: w»*. A<i *1 w*s8$m"> \7®%^W } *&r - 2*#~ "r'\ r m 4 .• ^ . *.• i FOR VICTORY—Bifr ENAKOPRAVNOST U. S. War Bonds & Stamps Fighting Jugoslavs • • 6231 St. Clair ATMMW ENGLISH SECTION NOVEMBER 22, 1943 DOLG HEnderson 5311-5Š1Ž The Struggle of the Slovenes Povelfe ; By BORIS FURLAN, „ , . ~t • Flashy Newslll Soc. Zarja's Wrestling Show .Protestor of Political PhDoflophy at the University of LjuMJau* ČIRIL DREKONJA ________ \ (Continuation) a single shot is fired, the entire city reverberates with shooting, By One J" Thanksgiving Daru;# Bob Brickman again will pre It affects the nerves of the and soldiers of every kind sent on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd an­ invaders when they find the (Nadaljevanje) "Saj veste!" Here I am with my first And Operetta swarm everywhere." "Ne vem, o kakšni nesreči column. I hope you find*my ar­ other of his great wrestling streets empty, as a demonstra­ "Kje vas boli?" govoriš? Saj smb vendar boga­ ticle very enjoyable to read. shows this being his 3rd since tion of the population on vari­ After every attempt, . the "Povsod, ves sem bolan! In ti! Boš videl, koliko bomo pre­ Saturday, Nov. 13 I found my­ Soc. ZaTja is having another he brought back the grunt and ous occasions. Word goes out Italians round-up and arrest a potem je mol čal. jeli. Čudil se boš. Vse s| m do­ self at 65th with a group of Thanksgiving Concert and is groan game. from mouth to mouth and on great number of people. Out in Zopet so ga vprašali: also presenting an operetta. The feature event will bring gnal." friends .. Pete Sernick's mu­ the following day all the streets the country, in revenge, they together one of the greatest at­ "Vam skuhamo zdravila? V izbi je nastala tišina. Ma­ sic could be improved . How Both the concert and operetta are empty for an hour or two. burn down the villages which are expected to be very good. tractions in this country the Kaj želite, da vam pripravi­ teri in otrokom je zastala sa­ come Aggie Andrews isn't seen Occasions for such demonstra­ are nearest to the place of the mo?" at the dances any more ... Is In the concert there are three "Swedish Angel" weighing 241 tions are especially the Yugo­ attack and hurry the inhabi­ pa. chorus songs; two ladies' and fresh from a string of vic­ Odmajal je z glavo in ni re­ Odslej je Košan pešal. Blodil it account of "Riba"? . ... Net­ slav national holidays, such as tants off to Italy, even though chorus songs; duets and a tories on the West Coast and kel nič. je okoli po izbi, v kamro, v ku­ tie Stanish appearing to be aw October 23, the anniversary of the villages took no part in the trio. All of the chorus songs tbjat popular Irishman from Žena in otroci so bili v skr­ hinjo, na izbo. Večkrat na dan fully stuck-up lately. What's the declaration of independence attack. One round-up alone in are new, including a waltz, Toronto, Pat Flanigan who has beh zanj, a pomagati si niso- je šel po stopnicah. Nikjer ni the reason behind it? „ . Saw of the Serbs, Croats, and Slo­ Ljubljana lasted from June 24 which is similar to the Blue won two straight matches here, mogli. Čutili so spremembo na našel obstanka. Sledili so mu Milly Kramer and Oily Polis venes from Austria-Hungary, to July .1. Ljubljana was Danube. The name of the waltz defeating Emil Dusek in the njem. Prej je rajši ubogal ka­ pogledi žene in otrok. really going to town all eve­ or December 1, the day of the blockaded from all sides by is Southern Roses. It is trans­ last show. kor ukazoval, zdaj je postal "Paziti bomo morali nanj," je ning. Nice going, girls! Does declaration of the unification the army. The troops rounded- m svoj. Vendar so upali, da brother Tony Kramer approve? lated from English to -the Slo­ In addition to the main event of the Serbs, Croats, and Slo­ up the pedestrians and drove mukoma izgovorila Košanka. vene. '; the Hollywood Wrestling Star bo to prešlo; da oče zopet oži­ France in Andrej sta uprla oči . Jean Kranjc certainly venes in a national state under them to the barracks in carts. The operetta we are present­ and Ex-Army Sgt. Vic Hol- vi in da bo, kakor je bil prej. v mater. Vse tri je navdajala floats around. Can't you sit King Peter I. On October 9, From block to block they ing is "Piknik v gozd," (Picnic brook will meet "Hard-Boiled 1941, the seventh anniversary Po nekaterih dneh se je Ko­ bolest. still? . Where is "Snoopy" searched