MEADOWLARK PRICE LIST/CATALOG 2020 Item Plant Name Unit Description *Price 100300 Achillea ageratifolia 1 gal white pearly fls atop flat grey foliage under 6" $4.50 100305 Achillea millefolium `Alba' 1 gal pure white form great for lawn substitute $4.25 100310 Achillea `Anthea' 1 gal native CA, white fls, green lvs like tanacetum $4.25 100315 Achillea `Apricot Delight' 1 gal apricot-pink to 18" $4.25 100320 Achillea `Appleblossom' 1 gal light pink fls, green lvs to 18" $4.25 100321 Achillea `Black Butte' 1 gal native CA grey lvs white fls similar Calistoga $4.50 100322 Achillea `Calistoga' 1 gal creamy yellow large umbels, grey lvs to 3' $4.50 100325 Achillea `Cameo' 1 gal pale apricot $4.25 100326 Achillea `Cherry Pie' 1 gal rose-pink $4.25 100327 Achillea `Colorado Mix' 1 gal Yarrow, large flowered mix of intense shades $4.25 100328 Achillea `Coronation Gold' 1 gal large bright yellow heads, grey-green lvs to 4' $4.50 100331 Achillea `Desert Eve Red' 1 gal scarlet-red under 1' $4.25 100332 Achillea `Desert Eve Rose' 1 gal deep rose under 1' $4.25 100333 Achillea `Desert Eve Terra Cotta 1 gal brick-orange under 1' $4.25 100336 Achillea `Fireland' 1 gal orange-red form to 2' $4.25 100338 Achillea tomentosum `Goldie' 1 gal prostrate bright yellow fls, groundcover $4.25 100340 Achillea `Heidi' 1 gal $4.25 100345 Achillea `Hoffnung' 1 gal sandstone heads above green leaves to 3' $4.25 100348 Achillea `Island Pink' 1 gal native so CA light pink form $4.50 100350 Achillea kellereri 1 gal tiny white fls above toothed white lvs spreading $4.50 100355 Achillea `King Edward' 1 gal light yellow spreading grey leaves groundcover $4.50 100358 Achillea `Little Moonshine' 1 gal compact version of the popular `Moonshine' $4.25 100360 Achillea `Little Susie' 1 gal nonfading bright pink under 18" $4.25 100365 Achillea `Mango' 1 gal peachy/yellow compact form $4.25 100367 Achillea `Moon Dust' 1 gal compact light yellow form under 12" $4.25 100368 Achillea `Moonlight' 1 gal paler shade of yellow than Moonshine $4.50 100370 Achillea `Moonshine' 1 gal bright yellow grey leaves to 2' $4.25 100378 Achillea `New Vintage Violet' 1 gal compact violet form under 1', reblooms well $4.25 100380 Achillea `New Vintage White' 1 gal compact pure white form, under 1' reblooming $4.25 100400 Achillea `Paprika' 1 gal bright red to 18" $4.25 100401 Achillea filipen. `Parker's Gold' 1 gal Fern- Leaf Yarrow, large gold heads to 4' $4.50 100402 Achillea `Peachy Seduction' 1 gal Apricot compact variety under 14" $4.25 100403 Achillea `Peggy Sue' 1 gal rusty-orange compact form under 18" $4.25 100403 Achillea `Pink Grapefruit' 1 gal large deep pink umbels, to 18" $4.25 100405 Achillea `Pomegranate' 1 gal rose-red fls to 18" $4.25 100410 Achillea `Salmon Beauty' 1 gal salmon arching stalks to 30" $4.25 100411 Achillea `Red Dawn' 1 gal coral-red form to 18" $4.25 Page 1 100412 Achillea `Red Velvet' 1 gal dark red to 2'- grey-green leaves $4.25 100413 Achillea `Rosa Maria' 1 gal Native CA rosy pink fls to 18-24" $4.50 100414 Achillea `Saucy Seduction' 1 gal rose-pink large heads to 18" $4.25 100416 Achillea `Sonoma Coast' 1 gal native CA yarrow, grey lvs, white flowers to 18" $4.25 100417 Achillea `Summerwine' 1 gal burgundy heads to 2' $4.25 100418 Achillea `Sunny Seduction' 1 gal bright yellow heads atop bright green leaves 18" $4.25 100420 Achillea `Terra Cotta' 1 gal