Jan-03-«i1»’ V - 'T- ' jfc% IdahflIdaho Socloty ' Weather ☆ Fina:! ☆ Co Ide ' ■ r ^ ^ Edition . Then Magic Valley Newspaperewspaper Dcdicatedsto Servinging and :Promoting the Growlh)wlh of NNine Irrlgaled Idaho10 CouiitieCounties — V O L . - M . - N O . 4 -: ------- ....~ ™ ..-..TW IN EALLS, IDAHOilH O ^ wWEDNESDAY, ei APRILL 19, 19G7'ISff ^ 7 ” "^ ' - TEN CENTS ■ y ' T ^ T ^ * * ! U * 0 « j l X l U . l / d B K tr n rradAden a f f E e r m e r Hit Enemy eniatter^ -Steel-Firm I Westt Germai( lan Chana n c e l l o r , . SAIGON (AP)- - Ameri- ' cfin pilots look advantage^ a o ta g e of a break in the weather Tuesday afternoon to give North Vietnam its seconds e c o n d Is Deaead At-i^t-Age OfGf91 worst bombing thB"yenry e a r ilAK * of the w o rld 's leadingIng slates.sla te s' hailed him a s “'an an hisloMc the cold war. Premier NIklla nnd to attack the showpiece (AP) — men. President Johnson,mson. an-an. figure.’* Khrwhchev froaucntly singled Thai Ngiiycn steel piant ffor o r I, died in nouncing in W ashingtonington hc President Do Gaullelie held him him out ns a "warmonger.” lhe ]Oth time. n'cing Into plans to a tte n d , said: in high ngrsonal esteem uiid One of the chief goals uf Ade- The Amcrlcun airmenn hit Ihethe he built "His dauntless spiritit will live together-'tney workctTfortTfor recon- nauor's poHuy was • thc reunlfl* north wiih H5 missions. TheThc c'at. • . on in thc A tlantic partnership[jartncrship ciintlon between tbeirir two coun* cation nf West andiEast Germii- sudden upsurge indicated that whlch__hc_ ,did_.so__ mmuch uch to tries, which had beencen enemies ny, split as .1 result of the war. thc high com m and is rea d y to fof'ccnlurrftl----------------------------------^-------- Thu Sovlei'Unlon balked afthis, iraw many Tuesday . Mcp up ihc.w ar In thc north im- c Tuesday While Adenauer wasvas cnancel*c'hancel* insisting lhat East Germany ' m ediately w h ca nny hrcok In -vrra-ai afternoon at the Cologneignc Cathe- lor, the Communistssis fiercely remain part of the Confmunist nirmonsoQh weotjrcrp^nnns;— “ attackcd'him fur his: hard line In world. ______ Amcrlcnn lUcrs flew onlyoniy ttfoI»f0 EiU- ,„ n .; u a l l.,, ' less misslnhs Tuesday ‘ihan'tlie'ihan'the '~ stricken n -w e e k ngt>r> wwiih'In- iih ’in. " year’s high of 147 Aprilil 3. Thc L C S fhicnza nnd bronchitis.s. His con­con- ' record for the wnr so far is 175 dition steadily- weakenedikened as missions liowp on a Novemberovem bcr t'om ^Jfcatlons .set In. day last year. Q U 61* The family wqs nt his bedside ' . • The Thai Nguyen steeljel plant. ' In the ihrce-story home in nnd railroad yards 38)8 miles ) —’Presi- Rhoendorf, a village nenrnear this north of Hanoi w crc hit by>y a task • rnd th c fu- capital, w hen hc forcc held ready for thelie break :cJlor Kon- j-nr se v eral days, nsis the news ~ y j & S a i r ^ in the wenther. When ll cnme, many, the sprend that Adenauerauer was • m ' U v n t IM if l l a g T Air Fdrce F105 Thunderchicfsdcrchicfs :ed today growing weoker, thousandsusnnds had ' ........ and F-<C Phantoms streaked laucr had visited lhe village butt whonwhen tho _ -sincrp-the a n.l-f-flmn thnfo wpro few pconloncoplo N guyen trlai?glc *fi1i6K*ls^uard-Is'guard- / Hint Ihe around, ----- ^^HJ-hy-an-lron-ring of-radar<on-sdar<on< = ,<l,lent tojd ^ D eath c a m c a t 1:21 p,mp,m. while . trolled aiitialrcrafi guns and llwre" for the aged_sCitMmah~wantccpi"■wantecpi | '^5 Sovlet-bulk surfqcc lo a ir mls>mls» ing. siles. —^<>eorp,e —XhQte-in.the..Villa-flvgrlQoklng.ivcrlooklng : ' ■ While specially equipped S n re not the Rhine included hisIs son, Ro- v v * « 9 ' planes weled off lo hitt thc an* iresldentiai m an C atliolic M sgr. P aul Ade*Ade. •linircraftTcvetments nnd cam- e Informa* nauer. .-.ouflagcd-SAM sites. othor:rald-.h c r:ra ld * . ho funeral Flags In thc capitalI werew ere low- 'i v j L f ers plunged through n- hail olof mined. Hc ered to half staff. Chancellor lire over the steel plant and rail I )bably will K urt ,G cn rg .K ieslp g cr_ir-wos w as the X o E U M - . yards, for 25 m inutes.--------------- ^ -I delegation first to cxprcs.i his sorrow.arrow . ■ By PETER REHAKr persons. "Ho wns given to do whatw h at Is h e r e ’ w e ’ h a v e ’ IDAUbs;id a ijo s ; and 'unml.stakably idcntllledntllled for i(ho first time, In thc Eastern low whelh- granted to few men: toto'raisc raise up ■ - /l)S morkets. Sen. on(l Mrs.rs. Frnnk Church slock up on No.Vo. 1 IdahiIdaho bakers at a neighborhood BONN, Germany, (AP) — Patrol Keeps Konrail A denauer, 91,i COdied along, In his fnthcrland from thcthc deepest • 1 supermarket h Washlngion.lington. D.C.,D.