every house, in all, in the Forest) And is very hu­ Hannigan, a rough, tough Texas of the death of King Alexander, more than 5000 buildings. They šan nekoliko razgibal. Napravil "Ne pravimo nikomur!" je keeping herself? Who's the morous. It is about a group of Cowboy and a new face in Cle­ all the streets and business took away all the men between se je in je šel pred hišo. Stopil dodal poltiho France. lucky man? Come on "Snoop" people on a picnic in a forest veland but a man that can real­ establishments , in Ljubljana the ages of 16 and 50. At the je v hlev. Vzel je -sekiro v roko break down and tell us ... Zora Košan je odšel po stopnicah and the things that happen to ly wrestle. were empty after seven o'clock barracks they stamped passes in se lotil dela na tnalu. Delal Valencic and Florence Poznik na izbo. Mati je namignila enjoying themselves all eve­ them. It also concerns a gypsy, The third bout will bring to­ in the evening. In front of the and detained most of the young je kratek čab, nato je sedel na Francetu, češ, pojdi in poglej, ning . Tony Sternad and and takes place in Europe. gether Earl McCready the Brit place where the monument to people between the ages of 16 tnalo ter se zamaknil. Uprl je kaj dela. Sin je ubogal ter mu Vick Kizer dancing quite a bit. There are only two solos and ish Empire Champion who beat the king had stood, a strong and 26, and many even up to pogled v tla in sedel nepremič­ sledil s tihim korakom. Gledal How did you make out, boys? four chorus songs. A1 Dunlop in the last show, military guard prevented any the age of 40. Most of the no. Zopet je prijel orodje v ro­ je skozi priprta vrata vrh stop­ ... A1 Tercek taking a great in­ The program will take place will meet Dick Bishop of Chi­ approach. The authorities evi­ students did not return to their ko, poskusil cepiti drva. Kmalu nic in opazoval očetovo počet­ terest in the "Kramer gang"... November 25th, 1943 and starts cago weighing 230 and a big dently learned of an under­ homes. The reporter says liter­ je opustil delo ter se vrnil v hi- je. Videl ga je, kako je stopal Wonder who the young lady at 5:30 p. m. It will be held at favorite in the Windy City. ground movement that the men ally: "The procedure is like <3o. Od tod se je napotil s počas­ med šaro in se je dotikal; nato was that had her eye on John­ the Slovene National Home on The fourth bout will feature were to stand with heads un­ picking cattle for slaughter. nimi koraki na brdo in gledal v je stopil na obok in gledal -v ny Vadnal? Come on Johnny, St. Clair Ave. The admission Thor Morgan a Wrestling Ma­ covered at the place where the Those that are to be interned Mlačno dolino. Prišel je domov. tramovje. šel je dalje na pod in how about letting us in on it? for both the dance and pro­ rine from Tennessee who will monument formerly stood. The are driven into a place sur­ Zopet je vzel seWo izpod ku­ se zopet ustavil. Ko se je vra­ . Pete Kotorac dancing with gram is 50c in advance and 60c meet Joe Mathes from Buffalo. monument to King Alexander, rounded by barbed-wire, where hinjske omare-in odšel na tna­ čal proti vratom, je odhitel Dorothy Bozic quite a bit . at the door. Then admission for Freddie Bozic the local boy a true work of art by the sculp­ they bake in the sun the live­ lo. Ni strpel dolgo. Pustil js France po prstih navzdol, da bi Esther Nagode enjoying her­ dancing only will be 50c, and who made good in his first bout tor Dolinar, was of bronze. Im­ long day without food and wa­ polena razmetana na tleh ter ga ne opazil. self to her heart's content Johnny Pecon's orchestra will this year beating Swede An­ mediately after the occupation, ter. Toward morning each day, se odpravil po stopnicah na Hedy Kozel and Mary Šimence furnish the tunes. Refreshments derson will meet Freddie Steele. the Italians dismantled it and the transports with about 1000 podstrešje. Vrnil se je, šel v iz­ "Kaj dela?" ga je vprašala showing their faces at the will be served. turned it to military use. The persons leave for Bologna and bo, postopal je po podu, se use­ mati. Sin je zganil z rameni. Secure your tickets from a Sienna (cities in Italy). In dance Sunday, Nov. 14. Nice Disorder, says the Greater other monument to the Yugo­ del na peč, nato je stopil zopet Na seeing you! . Tony Moze is Zarja membef.
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