The Secret Doctrine Volume IV The Nature of Everything A Synthesis of the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey and Annie Besant, and current scientific thought. Madonna-Megara Holloway 5/10/2017 London Quantum Innovation Labs Chairman's Office 29th floor, One Canada Square London E14 5DY United Kingdom +44 (0)20 7712 1782 http://www.qilabs.net The Nature of Everything (NOE) P a g e | ii The Nature of Everything (NOE) Madonna-Megara M-H Holloway1, DK Matai2, Master Koot Humi3, Master Morya4 and Master Djwhal Khul5 1Madonna-Megara Holloway (MMH) is a registered professional engineer with a degree in Chemical Engineering from Queens University at Kingston, Canada. She started development of NOE in 1978 when she acquired her first Alice Bailey book, A Treatise on White Magic, in southern California and subsequently acquired the complete set shortly after arriving in Houston, TX. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire is her constant companion. https://ca.linkedin.com/in/madonnamegara 2DK Matai; Chairman at Quantum Diamond Spintronic IWC; Quantum Innovation Labs; Resilux Capital; Tri Gold Swan; ATCA5000 & mi2g.net. DK Matai is a design engineer specialised in high performance computing architecture, risk management software and product miniaturisation. Having won the Queen's award, DK is a proven innovator, technologist, business value generator, angel investor and philanthropist with a keen interest in the well-being of global society. DK founded Quantum Innovation Labs or QiLabs.net in 2014 to focus on market leading investments in emerging Quantum Tech 2.0 or QT2. He also founded mi2g in 1995, the award winning global risk specialists, in London, UK, whilst developing simulations for his PhD at Imperial College. DK helped found ATCA 5000 in 2001, a philanthropic expert initiative to address complex global challenges through Socratic dialogue and joint executive action to build a wisdom based global economy. https://www.linkedin.com/in/dkmatai ; http://www.qilabs.net/Default.cshtml 3The Master Koot Humi (K. H.) is of Kashmiri origin, though the family originally came from India. He is also an initiate of high degree, and is upon the second, or the Love-Wisdom Ray. He has had a wide experience and education, having been originally educated at one of the British universities, and speaks English fluently. His reading is wide and extensive, and all the current books and literature in various languages find their way to His study in the Himalayas. He concerns Himself largely with the vitalising of certain of the great philosophies, and interests Himself in a number of philanthropic agencies. Master K. H. is in line for the office of World Teacher when the present holder of that office vacates it for higher work, and the sixth root-race comes into being. The houses in which They both dwell are close together, and much of Their time is spent in the closest association. As the Master M. is upon the first Ray, that of Will or Power, His work largely concerns itself with the carrying out of the plans of the present Manu. He acts as the Inspirer of the statesmen of the world, He manipulates forces, through the Mahachohan, that will bring about the conditions desired for the furthering of racial evolution. On the physical plane those great national executives who have far vision and the international ideal are influenced by Him, and with Him co-operate certain of the great devas of the The Secret Doctrine P a g e | iii mental plane, and three great groups of angels work with Him on mental levels, in connection with the lesser devas who vitalise thoughtforms, and thus keep alive the thoughtforms of the Guides of the race for the benefit of the whole of humanity. 4The Master Morya (M), Who is one of the best known of the Eastern adepts, and Who numbers amongst His pupils a large number of Europeans and Americans, is a Rajput Prince, and for many decades held an authoritative position in Indian affairs. He works in close co-operation with the Manu, and will Himself eventually hold office as the Manu of the sixth root-race. He dwells, as does His Brother, the Master K. H., at Shigatse in the Himalayas, and is a well-known figure to the inhabitants of that far-away village. He and His Brother, the Master K. H., work almost as a unit, and have done so for many centuries and will, on into the future, for the The Master M. has a large body of pupils under His instruction, and works in connection with many organisations of an esoteric and occult kind, as well as through the politicians and statesmen of the world. 5The Master Djwhal Khul1 is an adept on the second Ray of Love-Wisdom taking the fifth initiation in 1875. He is very devoted to the Master Koot Humi and from His willingness to serve and to do 1 “Years ago, I definitely told A.A.B. (as did her own Master) that her major duty as a disciple was to familiarise the public with the true nature of the Masters of the Wisdom, and thus offset the erroneous impression which the public had received. This she has done to a certain degree but not to the full extent that was intended. She has shrunk from the task, owing to the disrepute into which the whole subject has fallen because of the false presentations given out by the various teachers and occult groups, plus the ridiculous claims put out by the ignorant about us. H.P.B., her predecessor, stated in certain instructions sent out to the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society that she bitterly regretted ever mentioning the Masters, Their names and functions. A.A.B. has been of the same opinion. The Masters, as portrayed in the Theosophical Society faintly resemble the reality; much good has been done by this testimony to Their existence, and much harm by the foolish detail at times imparted. They are not as pictured; They do not issue orders to Their followers (or rather devotees) to do thus and so, to form this or that organization, nor do They indicate certain individuals as being of supreme importance and hierarchical status; They know full well that disciples, initiates and Masters are known by their works, their deeds and their words; they have to prove their status by the work they accomplish.” Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, pages 787-788 Please see: A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume 5, 678-679. The last initiate inside the Theosophical Society was Annie Besant – until now. "Any initiation which does not find interpretation in daily reactions is of small service and basically unreal. It is the unreality of its presentation which has led to the rejection of the Theosophical Society as an agent of the Hierarchy at this time. Earlier and prior to its ridiculous emphasis upon initiation and initiates, and prior to its recognition of the probationary disciples as full initiates, the Society did good work. It however failed to recognise mediocrity and to realise that no one "takes" initiation and passes through these crises without a previous demonstration of a wide usefulness and of a trained intelligent capacity. This may not be the case where the first initiation is concerned, but where the second initiation is involved there must ever be the background of a useful dedicated life and an expressed determination to enter the field of world service. There must also be humility and a voiced realisation of the divinity in all men. To these requirements, the s o-called initiate of the Theosophical Society (with the exception of Mrs. Besant) did not conform. I would not call attention to their prideful demonstration, were it not that the same claims are being made and the same delusions presented to the public." Mrs Besant was the last – until now as noted by Bailey on the subjects of the coming Avatar and the reappearance of the Masters on the physical plane: The Nature of Everything (NOE) P a g e | iv anything that has to be done, He has been called "the Messenger of the Masters." He is profoundly learned, and knows more about the rays and planetary Hierarchies of the solar system than anyone else in the ranks of the Masters. He works with those who heal, and co-operates unknown and unseen with the seekers after truth in the world's great laboratories, with all who definitely aim at the healing and solacing of the world, and with the great philanthropic world movements such as the Red Cross. He works largely, too, with certain groups of the devas of the ethers, who are the healing devas, and who thus collaborate with Him in the work of healing some of the physical ills of humanity. He it was Who dictated a large part of that momentous book The Secret Doctrine, and Who showed to H. P. Blavatsky many of the pictures, and gave her much of the data that is to be found in that book. However, she was also overshadowed by ‘ONE’ greater than an adept2. Master Djwhal Khul worked with Annie Besant in editing and finalizing the 3rd Edition of The Secret Doctrine. d.) The Future Coming of the Avatar THE COMING AVATAR "From the zenith to the nadir, from dawn to fall of night, from the emergence into being of all that is or may be to the passing into peace of all that hath achieved, gleameth the orb of blue and the inner radiant fire. From the gates of gold down to the pit of earth, out from the flaming fire down to the circle of gloom, rideth the secret Avatar, bearing the sword that pierceth.
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