brick/orange to 2' $4.25 100430 Achillea tomentosum 1 gal yellow blooms fuzzy grey lvs groundcover $4.25 100440 Achillea `Walter Funcke' 1 gal red/yellow centers to 2' $4.25 100445 Achillea `Wonderful Wampee' 1 gal bright pink blooms to 18" Blooms Selection $4.25 100462 Achillea millefo. `White Beauty' 1 gal native over much of U.S. including california $4.25 101000 Acorus gramineus `Ogon' 1 gal $4.50 101100 Acorus gramineus `Variegatus' 1 gal $4.50 101400 Adenanthos `Tal' 1 gal Woolly Bush silvery stems filler for arranging $5.00 101500 Adenophora liliifolia 1 gal $4.50 101680 Agapanthus p. `Getty White' 1 gal pure white form to 2' $5.00 101685 Agapanthus Gold Variegated 1 gal gold edges and blue flowers to 2' $5.00 101690 Agapanthus `Peter Pan Blue' 1 gal compact blue form flowers 18-24" $4.50 101700 Agapanthus `Tinkerbell' 1 gal variegated creamy/white, blue flowers to 18" $4.50 102080 Agastache `Acapulco Orange' 1 gal dark orangey-apricot to 3' $4.75 102090 Agastache `Acapulco Salmon' 1 gal light salmon to 3' $4.75 102099 Agastache `Apricot Sprite' 1 gal compact apricot to 18" + $4.75 102100 Agastache `Apricot Sunrise' 1 gal apricot to 2' $4.75 102102 Agastache `Ava' 1 gal deep rose x cana fragrant anise scented to 4' $4.75 102105 Agastache `Black Adder' 1 gal $4.75 102110 Agastache `Blue Adder' 1 gal $4.75 102115 Agastache `Blue Blazes' 1 gal purple spikes to 2-3', anise scented leaves $4.75 102116 Agastache `Blue Boa' 1 gal violet spikes to 2', bee and butterfly delight $4.75 102120 Agastache `Blue Fortune' 1 gal lavender blue flower, large green leaves $4.75 102121 Agastache `Bolero' 1 gal rose-purple form to 18" bronze foliage $4.75 102122 Agastache `Coronado Orange' 1 gal orange spikes to 2' anise-scented leaves $4.75 102125 Agastache `Coronado Red' 1 gal reddest form yet, to 2' ,D540fragrant leaves $4.75 102126 Agastache foeniculum 1 gal lavender blue to 30" licorice fragrance $4.75 102127 Agastache `Kudo's Coral' 1 gal to 3' orange-pink $4.75 102128 Agastache `Kudo's Mandarin' 1 gal to 3' orange $4.75 102130 Agastache `Mango Tango' 1 gal apricot-peach to 18" $4.75 102131 Agastache `Nectar Apricot' 1 gal apricot compact form to 18" $4.75 102132 Agastache `Nectar Orange' 1 gal deep orange compact form to 18" $4.75 102134 Agastache `Purple Haze' 1 gal deep purple compact form, licorice scented lvs $4.75 102135 Agastache rupestris 1 gal coral fls to 2', heat and deer resistant $4.75 102136 Agastache rupestris `Joyful' 1 gal apricot-rose form, larger flowers than species $4.75 102140 Agastache `Sangria' 1 gal wine-rose fls to 3' $4.75 102149 Agastache `Summer Berry' 1 gal rosy-apricot bicolor, fragrant licorice scented $4.75 102150 Agastache `Summer Breeze' 1 gal apricot/pink variable fls to 3' $4.75 102155 Agastache `Summer Fiesta' 1 gal dark coral form upright spikes to 3' $4.75 102160 Agastache `Tutti Frutti' 1 gal apricot/pink/rose variable fls to 3' $4.75 102190 Ajuga `Black Scallop' 1 gal glossy dark maroon leaves, deep blue fls $4.25 102200 Ajuga `Burgundy Glow' 1 gal variegated cream,pink, green lvs, flat growth $4.25 102230 Ajuga `Catlin's Giant' 1 gal large burgundy leaves, tall deep blue spikes $4.25 102235 Ajuga `Chocolate Chip' 1 gal very tight prostrate form, maroon lvs, purple fls $4.25 102240 Ajuga `Metallica Crispa' 1 gal dark maroon crinkled leaves, flat growth habit $4.25 102260 Ajuga `Purple Torch' 1 gal pink/purple