INDEX (1983-1994) THE HISTORIC NEW ORLEANS COLLECTION NEWSLETTER/QUARTERLY In January 1983 the inaugural issue of the Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletter - a quarterly designed to highlight the activities and holdings of the Collection - appeared. Some features of the first issue - "From the Director," "Acquisitions," and "Staff News"-have continued in every subsequent issue. Other recurring articles have been "Historic New Orleans," "Preservation," and "Focus," highlight­ ing important items from the permanent collection. The second through the seventh issues introduced friends of the Collection to the board of directors and to the duties and personnel of the Collection's several departments, while the first "Profile," an interview with the director emeritus Boyd Cruise in winter 1983 began an occasional and continuing series. By winter 1992, the publication had emerged as a significant journal of historical record and a strong contribution to the mission of the Collection. Changing its name to the Historic New Orleans Quarterly merely reflected the recognition of these happy realities. The Quarterly traces is own history to May 1982, when Stanton M. Frazar, then director of the Collection, named Patricia Brady to create a publications department responsible for books, catalogues, and ephemeral publications. Dr. Brady and Gail Larsen Peterkin coedited the newsletter until 1984, when Ms. Peterkin left the Collection to write her dissertation. Her successor, Louise C. Hoffman, recently began her second decade as coeditor. Originally designed by Michael Ledet, the Newsletter/Quarterly has maintained a consistent overall format, with subtle changes through the years. Caledonia, the original type used for body text was changed in spring 1988 to Century, and in spring 1991 to Garamond. The original paper stock, Curtis Linen, was changed to Karma in spring 1990 to facilitate increased use of color illustrations. All issues contain 16 pages, except autumn 1983, which was expanded to 20 pages to accommodate an unusual amount of copy. Originally printed in two colors, the newsletter debuted in four-color process for the sum­ mer 1991 issue honoring the reopening of the renovated history galleries. The Quarterly was freshened by Michael Ledet in winter 1993 and, since then, has been printed in process color. Few institutional newsletters warrant a published index, but the Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly has fulfilled its founders' hopes. To be sure, the Quarterly acquaints friends and supporters with activities and programs at the Collection and constitutes an informal chronicle of the institution and its people. Good scholarship and high editorial standards have created a store of accurate information about New Orleans in demand by ever increasing numbers of researchers. Gratitude for this valuable resource rightly belongs to the editors and the Quarterljs many contributing authors. Just as the curators, librari­ ans, and archivists welcome visitors to the Collection's reading rooms and galleries, so now does this useful index welcome researchers to the pages of the Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly. Jon Kukla Director This subject index includes feature articles, staff profiles, exhibitions, and acquisitions found in the Historic New Orleans Collection Newsletter/Quarterly. Not included in this index are news items of an ephemeral nature, staff news, "From the Director" columns, and announcements of THNOC publica­ tions. While photographs and illustrations are not specifically indexed, they can be found under the perti­ nent name or subject. To find artworks or books, look under the author's or artist's name. Only newspapers, magazines, and other works without authors are indexed by tide. To find names of collections, papers, businesses, or foundations named for persons, look under the last name of the person. For example, Ochsner (Dr. Alton) Papers. For general information about New Orleans or Louisiana, look under these subject headings. However, most specific information will be found under the subject or person's name. A photograph. 