•m- '.Ai i MANCHESTER’S STORES OPEN NIGHT BEGINNING OCT. 27 •v ^ NET PRESS RITNI t h e WEATHER FerecMt kr V* Weather Bareaa. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION hew Uavea OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of September, 1927 " ”■4 Light showers tonight; Tuesday 5,040 dondy. _ PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. X U I m n o . l i . Classifled Advertising on page 8 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1927. (TEN PAGES) -------- --------------------------------------- i TWO HUNTERS KILLED; RUTH AND HER MISTAKEN FOR DEER. A Ream of Well-wishes 1 Albany, N. Y., Oct. 17.— Al­ Frances Grayson, Brice Goldsborough, her though only three days old, the navigator (center)) and Wilmer Stults, her BIG CONSPIRAa TRIAL PHOT START 1927 dee^ hunting season in pilot, read at Old Orchard Beach, Me., a New York state has already ream of penned'and telegraphed good wish­ brought death to two hunters. Anthony Mullancy of this city es for their forthcoming hop across the At- TRIPJO PARIS was accidentally killed while lanlc toward Copenhagen. IS ON IN WASHINGTON hunting in Renssalaer county. Carl Bont, 19, of Amsterdam, was instantly killed when his Take Steamer^For Lisbon to gun was accidentally discharged. Forty Reporters to '^Cover'' The bullet entered his brain Stenographer In Jury Room Get Passports— May Then through his right eye. Hearing of Famous Case; May Quash Indictments Fly to Paris In a Borrow­ LEVINE BACK; Two Women In Jury Box ed Plane. New Haven, .Conn., Oct. 17.—■A^ment . the lawyers argued that the On First Day— Families battery of lawyers faced Judge Ed­ presence of an unauthorized person win S. Thomas in United States Dis­ IS WELCOMED trict Court her^ today in another ef­ in the room with the Grand Jury Of Fall and Sinclair Pres­ Horta, the Azores, Oct. 17.— fort to save a group of their clients was enough to render the indict­ After being roundly welcomed and from being tried befpre a jury on ments void. The person was Char­ entertained by the inhabitants of a charge of conspiracy to divert al­ les F. Roberts, a New Haven attor­ ent In Courtroom. this port, Miss Ruth Elder and BY M R E R S cohol from legitimate manufactur­ ney, He was there as a stenogra­ George Haldeman, rescued Ameri­ ing purposes to use as a beverage. pher, the lawyers said. John Dana- can trans-Atlantic fliers, today bid Once, many months ago, the law­ her, of Meriden, assistant district Washington, Oct. 17.— At lunch' farewell to Horta and start for yers succeeded in having a Grand attorney, showed a letter proving Paris by way of Lisbon. Given Reception By City of Jury indictment quashed. The gov­ Roberts was a specially appointed time, fifteen veniremen had passed They are expected to board the ernment promptly re-indicted the assistant district attorney. through the jury box in the Fall- r.rtuguese mail ship, Lima, which group. Now the lawyers want the The defendants’ lawyers had Sinclair conspiracy trial today and New York— Modest In indictments quashed again. will takj them to Libson. Accord­ filed either pleas in abatement or nine tentatively retained their ing to Miss Elder, she may fly from Headed by Thomas J. Spellacy, motions to quash for their clients. Lisbon to Paris, where her trunks Speaking to Press — To of Hartford, the lawyers argued The government today presented seats. await her, but she added this de­ that in at least two cases the fact answers or demurrers to the de­ Neither side had thus far used pends upon circumstances when she that men under Indictipeut were fendants’ motions and pleas. A a peremptory challenge. called before the Grand Jury as reached the Portuguese capital. The Start Ocean Mail Service. mass of documents was submitted Two attractive young women oc­ witnesses rendered them immune to Judge. Thomas. The defandanta’ girl flyer will first land at Ponta De from prosecution. The cases were cupied seats one and two. They C da in order to replace her lost Negro Actors Crowd COURT SAYS WOMAN attorneys also put some questions those of J. Edgar Pike, of Danbury, of fact up to the judge and discuss­ were Mrs. Annella Bailey, a piano passports at the American consu­ New York, Oct. 17.— Charles A. and Harry I. Ocmen, of New Ha­ late there as there is no American ed them. The judge took the papers store employee, and Miss Bernice Levine, the first trans-Atlantic air­ ven. under advisement. Further hear­ consul here. IS TOO L’ AT TRIAL Heaton, a long distance operator. plane passenger, who made fhe Broadway Theaters Defense Argument ings will be held on dates yet to To Ti-y Again 0 For all the men under Indict- be assigned. The veniremen* were excused ten Before leaving. Miss Elder de­ flight to Germany with Clarence minutes early for lunch while clared that she was most enthusi­ Chamberlin, returned home today New York, Oct.