ISAAC WILSON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50.—50C.DISCOUNT IP PAID IJT ADVANOB. VOL. XIII- ALEXANDKIA ONTAKIO, FRIDAY APRIL 10, 1896. NO; 15- EOXOR TH.E DEAD. DR. MCLENNAN, I Mêm@j Êê Mumm ALEXANDRIA OOUNCIL. THE MOST HEALTHFUL AND SAF] ALEXANDRIA. On Tuesday evening the Council met, and To a large extent in Canada, and very AT 5 ANDJJ^R CENT. after a protract, d session, passed a number extensively in the United States, has the Baking Powder ISSUED BY beautiful custom of decorating the graves of Office and Residence:—Kenyon Street. of accounts, and asked leave to sit again on 18 THE GENUINE U-ly. The undersigned has made arrange- Wednesday evening, which they did in the the departed been followeil, that it has CEO. HEARNDEN ments with private capitalists to lend most interesting conversational manner pos- stirred up the people in these places to money on improved farms of .50 acres sible. We were there and took in for about clean and beautify the silent cities of the and upwards in sums not less than $500. dead. This is a matter that will come home THE MISSES M'DOHELL 34. two hours tl\e interesting speeches of the Interest on sums over $1,200, 5 per cent, Salons of our town, which were marked by to the people of Glengarry, and even the Cook’s Friend Will be ready to show their for each year after first year, and for much eloquence, a rare amount of common smallest and most remote burying places, Ask Yonr Storekeeper for MONEY TO LOAN first year, payable half yearly, and in sense, and the most intricate argument that can be systematically laid out, and the On First-class Farm,Town and Village Pro- sums under $1,200 at 5^ per cent., pay- our appreciation of the prolonged debate in mounds of earth which cover up the buried perty. Bate of Interest according to Se- able yearly, for terms ol 5 to 10 years. the House of Commons could impress upon hopes of dear ones, should be kept in order, curity. the grass trimmed, and flowers grown, and McLm’s Cool’s Frieii —DURING— Valuotions must In all cases be made by a sleepÿ inember. But we were there, when J. R. ADAMSON, either D. A. McArthur, Reeve. Alexandria ; anything of importance to the rate-payers at times deposited in memory of the depart- AND TAKE NO OTHER. ' Alexander McDougall, Reeve No. 1 Lochiel ; ed. How far reaching this ceremony goes. GLENGARRY BLOCK, CORNWALL. Duncan A. McDonald, Post-master, Alexan- was on. Appraisers for the Canada- Permanent Loan dria; William D. McLeod. Oheese-maker, At eight o’clock the meeting opened, with 'Who has not lost a friend ? What home has and Savings Company, and General Agents or John J. McDonell, 9-3 Kenyon, to either of Reeve McArthur in the chair,and Councillors not a vacant chair ? And as we pass through OBITUARY. 1 A. H. CONKOY, V. D., for the Globe Savings and Loan Company, whom application can be made direct, or to these grounds, and read the names of those ALEXANDRIA. Toronto. ,&le, McDonell, MoGillivray and McPhee Low Rates for Large Loans. Mortgages and J. A. MACDGNELL, (Greenfield,) DU thé floor. who were once the moving figures in our MKS. ALLAN GUNN. Debentures Bought. 9-tf. ALEXANDRIA. The Reeve said that some arrangement midst, and holding honored positions in our Mrs. Allan Gunn, wife of Allan Gunni Veterinary Dentlstr a Specialty should be made to have the heater placed countrj-, memory turns back again, and we. Esq., Barrie, died at the residence of hci' Good. Warm, stable attached. 3-6 in position, and the poles giiyed, and it was see like a panorama pass before the minds son, Mr. R. D. Gunn, barrister, Orillia,' learned that the man who placed the poles eye the patches of history and biographj' where she had been visiting, on Friday, JOHN A. CHISHOLM. R. MCLENNAN, was'willing to straighten up the poles and which these tombstones represent. Here March 13th, of heart failure, brought on by ia:.sa..i^3R,xso,2;T BXJOCXS:. guy them for a consideration. lies those who were members of our Legisla- a serious attack of la grippe, which she con- Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Medical Hall, On motion, the Reeve was authorized to tures, our professional men, onr Councillors, tracted some four weeks since. j CorrLT^stll, Oaa.ta.rio. —Manufacturer of and dealer In go to Ottawa and arrange with the Canada our business men, onr neighbors. Here lies On Saturday morning the remains were a little babe with whose life went out the taken to the Church of the AngelsGuardian,' Offloes—Kirkpatrick’s block, entrance on ALEXANDRIA^ Atlantic Railway for supplying them with First street. TIN & SHEET IRONWARE, water. hopes and joys of a mother’s heart, and where a solemn Requiem Mass was cele- Branch office A. J. McDonald’s Block, Main _ Mr. Smith, engineer of the electric light there an old man full of years and cares, bi’ated by Rev. Father Duffy. «treet, Alexandria; H. J. Patterson manager* PUMPS, SINKS, CISTE HNS, TO THE FRONT AS USUAL was present and explained that finding the who has gladly gone to rest. And here lies The funeral cortege then proceeded to MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST BATES. 