
1 »*:« IT IS YOUH DUTY T© VOTE TUESDAY, HOY. 3 SOUTHERN INDIANA'S ONLY COLORED NEWSPAPER ROADtoliiBira SERVING 10,000 %%t €^mMlk grgug VOTE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN READERS SO. lMf*rA^AWMB -(utsg^iS^Cg^mESSlVEg?| WEEKLY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD FIFTH YEAR EVANSVILLE, IND., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1942. INDIANAPOLI CORES NEW IDEALE SEGREGAT M-CROWISM OF SEPIA WO MRS. WILLIS State Motor Vehicle tsureau DIES IN OHIO SUPPORTERS Of DEMOCRAT! News from Dayton, O., reach­ ed hero Sunday telling of the PARTY BLAMED FOR INHUMAN Employs High Percentage t death of Mrs. Sadie Rice Willis, 49, a former resident of the citv. AID EVIL TREATMENT OF RACE She died Sunday in the Ohio Colored Personnel Workers city. FT. WAYNE, IND. (ANS) — I disloyalty to the people and to Surviving are: husband, John; Wilbur H. Grant, Attorney of the Nation, Negro soldiers who • daughter, Mrs. Marie Morris, Indianapolis, Indiana, nominee are taking their basic training IND.IANAPOLIS.—The sincere l politicians who believes that the U. S. FACTORIES both of Dayton; sister, Marie for State Legislature^ and Di­ for service in foreign lands, are working of the Indiana Repub­ best politics is the best govern- EMPLOY WOMEN Robinsoas^ Evansville; auntj; rector of the Colored Division of forced to endure all manner of lican State Central Committee I ment. Thoroughly American, uncles, nieces and nephews. Fu­ . the State Republican Commit- humiliating treatment within to broaden the opportunities of ! in-born Republican he knows ON PRODUCTION neral services were held Friday j tee, declared in a speech here the boundaries of the Demo­ the Negro race far as the gov­ that only through the Republi­ Colored women. are now be­ at 2 p. m. in the Liberty Bap­ j last week that the Democratic cratic South. Today in Con­ ernmental program of the state can party can the United States ing employed in increasing tist church with the Rev. L. S. j (now called New Deal) Party is gress, on the question of the and the State of Indiana be is concerned, lias been aided numbers as production workers Smith officiating. Burial was in I unfavorable, not only to the 15,- Oeyoi- Anti-Poll Tax Bill, this brought back to the once proud Oak Hill j cemetery. figs greatly through the efforts of 1000,000 Negro citizens of the bill that would unfetter thous­ position they once occupied. in aircraft factories, ordnance Ralph Gates, chairman. .Colored Other deaths reported were I United States and the 100,000 ands of voters, the same Demo­ Ralph Gates has no use for the plants, shipyaiUs and garment those of Mose Clark, 55, 509 Oak men and women are now doing | Negroes of Indiana, but to the cratic New Deal supporters are New Deal, but with his toler­ factories, Paul V. McNutt, the street, and Walter Haynes, 67, clerical work in the Motor Ve­ entire Nation. doing everything possible in or­ ant nature he extends figura­ chairman of the War Manpow­ 609 High street. Mr. Clark's fu­ hicle department and receive "Wo have 400,000 Negroes in der to defeat this measure the same wages as do all other tive open arms to Jeffersonian er Commission, announced to­ neral wasijield in Hopkinsvile, our armed forces," Grant said, employes. A fair portion of jan­ day. Ky., where, "burial followed. Mr. "yet the leaders of the Demo­ "The well-thinking citizens of itor employment has been grant­ Chairman McNutt made pub­ Haynes's; funeral will be hejd' cratic party — such men as this Nation have awakened to ed the Race. Evansville is rep­ lic a list of 64 important war today (Saturday) at 2 p. m. in Senators Bankhead of Alabama, the realization that we are in resented in the Motor Vehicle I production plants in 18 igtates the chapel of the Gaines Fu­ Rankin of Mississippi and other a serious war, serious to the Bureau by Mrs. Inez Hackner I now employing colored women neral home. Burial will be in 14- avowed New Deal supporters are j extent that they refuse to have Willingham. Fifteen other mem­ I as electricians, welders, sheet cust Hill cemetery. dcing a great dis-service to the their every effort subsidized by bers of the Race make up the i metal workers, assemblers, ma- The W. A. Gaines funeral home government in these chaotic i giving over to the undemocratic had charge of the bodies of the personnel, of this department. I chine tool operators, lath hands, times with their antics of pre­ principles of s. few self-styled persons mentioned. They handle the Conditional Li­ ' drill press operators, power ma­ judice, segregation and jim- bigots who feel that they are censes of the department, doing chine operators, aircraft pro­ crowism of workers in our vital the law within themselves and Ptrixfg', typing and mailing: Oth­ duction workers, explosive oper-j •jjftggg NOVEMBER 3RD^- war factories. They are running from now on this policy of ap­ er Motor Vehicle Department a'tors, rubber workers and in a VOTE-FOR PROVEN'^rEITOS truo'lo^To'rm as 'Southern Demo­ peasement will cease and -all employes include: George Mari­ number' >-of skilled and semi­ OF THE RACE crats, as this has been their citizens, regardless of race, on Robinson, Jr., of Indianap­ skilled categories, inducted from This issue of The ARGUS tells 'Bible' for the past 77 years." creed or color, will be treated as olis; Emmett Wheeler of Dan­ war training .courses. you who they are. 