A History in our Time Rabbis and Teachers Buried at Hoop Lane Cemetery A booklet to commemorate the 50 th yahrzeit of Rabbi Dr Leo Baeck Compiled by Jon Epstein and David Jacobs Published by the Leo Baeck College Sternberg Centre for Judaism סיון תשס ו'' 80 East End Road June 2006 Finchley, London N3 2SY Celebrating 50 Years 19561956----20062006 RSGB Publications May God Remember Synagogue Review, September 1956, October 1956, Now let us praise the famous January 1957, June 1965 Our ancestors in their generations The Lord displayed great glory through them, Living Judaism, Spring 1969, Spring 1972, Summer 1975, His own greatness from the earliest times. Summer 1976; Inform Number 2 Volume 3, June 1976; Some wielded authority like kings Issue number 53, March 1986; Issue Number 62, And were known for their power. September 1989 Others gave counsel, because of their understanding Foretelling the future as prophets. Reform Judaism, Number 2, September 1996; Number 3, Others guided people by their advice December 1996; Number 11, Winter 1998 By the sense and wisdom of their teaching. Others composed melodies and tunes A supplement published for the Leo Baeck College by the Writing down their verses. Jewish Chronicle, November 8, 1996 Others were successful and important, Living peacefully in their homes. Obituaries All these were honoured by their generation, Guardian Friday December 7 1990 Eugene Heimler And were a glory in their time. Some of them left their name behind Jewish Chronicle July 25 and August 1 2003 Linda Bayfield So their praise can still be sung. But there are some who have no memorial, Jewish Chronicle November 21 2003 Ben Segal Who perished as if they had never been; Who vanished as if they had never existed, Jewish Chronicle July 16 2004 Albert Friedlander And also their children who followed them. The Times July 16 2004 Albert Friedlander Ecclesiasticus 11:1-9 Leo Baeck College News Spring 1986 Leo Baeck College Handbook 1985-1988 1 30 Bibliography Bernard, P. The History of Westminster Synagogue (London 2003) כּרוְֹ זִ י Godfrey, A. Three Rabbis in a Vicarage (London 2005) ָה ְל ַל -ֲה אֶדָסֵח י שְׁ אנָ נ ָם ְרדוֹוֹת ֵבּ נוּי :ֲבוֹת א Goulston, M. The Age of Gold in Judaism is yet to come Sermon ְיוֹן ֶל ֶ עם ָה ַ קל ָל ָבחוֹ ד ר כּבֹ (delivered at the Buxton Conference of the RSGB (London 1972 ָם ִמוֹי עתוֹל ְמ לוֹ ָד :גְ ו Kershen, A. and Romain, J. Tradition and Change: A History of ָם ְכוּתַל ְמ ֶ ץבּ ֶר ֵא י רוֹד (Reform Judaism in Britain 1840-1995 (London 1995 ֵ י שְׁ -נְ ָםָת וְרבוִּגֵבּ :ם שׁ ָם תְָבנוּ ִת ִםיבּ ֲצ יוֹע Meller, H. London Cemeteries: An Illustrated Guide and יֵ חוֹזְ ָם -ו(בוּתְ ִנ :כֹבּ ל (Gazetteer (London 1985 ָםָת מְִּזִמ בּ םִֵייגוֹ ָר שׂ ָםְרוֹתְקֶח ְמ בּ םיִ :נְ רוֹזְ ו Rigal, L. and Rosenberg, R. Liberal Judaism: the First Hundred Years (London 