Ann. Mus. Goula nd ris 2 : 83-87. 1974. Some pottiaceous mosses from the Aegean islands of Greece RI CHAHD H. ZA NDEH Abstract Zander , R . H . (1974). So me pottiac eous mosses fro m th e Aegean islands of Greece. Ann. M us. Goulandris 2: 83-87. 17 sp ecies of Potlia ceae were collec ted on the islands of M ikon os, Kos , R odhos and Kriti. Hymenostylium recunnrostre, Tort ella humilis a nd To rtula revolvens var. mucro­ nata are new rep orts for Greece. Oxy stegus cylindricus is new to th e Aegean isla nds. ntpiAl]'I!Ie; Zander , R .H. (1974). MtPlKU ~pu6<p\.rta Pottiaceae €K 'twv vnorov rof Alyai ou . Ann. Mus. Goulandris 2: 83-87. 17 &iOT] Pottiaceae cruvdEYT]crav cle; 'tu e; vncou; MUKOVOV, Kw, P600v xui Kpnrn . TO. Hym enostylium recurvirostre, To rtella humilis xai Tortula revolvens var. mucronata ava<p EpOV1:Ul OlU npdirnv copuv t ie; 'ti]v ' EAt-aoa . '0 Oxy stegus cylindricus elve r VEOV &tOoe; OtU 'to Alyaiov. During th e summer of 1973, while touring islands of th e Aegean sea, I had the opportunity to make a small collection of bryophytes. Seventeen species of pottiaceous mosses are reported here, many being new records in th e literature for the majority of islands on which th ey were found. Several of th ese species are rare and are pr eviously unre­ ported for Greece. Mosses of the famil y Pottiaceae are common along roadsides and pathways of the islands, th e dry climate appa rently not favoring the development of more hydrophilic species of bryophytes, except along watercourses. Several papers, including tho se of Ade & Koppe (1955), Baum­ gartner (1943, 1944), Brenan (1973), Coppey (1907), Dull (1966), Dull & Dull-Hermanns (1973), Fro ehlich (1961), Gradstein (1970), Laflin (1973), Medelius (1927), Nicholson (1907) Rungby (1967), Schiffner (1913, 1915), and Schiffner ' & Baumgartner (1919), have been pub­ lished reporting occasional bryophyte collections from th e Aegean islands. Most of these pap ers concern the bryoflora of Kriti, but other Greek islands of the Aegean for which bryophyte collections have been reported are Evvia, Dhilos, Kos, Karpathos, Lesvos (Mitilini), Naxos, Rodhos, Samos, Samothraki, Thira (Santorini) Tinos, and Tilos. The pr esent pap er includes th e first report of br yophytes collected on th e island of Mikonos, of th e Kikladhes. 84 ANNALES MUSEI GO ULANDRIS 2. 1974 Geogr aphic relations of th e species listed here are pan-Mediterr a­ nean. All of th e species have been found elsewhere in th e Near East. Five of th e species have not been previously reported for mainland Greece, but most of th e species are widely distributed in southern Europ e. One might estimate from th e sca nty literature th at any future intensive, systematic collecting on th e Aegean islands will uncover man y other species of mosses of M editerranean distribution not presently known for th e area. In th e following account, th e numbers in th e specimen citations represent collec tions made by myself, in the company of my wife, K athe­ rine Cha mes Zander. A set of th e specime ns are deposited in th e Clin­ ton H erbarium (BU F) of th e Buffalo Museum of Science, Buffalo, Ne w York Stat e, U SA. The nomenclature follows th at of Podpera (1954) . Barbula acuta (Brid .) Brid. Kos: Mt. Dhikeos, road side, vertical bank, 4092. Mikonos: above th e town of Mikonos, road side bank, 4063. R odhos: ga rde n ab out th e old town, stone wall , 4055. Previously reported from mainland Greece, and from Kriti and Rodhos; new to Kos and Mikono s. Barbula vinealis Brid. Kos : Mt. Dhikeos, above Zia, stone wall , 4067. Known from mainland Greece, K riti, Dhilos, Kos, R odhos, and Thira. Didymodon tophaceus (Brid .) .Tur. Kriti: betw een Ajia Varvar a and J erjeri, wet bank, 4070. Previou sly reported from mainland