ver the years commercial malpractice insurers have come and gone from the Alabama marketplace. End the worry about prior acts coverage. Insure with AIM. We're here when you need us: Continuously! AIM: For the Difference {We're here to stay!) Attorneys Insurance Mutual of Alabama, Inc." 22 lnvemess Center Parkway Telephone (205) 980-0009 Suite 525 Toll Free (800) 526-1246 I Birmingham, Alabam a 35242-4889 FAX (205) 980-9009 'CHARTER MEMBER: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BAR-RELATED INSURANCE COMPANIES. - - - ~ -- - - ---- - - · - YOUR Youdo n't haveto bea computerwhiz to reapthe benefits of th e powerfuland integrated l.awDes ~ system.Ma;c users tell us DIGITAL thatthey fee l immediatelyat home wid1 d1e l.awDesk S)'->,em. In face,law Desk is so easyto Wlderstandand use that manyare CONNECTIONspeeding thrOl.lgh researc h in les.5than an hOl.lr. Thisva5t libraryoffers you unmatched coverage of rllelaw - 1DTHE everything fromregulatory law to SupremeO:iurt decisions. Andthanks to d1el:uUt-in cross -linking,you gain instant aa:es.5 to theinfonuation you seek anywhere in rllesyste m ... at the UNIVERSEOF touchof a finger. INTEGRATED LEGAL REsEARCH. In Alabama,it~ easy tom findou t oreabout the fast-growing l.awDesksystem. Jt11t call l-80().. 762-5272 today . 1111® LawyersCooperativ e Publishing LA\VDESK THERIGHT ANSWER. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT Nm\: The Alabama IN BRIEF aff'yer September 1995 Volume56, Number 6 Putlllhlld MWtl Wntlt • ,-r (lf'9 June 4SUe 4 a Oil ON THE COVER: ... __ Dy .... Alaboma-· Bat, PO Ba,c•t50,Mca1- .Allillma 36101.. t56 On the cover areAlabama State Bar 1995-96Presid ent John Arthur Owensand his Pnonll33')261M5t5 wife. Dorothy Terry Owens. of Tuscaloosa. The Owens are pictured in front of the RObe'1 A. HuffAker ····°*'& Edl1or President's Mansionat u,eUniversity or Alabama.T he n.insion was built in 1841: on Suuo ShltocltO.Peola - .............._ •.,.,. Vioe-Chalr& April 4, 1865, It was snved from the names of Croxton·sRaiders by President Garland's Assoc:fale Ednor RleharoF All41in........................... VIICe-Chalr. Finanoe wife. Union soldiers had alreadyset fire in the mansion when she arrived. She not only Susan H Andl ff .,,............................... SUlN Liaison & backed themdown , she also required them lo help put out the flames they had started. Communications Director "11,is mansionepitomizes Tuscaloosa :s rich history, culture, charm and •grit."' say,;Owens . Margo1oi tdurphy....... Sln lt UAIIOn& Managing Editor Bo4Ud o, Ed110N1 - Photobu Crosbv ThomleyPhotography, Tuscaloo