< area where the mochlne-mailochlne-marked spuds apoearcd In thc degradation nnd lo'brlng•Ing it back • - A potato bin s for the flrslrsl Ilmc lastlai week. The Indlvldually-markcdilly-markcd .potatoes (sec Insert) arc one . his sleep today, plunging into mourning the nation he built" Into thc com m unity of)f free peo* ; s m M B . # 11 way io .slop Ibe .tale ol InlerlorInferior .^puds from other areasIS being frafraudulently sold as Idnho* poia* Fires Down from the n sh e s of dcfc'at. ... • . plcs.”'KlesJhger said, toes. Senator Church has been Ileading Ihc campaign Inin WashlngiWashington to create a stalc-of*orlglii ’ A denauer wiis one of.of. thelh e mmo.tt o .tt | /> fY lab elin g bill (hal wouldIII make ItII illegal to misrepresent'asIt'as Idaho pofoiocs those not grown In ■"A State- funeral -will-bc-hcld;, ,, [i Influential figures of' the west* ! ' ' At Gooding^ ihc Gem Stale. He alsoIso noted t!Ihc 12-cent per pound cost of IdahIdaho bakers In Ihe Eastern retail and It is expcctcd to drawnow fellmany fo r dccAdcs.ccAdcs. Hc : • - rco ccnts a pound tor prime spuds. GOODING-No fires ^rnrrotloccurred _ market at n lime whenen Idaho ggrowers are gettfng thrco ccnts a 5.‘"I"* ;l served ns chancellorr otof West i -^*^F»rg5gEEt ------lu'csday— nighl _-at_:_.GoodinR.Gooding. _ ________ _______________________: i Germany from Iho foundingrounding of 'c V r BSA * lhanks to som e GS m en, includ* h the Bonn Republic In'1949r 1949 unllluntil ' • , • ing olliccrs, who patrolled'the I d frorft p 19G3. But he-rcmdihed^nctivc^in- io Go- ,>■ poijjics alm ost Jo thc end as a city s t r e e t s throughout ^the Open Houtfom ihg^m'vom c f^Befy I end a,s a I Attend RitesI snow- I, firm friend-ot-'FrcnchI President LL; . : • Thc pos.se was organized Tues- , nu-Ca- u Charles de Gnullc. d a y a fte r som e dozen fire s, be* ‘I l;j "Dcr Altc;-lhc old1 man—asman-as KONRAD ADENAUERrkntN A U ER ricnow n a s “ D c r-A lle " (TTie Old ' For Adenauer vn to his Man) to his coimlVymen, died licvcd to be the work ofM-CoiirtVMi nrson- Jrd^^Sia^^ 2P r o f^ f^ w also Ij Adenauer • was known to his- ' men, died Wt>dnesday at his homo ta the hw, were reporled the past few WASHINGTON (AP))ss - thePresi­ » countrymen, was sllll11 a mcm-mcm> vlUage ot Rhondort, nearnear Bonn.Bonr Cbancellof of -W ^ Germany t JR, • cursJr.g crowd-of 600 hccklers.ecklers. iil Luther King, for parading with- en-he died: fro m 1949 unlll IfiBS, he w as Qn< days. The last, fire occurredKcurrcd "®y GILMQUR JR, • t dent Johnson will ntiend: Valley th e fu­m bcr of parliament'when-hc died: IS, he was one ot the most Inlluentlal figure* MnH LOUISVILLE. Ky. (AP) - Police Chief William1 Dindner outa a permit. Hc was released Rupert 1.) Ho was a member nnd»nd former of (he Western worldS for tw< Tuesday ofternoon behind the > neral of former Chanccjlor Kon­ irorld for two decadesl The drawtnit'I* by Idaho Gas building, but Tno r dam* T ^ 'About 150 open housfngng nclvo- c la m p e d down on the:he o pcniop c n io n half. Tho m a rc h crs. m ost of InTwln !■ chairman of tius Chrlsfiansfian Dcm-Dem- Associated Press artistartist JackJack Carltaa.< (AP wlrcphoto) ------- no dam nitempicd ,io march■larch In I:housing supporlers Jmmcdiaielyii!mediately I them in thc early 20r. and clad rad A denauer t>f G erm any, the age was done. x White House iinnnunccd today• ocratic Parly, •■We feel lhat thc patrolling 2dcfiancc of. ii court ordurlur again afteru they • assembledI in thc inii topcoats in ihc chilly air. sal had tn W est G erm a n y lay in l,he ruins “ ,,‘''"5 Tuwday night hut theirr demon- city’sc all- white South End. - ono a sidewalk and refused- lo Johnson and AdenauerJ boots had • of World W ar.II when •Adenauer definitely kept the fires down , Known one inwiliur blniu llie — And-w»^nlond-4o-«ontinua-pa.pa ^ ^use^^i minutes, the chiefchicf nmove. nriering power. Its peopleS were M dis- o o n Pro] early I950’s and now th a t Ihe Probe Coasts " ^ 'T T qfflJiil“ ariT!T!l.s fflld 11 <: • U.?5^i f ? trolling until wo cither arc rid 7 *''^Ma^r™n ^^^’°''ce - kept hecklers" a t bay.
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