2004) ָםָתְרִפְסַ בִּחיֵ ישְׂמַכ ח ָםְרוֹתְמִשׁ ְמ ִ :םיבְּל וּשׁמוֹ ַל מוֹ ערְ ִז ֵמ י ְר - חֹקקחוֹ (.Various Jewish Year Books 1896 - 1910 (Greenberg and Co ָב ְת ִכָבּ ל ָשׁ ֵימ :נאשׂוֹ ֵי ְכ מסוְֹ ולִַיֵיח -ַ שְׁ כחֹנ published by the Jewish Chronicle (Vallentine 1993 1911- ַל ִ עםי ְט ָם -קשׁוְֹ ותָ ְנכוֹ :מ (Mitchell,1994 ָדוּ ָל ְבּ -כּכִָנ ם ְדרוֹ ֶבּ הֵלּ א Synagogue Histories ָםְתּ ְרִפֶ םתֵּיה :ִמי וּב ֵם שֶׁ י-שׁ חוּיִִנּ ֶ הם ֵה מ A Short History of the North Western Reform Synagogue 1933- ָםָתֲל חְַנָעוֹבּ :תְתִּשְׁה ל issued on the occasion of its silver jubilee, June 1958 1958 ֵיןֶא רֲשֶׁ םאֵה מ -ֶר שֵׁ כֵיְ ו :לוֹז ָתוָּבֶרשׁ ֳשׁ ַאְ כּתוְּבּ שִׁ יַּ ו years of Alyth: A Short History of the North Western Reform 50 ֶ רלֹאֲשׁ ַא -ָיוּ כָּ היוּ ה Synagogue, June Rose, London 1983 ֶםֵיהֲרֵחֶ םמ :יהְֵנ וּב Towards the Golden Year: The First Half Century of Edgware and District Reform Synagogue, Sidney Budd, London 1985 Wimbledon and District Synagogue: a Historical Review 1949 - 1984, Marcus Bower 2 29 Foreword ןָָנַבְּרִ שיֹדָד ק The first time I can remember the evocative power of ִיָ אדּ ְמָלְעָאבּ ַבֵּר הְּמ ַשׁ שַׁדְּק תִ -יְֵַהְּעוּת ול ִרָ ַדְּגּ . תִ כאְריב being near someone's grave outside of family or at a funeral, was as a 10 year old wandering in Highgate ִי ְ ידֵַּיּ מַ ְח ֵיְ ווּיכוֹןב ְמיוֹ יכוֹןבוֵַֹיּ ְח ֵבּ הּ ְכוּת -ָל ַל כ-ְמֵית בִּךי ל Cemetery on a biology practical and seeing the graves of ִביָרַןק מְִז ָב וּא ָלֲגַעֵלבּ . ֵןְרוּ( ָאְר מִמ שִׂ :י אְ ו Karl Marx and Michael Faraday. The words on the tombstone, the dates and the time all had an effect. How אַָיּ ְמָלֵ עי הְ יְמ ָל ַ וּםלעָל ְע ְ לַך ָרְב ָמ . אַבֵּר הְּמ ֵשׁ א much more so the peace and calm of cemeteries in which we can remember the contributions those that are buried ְפּ תִיְַ וחַבְּתּ ֶהַלְּע תִ שִׁיְְ יְַ רוַדְּה וַךָרְבּ תִ תִייְֵ וא שְַּׂנ תִ יְַ וםְמרוֹ תִ יְָ רו there have made to the world. ִיֵ הּדְּמ ַשׁ ָ לַלְּה א -תִ ְשׁ יְ ְ ֻד .ו קהאוּ ִךי ְר . ִןָמבּ -אֵלְּע ָל ָא לכּ-ָת ְכ ִר בּ ִיָ אדָּתֱמ חֶ נְָ ואָתְחְבֻּשָׁ -אתָּתִרי ָאְמָלְעָןבּ שְׁ ו ִריֲמ א Walking on Mount Herzl amongst the graves of Israel's ֵןְרוּמ( ִמ : אְ ו former fallen Prime Ministers, politicians, heroes and others was an intensive emotional history lesson. Whilst I ָל ַ כּל עְ שִׂ ֵ ַיו ל עיהוֹן ִיד ְמַל ַ לתּ עְ וןָ ָנ ַבּ ֵי ַר ל -ִיד עְְֵמ ול ָל תָּאְר wanted to see the graves of those I know, I also wanted to ָל ַ כּל עְ ֵ יהוֹןוָאְר ִיד ְת -ְמ ִבּ י ַל ָ ת דּא תְַי ְארוֹ ִבּ ין ְק ָס ִי ע ָ ןדּ מ .know about the others, and for whom were they heroes ָלְכ ָא ִבּ י ַבּ דְֵ ָאר -וןָד הָמְל ְשׁ כוֹן ְ וּהוֹןל ֵ אל ַר יה ֲת אְַ ור ֲת א To be in Prague in mid-Winter and watch a friend of mine ֲמַח אָ רְָא ָנ ְק וְדִּס ָר ָחְ וּאפ ואִָנּ חיחְִו ר אָ ְזוֹנ ִ יןמוּ ִיכ ֲר יןא ִַיּ חְִ יןו sketching the graves of