Grttnbtlt Pizza Express for Crescent Road Stimulates Lively Discussio1 by Sandra Barnes "We don't want you" was the consensus of the 25 com­ munity members who confronted Domino's Pizza franchise owner, Jim Duignan at the city council work session, Tues­ llltws ltuitw day, January 5. Mayor Gil Weidenfeld summed up the AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER problems with Duignan's intent to move his franchise into the space being: vacated by Nyman Realty at 151 Centerway. Volume 51, Number 8 P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Thurs., Jan. 14, 1988 Weidenf eld stated that the great concern of the citizens was the traffic-pedestrian and vehicular-that already exists at the intersection of Gardenway and Crescent Road. Since Midland Company Presents Proposal Domino's is strictly a delivery service with a promise to deliver pizza within 30 minutes of placing an order, the in­ creased traffic and the potential for speeding can make the For Twin Commerce Center Building area extremely hazardous, he said. At peak hours - 11 a.m. to were males between 18 and 25 by Mavis Fletcher Windsor Green Board 1 :80 p.m., and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. years old - the highest risk The entire board of directors of the Windsor Green - between 10 and 2C· drivers group as established by insur­ Homeowners Association attended the January 4 city coun­ Vetoes Buying Parcel l would be delivering pizzas, Duig- ance companies. cil worksession on plans for Smith-Ewing Lot 2. The board nan said. He further stated, each From the audience Linda Cal­ by Mavis Fletcher driver - who must use his or her lahan presented council with a came with two purposes : to hear the discussion for devel­ personal car to deliver pizzas ·petition signed by 500 persons oping Smith-Ewing Lot 2 and to let the council know that Edward L. Schilling III, pres­ - can be delivering u·p to two protesting the lQcation of the they and many of the homeowners they represent are not in "ident of the Windsor Green pizzas per run. '"The goal is business. She also noted the support of the city's spending large sums of money to ac­ homeowners association, stated to deliver the pizza within two two elementary schools, Green­ quire Parcel 1 in the central city. (See separate story.) at a city council worksession on to four minutes from when the belt Center and St. Hugh's, had January 4 that he could gather Since an appearance before driver leaves the store. If the students who would be using the 900 signatures opposing the pur­ pizza is late, the purchaser is crosswalks at Centerway and city council on November 16, the Council Takes No Action chase of Parcel 1 by the city. entitled to a $3 refund," Duig- Gardenway during Domino's prospective developer of Smith­ This statement was in reference At 1he reg,ula.r council nan commented on the comp- lunchtime peak hours. Callahan Ewing Lot 2 - the Midland to the petition signed by more any's policy. However, when commented on the large number m.eeitrlinig on January 11 the ci• than 800 citizens urging the city Com_pany - had presented its queried by Weidenfeld, Duignan o! handicapped and elderly who by oouncill ,agr,eed ,to take no council to purchase the tract i)lan to several homeowners as­ aiction on the iproposiaJ to build denied that any .pressure was already find the crosswalk a haz­ which lies between the Balti­ put on the driver. "Drivers are ard because of the proximity of sociations in Greenbelt East. The a !Mgh... rl,se IOffice lbui,'l.di.n,g on more-Washington Parkway, not penalized for arriving late," the gas station. '"The communi­ plans call for a six-story, 128,- filre Sanit'h--:Ewinig Lot 2. Ac­ Greenbelt Homes, Inc. and the oox,dimg .to Pllaammg and De­ he affirmed. Duignan stated that ty has worked for 50 years to 000 square foot ,office building Beltsville Agricultural Research velopmenit Coordinator Celia Center. orders are marked late •by the protect pedestrian and vehicular with exterior materials match­ Wilson, the p<l'Sliti.on Olf the manager if they leave the store traffic,'' Callahan noted. This ing Commerce Center I (the new G~ hooneowlllel"S ,asso. Schilling said that it a,ppears more than 23 minutes after the business would have a "negative that a large sum of money will red building with green glass ciaitlion lhaid IJ'liOlt •been oommuni­ order is ,placed. impact" on the city, she said. be spent to maintain "some his­ Duignan's attorney, Diane at Hanover Parkway and Green­ cwted 00 the COIUncil by the bi.me torical value of the greenbelt." Councilman Tom White dis­ Leasure of Fossett and Brugger belt Road). Commerce Center I