery County’s Ride On service along portions of, and across, the Georgia Avenue corridor. This corridor has been identified by several planning and feasibility studies, dating back to the late 1990’s, as recommended for some type of enhanced or express busway system. BRT is an integrated, bus-based, rapid transit system typically utilizing highly flexible service (i.e., changes in headways and hours/days of operation can easily be implemented) and advanced technologies to improve customer convenience and reduce delays. BRT combines running ways, specialized buses, stations, and automated information systems into an integrated system with a unique brand identity. BRT stations typically include passenger shelters and loading platforms; level bus boarding; real-time bus arrival information; automated fare purchase with off-board fare collection; and station site treatments such as access, landscaping, and lighting. BRT vehicles are typically specialized buses with low-floors, multiple doors on both sides of the bus, higher capacity through use of articulated buses, increased passenger circulation and bicycle provisions, and brand identity. BRT service features stations that are spaced farther apart than local bus stops. Buses may operate in dedicated lanes reserved exclusively for BRT or in shared travel lanes used by BRT buses and other traffic. Transit signal priority (TSP), queue jumpers, and station pull-outs may be used in combination with shared traffic lanes and dedicated BRT lanes to improve speed and operations. In cities where BRT has been implemented, it has been described as a bus that offers the convenience of rail transit with a lower capital cost, because it does not require an investment in trains, track, or catenaries. This Purpose and Need Statement presents the existing and future transportation needs in the MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) study corridor that the project is proposing to address. 1.1 Description of Study Corridor The MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) BRT study corridor is approximately nine miles long, between the MD 97 (Georgia Ave)/MD 108 (Olney Sandy Spring Road) intersection and the Wheaton Metrorail Station in Montgomery County, Maryland (Figure 1). This project will also evaluate feasible bus service improvements to and from Montgomery General Hospital via MD 108. MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) Bus Rapid Transit Study 1 Purpose and Need Twenty-six signalized intersections, more than 40 unsignalized intersections, and numerous driveways are located within the study corridor. The MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) cross section varies between four-lane and six-lane segments, and the roadway is divided throughout by a median that varies in width from 4 feet to 50 feet. The median is depressed and open section (no median curb) in some segments with a variable width shoulder. Closed (curbed) section is provided to the outside of both the northbound and southbound roadways throughout the corridor. There is no parking on Georgia Avenue within the study corridor. Sidewalks are typically present throughout the Georgia Avenue study corridor on both sides of the roadway. Marked crosswalks are located at each of the 26 signalized intersections and at nine of the 40+ unsignalized intersections throughout the corridor. There are no dedicated bicycle lanes or shared use lanes along Georgia Avenue within the study corridor. 1.2 Existing Roadway and Transit Operations 1.2.1 Roadway Operations Georgia Avenue is classified as a Principal Arterial and carries an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume of approximately 30,150 to 50,000 vehicles per day (VPD) within the study corridor. It is one of the most heavily used transportation corridors in Montgomery County and experiences traffic congestion problems. Table 1 shows a summary of 2012 and 2040 No-Build ADT for various segments of the study corridor. The 2040 No-Build condition assumes all 2040 improvements in the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) 2012 Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP), except the Georgia Avenue corridor within the study limits where no improvements are assumed. The Randolph Road/ MD 97 (Georgia Ave) interchange is assumed as part of the 2040 No-Build condition. The travel demand analysis was developed using the MWCOG regional travel demand model. MWCOG/TPB staff assisted Maryland SHA staff in refining the regional model and developing a base year model (2007) and a forecast year (2040) no-build model. These refinements consisted mainly of network additions and refinements within the vicinity of the study area. The regional travel demand forecasts were developed using version 2.3.39 of the regional model, along with Round 8.1 Cooperative Forecasts and the 2012 Constrained Long-Range Plan. In addition to these inputs, local data sources such as the Sector Plan and Traffic Impact Studies (TISs) within the vicinity of the study area were also evaluated in order to represent a comprehensive analysis. Existing traffic volumes
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