sa W-.mJ Unciit~ l~ • JolephB. Maya.Jr_ Bltmll'IOfW!t• Am L HalllfQfd, Jr Mol'IIQOINIY• Allin T Aogin.. ~ . ... ,,,.. G s,..,.,..Montgom,e,y • INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Aootttlw ~ J, .. MolllQOll•"t . o.tlol"1!hN'tltfSfflifl &mil ... ~ u.y).. ·~ 8'"1¥9'1ffl. JoM 0- ~ ~" . liiWt4~Ml'.lbM: · Roolr1.Stl­ The Alabam.a State Sar 1995-96 Committees ······-····-·····-····-··----· ·---278 .. St!ll9\ HldW9t • 0..... Olwlrlna,.8,111111... • (iaip. tlaCoctllW\.. 441ft • Ullil ~ &IM'afill*U • Hotl 0-.k ~· w,d-iffl • ~LMlbllt.,_.. Dedka.UonS~cch. Judge FmikM. Johnson llislorical Mnrktr -··-·····-·····-····-286 omw, • ._, 1 ~. ..,,, .wa.mo..s-c... .. ....,_·~A.~ ........• ..ICIIWwl en.. T.-..... • fl ...... O'DIII.M.,i@;OIZO) • Ln:IIG Unaulhoriud Practice of Law fil&lpCt.1!11.:•• WI • ~ DrilMI.Moillgc.l«JI • Ydorl9 J ~· L1•1'i •M OcaNldDliWll,,,Jlf_Mobil: • ByL. BrucrAbles ·················-····--····-···············-································· .......... ·-····- ····-·-·288 ...,o_.. ....... _ .k__ _ Cllyw,, • Han w,i.- A Qo,dari MmdQu.l•r Sex-Based Wage Oiscriminalion: Recovery Under the Equal PayAct, 9owd Of COmmk..ion.ra Title VII. or Both Ual.on ...a.m...l A Avmor.. Jr 81rmngn,m lly Judge Otbra11 . Cold$tcon...... ............................................................................................294 _,, •. pl'8$1j(j.erc Wvren8°"""" l.lgncl-.11~ Pruklonl•olod Kids' Chance Golf Scramble a Success .............................................................................303 W•1m-·aw-·­ D, MIiion,E~r..n ~C'Sitlel'II Kellh O Hormln, Monlgome,y, ........ ,,.,$ect 9liH)I Bo&td 0, Commk•ion.,,. The Nuts and Bolts or Civil Appeals TII Cin:l.tll,fl MIik ENI, lkllttr • 2n.i C'""-1, JoM A. Ncr1o11. ByOcbor, ,n AlleySm ith ,nd Rhonda PittsChambers ............................. ..............................304 I.AJY*1W• ~ Cl,Q,11,LymRobet9onJodclcwl, Clo•;,on • CU,0,.. Q111.Aq:.h N Hoc:a.~ • &mQtcull, JoM Pcwq,<;:lmlr, II -~·"'°""'-"-Ho • 9ih CIQ,it. ,,_.. No.•J I. ___Watw P ~. ,_ n.:a,. President's Pngc............... .............- •........264 CLE Opportunlhes....... .............................296 •1W\OOA.Mu, ,•. Ill. ~ • 11\c::IID.*.JahnS.. ~. Profile···································-··· ···-· ····-.26i Younglawyers' S«hon •••••.•....- ....- .....311 IJIICIM'••CllaA W N ~A,...,.,... • IC.-Olo.i&.Alca­ Oasc:,phnaryReport .................. ·-····-····.312 No. t.. S..U.., H. ,..,.. .IIW9'W" • 1~ Cl:ia;ut..Ptacili Hc:>, Ex<cuti,e l>imtor's Report•.•.. ·-······· 268 ,_.... w Gld . '°"C,lil04 l'Wa, Ho. J.. J Mall.'""