Do You Really Want to Celebrate Halloween? The History October 31, Halloween, is the “Vigil of Samhain” celebration of the Druids, ancient Pagan Celtic riesriests!ts! On this night, the" lacated the #ord of Death who released the souls of the dead to haunt and tric$ their relrelati%esati%es and %isit their former homes! &itches and demons also came out of hiding on this night! 'his da" coincided with the end of har%est and whothe beginning re*uired aof human the nenew wsacrifice! "ear for these Druid worshworshiersiers of Samhain (numer(numerousous sellings are correct), the grim reaer, +n D -.1 the /oman Catholic Church “sanctified” these agan ractices the" had re%iousl" been tr"ing toto abolish! 'he" literall" ga%e u against e%il! 'he /oman autumn har%est celebrations and ll Saint0s Da" (o%ember 1) were combined with llll Hallows 2%e (October 31) in an attemt to ChristChristianieianie it! 'he founding Pilgrims of mermericaica outlawed this ractice! +n the mid 14..0s +rish immigrants brought this custom to merimerica!ca! 'o'oda"da" "oung and old ali$e dress u and go out into the night, tric$ or treating and celebrating! Halloween has become the second most celebrated holida" with eoeolele sending about 54. er erson ttoo art" (again, financiall" second onl" to Christmas)! 'he ma6orit" of them are un$nowingl" gi%ing glor" to the da" that the occultoccult,, Satan worshiers and &iccan (those in%ol%ed in witchcraft) call the “da" abo%e all others!” 'his is the highest of theitheirr eight hol" da"s! nton #aVe", author ofof The Satanic Bible and high riest of the Church of SatSatanan states, “Satanists considconsiderer Halloween the most imortant da" of the "ear! SatanSatanic,ic, occult and witchcraft owers are at their highest otenc" le%el7 Satan and his owers are at their best that night!” sergeant at the 88aldwinaldwin Par$ PolPoliceice Deartment in Southern CalCaliforniaifornia states ““frightening,frightening, murmurderousderous satanic ractices ta$e lace around the world e%er" HalloweHalloween,en, and "et the ublic dismisses reortsreorts of their occurrence, refusing to belie%e the holida" is an"thing more than 9child9child0s0s la"0!” :uite literall"literall",, this “holida"” belongs to Satan, aandnd those who cecelebratelebrate it, e%en innocentl", are gi%ing glor" to hihimm and utting themsel%es in dangerous territor"territor"!! The Symbols grgrotes*ueotes*ue face was car%car%eded in a um$in to scare awa" e%il sirits; this was a sign to ththee demons that a %i%irginrgin sacrifice had been gi%en b" the household! +nside was a candle made from the human fat of the sacrificsacrifice!e! Do "ou want a Jack-o-lantern in "our home< 'he Bonfire had a three=fold urose> 1) to scare awa" the e%il sirits; ?) to mar$ the gathering laces for the celebration where eole came after utting out their hearth fires; 3) and to ha%e the “bone=fire” where human and animal sacrifices were burned! 'he articiants carr" a stic$ home to light their hearth fires from this commcommunit"unit" bonfire!bonfire! 'o disguise themsel%es from the sirits, eole donned Costumes tr"ing to loo$ li$e the e%il sirits, or loo$ terribleterrible enough scare them awa"; oftentimes the" wore the heheadsads of the animals the" had sacrificed! 'he Druid riests went door to door demanding food to offer to Samhaim and ronounced a demonic curse ofof death or h"sical male castration, if the" didn0t ggetet what the" as$ed for! nother custom was for eole to lea%e a “treat” out for the sirits, so the" wouldn0t “tric$” or totorturerture the household! 'hus the Trick-or-Treat custom was born! &hat about the other ss"mbols"mbols of Halloween< hosts la"ed tric$s and caused suernatural haenings in the household! !strolo"y was hea%il" racticed, as e%er"one wanted redictiredictionsons for the coming new "ear! 'raditionall" the" “read” the sacrificial bones and entrails of sacrifices!sacrifices! Witches are real satanic worshiers, "et their caricatures are ortra"ed and costumed e%er"where! Coffins# tombstones# mummies# skeletons an$ cemetercemeteriesies come from the #ord of Death theme! /oman har%est festi%als bring in ththee ales, cornstal$s and um$ins! n ancient /oman/oman ceremon" honoring false gods in%ol%ed tr"ing to ggrasras floatifloatingng fruit without using hands, which is wherewhere bobbin" for a%%les came from! 'he Druids belie%ed that black cats were reincarnated humans who had been unished for their e%il deeds! 'hese cats were sacred sacrifices! 