,e... Jnfernafional JtcNJrBJt '~ of you who would like to attempt starting up a group, please contact Anita N. Johnson, or myself. We had a great "mini-convention" in Joplin last sum­ mer, thanks to Bill Pohl and his fine local group of Amicans. It doesn't seem fair to use the term "mini" convention to describe these get-togethers in the "between" convention years, for although the attendance is smaller, our mini conventions are every bit as much fun for those of us who attend. As most of you know, revised AMICA Bylaws were en­ acted at the Joplin meeting. The new updated ver­ sion was nesessitated by many changes resulting from the expanded character of AMICA International. This year's AMICA International Convention is to be held in San Franci~co Thursday, September 1st through Monday, September 5th. I urge all of you to start planning for it. This is where it all began, back in the early sixties when a group of local San Fran­ cisco Bay Area enthusiasts got together and launched AMICA from a local club to a nationwide and later, an international organization. The first AMICA con­ vention was held in 1970 in San Francisco, so we have corne full circle so to speak. Those of us who were fortunate enough to have attended in 1970 are certainly looking forward to returning to San AMESSAGE FROM YOUR PRESIDENT Francisco. Sally Lawrence, who did such a magnif­ With this issue of the Bulletin, your club is enter­ icent job as Chairperson at the first Convention, is ing another year. AMICA continues to grow in mem­ again serving in this capacity. All I can add, is bership and chapters. At this writing, we have a start thinking and planning San Francisco AMICA. membership of approximately 950. The past year wit­ You should be receiving further details of this in nessed the forming of two additional chapters, The a future Bulletin. Rocky Mountain group, encompassing Colorado, Wyo­ ming, New Mexico, Western Nebraska and Western Kan­ Your Honorary Membership chairman, Al werolin, is sas, and the New Jersey Chapter. To both these new continuing his fine efforts in locating and contact­ Chapters, I wish to express best wishes on behalf ing former recording artists. Please help him and of AMICA International. Speaking of new chapter AMICA by sending any information you may have as to formations, AMICA's Board of Directors is always the whereabouts or other information of such indi­ anxious to hear from any of you who are interested viduals to AI. His address is 2230 Oakdale Rd., in organizing a local group. We are especially de­ Hillsborough, California 94010. And don't overlook sirous of seeing a New England Chapter started if the possibility of inviting these artists to a local there is enough interest. The Southeast and Pacific get-together, regardless of whether they wish to Northwest are also areas of potential local chapters, play the piano or not. as is the Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin region. Any I can't close this message without expressing my thanks to all of the officers of AMICA International. Torn Beckett, as Editor of your Bulletin, is doing a fine job. Please help him by continuing to send material for publication, whether it be original ar­ President's Message 1 ticles, newspaper items related to our onterests, International AMICA 2 or whatever. Anita Johnson, your Membership Chair­ AMICA Forum 7 man, can't process your membership renewal unless Rolls & Music 8 you send in your check for 1977. So those of you Northern California 10 who haven't already done so, get busy and mail it in. Southern California 13 Texas 15 Write to me if you have any suggestions or criticism Midwest 16 for the good of the Club. I look forward to seeing Philadelphia Area 18 many of you in San Francisco next September. Best SOWNY 20 wishes for the New Year. Rocky Mountain 21 Technicalities 23 Biographical Ske~ches 28 Bob Rosencrans, President ·1- Jnfernafional JlJJ(JBJl FROM THE PUBLISHER HONORARY MEMBER CARL SCHNEIDER Welcome to the first issue of "THE AHICA" for 1977. PASSES AWAY If you are a new member of AMICA I would like to give BY ALF. E. WEROLIN you some details about the c9ntent of your Club's n~arlY Word has just been received that AMICA honorary publication. Our material is comprised of 100% member Carl L. Schneider passed away on November member donated items, including personal art1cles, 18th, 1976 in Brooklyn, New York. Mr. Schneider was news clippings and historical material loaned for . reprinting. New or returning member, I hope you w111 associated with the Ampico Corporation in the very early days and helped in the developement of the re­ support AMICA by contributing to our news BULLETIN producing mechanism as a laboratory technician work­ this year. SUBMISSIONS: Please send typwritte, text when pos­ ing under George Stoddard, the inventor. sible. Glossy black &white photographs