(See Paragraph-6) FORM 1 Note : If space provided against any parameter is inadequate, Kindly upload supporting document under 'Additional Attachments if any' at the last part of the Form1. Please note that all such Annexures must be part of single pdf document. (I)Basic Informations S.No Item Details . 1. Name of the Project Kirthai Stage-l HEP (390 MW) 2. Project Sector River Valley and Hydroelectric Projects 3. Location of the project District Kishtwar, J&K 4. Shape of the project land point uploaded 10 km radius topo map (Annexure - I) GPS file 5. Brief summary of project Brief Summary of Project (Annexure - II) 6. State of the project Jammu & Kashmir Details of State of the project S.no State Name District Name Tehsil Name (1.) Jammu & Kashmir Kishtwar Paddar 7. Town / Village Gulabgarh 8. Plot/Survey/Khasra No. 52 C 3 9. S. No. in the schedule 1(c) River Valley projects Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage to be handled/command area/lease 390 MW 10. area/number or wells to be drilled Underground Power House (4x95)MW Dam toe Power House (1x10)MW New/Expansion/Modernization 11. New 12. Category of project i.e. 'A' or 'B' A Does it attract the general condition? If 13. yes, please specify No 15. Does it attract the specific condition? No Is there any litigation pending against 16. the project? No Nearest railway station along with Udhampur 270 km 17. distance in kms. 1 18. Nearest airport along with distance in Jammu – 330 km kms Nearest Town/City/District Headquarters 19. Kishtwar, 75 km along with distance in kms Details of alternative sites examined The evolution of the Kirthai HEP started with the CEA No shown on a toposheet identifying a diversion site with river bed El 1722 masl for diverting Chenab water by means of 11 km long HRT to a power house (1120 MW) to utilize a gross head of 275 m. subsequently a storage scheme with a storage of 0.6 MAF, comprising of 220 m high dam at Kirthai, 8.14 km long HRT to un underground powerhouse (750 MW) near Lidrari Nallah, was conceived. However, to avoid submergence of the vast fertile area in the Padder valley and consequent displacement of a large population, the scheme underwent drastic evolutionary change as it was split 20. into two parts. Investigations at three potential sites for the upper stage culminated in the preparation of a DPR in respect of a 160 m high concrete dam across Chenab just u/s of Gulabgarh resulting into a reservoir with FRL & MDDL at 1895 masl and 1887.58 masl respectively and an underground power house (4 X 60 MW) about 150m d/s of dam axis which was later during 2012-13 modified into 4 X 95MW and an auxiliary power house (10 MW), due to increased water availability in 90% dependable year based on updated water flow series upto 2009-10 21. Whether part of interlinked projects? No Whether the proposal involves approval / clearance under the Forest Conservation 22. Act, 1980 ? Yes, yet to be submitted Status of Application for Forest Clearance Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under the wildlife 23. No. (Protection)Act,1972? Whether the proposal involves 24. approval/clearance under the C.R.Z No notification,2011? Whether there is any Government Project comes under the provisions of Annexure-D of Order/Policy relevant/relating to the site? Indus water treaty and the project area comes under 25. Forest Act Whether there is any litigation pending against the project and/or land in 26. whichNo the project is proposed to be set No up ? 27. Project Cost (in lacs) 230404 lakh 2 II Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) Details there of (with approximate Information/Checklist S.No Yes/No quantities/rates, wherever possible) with confirmation source of information data The land use of private land being used for establishing colonies shall not change as it will continue under land use class agriculture & settlement but the land use of private land coming under submergence shall change from agriculture to water body. The land use class of private land required for new road construction Permanent or temporary change in shall change in to bult-up land use. The land use, land cover or topography underground components falling in forest area 1.1 including increase in intensity of land Yes will not cause any impact on the land use. use (with respect to local land use Similarly, the land use of forest area diverted for plan) dump areas and quarry sites will not cause any impact on land use as these shall continue to be under forest land use class. However, forest land and revenue land coming in submergence shall have its land use changed permanently in water body Clearance of existing vegetation at various Clearance of existing land, vegetation 1.2 Yes project component sites during construction and buildings? phase is envisaged. Muck