Rabbi Judah Loew and others in ִן מ-אַָיְּמ ִשׁ ִב י ֲב וּהוֹןדּ ָא . ם ֵןְרוּ(ֳד קמִמ : אְ ו the Jewish Cemetery of so many centuries before, gave ָם ַדלוֹע עְָהו ַתֵּע ְ מ ָךְבֹר מָ :יְֵם י ִי שׁ הְ י me a narrative and a sense of connection of Czech Jewry to the Jews of today. The fog and the snow creating a ִןָמ אַבָּ אר ַל עְ ֵ ָמְלֵשׁ- ונוּי א ָל הְ ִ יעםי בטוֹםיִַיּ חְ -ָל ֵל -כָּא ואַָיְּמ ְ ר שֹ . שִׂ י .Dickensian memory that stays firmly with me until now ֵןְרוּמ( ִמ : אְ ו To be in Kiev and to go to a Babi Yar memorial and be told ֶץ (רָ םו ִַיָמֵה ֹש עֹ שָׂ יְִם יֵע : ִי מ רְֶז ע that the real bodies are buried under a car park evoked another set of feelings within me. ִ ַל ָלוֹבּ עְ םֶ ֵ שהֹונוּי עשָֹׂלָלוֹ עםֶשׁ ה ֲשׂ עַָי יו ֲמ ַח ְר ָ -ָל היובֵּל -כּ אוּ ָא ְ ר ְרוֹמ . משִׂ י ֵןְרוּמ( ִמ : אְ ו Both Willesden, (the old United Synagogue cemetery) and Montagu Road, Edmonton, (the Western and Federation Cemeteries) can tell us many tales of Victorian and Edwardian Jewries. 28 3 Kaddish D’Rabanan In Montagu Road, I was once doing research with my Let us magnify and let us sanctify the great name of God in the Grandfather's first cousin's son, who had been Governor world which He created according to His will. May His kingdom General of Australia. As we sought to find the graves of come in your lifetime, and in your days, and in the lifetime of the those who had passed away 100 years ago, we found that family of Israel – quickly and speedily may it come. Amen. of my own grandfather. He had left us a book of clues, as he had planted 20 years before the same flora around May the greatness of His being be blessed from eternity to the gravestones of all the members of our family. Our eternity. only mystery was to find which member of the family they were. Let us bless and let us extol. Let us tell aloud and let us raise aloft, let us set on high and let us honour, let us exalt and let us praise the Holy One – blessed be He! – though He is far beyond any blessing or song, any honour or any consolation that can be spoken In this booklet, David Jacobs & Jon Epstein give us the of in this world. Amen. chance to discover Hoop Lane. The memories of some, such as Rabbi Hugo Gryn, Rabbi Dr Albert Friedlander and For Israel and for the Rabbis, for their pupils, and the pupils of Linda Bayfield, are still very much with us, whilst the their pupils, who devote themselves to the study of Torah, in this memory of others may have faded. Many may not know place and every other place; let there be for them and for you that so many of the pioneers, builders and thinkers of great peace and favour, love and mercy, a life and fulfilment and British Reform Judaism lie at Hoop Lane. It is our of plenty, and redemption from their father who is in heaven.
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