*­ AboutM cmbtl'$,Among firms. __ 2i0 RecentO«-lsions ·······-····-··········-··.313 • ' " '°"~"**Ncl ' 5owi'WA.~,J/ BuildingAlabama's Courthouses ...... _.--274 ~latl\"t Wrap,l/p ··-·--·· 19 ·'-"-"""'-" 10ft~PlllleeNl,l........... _l.... 80,-...a.ww_ .. _• • tOIICilaill.PIIIClt Ho 7. J ,,._.~ 81:.:a9W1 • 010. BarBriels -···-····-······-···-······-·····- 276 Memorials... -·······-···-···---·· ..·····-··...320 Q&.PllllliltHo I ~C ,....,,_.a9 • IClaClwcut Reporton I !!!ISABA Mid>-ear Meeting __ .2n ClassifiedNotim ..............................- .....323 Al.Cit,.. •. c..,... w,;,.. ... ,9.,,,. "* Cclul. SW.. "* Q,,tHllj 0eorot 1........... a....m., • 111'1 ~ Opinionsof the Cern:ralCoun$tl ·--·-···284 Arm11M .. _. f-~ • 11'1hQr:ut. M a.le........_ a.­ Jll* • 1~ c.a...Ptla No 1, Voo,tt- LCIQ..lf.I.Aoblle• 13'1 ALABAMASTATE IIAR II P.ADQllARTERSSTAPP °""'-"- Hoa. eo,c -· ,_ • .,,,,c.a...,_ NI>..3. ~ O'AIN.I.Ut Mot11t• 1» CfDA.PIKe Mel., . 13,M,,, 415 Oultr A"'nut, M<lt11!l<>111tl)•,Al. :16104 (3.'14) 269·15lS • f'AXt:Q4) 26 1.f,310 ,if'Ml'IT Rowt,Mol* • 14~0wo.,11, 1ornNICnollo!\,.MSptr • &xc,:ut~ l>trc'-101'~... ,,.,.. _,.,., ___ .,Ktllh B. Norm11n ~lnnbt·nhlp Ar.1l1t.1,t.... -, ..- ••,.... ____ ,.Kt.JlyC'.ankn 151hCffllll. ~ Ncl-1.Aob9rl D s.o.,t, ~ • It.eh OIIQlll l'tlet No 1 Wanda D Ot\l&rffux, ~ • 1!ilt 1.-:xrc::uUvtAi,l.~ nt ..............- ...., ...... __ ,.M11rgllrtt Boone DIrut Of ellAlf1nl»l'Wl•--·· .,.. -, ..-Oo rothy D.Johnson ~. PIIOf No Q. Jamn E. Willllffll. ).4anlgomHY• 1Sd'I Dircctcrrol Pt0grnn\J-_, ...............PAfw.lrd M . Ptlleiwn Adml.1,,.0na/u.Jb,l11nt .......................... - EliDbeth Shwaru Oln:ull,PIiie. No 4, Al«:M,dO 0.n•U • lllh Cl~ Roy 0 Adm1nbtr1ltvtAs11lt-1an1 for Pfo11ramt.--.Oiant: \Vtldon Al.lbam~I.aw f'Qund.a1ktn . Inc. Otn-c1or... - ..Trolcy Dani t i IAQCo,d.O,ttdldon • 11,rlCIICUII Ricll&ld S M.Wty, Demopob r~r11n18'<trtal')' ........................,........ ...........lft,i!I Alv~:a. AlJ' A.Mi,U.nl••• •.................. ·--··-·· ...--·-l>.)wn I l~rd • Ullh Ci!M. COIVIIIOM. rowter, Jt, CokllTlblaNI• 1911'1 Clrcuil U1rert01o( Contm11nk-atloi1J& ijookktf1)tr , •. ..... -Clk: Skinne:r ..lahftHollli...lllwcw\ Jr.,, OIAnlOn •*'Ci.wt. Wl/tdtaH.Bl11lcry , Ocl«lM• 21M CIIW&. (._rd T BAtWIO.'I• 22nd Cl!Wf Publictn(ll'm.ll1Clfl------Sut11n U.Andrct CraptuoAtll Dl,tttut ----·--- M~C' Stuller t.._, "°"*R Pow,I. Ot ~ • DdCWN!. ,._. No. I. OoMI P\ihll.Qtlom Olrccinr - - \l.a,~rd. L Murphy l..a~r ~(cml 5ccnury- Kathcrint:C. Crtanwr s ,..._~ . 2':31U~ ,_. No 2. PafdcftH. GI--. Communlatwin; StcnUry t JncbF. Smith ll«q,tkKII" -- ....,;, l.og,,o Jt ~ . ;<llnQfaA. Jalw, A, AlllMl.111.