dumping sites presently under open forest 1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes or wasteland would be used temporarily before being converted to plantations. Pre-construction activities like Bore Hole, Drifting, geological testing as suggested by GSI Pre-construction investigations e.g. 1.4 Yes has been carried out. bore houses, soil testing? The project shall comprise of: • A 165-m high concrete gravity dam • 4 nos. of Orfice type spillways and 2 nos of high level spillway. • 1 no. head race tunnel of 10.5m diameter on the left bank from intake structure and 1 no. intake for auxiliary power house located at the right bank. 1.5 Construction works? Yes • Vertical shaft of 10.5m diameter. • Horizontal tunnel of diameter 10.5m diameter upto manifold and branched into 4 nos. Unit pressure Shaft feeding main powerhouse unit (4 X 95 MW). • 1 no. surface penstock for auxiliary power house of 10MW on right bank. 3 1.6 Demolition works? No The project does not entail any demolition works. Besides, the structure coming under submergence. Temporary Labour sheds for Labourer at some places shall be created during construction phase, which will be demobilized before commissioning. Temporary sites used for construction Temporary labour camps would be required for 1.7 works or housing of construction Yes construction phase. workers? Above ground buildings, structures or Above ground structures shall include project earthworks including linear components like dam, power intake, desilting structures,cut and fill or excavations arrangement and surface power house (10MW) 1.8 Yes and fill or excavations besides permanent and temporary buildings and roads. The description of such components has been provided in 1.5 Construction of Head race tunnel as water conductor system from dam to power house & Underground works including mining or 1.9 Yes underground powerhouse, besides tunneling? Desilting and flushing system. Reclamation works would involve reclamation of quarry and muck dumping sites because of project activities which will be done on completion of civil work. Adequate provision 1.10 Reclamation works? Yes based on detailed estimate has been made for Muck Management, Restoration Plan for Quarry Sites, Landscape and Restoration Plan under EMP. 1.11 Dredging? No No dredging is involved 1.12 Offshore structures? No Not Applicable 1.13 Production and manufacturing No Hydro power generation is proposed by utilizing processes? head and the available discharge in the river 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or Yes Project is not a goods manufacturing or materials? production unit. However, during project construction/operation, storage for materials would be needed. Facilities for treatment or disposal of Project process does not entail generation of solid waste or liquid effluents? solid or liquid waste. However, sewerage and solid waste will be generated from project colony and labour camp for which sewerage treatment plant and septic tank have been proposed respectively. 1.15 Yes Municipal Solid waste would be disposed as per MSW Rules 2016 for which Sanitation and solid waste management plan has been formulated under EMP. However, as far as disposal of muck (generated from the project components) is concerned, a separate muck management plan has been prepared under EMP 4 The operational staff would be housed in the colonies mentioned above as upon Facilities for long term housing of commissioning of the project construction staff 1.16 Yes operational workers? would be shifted out. Suitable sewerage and solid waste disposal mechanism has been suggested for the project colony in the EMP. New approach road during construction and New road, rail or sea traffic during 1.17 Yes operation phase. construction or operation? No rail / sea traffic is involved. New road, rail, air water borne or No new road except realignment of existing other transport infrastructure Kishtwar – Gulabgarh - Sansari road in about a including new or altered routes and stretch of 4.5km length under submergence will stations, ports, airports etc? be required. However, for transportation of 1.18 No machinery, widening and strengthening of existing road shall be required. For executing various civil works roads will be made for linking the works site to other site and to job facility areas. Closure or diversion of existing There would not be any closure or diversion of existing transport routes or infrastructure roads or routes leading to any traffic diversion 1.19 No leading to changes in traffic movements? Transmission line for evacuation of power. New New or diverted transmission lines or 1.20 Yes pipelines shall be laid for providing drinking pipelines? water supply to colonies / labour camps.
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