flower spikes $4.25 Page 2 103085 Alchemilla erythropoda 1 gal very tight mounds, dark green leaves $4.50 103090 Alchemilla mollis 1 gal Lady's Mantle yellow fls. Decorative leaves $4.50 103092 Alchemilla sericata `Goldstrike' 1 gal smaller plant than mollis, under 1' $4.50 103093 Aloe vera 1 gal medicinal use as salve for burns $5.00 103095 Aloysia triphylla 1 gal Lemon Verbena $4.75 103100 Alstroemeria `Grande Series' 1 gal very tall large flowers assorted colors $9.00 103101 Alstroemeria auriantiaca 1 gal golden flowers like wildflower form to 2-3' $8.00 103102 Alstroemeria `Casa Blanca' grape tall white cutflower type to 3' + $9.00 103103 Alstroemeria `Inca Ice' grape apricot-amber flowers long-stemmed to 3' $9.00 103105 Alstroemeria `Friendship' grape large amber yellow flowers on long stems 3'+ $9.00 103106 Als. `Garden Jewels Peaches' supers to 2, peach/yellow/white cutflower variety $9.00 103107 Alstroe. `Garden Jewels Pink' supers to 2' cutflower variety, lilac pink $9.00 103109 Alstroe. `Garden Jewels Yellow' supers to 2' cutflower variety, intense yellow $9.00 103110 Alstroemeria `Princess Series' 1 gal compact form intense colors, rebloomers $8.00 103113 Alstroemeria `Princess Amina' 1 gal orange fls compact plant to 1' $8.00 103115 Alstroemeria `Princess Anouska' 1 gal N/A violet/purple-10-14" $8.00 103117 Alstroemeria `Princess Ariane' 1 gal yellow w/red markings, 12-14" $8.00 103120 Alstroemeria `Princess Camilla' 1 gal N/A white with buff blotch 14-16" $8.00 103125 Alstroemeria `Princess Claire' 1 gal pure white to 14" $8.00 103130 Alstroemeria `Princess Diana' 1 gal deep golden/amber w/maroon markings 14" $8.00 103131 Alstroemeria `Princess Eliane' 1 gal deep coral-pink compact form to 10" $8.00 103132 Alstroe. `Prin. Eliane Lt. Pink' 1 gal pale pink under 10" $8.00 103133 Alstroe. `Prin. Eliane Orange' 1 gal lighter shade of orange than Eliane under 10" $8.00 103134 Alstroemeria `Princess Fabiana' 1 gal white/cream throat variegated white lvs 10" $8.00 103135 Alstroemeria `Princess Felicia' 1 gal N/A bright yellow 10-14" $8.00 103139 Alstroemeria `Princess Katiana' 1 gal red flowers, variegated leaves, to 14" $8.00 103140 Alstroemeria `Princess Isabella' 1 gal N/A bright orange - 10-14" $8.00 103141 Alstroemeria `Princess Ivana' 1 gal N/A hot pink 14-16" $8.00 103142 Alstroemeria `Princess Kate' 1 gal vivid red to 15", reblooming well $8.00 103143 Alstroemeria `Princess Letizia' 1 gal N/A bright red 10-14" $8.00 103144 Alstroemeria `Princess Lilian' 1 gal N/A lilac-lavender to 14" $8.00 103145 Alstroemeria `Princess Lisa' 1 gal yellow similar to Felicia under 1' $8.00 103146 Alstroemeria `Princess Louise' 1 gal violet fls to 12" $8.00 103147 Alstroemeria `Princess Mathilde' 1 gal N/A salmon-orange 10-14" $8.00 103151 Alstroemeria `Princess Mulan' 1 gal Violet-Lavender to 14" $8.00 103160 Alstroemeria `Princess Oxana' 1 gal N/A dark red -10-14" $8.00 103165 Alstroemeria `Princess Sara' 1 gal N/A yellow/rose splotch - 8-12" $8.00 103168 Alstroemeria `Princess Tamara' 1 gal magenta-rose compact form under 1' $8.00 103170 Alstroemeria `Princess Theresa' 1 gal N/A pink - 10-14" $8.00 103180 Alstroemeria `Casa Blanca' 1 gal white cutflower variety, tall $9.00 103181 Alstroemeria `Inticancha Goal' supers deep pink compact form, 1-2' $9.00 103182 Alstroemeria `Inti.
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