37 armature of the alternators had gone wrong, a young man on whom fond hopes were the G. T. R. station, and the body wa.s BATHS. LEAD AND IRON and sparks were emitted, he tliought it built, to whom the future was full of prom- transferred to the residence of the deceased’s Our stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent better to shut dowm than to burn out the ise, but the light of whose life went out m brother, Mr. R. McDonnell of Barrie, as the' WILLIAM A. LEGCO ROOFING. the fulness of its splendour and beauty, family residence has been closed since her MaDaSaf DaDaSvf Medicines, Toilet Articles, Dye Stuffs, plant. &c., is as complete as of old, and NEW It was suggested that it would be a good leaving sad and weary hearts to wonder at illness. t Jobbing and Repairing will receive GOODS ARRIVING CONSTANTLY; thing to buy a few cars of hemlock and bass- the mysteries of life and death. Why as we The funeral took place at 2.30 p.m., Sun- nDEnsTGriST wood slabs from Messrs. Schell & Co., and pass on in our musings and read over name day, to St. Mary’s Church, and, after the| Every month at prompt attention Don’t fail to try the “ Chemical *-lyr. on motion it was resolved to purchase three a'fter name of those whom we were wont to beautiful ’funeral service of the Roman i MOOSE CREEK, 18th. Cough Cure,” for Coughs and Colds, also or four cars loads of these slabs at $1.25 a meet with some years ago, and others but a Catholic Church, and a most impres.sive and ' M AXVILLE , i9ih, 20th and 21st. our preparation of ’* Sarsaparilla Com- few short months, we feel we are but read- eloquent sermon from Rev. Dean Egan, | ALEXANDEIA,22nd and 23rd. cprd at the station, and liave them hauled pound” is second to none on the market. to the works. ing over the history of our county, and which could not have failed to carry a lesson ! CITY OFFIOK—25 SPARKS ST. OTTAivA.24-ly The Reeve, while in Ottawa, was author- living over the past again. What volumes to many in the large audience present, pro- i JARVIS, OTTAWA, Give us a call and satisfy your-. could be written about the lives and deeds ceeded to the cemetery. selves. ized to get the material necessary for use in PLASTERING! fixingjbhe boiler and putting the heater in. of the inhabitants of these silent cities if we During the course of his remarks, which FOR PHOTOS. A. P. McDonald was appointed Collector could turn back the wheels of time, and occupied about three-quarters of an hour, We are selling this month a go.id for the electric lights, on commission. trace the records now indelibly written and were listened to with rapt attention, Plain and Ornamental Pla'stering done In the., discussion it came out that 15 poles upon the hearts of those who survive. Then the speaker said it was not the practice in at Reasonable Prices. BEST VALUE IN RELIABLE WATCH $3.25, W’ere toTie guyed, and a number straighten- let us lovingly care for the last resting place the Church to preach what is usually called of our dear ones, and strew beautiful flowers a funeral sermon or panegyric, which in ALL KINDS OP STEM WIND AND SEi'. ed up. Latest Style in CENTRES kept on band. At about half-past ten the Council ad- on their gi’aves to mark our respect for their many instances was apt to be exaggerated 321y journed, i memory. We have in Alexandria the St. or overdrawn, but this was an exception, D. H. WASON. J6@" Don’t forget our Finnan’s and Presbyterian cemeteries, where the beautiful Christian life of the de- ALEXANDRIA, ONT. PHOTO WORK ! where are laid away manj' of our dear ones. parted was a shining example to all. He ; ^lO -^77“^TCS: DEAMATIO OLUB ENTERTAINMENT. In these homes of the dead, are many un- alluded to the fact that on many stormy i kept graves, and fallen, defaced tombstones, days, when the more robust were given to THE CANADA PLATING GO.
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