~ . 251h r-k!nhmhi.~, 01tflo;lo,. ·--Christit T. fittm,n ~ °"111'ff!ldll'ick YftlOCI,tWt'llan • 2191CI.QIII. ~ H ......_ "*- Ot, • fflh Cllf;ul. JCft\ C Gullroft. ~ __• 281n ac:u.. E E• __.... .,.,..,_ , ___• ZIii\ CfoA.... Tlil"ltR.Oty • e;.,.31d /\1,\BAMA STATE OARCEl\'T£ R FOR PROl'ESSIOSALRE SP0S5l81L1Tl' STAFP 41SDmtr A•'fflllf• .'lonlll<><MI)', Al.3611» 13341 ~tsl5 • FAXOJ.I) 261-6311 0,0.C. w .... K. """'"' ,~ • 3:Zl'III~ 811)' w Gcomlc...n.cl --1.,\nll•••J!ldAn l-.......!........,o/t.,o,Clia>ISc<unt,......_ QIQA, .,.,c:~ .......... ewa.,,w..,.o.~ Auls<aolC<nmlC..-t _.L.CibmKamdi CSP4iCI.£~ P "'""""" -c.....,....O.O.....,.Qia.c,, ·-C,,,,,,.-1<--- ....,*• .,.~ ·­3"' CllaA J T1*...... o,.ib • *'C:..WC.. ~ -CmmJc.,-i. MilimL- ~-·- \'diCbw«lo ...,_,M. !lc<m.,ryWC<nmlC..-i V'M>Of........, I-Ion ~Gama ""1'9f ScoallDO,o • *'C:-.. W'._,,. V ~ A-~ c.........,,_,_....,._,,._1umEDD Cl>oJfRmim • ~ ~ JcM" .tortllO'\, ~ 5'<,,wy Rollin Kzy nr.,~ .......,.,.. ~ ~.,,... ye.w-1°'S2.0 P9f ~r In 0. 1JrCti1 lu1N and 125 .,..- )'NI' CIUlllde tnl 11'19~ ....,_, (IISN OCJC0..017lN .,._ ~ Clll11• AWl!lrr. ....... II ,,..,_ tlll"lft .,._ • ,-. • N ll"IQIUflafill Vnlltd &1.11• l,r 1n.t AIIOltM &wt BIi 41.5OWet AWll'lile, ~ Maren M1r,AMt11t11~tdllOftt...-.....~ ,~ v-ano~•..,.._.M.,...,...,.ll"(IM- 1,... ll.ftW'L not ,.....114' ltlOMOINbOl,(lc,I ~°"'°"0ttiondwc1w ...... 01111itAl*'"9 91• hr Sul~ Alamml Mort,l10f"l*Y, Aleo.mt 3110, 5r'IQlt IHul'lla!IIS.S,00. bN Stale Ba,,....,... ~Ml 1N ~ l/hlf'fflllM pe,td thllir 8"tlUIIdi* JNI.,.._..,116 ot V• IJCl'ttK1IWWIJ ~ !Of T'-~ joumil .,.. ~o tor ine dhocto.y Seoorld-c1as:1poaiage Ullfl)'llf,Oli. IIMC'tiMl!'t ci. l'OI 111telw Ille dlrKlO!y tdlla! o1 1M Ullll)llt' 1• 1*t 0, 111W~ ~ •IUlft ..a tie ll.ll'.IUIWd P9iG•t MonlOOffiitfY, "-btma Ul)OII r0Qua1I ,AcMi,-."(I OOl)y II c•IMl'I "" .... Wld tni11t teteNe flPOIO'Wlfflcitn IN Ofb OI 0-Wtl ~ llli Pl,ltl!QOOn11$'1in «)Ill "°'~IIY lmpf'f~ ol •ily o,,od,.aclcw M1V100 otlllf'OCJ n. ..W0.111 UI~ ~ N tlQl'j 10 ,_. •"' •Clverl111111Nmt Po1tm111tonSond 11ddrot1 changes to Th9AlaDama coc,y.tot,I lffl TN Al•l:Mlffl9S1111t OiW NI "C'lll ~ Utwy,,r, P.O So<41S6.~<on1gomo,y. AL3610l-4t56 262 I SEP'l'liMUER1995 Tl IE ALA.BAM/\LAWYER PRESIDENT'SPAGE A TRIBUTETO OUR BAR am honored, proud, humbled and somewhat awed impressed by their dedicationand knowledgeof U1eirjobs. Reg­ lo haveassumed officeas the I 19th president of the gie told me once that it was his hiring philosophyto surround AlabamaState Bar.
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