SUBJECT INDEX Abdalonymus, 72 ' lp' L, 47--48, 49-50 Abdemon, 2011 'm'Jtrt, 8311 Abydos, 128 11 ' 11tJ jar, 115, 132 Adana, 118 ' rmlk, 53 Albertas ,·ase, I 2811 , I 54, I 56, 161 , I 65 'Jmn'dny, 2211 Ale/1h: Cyprus, 24 ·25, 40, 41; Byblos, 54 ::i::i, '.Jn' L, 4 7 -48, 50 63; T yre and Sidon, 87 88, 1 o I ; General ' z:. b' L, 47 48, 49 50, 54 Series, 132- 134, I 74; Punic and Neopunic, Ba' al, King of Tyre, 7211 , Son, 12211 197- 199, 220 Ba' al, 1311 , 7511 , 12111 Alexander the Great, 18, 48, 7 1, 72 Ba' alay jar, 16- 17 , 23 , 126, 127; insc ription, Altar inscription, 54 63passim, 140, 150, 162 26, 36, 135, 149, 154, 164, 223 Amanus, 1411 Ba'al J:lamo,n, 1411 , I 17n, 129 Amasis, 83, 84, I 20 Ba' al Lebanon inscription, 14- 15, 23, 35, Amrit, 9611 36 -37, 39, I 15, 132, 134, 137, 144, 146, Amrit stele, 1711 , 130 -131, 135, 151 , 152, 148, 151 , 161, 166, 168,169,223 154, 158, 160, 162, 163, 165,214,225 Ba' almilk I, 17 18, 20- 21 ' Anal, 1311 , 21, 23 , 12111 Ba' almilk II, 17 18, 21; inscriptions of, 23, Antigonus, 18, 23 26, 29, 3 1, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 59, 88, 151, Anysos, 85 86 153, 155, 158, '70 Apollo, 2111 Ba' alpilles jar, 16- 17, 23, 126; inscription, Arsames, 86n 26, 36, 135, 149, 154, 157, 158, 160, 163, Arses, 7411 164, 165,170, 223 Arsinoe II , 2311, 76 Ba' alrom, 17 --·18, 20, 21 Artaxerxes I, 86n Ba'al Saphon, 14n Artaxerxes IIL 73, 7411 Ba' ,dshamem, 1311, 121 n Arvad inscriptions, 62, 9611, 130, 148, I 71 , B'Wm, 76n 172 B'n' , 76n Asclepi us, 193 Batno' am inscription, 54--63 passim, 140, Asshu1·banipal, 81 147, 162 , 210,224 Astarte, 1311, 1411 , 21 , 119, 121 , 124 Bat Yam jar, 130, 135, 145, 155, 166, 21 I Athens, insc riptions from , 78, 89, 92 , 94, Brf Jtrt, 121 n 96, 99, 167 ; (C/S n5), go, 93; (C/S u6), Bes, 12211 90, 140 Bet: Cyprus, 26- 27, 40 ; Byblos, 55; Ty1·e and ' Ayin: Cyprus, 36; Byblos, 6 1, 63; Tyre and Sidon, 88- 89, 101; General Series, 134 Sidon, 98; General Seri es , 164 ; Punic and 136; Punic and Neopunic, 199 200, 220 Ncopunic, 214 215, 221, 22 2 Bod' astart, 75 - 76, 78 79, 87; inscriptions of'. Azemilkos, 72 88, 90, 92, 94 99 passim, 139, 143, 152, Azitawadda, 116 I 17, I 18 155, 166, 167, 170, 223 'Azor, 125 Brks111 J, 22n Carthage, 119,121 , 123,193,195 197 ' bd'mn, 7611 Carthage graffito, 129, 154 ' dn mlkm, 2311, 76, So 82 Carthage steles, 129, 152, 154, 172, 196n; ' dr, 11611 (C/S 5684), 133, 136, 137, 145, 149, 160, 'drmlk, 47 48, 49, 50 164, 170, 173 SUBJECT IN DEX Chytroi inscription, 15, 28, 32, 34, 39, I 39, ' Esmun ' azor II, 51, 53, 75, 76 ; vassal of 149, 152, 154, I 5G, I G8, I 70, 223 Persia, 78 82 , 83, 84, 8G, 87; inscription, CIS inscriptions: (7), 76n, 81 n, 98; ( 10), 18 11 , 88 1oopassi111, 132, 137, 139,143, qfi, 14 7, 22 11 , 23n, 24, 2 _1, 133; ( , 1), 1811 , 22 11 ; ( 13 ), 152, 153, 155, I:i6, 16 1,167, 170, 17 3,207, 23n, 24, 28, 30; ( 14 ), 24, 37; ( 16 39), 22 11 , 223,224 24; (30), 30; (33), 3011; (40 ), 23 n, 40 11 ; Evagoras I, 19, 2011, 48, 82 11 (42 ), 23n, 30, 4011 ; (43 ), 2311 , 4011; (44 ), E,·agoras I I , 73, 7411 22n, 24, 28; (45 ), 23 11 , 28, 37, 4011; (46') , cz-Zib insc riptions, 