'As a further example of their citizens and not as vassals." ville; R. L. Maddox, all serving in supervisory capacities. In the OPENS MODERN BEAUW SALON—Derbyville's most modern office of Richard T. James, Au­ and up-to-the-minute beauty salon, Bee-Dew, located at 517 So. Governor street, is operated by Mme. L. Strayhorne, pictured here. ditor of State, are two colored ; r employes: Mrs. Nellie Bailey as Local Republican Leader Lauds Efforts A native of the eity, Mme. Strayhorne has been operating a stenographer and C h a r 1 e s beauty salon in Nashville, Tenn., the past 8 years. She is a grad­ uate of rthe Bee Dew School of Beauty Culture in Detroit, Mich. Brown as clerk. • RALPH F. GATES Beauty treatments of all kinds including manicures are now Mr. Gates has a long and hon- Democrats and independent vot­ Of LaFollette ® Reichert To Alfl Negroes being offered the smart dressers of Derbyville by Mme. Strayhorne orable career in politics in In- ers to join the Republican party By DR. E. M. BAYLOR and staff which includes Miss Christine McFarland and Mrs. Mar­ liana. His father before him, in this most critical election in Chairman, Vanderburgh County lem facing the city at that time facilities that will see an end the Anti-Poll Tax Bill out of garet Moredock. the late Benson Gates, imbued the history of our country. We Republican Central Committee and helped many a father to to the "basement" setup now the Committee. Mr. LaFol­ •in the present state chairman select Ralph Gates, efficient —Colored Division meet his expenses weekly and available for colored patients. lette's opponent also voted that political sagacity which chairman, loyal American, good Forgetting party affiliations to provide sufficient economic Mr. Reichert will see that train­ against the $50.00 per month WORKERS DEFENSE LEAGUE MAKES now stands the party in good Republican. and weighing the true value of security for his family. One ing similar and equal to that Soldier Bill and did not give stead. Ralph's father was an Never in the history of the the men themselvels, be they of the officers' of this firm was given Mechanic Arts School will the members of the Evansville PLEA FOR ENERGETIC WORKERS intimate friend of the honor­ party in Indiana has there been Republicans or Democrats, I Manson L. Reichert, our pres­ be provided for the members of Council of Clubs (a Negro or­ able James E. Watson, who for a harder working, more work- feel free in saying that the col­ ent candidate for Mayor of Ev­ the Race. Now, as never before ganization) any consideration The local branch of the Negro minority, led by B. Yates years effectively carried on the minded chairman than Mr. ored voters of Evansville and ansville — elect Reichert and it is essential that all persons be on their post card barrage, pro­ Workers Defense League with Nofris, Executive Board Mem­ party's work in the Hoosier Gates. When he took over the Vanderburgh county have the usher in a new liberal employ­ given skilled training . the testing the fact that Negroes of offices at 20 East Powell avenue, ber of the local W. D. L.; and state. Ralph has the same spirit leadership of the party in Au­ ment policy far as Negroes are present setup for skilled train­ tvansville were net being con­ through its secretary, John W. talks on the "History of the of Republicanism and ideals as gust, 1941, he announced to the concerned. ing for colored men and wom­ sidered or included in the Ev­ Powell, announces the next Working Cl|ass Movement," by Lincoln, McKinley and the oth­ Republicans of Indiana that he He also supported the famed en is inadequate. ansville skilled training setup. meeting of the organization on Ruth H. Asbell and T. B. Neely, er great statesmen which the would give his undivided efforts "Reichert Giants" baseball team It has been brought to my at­ Wednesday, Nov. 4th, at the; Executive Secretary of the Com­ Republican party has given the to the building oD a virile or­ of a few years back; an organ­ A FRIEND OF THE WORKING tention that some 3,000 postal Community Association auditor­ munity Association.
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