the m.eetm1g took place. Ac­ He said that citizens of Green­ puted Domino's ability to deliver law firm, stated that Duignan and a rplanned low-rise building cording to Oha.i:rnnan Robert belt East feel that they have pizza from Roosevelt Center to has a signed lease and intends of similar materials on Smith­ ~gll>y, tlhe GreelnJl>eJlJt Easit Ad­ visory Committee (itlhe worlc­ been given little protection Greenbelt East within the allot­ to move into the space some Ewing Lot 3 are being built by ing body of the Greenbelt East from development and that the ted time ~f the driver is driving time this fall. However, he has the Midland Company in part­ Coaiiti'OOl of Hoan~ As­ council is ready to spend a at the speed limit. White ex­ nership with the Rubin Company. not yet filed with Prince Georg­ SIOciaitions) did not taJre a posi­ great deal of money to protect plained that he has timed trips Only the Midland Company is e's County for the necessary per­ biOIIl oin the proposa:l ·but is ex­ old Greenbelt from any develop­ to Windsor Green and Glen rproposing to \build on Lot 2. ment at all. mits. pec,ted to do so llalter. Oaks and found that each took According to the County Zon­ Lot 2, which is zoned CS-C, is Schilling also made what he between eight and nine minutes. ing office, one parking space is restricted by convenant to de­ Ewing tract; much farther set­ later called a somewhat ":f.ace­ "Two to four minutes will not required for every 500 square velopment as a corporate suite •back from the nearby homes; tious" request: that the council work in this area," White main­ feet of commercial space used hotel, a ty,pe oo low-rise hotel less roof area; more room for purchase the Smith-Ewing Lot tained. iby the business. Duignan re­ designed to house travelers for higher berms and creative land­ 2 for green space. (Development Councilman Ed Putens asked ported that he had apporximate­ short stays. According to Celia scaping; no weekend use. of this property was the subject why Duignan had chosen to lo­ ly 2,000 square feet - thus, re­ Wilson, the city's Planning and of the worksession.) cate this franchise on a secon­ quiring them to have only four Development Coordinator, the Homeowners' Views Councilmember Antoinette dary road such as Crescent. Du­ parking spaces. Duignan stated _present owner of Lot 2 has de­ At the earlier city council Bram, taking issue with Schill­ ignan replied that he preferred that he may only use 1400 cided against building such a meeting, council had recom­ ing's position, supported the to be on secondary roads "so as square feet - or the first floor hotel and intends to sell the site. mended that the developer seek concept that each part of t.he not to get tied up in traffic." of the two-story (basement and input from nearlby residents. As city should look at the total Each store has a defined delivery main floor) building. Gary Modjeska of the Midland a result, the Windsor Green and community. She pointed out that area, and this Greenbelt store Company was present at the Hunting Ridge associations had •because the city is small, what would deliver within the core worksession, as was Richard Reed sent letters to the city council benefits one part benefits every­ city and Greerubelt East. The of the law firm Fossett & Brug­ exipressing their views on the one. "We should all look for territory would not include Joint Liability Proposed ,ger, attorneys for the Midland proposed development. the greater good," she said. Springhill Lake, which is cover­ Under Maryland State law, drivers who operate their own Company. Reed listed the advan­ Councilmember Thomas White ed by the Beltsville store, Duig­ Hunting Ridge gave general cars to deliver for pizz.a or oth­ tages of a commercial office said he could understand how nan commented. approval of the concept except er ready-to-eat food companies \building over a hotel: increased the citizens of Greenbelt East that the association requested Councilwoman Antoinette (To­ currently provide their own taxes for the citr, since the as­ could get the perception Schill­ in­ sessment (at about 16 million) that the building height be low­ ni) Bram wanted to know how surance in addition to their own ing had described. He called Duignan determined that the cars would be higher than for a ho­ ered by one floor without ex­ 'Jr the fantily's car. A new bill panding the dimensions of the the acquisition of Parcel 1 a being driven by his employees tel. unifol'lm appearance for the longstanding goal calling it "a before the Prince Georges Coun­ th;ee buildings occupying ~he lower floors.
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