199 1(2): 15 Histo ric American Bu ildings Survey, 1986(1): 12; L'Abeille de la Nouvelle-Orleans, (Bee), 1986(1): 12; wood mantel, 1987( 1) :6 1986(2):5; 1987(3) :8; 1993(2):6; 1994(3): 10; 1994(3): 12 Algiers, 1992(1 ): 11 1994(4) :8 Able, Edward (photograph), 1989(3):2 Allain, Mathe, 1989(1): 13 public school, 1991 (2) :7 · Abrige ditrithmetique decimale, 1988( I): 12 Allard, Jean Louis, 199 1(3) : 11 skyscrapers, 1985(3):6-7 Acadia Plantation, Thibodaux, plans of, 1983( I): I 0 Alleau , Th. , 1985( 1): 13 20th cen ru ry, 1986(3/4): 1-2 An Accou/11 ofthe Proceedings in the Superior Court ofthe Al len, Heath (phorograph), 1993(3): 15 Archive of rhe Indi es (Archivo General de lndias) Territory ofOrleans, 1983(4): 15 Allen, 0. K, 1994(4): 10 Cuban Papers, 1985(1): 10; 1988(4) :11; 1989(1):7; An Act Incorporating the Planters' Bank, in the City of Allied Expeditionary Forces (Company F of rhe I 14th 1990(4): 12; 1991(1): 12; 1992(1 ): 13 New Orleans, 1983(3):9 Engineers), 1989(1 ): 11 microfilm acquisition of, 1984(3): 13; 1985(1): 10; An Act to Establish Quarantines fo r the Protection ofth e Allison, S. B. , 1990(3): 12 1989(1 ):7 State (ca. 1876), 1984(3): 13 Almonesrer y Roxas, Andres, 1993(2): 12 Santo Domingo Papers, 1984(3): 13; 1985(1): IO; Acts Passed at the First Session ofthe Legislative Council of Alsberg, Henry G., 1993(3):6-7 1989(1):7; 1992(1) :13 the Territory ofOrleans (1805), 1983(1): 11 Alsobrook, Henry R., 1985(1 ):3-5; 1986(1):7 Archives Narionales de France, 1984(3) : 13; 1985(1 ): IO Acts Passed at the Second Session ofthe Ninth Legisla1t1re of Als ton, Joseph. 1983(4): 14 Archivo General de Simancas, mili tary records of, the State ofLou isiana, 1983(4): 15 Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), 199 1(2):5; 1992(1): 13 1984(3): 13 Adam (Louis) House, 1994(3):2 Amans, Jacques Guillaume Lucien Armour, Philip 0., 1994(4):2 Adamo, Ralph, 1994(3):8 A. Jackson portrait, 1990(1):2,3 Armstrong, Louis, 1985(1): 13; 1987(4): 11 ; 1993(4):4; Adams, C. H., 1987(3):7 portraits by, 1984(1):12; 1985(1): 12; 1988(3):5; 1994(2):6 Adams, E. T., 1987(3):7 1990(4):2 Armstrong, Ne il A. ,Jr. , 1992( 1): 12 Adams, John Quincy, 1985(3) : 14 self-portrait of, 1987(2): IO; 1989( 1): 10 Arneson, Er ic, 1987(3):9 Adams, Lynn 0 ., articles by, 1985(2) : IO ; 1986(1 ):7; Ambrose, Stephen E., article by, 1992(1):2-4 Arnold, Edward, 1983(2): 12 1989(1):6-7; 1990(4):5-6; 1994(4): 15 Ambrorypes, 1987(4): 10-11 ; 1989(4):3 Aro nson, Bonnie, 1990(4): 11 Address ofthe Commissioners for Raising the Endowment of American Association fo r Stare and Local History, Arr lnsrirure of Chicago, 199 1(1):3 the University ofthe South, 1988(3): 13 1983(1):4 Artists, collecting papers of, 1991(2): 1-4 . See also names of Adler, Coleman, 1990(4): 11 American Association of Museums, 1989(3): 1-4; specific arrisrs Adler's Jewelers, 1985(2):8 1991 (2):5 Artists' Guild, 1993(1):4 Aeronautics, 1984(4): 12; 1988 (3) :4 Ame ri can Brewing Company, 1986(3/4): 12 Arts and Crafts Club, 1990(1) : 12; 1992(1): 11; L'Africaine, 1992(3): 13 American Institute fo r Conservation, Photographic 1993(1):3-6, 13; 1993(2):6,13; 1993(4) :9,10; African Americans Materials Group, 1987(2):5 1994(3): 11 ; 1994(4)8,9 Ca ne River, 1983( 1):9; 1987(4) :1 2 American State Papers, 1986(3/4): 11 ; 1989(3) : 12 Arrs and CrafrsClub Papers, 199 1(2) :1 -4 Europe and, 1992(2):4 Ameri can Theater, 1984(3): 13 ArrsCouncil ofNewOrlea ns, 1985(2) :1 3; 1987(1):7 Federal Writers Project and , 1993(3):7 L'Ami des Lois (Friend ofthe Laws and Commercial Asb ury, Herbert, 1993(2):7 free blacks, 1987(2): 11-1 2; 1987(4) : 1-4; 1990(3):6; Jo umab, 1993(2): 13 Aschaffenburg, Albert, 1985(3): 12 1994(3):7 Anderso n, Elizabeth , 1987(4):9; 1989(1):9 Aschaffenburg, Eugene, 1985(3): 12 higher educa tion and, 1994( 4) : I 0 Anderson, Ka rl , 1987(4):8 As hb rook, Paul. 1983(4): 15 military service, 1984(2): 13; 1984(3) : 13; 1986(1): 12; Anderson, Nancy (photograph), 1988(1):7 As hford, John , 199 1(2) : 12 1986(3/4): 12; 1987(1 ): 11 , l 2; 1987(2): 11 ; Anderson, Sherwood, 1987(4):8-9; 1989(1):8-9; Asprod ires, Alexander J ., Jr., 1985(4): 12 1990 (3) :6; 1991 (1):12; 1993(2):10; 1994(1):9 1993(1 ):2; 1994(4):9 Archafalaya River, 1993(4):8 newspapers, 1990(3) :1 3; 1994(2) :1 3 Andrew Jackson: Hero ofthe Battle ofNew Orleans Arger, Eugene, 1994(4):9 pai ntings, 1985(4) :11 ; 1992(2):10- 11 Exhibi ti on, 1990( I): 1-4 Auber, D. F. E., 1989(1): 13; 1990(2): 11 photographs of, 1994( 4) : 12 Andrews, Mrs. (jailer of Mary Wi lkinso n), 1987(4):6 Auction, broadside fo r, 1990(4): 13 poetry, 1987(4): 1-4 Andrews, Louis, 1983( 1):10; 1993(1 ):5 Audubon, John James racism and , 1992( 1):3-4 Andry, Manuel, 1985(4):13 letters of, 1984(3): 13 slaves, 199 1(1 ):8-9; 1992(1 ):11; 1992(4): 11 Andry famil y, 1988(1): 11 prints of, 1989(2): 16; 1993(4):6 Agres ris. See Alston, Joseph Annunciation, Fa ubourg, 1993( 1):10 sryle of, 199 1( 2): I 0 L'Aiglon ( The Eaglet), 1993(3): 12 An rhony,E., 199 1(4): 11 Audubo n, John Woodhouse, 1985(2):4 Akers, James Brian , 1986(3/4): 13 An thony, H.
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