130; ' bdsms, 133, 134, 23n, 25, 26, 27, 30, 37, 40n, 133, 166; (47), 198; ' mskr, 152, 1G1 ; zkrmlk, 152 23 11 , 27, 37, 4011, 136; (48), 2311, 27, 4011 ; (49 ), 2311, 4011;- (50 ), 2411, 4011, 88, 89, 91 , Gimel : Cyprus, 27; Byblos, 55 .1G; Tyre a nd 95, 97, 139, 155; (5 1 ), 23 11 , 37, 40n; (52), Sidon, 89; General SC!'ics, 136 137; Punic 23 11 , 33, 35, 4011 , 95, 138; (53), 2311, 3 1, and Ncopunic, 20 1 37, 4011; (56), 2311, 4on; (57- 85), I 711; ( 88), Giron os traca, 128, 164 1911, 2111, 24; (89 ), 1811, 24, 25, 3 1, 32, 38; Giron papyrus, 128, 138 139, 140, 142, 143, (90), 24, 30, 3 1, 38; (91 ), 19n , 24, 28, 35, 145, 148, 150, 153, 154, 155, 158, 160, 38; (92) , 1911 , 2211, 24, 30; (93), 23 11 , 24, 16:i, 16G, 171 , 17 3,209,2 11 ,2 12,2 16 27, 29, 3 1; (9 4), 23 11 , 24, 35; ( , 1 4), 73n; Gold pendant insc riptio n, 1 19 124, 132, 135, ( u7), 26, 27, 3011 , 33, 38, 39; (197), 95, 136, 137, 145, 149, 15 1, 154, 157, l:i9, 1G4, 210; (252), 204; (3784), 95, 203, 210; I 70, I 72 (.55, o), 1611, 8011 , 203, 22011; ( 6025 ), 12Gn , 220 11 Hassan-Bcyli inscription, 129 130, 132, r39, Citium, 1411 , 17 18, 19, 20, 23, 12211 152, 157, 159, 167, 173 Coinage: Cyprus, 17, 18, 20, 2 1, 73; of H azor, 126 Alexander, 1811, 4811; Byblos, 47- 50, 5 1, He: Cyprus, 28 -29, 40; Byblos, 56 5 7. G3: 53; Sidon, 4811, 72 76, 83, 84; T yre, 7 1 Tyre a nd Sidon, 90 -91 , 10 1; General 72; l\-lazday, 74 Seri es, 139 1,p, 162n; Punic a nd Nco­ Cyprian tarifs, 23, 25, 30, 34; (CIS 86A), 3 1, punic, 20 1- 203, 221 33, 37, 38, 39, I 37, 144-, 153, 155, i58, I 60, /jet: Cyprus, 30 3 1, 40, 4 1 ; Byblos, 5 7 58; 161 , 170; (CJS 8GB ), 24, 26, 27, 28, 3 1, 33, Tyre and Sidon, 92 93; General Series, 35, 37, 39, .'>5, 62, 94, 9G, 134, 135, 136, 144 -146 ; Punic and Neopunic, 30n, 205 137, 139, 144. 145, 154,158, 160, 16 1, 1G9, 20G, 220,22 1 170,200,2 11 ,2 16 ; (C!S 87 ), 3G, 145 Hiram I, 72 11 Hiram II , 14, 15 Hiram I II, 85 11 Daiei: Cvprus, 27 28, 40; Byhlos. 5G; Tyre Hispa ni a inscriptions, 191 n ; (5), 195 11 , 204, and Sidon, 89 90, 1o 1 ; Genera l Series, 222 ; (2) 21211, 22011: (3) 214 137 138; Punic a nd Neopunic, 20 1,220 Ho neym an Cyprus inscription, 13 , 39 Danunians, 118 Delos, _1411 , 130, 150 ldalium, 17 18, 19 ,20 Dcmonicus, 19 ldricus, 73 , 7411 Dor, 80, 82 , 8G n Ipsa mbul inscriptions, 127 128; (CIS 111 ), Doui mes, 1 19, 120, 124 133, 13G, 13 7, 139, 149. 150, 154, 158, 16 1, 163, 170, 173, 214,225; (CIS u 2), 12 2 11 , I3:i, i 3G, 137, i39, i41 , i 49, i50, i 52, i54, Egypt, I '2 7 1 ·29 r58, 16 1, 162./163. 164, 170, 214, 225: Elephantine os traca, 128, 134 174 passim, (CIS I 13 ), 149 198, 200,204, 205,207, 20~ 209, 2 11 , ~ 14, Isis sta tu e inscription, 129, 132 , 13G, 137, 2 15, 216,2 18, 2:Z l , 22 4,225 139, 154. 1Go El-Hofra. 194, 206, 2 17 Elulaios, see Luli J oppa, 80, 82, 8G n, 130n Esarhaddon, 8 1 Eshmun, 193 Kaph: Cyprus, 32 33, 40; Byblos, 59, 63; Eshm un temple, inscriptio ns from, 7G n, 77 Tyre and Sidon, 94 95, 1o 1 ; General 78, 79, 89. 92, 94, 96, 97 11 , 98 Series, 15 1 154; Punic and Neopunic, Esmun azor I, 75, 87 209 210. 2'2 1 .
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