reprodu~e better than color. News clippings and Xerox cop1es ­ When the Ampico was marketed in the early 20'5, Mr. if the original is not good contrast and has washed Schneider transferred to the Service Division where out areas the reproduction will be even worse. he conducted schools for piano technicians. These Returns -'I will return donations for reprint from men were instructed in the operation, servicing, and repair of the Ampico. These schools were conducted your files if you so request. Of cou:se~ mat~rial I can keep makes layout easier. Subm1ss1ons 1n all in many cities throughout the country. categories are welcome, particularly "Technicalities." I would like to see some technical discussion of In addition, Mr. Schneider travelled with many of some of the less familiar instruments, complete with the recording artists, assisting them in their con­ tubing layouts. How about something on the Violano? certs in which the Ampico played a part. "THE AMICA" is hoping to hear from you in '77. Upon retirement from the Ampico Corporation, Carl HONORARY MEMBERS: As provided in the Bylaws, M1ICA Schneider continued to service Ampicos and other automatic musical instruments in the New York area. awards several Honorary Hemberships each year. Po­ He ~lso developed an interest in the optical field. tential tandidates' names, sponsored by 2 members of AMICA, may be submitted to the Board fo: approval. Any pertinent information as to the nom1nee should also be sent to Honorary Hembership Chairman, ALF E. WEROLIN, 2230 Oakdale Rd., Hillsborough, CA 94010 for FLORA MORA contact, biographical information and acceptance. In the June, 1976 (page 93) issue of the BULLETIN, I reprinted a portion of a letter from Senora Flora TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Although I make every attempt Mora who was seeking photos of Enrique Granados for to answer technical queries personally or through the a biography she is writing. In her letter she men­ BULLETIN there is a time delay. For matters requir­ tioned that she previously recorded for Duo-Art so ing a mo;e lengthy and prompt response, please w:ite I requested more information. to the Technical Committee Chairman, He1 Lucheth, at 3449 Mauricia Ave., Santa Clare, CA 95051. I receiVed a reply dated 12/3/76 portions of which follow: t. ~: ~: l...i~ +J.:..:-:..:..:..:..:..:·<..:...... ..:.. ..:..:..:..:-:.. ..:..X..:· Dear Mr. Beckett: ~. : ·r WI LL THIS BE YOUR LAST BULLETIN? ::: Please pardon my delay in answering your letter, but ::: OR - RED SLASH LABELS I have been very busy planning and writing the main .1. parts of a theatrical play which I am composing and :~: If the mailing tabel on this issue of ::: also preparing on the piano a program in homage to ..~ the Bulletin has a red slash at the .:• the Bicentennial •••• ..~ lower right hand corner, it indicates .:. ..~ that the Membership Secretary has not .:. I needed time to look over in the first volume of ~. received your dues payment for 1977. .:. my Book of Programs some facts in regard to the Duo­ A Don't delay - send Anita that check .... Art rolls that I recorded and I have found only an ~- today and enjoy uninterrupted BULLETIN ..~. evidence of them in back of some programs where Mr. .:- service in 1977. ..%. Giralt - the representative of the Aeolian Company ~~~: :-:.<..:-:.. in Cuba - announced that Enrique Granados and I .:.J<y .. ..:..:..:-:..:..:..:..:-:-:-:.. :+:.y were exclusive artists of the Duo-Art •••• I was not allowed to bring from Cuba my seven big scrap books where no doubt were the contracts and LEO ORNSTEIN ADDRESS the works which I performed for the Duo-Art. How­ For the many who have written, Anita has acquired the ever, I remember I recorded "Valses Poeticos" (Poetic address of Leo Ornstein. It is: Leo Ornstein, Siesta Wa ltzes), "Dance of the Gui tar" (N(j. VII) of the Mobile Park, Route 3, Box 968A42, Brownsville~ T~ 78520. series of 4 volumes, and "AI Supl icio" (To Martyrdom) - 2 - Jnfernafional JlcJ&JfBJl a very dramatic composition from "Libro de Horas" (Book of Hours). Possibly also the Allegro do Con­ cierto which I used to play very often in those days. Paderewski 'In Concert' The recordings must have been ~ade between October 19, 1919 when I made my debut in Aeol ian Hal I and November 25, 1920 when I offered my second piano At West Chester recital in Carnegie Hall, in New York. I t was also on 1919 when G. Schi rmer, Inc. publ ished Paderewski, Hofmann, tion), the concert will be played Gabrilowitsch and other "ele­ on a Steinway Duo-Art piano my Modern Piano Method for Beginners. brated pianists of yesterday win from the collection of Dr. Robert 'play' a concert at West Chest­ Rosencrans, president of the I hope you will find these facts of interest for er State College on Thursday, organization.
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