S6758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2016 S. 1685. A bill to direct the Federal Com- tember 2012, Elizabeth Esty via Friends of INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND munications Commission to extend to pri- Elizabeth Esty; $1,361.15, September 2012, JOINT RESOLUTIONS vate land use restrictions its rule relating to Colorado Democratic Party; $2,333, Sep- reasonable accommodation of amateur serv- tember 2012, Democratic Party of Wisconsin; The following bills and joint resolu- ice communications. $1,944.42, September 2012, Iowa Democratic tions were introduced, read the first By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on Party; $1,944.42, September 2012, Nevada and second times by unanimous con- Commerce, Science, and Transportation, State Democratic Party; $583.31, September sent, and referred as indicated: with an amendment in the nature of a sub- 2012, New Hampshire Democratic Party; By Mr. RUBIO: stitute: $2,500, September 2012, Obama/Biden via S. 2283. A bill to ensure that small business Obama for America; $4,666.72, September S. 3503. A bill to decrease the cost of hir- providers of broadband Internet access serv- 2012, Ohio Democratic Party; $1,000, June ing, and increase the take-home pay of, ice can devote resources to broadband de- 2012, Shelley Adler via Shelley Adler for Con- Puerto Rican workers; to the Committee on ployment rather than compliance with cum- gress; $1,000, June 2012, Elizabeth Esty via Finance. bersome regulatory requirements. Friends of Elizabeth; $2,500, March 2012, Esty By Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on Elizabeth Esty via Friends of Elizabeth Esty. WYDEN, Mr. ISAKSON, and Mr. WAR- Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Linda B. Lakhdhir (Sister-in-law): $2,700, NER): without amendment: June 2015, Hillary Clinton via Hillary for S. 3504. A bill to amend title XVIII of the S. 2508. A bill to reduce sports-related con- America; $2,600, July 2013, Cory Booker via Social Security Act to implement Medicare cussions in youth, and for other purposes. Cory Booker for Senate; $500, April 2013, payment policies designed to improve man- Americans for Responsible Solutions–PAC; agement of chronic disease, streamline care f $5,000, January 2013, Off the Sidelines PAC; coordination, and improve quality outcomes EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF $2,500, October 2012, Obama Victory Fund without adding to the deficit; to the Com- COMMITTEE 2012; $2,500, October 2012, Obama/Biden via mittee on Finance. Obama for America; $1,000, July 2012, Caro- By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. BROWN, The following executive reports of lyn Maloney via Maloney for Congress; Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and nominations were submitted: $1,000, June 2012, Timothy Kaine via Kaine Mr. BLUMENTHAL): By Mr. CORKER for the Committee on for Virginia; $2,000, February 2012, Demo- S. 3505. A bill to require analysis of various Foreign Relations. cratic Party Committee Abroad; $2,500, Feb- bankruptcy proposals in order to determine * Kamala Shirin Lakhdhir, of Connecticut, ruary 2012, Shelley Adler via Shelley Adler whether those proposals would reduce sys- a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Serv- for Congress; $2,500, February 2012, Shelley temic risk and moral hazard, and for other ice, Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- Adler via Shelley Adler for Congress; $373, purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the January 2012, Obama Victory Fund 2012; ary. United States of America to Malaysia. 7. Sisters and Spouses: N/A. By Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mr. Nominee: Kamala Shirin Lakhdhir. Mr. CORKER. Mr. President, for the WYDEN): Post: Ambassador to Malaysia. Committee on Foreign Relations I re- S. 3506. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- (The following is a list of all members of port favorably the following nomina- enue Code of 1986 to make technical correc- my immediate family and their spouses. I tions, and for other purposes; to the Com- have asked each of these persons to inform tion lists which were printed in the mittee on Finance. me of the pertinent contributions made by RECORDS on the dates indicated, and By Mr. CORNYN: them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- ask unanimous consent, to save the ex- S. 3507. A bill to extend the waiver of limi- formation contained in this report is com- pense of reprinting on the Executive tations with respect to excluding from gross plete and accurate.) Calendar that these nominations lie at income amounts received by wrongfully in- Contributions, amount, date, and donee: the Secretary’s desk for the informa- carcerated individuals; to the Committee on 1. Self: None. tion of Senators. Finance. 2. Spouse: N/A. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without By Mr. LANKFORD: 3. Children and Spouses Names: N/A. objection, it is so ordered. S. 3508. A bill to prohibit the Secretary of 4. Parents: Ann Hallan Lakhdhir (Mother): Energy and the Administrator of the Envi- * Foreign Service nominations beginning $60.00, March 2015, Democratic National ronmental Protection Agency from consid- with Marva Michelle Butler and ending with Committee (DNC); $50.00, March 2015, Demo- ering the social cost of carbon, the social Adonis Mariano Matos de Mello, which nomi- cratic Congressional Campaign; $38.00, Janu- cost of methane, the social cost of nitrous nations were received by the Senate and ap- ary 2015, Emily’s List; $40.00, January 2015, oxide, or the social cost of any other green- peared in the Congressional Record on No- Democratic National Committee (DNC); house gas in taking any action, and for other vember 15, 2016. $40.00, March 2014, Democratic National purposes; to the Committee on Environment * Foreign Service nominations beginning Committee (DNC); $38.00, January 2014, and Public Works. with Stephen Donald Mull and ending with Emily’s List; $25.00, June 2013, Democratic By Mr. RUBIO: National Committee (DNC); $50.00, January Victoria Jane Nuland, which nominations S. 3509. A bill to impose sanctions with re- 2013, Democratic Congressional Campaign; were received by the Senate and appeared in spect to the People’s Republic of China in re- $25.00, January 2012, Democratic Congres- the Congressional Record on November 29, lation to activities in the South China Sea sional Campaign. 2016. and the East China Sea, and for other pur- 5. Grandparents: Deceased. * Foreign Service nominations beginning poses; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- 6. Brothers and Spouses: David K. with Robert L. Adams and ending with Laura tions. Lakhdhir (Brother): $1,000, March 2016, Katie Ann Griesmer, which nominations were re- By Mr. FLAKE: McGinty for Senate; $300, November 2015, ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Tim Kaine via Kaine for Virginia; $1,600, No- Congressional Record on November 29, 2016. S. 3510. A bill to facilitate the creation of vember 2015, Common Ground PAC; $1,000, * Foreign Service nominations beginning American jobs by immigrant entrepreneurs; October 2015, Charles Schumer via Friends of with Robert Stephen Beecroft and ending to the Committee on the Judiciary. Schumer; $2,000, October 2015, Kaine for Com- with Marie L. Yovanovitch, which nomina- mon Ground; $1,037.95, October 2015, Demo- tions were received by the Senate and ap- f cratic Hope Fund; $1,037.95, October 2015, peared in the Congressional Record on No- Democratic Hope Fund; $1,037.95, October vember 29, 2016. 2015, Democratic Hope Fund; $2,700, June * Foreign Service nominations beginning SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND 2015, Hillary Clinton via Hillary for America; with Tristan J. Allen and ending with Wil- SENATE RESOLUTIONS $1,000, May 2015, Charles Schumer via liam F. Zeman, which nominations were re- The following concurrent resolutions Friends of Schumer; $1,000, April 2015, ceived by the Senate and appeared in the and Senate resolutions were read, and Kamala Harris via Kamala Harris for Senate; Congressional Record on November 29, 2016. $1,000, July 2014, Mark Begich via Alaskans * Foreign Service nominations beginning referred (or acted upon), as indicated: for Begich 2014; $1,500, April 2014, Ready PAC; with Anthony Abba and ending with Michael By Mr. PETERS (for himself and Ms. $2,400, February 2014, Timothy Kaine via David Zgoda, which nominations were re- STABENOW): Kaine for Virginia; $2,600, February 2014, ceived by the Senate and appeared in the S. Res. 631. A resolution celebrating the Timothy Kaine via Kaine for Virginia; $2,600, Congressional Record on November 29, 2016. history of the Detroit River with the 15-year July 2013, Cory Booker via Cory Booker for * Nomination was reported with rec- commemoration of the International Under- Senate; $1,750, October 2012, Democratic ommendation that it be confirmed sub- ground Railroad Memorial Monument, com- Party of Virginia; $2,916.73, September 2012, prised of the Gateway to Freedom Monument Democratic Executive Committee of Florida; ject to the nominee’s commitment to in Detroit, Michigan, and the Tower of Free- $20,000, September 2012, Obama Victory Fund respond to requests to appear and tes- dom Monument in Windsor, Ontario, Canada; 2012; $2,500, September 2012, Elizabeth War- tify before any duly constituted com- to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- ren via Elizabeth for MA INC; $2,500, Sep- mittee of the Senate. sources. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06DE6.007 S06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6759 ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS sponsor of S. 2628, a bill to authorize the Senator from New Mexico (Mr. S. 299 the National Emergency Medical Serv- HEINRICH), the Senator from Minnesota At the request of Mr. FLAKE, the ices Memorial Foundation to establish (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the Senator from name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr.
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