'oda", blac$ cats are still sacrificed during occult rituals! &s it Really Just another Holi$ay? @nowing the meaning and traditions behind Halloween, do "ou reall" want to celebrate Halloween< +t0s mmuchuch more than 6ust an innocent child0s da"da"!! ''herehere is absolutel" no wa" "ou can iincludenclude Aesus Christ iinn these celebraticelebrations!ons! &h" lace "ourself, e%en for a few hours, in the territor" of the e%il one< +n 2hesians ->1? Aesus tells us too “Ha%e no fellowshi with the unfruitful wor$s of dar$ness but rero%e tthem!”hem!” 2hesians B>11 sa"s, “eit“eitherher gi%e lace to the de%il!” Bible !nswers &hen "ou al" the following 8ible tets ttoo Halloween, iitt iiss ob%ious what our osition as Christians should bbee regarding Halloween, the occult, sorcer" or magic> •• #e%iticus 1>31 E Should we turn to mediums or wiards< •• #e%iticus ?.>-=?F E &hat will haen if "ou turn to wiards or medium< &hat will haen if "ou become a medium or wiard< •• 1 Chronicles 1.>13 E &hat haened to Saul because of his in%ol%ement< (1 Samuel ?4 E 3.) •• /e%elation 14>G E &hat are we to do< •• 2hesians B>4=11 E &hat should we do with the wor$s of dar$ness< •• ? 'imoth" 1>F E &hat sirit did Aesus gi%e us< •• 2hesians ->11 E &hat should we do< •• Philiians G>4 E &hat $ind of things should we dwell on< •• ? Corinthians ->1G,1B E Can light and dar$ness mi< Should we mi with e%il< •• 1 Corinthians 1.>31 E &ho should recei%e our glor"< •• atthew ->?G E How man" masters can we ser%e< •• 1 Peter ?> E &ho are we< •• 2odus ?.> B E &hat is Iod0s warning< •• 2hesians B>1 E &ho should we imitate< •• Psalm 1.1>3 E re we e%er to loo$ at wic$ed things< •• 1 Aohn 3>4 E &&hathat has Iod romised< •• 1 Corinthians 1.>?.,?1 E Can we arta$e of two tables< •• 2hesians -> 1G=1F E &hat are the onl" safe things to ut on< •• 2hesians G>?F E Should we gi%e lace to the de%il< •• 1 'hessalonians B>?? E &hat should we abstain from< •• 2hesians B>11 E &hat should we do with dar$ness< •• cts 1>14=1 E &ha&hatt did the earl" church do to occultocculticic boo$s< •• 2odus ??>14 E &hat haened to witches in the 8ible< •• Deuteronom" 14>=1G E Should we articiate in the occult< •• +saiah 4>1 E Can we learn about the futurfuturee from mediums and s"cs"chics<hics< •• /e%elation ??>1B E &ill mediums, wiards, sorcers and those that consult them enter hea%en< What Can We Do? Send time in ra"er and siritual warfare for "our communit" and the innocent children caught u in the dar$ness beof Halloween! bound! 'he occult members ra" for e%il sirits to inhabit the costumes sold to children! &e should rra"a" that Satan 2ducate "our own children! Don0t scare them b" gi%ing them too much information! 2lain to "oung children onl" what the" need to $now to understand! Do a 8ible stud" and loo$ u these 8ible tets with "our childrechildren!n! Iet together with li$e=minded families! Ha%e a sou and salad otluc$, a time of intercessor" ra"er together and famil" game time! an" Pathfinder grous collect cans on this night! JJouou could do this as a church or homeschool grou! Pass out bags in a secific area a few da"s before with a note elainelaininging what "our grou is dodoing!ing! fter collecting, ma$e food bas$ets or donate to Communit" Ser%ices and local ffoodood closets! + ersonall"ersonall" ha%e reser%ations about being out on this night at all! &itness to "our neighbors without condemning them! On Halloween night, ass out ineensi%e crafts or to"s instead of cand" and include a scriture that will oint them to Aesus! Some families include an in%itation to churchchurch aandnd a Little Friend oror Primary Treasure. Celebrate "our blessings and share with others the good news of Aesus! s horrific aass Halloween and tthesehese traditions arare,e, “Iod has not ggi%eni%en us the sirit of fear, but of ower and lo%e and of a strong mind!” ? 'imoth" 1>F! a$e a stand7 “s for me and m" house, we will ser%e the #ord!” Aoshua ?G>1B 'ore Halloween Resources Legacy of Halloween a %ideo b" Aames rrabito discussing the religious origins of modern Halloween celebrations! P! O! 8o ?.B, ngwin C GB.4; www!tagnet!orgKllt Halloween: Trick or Treat? %ideo roduced b" Aeremiah Lilms! Chuc$ Smith, CCar"lar"l atrisciana, Hal #indse", #aw enforcement officials, &itches and Satanists trace agan origins and histor" of Halloween! Shows rrealeal rituals of the occult! %ailable for 51!B from www!shonetdail"!comKstoreKitem!as<+'2M+DN?4B The ark Side of Halloween ! The Bewitching of "mer"mericaica b" Pastor Da%id #! 8rown, #ogos Communication Consortium, +nc!, P! O! 8o 1F3, Oa$ Cree$, &+ B31BG> G1GKFF-4=FBG! Download the boo$ from> wwwwww!logosresourceages!!logosresourceages!orgKintroduction!htmorgKintroduction!htm 'hi'hiss is a boo$ to warn arents and adults of the abominations and er%ersions of Halloween, witchcraft and the occult! 'his boo$ is not for "oung children! #ommy$ %hy on&t %e 'elebrate Halloween? 8"8" #inda Hacon &i&inwood;nwood; PublisPublishedhed b" Dentin" +mag+magee E 4..KF??=-FFG Halloween Through Twenty 'enturies b" / #inton The Book of Halloween b" /!2! @elle" 8elie%e it or not this scar" website> www!harr"ottermagic!org
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