*17.— New York’s<»Provincetown group Owen J. Roberts, government coun­ astic about making another attempt revived the on the liner Leviathan and was giv­ amusement season having swung Pulitzer Prize Play, "In Abraham’s “If Yon Don’t Behave I’ll Pnt sel, asked that the name of H. M. to span the Atlantic by airplane. en a cordial, yet dignified, recep­ into full momentum reveals an un­ Bosom,” with a preponderance of Blackmer, a key witness, be called. She said the flight will be held next YOUNG IN FAVOR GRAYSON AIRPLANE tion by the city of New York and an precedented demand for negro per­ negro actors. Blackmer, an oil man, is in Europe j-ear and that she will immediately formers, so much so that at present "Show Boat." Yon h M ” Mrs. Endlong evading service of a subpoena. start preparations when she gets enthusiastic welcome by his friends and admirers. negro entertainers of all sorts are 2llegfel4 starts rehearsals today Roberts Objects. back to the United States. Her next being imported daily from every of “ Show Boat,” Edna Ferber’s OF POLISH LOAN FORCED TO RETURN Former Governor Nathan Miller, flight. Miss Elder said, will be The band played “ The Star Span­ Is Told. gled Banner’’ and Levine was state in the south and as far away story, with forty negroes in the of New York, rose and stated he financed by a wealthy American. warmly applauded as he was trans­ as California., ensemble. Belasco’s “ Lulu Belle,” represented Blackmer. He start­ Speaking of her flight. Miss Elder ferred from the liner to the city’s And the principal influences with thirty-four negro people sup­ ed to explain why his client was said that the weather was clear at reception boat, the Macom, which producing this situation have been porting Leonore Ulric, broke Newport, R. I., Oct. 17— Mrs. Financnal Expert Says It Is Pilot Had to Dump Gasoline not present, but Roberta objected first but later became very boister­ steamed up the harbor to welcome the high-brow producers including Brooklyn records last week and Is Jesse , Margaret Budlong, being and the court sustained him. ous. Once she took the controls the Theatre Guild, the Province- a sensation along the Manhattan Roberts inerely wanted the tact ofllcialjy the Don Quixote of avia­ sued for divorce in Superior Court while Haldeman poured g into the tion. town Players, Florence Zlegfeld, “ Subway Circuit.” Of Great Importance For To Prevent Machine From in the record so that later he can here by her millionaire husband, • N tanks from the cans, which were Levine Modest Jr... David Belasco and others of Arthur Hammerstein will open move to seize $100,000 "worth of too heavy for her to lift But steady­ Levine was extremely modest in high theatrical standing. his Mefiiorial Theatre on Broadway Milton J. Budlong, was characteriz­ America to Aid Europe. Blackmer’s property, as provided ing the ship against the wind was talking to newspaper reporters who The Guild opened its year at its with “ Golden Dawn,” employing ed as a “ fool” today by. Judge Her­ Dropping Into Ocean. in a special Senate Act. difficult for her to do for any questioned him concerning his ad­ own theatre with a dramatization sixty negroes. Gene Buck is re­ bert L. Carpenter, who threatened Miller said later that Blackmer length of time. ventures. He minimized his part in of "Porgy” an exposition of the hearsing “ Take the Air,” with six; to put her behind the bars for a was outside the jurisdiction of Guests of JIackey the achievement. lowdown life of the darkies In ‘‘Black Velvet,” closing this week, year for contempt of court if she New York, Oct. 17.— That the Old Orohard Beach, Me., Oct. 17. American codrts and challenged Charleston, employing forty-six has ten; “ Sidewalks of New York,” the constitutionality of the Senate While here. Miss Elder and “ I Intend to go into the trans- did not behave herself and answer new Polish loan to be offered to­ — Mrs. Prances Wilson Grayson, Haldeman were the guests of G. P. negro players and four whites, the morrow, is in line with the policies Act compelling attendance of wit­ Atlantic airmail business within the latter having minor roles. The questions addressed to . her by the forced to turn back on her non­ Mackey, traflic director for the next few years,’’ Levine said. "I (Continued on Page 2) court and opposing counsel. of financial recohstruction of great nesses in the oil cases. Western Union Telegraph Company. think a daily mall service to Europe Judge Carpenter’s threat came importance to America, was the stop fiight to Copenhagen, Den­ Entertained with the Americans is feasible.’’ opinion expressed today by Owen mark,‘ withlp ten minutes after the BE^i; l e g a l t a l e n t .
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