ELECTRONIC URCUlTS 0.WO.IM SEMICONDUCTOR SECTION 3 alphhtical list of oll letter syntnls used herein is GENERAL INFORMATION ON SEMICONDUCTOR CIRCUITS presented below for easy reference. Symbol D.Hmltion 3.1 DEFINITIONS OF LETTER SYMBOLS USED. a Current mnpllficotlon factor (common The letter symbols used in the diagrams ond discus- boa. current gain - Alpha) rims on semiomductor circuits throughout this technicul a FB, a FC, a FE Short-&cult forward current V-afsr manual me those proposed as standard for use in industry by rotlo, atottc volvs the Institute of Rodio Engineers, or ore speciai syrr~hla uib, riic, iio ~,=d!-&~d~h=rt-c!.~t?!+ forwmd not included in the stmdmd. Since some of these symbols currsnc rrrrnsior rviio chmqe from time to time, md new symbols are develop2 to AG AvoUoble qoln cover new devices as the mt changes, m alphabetical Al Current gal- listing of the symbols used herein is wesmted below. It AP Power Goln is rwmmended that this listing be used to obtain the Av Voltoqa goln proper definitions of the symbols employed in this manuol, B ar b Base electrode I"!!?? thcm to assume on erroneous meming. vR common-amlttsr cunent qah - Beta 3.1.1 Con.nuola of symbls. Semiconductm synSc!s ZL' or 'Jbn ~reakdownvoltaqe are made up of c basic letter with subscripts, either lformarly PIE or TIV) alphabetical or numbericol, or bath, in accordmcc with BZ ~m~ss~gnczlbreakdown impedance the fo!!owinq rules: br snnll-algnd breakdown impedance o. A capitol (upper case) letter designates enemoi C or c CO,I.CtOl siocrrcde or curaiiiii circuit wrameters and compcnents, largesignal aevlce CB, CC, CE common boa-, coliecloi, m.2 em:??=:. parameters, and maximum (peak), overage (dcl, or root- rsapactlvely mm-satare values of current, voltage, and power (1, V, Cc Collector Junctlon copocltance P, etc.) Ccc Coupling capacitor b. Instmtaneaus values of current, voltage, md Ce Emitter jvnctlon cqacltoncs power, which vary with time, md small-signal values me CG Cmnt uml" represented by the lower case ( small) letter of the proper Y Collector c-t qum -G-a symbl (i, v, P, i., vob, etc.) CGo O~emllcurrent uoln c. DC values, instantaneous total values, and lmge C IdeP) ~~~l~tlonhyer cwacltonce simal values, me indicated by upper case subscripts C (dlffl Dlffuslo" layer capacltoncs (ie,Ic. VEB, VEB, PC*PC, etc.) Clb, Cicl GI. ;r.piii ccpaciimcl lui ioii.ii.=;. k=i. d. Alternating compment values ore lndicoted by using collector, ond omlttsr, rsspectlveiy iower case subsciipts; :or vxoxple, i,. !,. 'vet.Vat. 9;. m..-1, inpu, copac1tancs PC. c,~., Cieo, Cic. Input tennlnal copocltance wlth e. Whm it is necessary to disunguish between max- output t.rmlnals shortsVcultsd to imum, average, or rmtmm-squme values, maximum or ac, facommon ba~,ermttor, rmd overage wlues muy be represented by addition of o subscript ~OItectOr m or uv; for example, i,,, Icm,ICM, lcar, ICAV. CL Load sopacltoncs f. Far electrical qumtities, the first subscript Cob, Cocl Co. Cutput t-hal cw~cItLmcefor it-signctes Lke eleclrcde at which the measurement is common hss, collector, (md amlttsr. mode. re.petlve!y q. For device p%--ete:s, +.e first sfibsmipt designates Cobu, Ci;;. C;.= Output temind copacltance, c-c the element of the four-pie matrix; for exwple, 1 or i for input tsmals openclrculted, for input. 0 or o for output, F or f for forward trmsfer, md common has-, collector, md srmttsr, i? i? or r for reverse Umtsfer. nspcctlv.ly -,,. %e secmd sh.scip! ?a~;!!y desiqees !he -, , 5iamnmn reference elecume. E or s Emlttcr slanratl* i. Supply voltages zeindicated byrepening the ED Drolrrtarmlnai suppiy voiiogs, associated device eimode subscript, in which mse. fie --~p!o!m rrmslstor rc!er--ce terninn! isthm designated !a the third Er. Gdatermlnal su~plyvoltous. subscript; tor exompie. VEL. 'icci VLL~,'!:-a. .m,wim trmsLator 1, In devices having more thon ore terminal cf the same EB, Ec, EE Same oa VBB, VCC, VEE type (say two bases), the temnal subscripts me eb, act %me ca va, vs, v. modified by addmg a number following the su'kcript md Ebb Battery suppiy voltmuo placed on the some line; for example Vat-s2. Eior El Input Ctsnnlml network k. in muit~ple-uniidevices L:e :;;;;~Y;ol ~~.bec-rj:ts zo ur EL n.;tp2t &terminal nsrwork me modified by a number preceding the eiecwcde subscript; EF Ernltter foliower, mmputcr loqlc for example,.." Vls-gs CVCult 5.1.: *iph0b.,ico: Lii: ;$ 5;m:;;d.-!~ i-.+2* f er 2~ Forward transfar illhai.. Since the m!es okve me snmewhui cutxtp:ei. u? ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS NAVWIPS Pa),W0.102 SEMICONDUCTOR Symbol Definition Symbol Dsfinitlon f.b, f,c, fas Alpha cutoff frequency for common emltter current, respectively bose, collector, and emitter, respec- Average ld-cl volie of fotol base, tlvely collector, or emi:ter current, respec- Cutoff frequency tively with s~qnolapplied Power conductance cutoff frequency Total current ot bredsdown volt-qe; Maximum iTequency oi osclllatlon use additional subsmlpts to identify Nolse f~gure electrodes meoswed and condltlona Theoretical cutoil frequency, or zero D-C base current, base reverse- lboeicl frequency biased wlth respect to collector, foac Marlmum frequency of oscillation emlttei to callector open SP~ Power goin cutoff frequency lacs or IBS D-C base current, bose reverse fr Resonant hequency blased wlth respect to collector, f~ nansitioa frequency emitter shorted to collector transfer fI Frequency of unity current D-C base carrent, base reverse ratio bissed wlth respect to emitter, Gb, Power soin for common bose, Gc, Ge collector to emitter open collector, and emitter, D-C base current, bose reverse- Static trrmsconductance biosed with respect to ermtfer, Intrinsic transcanductonce collector shorted to emitter Small-slqnol transconductance D-C collector current, collector Lmqesiqnal transconductonce reverschi-ed with respect fa base, Hybrid pmometer emitter to hose apen Short-circuit forwmd-current transfer D-C collector current, collector base, ratio, static value for common reverseblased wtthrespect to bose. collecto?, and ermtter, respectively emltfer shorted to base Short-circuit forward-cllrrent transfer DC collector cvnent, collector ratio, small-signol value, far common reverse-biased with respect to base, collector, ond emitter respec- emitter, base to emitter open tively D-C collector current, callectar reslsfance, Short-circuit input static reverse-biased with respect to value for common base, collector, emitter, base shorted ta emltter and emitter, respectluely DC drah current, umpolm trmr Short-clrcillt ,"put impedance, small- sletoi signal value D-C emdter current, emrtter reverse- Opensircult output conductonce, blased with respect to bose, collec stotlc volve tor to base open Open-&cult output admittance, D-C emxtter cwrent, emitter reverse- smoll-signol volue biased with res~ectto base, collec- open-circuit reverse-voitaqe transfer tor shorted to base ratio, static value DC emitter cmrent, emitter reverse- Open-drcuit reversevoltage biased with respect to collector, transfer ratio, small-slgnal volue collector to base open Direct current (dc] D-C emitter current, em~tterreverse Alternating current (oc) biased with respect to mllector, BCbase, collector, ond emitter base to collector open curent, rerpectlvely Diode d-c forward current o-c RMS value of siqnol current for lnstontaneous forword diode current base, collector, and emitter. D-C gate current, unipolar transistor respectively Gate tilqser current in a PNPN ib, ic, i. instontoneous value of o-c base, type switch callector, and emitter current, Holding current in a PNPN type iespectlvely switch Moximurn value of total bose, D-C output current collector, ond emitter current. DC Input current respectively Electron current lbm. Io,Iem Marimum a-c component value of Electron cwrent throuqh collector base, collector, ond emitter current, and emltter Junction, reapectlvely respectively Hole cvrent Average ld-cl value of olternotlnq Input current. &terminal network component of bose, collector, and Output cwent, 4-termlnal network ELECTRONIC URCUlTS NAVWIPS SEMICONDUCTOR Definition Definition Base ,"Dut turnon current 1sw.tcir smo11-.,gnol, open-clrcdit output in9) resistance ib2 Base input fvnaff current lsw~tchingl SI Curient stoblllty factor ii A-C lnput current, lnstontaneous St silicon high-temperature troaslctor iR Instontoneous dmde reverse cvlrrnt SY Vnltaqe stobiiity factc~ 1R Diode d-c reverse current T Absolute temperature, or transformer Is smrurmion cu'=',t .,.." . Amb~enttemuerature -:- (C A >"..Z."...--- .--. J or 1 Electrode, geneid MAG Maxi","", ovallobie go," TC Case tempermiwe MIN, min Mlnimum volue TCBV Temperature coefflclent of breakdowrl NPN Transistor consisting of one P-tse valtoge ond two N-type semlconductoi Junction temperavae ,u"ctlons ohmic delay time (switchmqr jcmlconducfor with donor impurity Pulse fail tlme, 90% in iCie oi ~. z",fi": zs z,Z5==::2:> 311188 :EWIICIIIIIU; Tofol averaqe mower disslpotlon 31 Absolute maximum temperoture oil electrodes of a semior.dactor Storaqe ternperot,xe device Diode forunrd inrovsrv ,>me ~. !-" Average power dissipat;on a: base, -...I/C ".i..__L collector, md emitter, respect~veiy T;:se ;;sc :irre, !14 'r 90% of PG Power gal" pulse (switchlnql PGo over-a11 power qain Diode reverse recovery time Pj or P! Input power Storage time from turr.off pulse to 9CI Po or P2 output power decay t,me Porn Msximum output power Pulse average tune Pt Podcontact open-clrcul? forwad voitilqe tmnsfe: Pbm, Pcm, Pem Peak power diss~pationof base, ratio, stot~c"due ior common base, collector,
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