Greece, K riti , Evvia, and Kos. Eucladium verticillatum (Brid.) Bry. Eur. Kriti : Zar os, road side, sma ll waterfall, soil, 4056; S. of Irakli o, near Ajios Miron, wall of a spring, 4058; betw een Ajia Varvar a and J erjeri, wet bank, 4071. Kos: above Zia, moist rock, spring, 4061; wooded ravin e, vertical soil bank, 4079. Previously reported from mainland Greece, Kriti, Evvia, Karpa­ thos, Kos, R odhos, and Tilos. Gymnostomum calcareum Nees & al. Kos: Mt. Dhikeos, above Zia, 4078; vertical shad ed rock face, 4066; below Asfendiou , vertica l road side bank, 4083. ZANDER : POTTIA CEAE FROM THE AEGEAN 85 Previously reported from mainland Greece, Kriti, Kos, and R odhos. Hyrnenostytium recurvirostre (H edw.) Dix. K os: Asklipiion at Kos, rock wall, spring, 4076. Appa rently not previously reported from Greece . In th e Ncar East, this species has only been reported from Lebanon (Bizot 1955). Oxystegus cylindricus (Bru ch) Hilp. Kos: Mt. Dhikeos, above Zia, ba rk of a mul berry tree, 4073. Previously reported from mainland Greece (Ade & Koppe 1955), but new to th e Aegean islands. Pottia pallida Lindb. Kriti: between Kato Asites and Ano Asites, roadside bank, thin soil, 4084. An un common species. In the Near East, it has been found in Kriti (Laflin 1973), Cyprus (Podpera 1954) and Israel (Bilewsky 1965). Syntrichia Inez-mis Hueb . Kriti: between Kato Asites and Ano Asites, roadside bank, 4087. Previously reported from mainl and Greece, Kriti, Evvia, and Thira. T[mmfella barbuloides Brid. Kriti: outside Zaros, roadside ba nk, 4086. Kos : M t. Dhikeos, above Zia, sha ded stone wall, 4075. R eported to occu r in mainland Greece, Kriti, Kos, R odhos, Sam os, T hira, and Til os. Tortella flavovirens (Bru ch) Broth. Kriti: between Kat o Asites and Ano Asites, roadside bank, 4090. Kos: Mt. Dhikeos, below Asfendiou, ver tical roadside ba nk, 4093. Previously known from mainland Greece, Krit i, an d T hira. New to Kos. Tortella hUDlilis (Hedw.) Dix. R odhos: city of R odhos, wall of the old town , 4069. Pan-Mediterran ean in distribution, and in th e Near East report ed for Lebanon and Israel (Bilewsky 1965). New to Greece. 86 ANNALES MUSE[ GO ULANDRIS 2. 1974 Tortula dicksoniana (Schultz) Podp. Mikonos : above the town of M ikonos, vertical roadside bank, 4064. Pr eviously known from ma inland Greece, Kriti, Evvia, Lesvos, Rodhos, and T hira ; new to Mikonos. Tortula :marginata (Bry. Eur.) Spruce Rodh os: city of Rodhos, the old town, thi n soil on a wall, 4052. K nown from mainland Gr eece, Kriti, Kos , Rodhos, and T hira. Tortula :muralis Hedw. K riti: K nosos palac e, cement wall, 4065. Kos : Mt. Dhikeos, above Zia, cement irrigation sluice, 4057. Mikonos: town of Mi konos , ver tical cement wall, 4060. Rodhos: city of Rod hos, the old town, garden, stone wall, 4053. Previously reported from ma inland Greece, Kriti, Kos, Rodhos, Thira, Samos, and Samothraki; new to Mi konos. T he pa ucity of reports of this very common moss in the Aege an islan ds is perhaps an indication of th e lack of other than occasional bryological collect ion in most of the area. Tortula revolvens var. :mucronata Reimers Mi konos: above the town of Mikonos, roadside, vertica l roc ks, thin soil, 4081. An uncommon pan-Mediterranean species; new to Greece. In the Near East, reported from Syria and Iraq (Schiffner 191.'-3 ). Trichosto:mu:m brachydontiu:m Bruch Kos: M t. Dhikeos, above Zia, wooded ravme, bou lder, 4072. Previously reported from Krit i, Evvia, Kar pathos, Rod hos, T hira, a nd Tilos ; new to Kos . REFERENCES Ad e, A. & P. Koppe (1955). Moose aus dem Balkan, a us Suditalien und von den Agiiischen Inseln. Acta Mus. Maced. Sci. Nat. 2: 1-16. Baumgartner, ] . (1943). Bryophyta (in K. H . Rechinger, Flora aeg aea). Akad. Wi ss. Wien M ath.i-Naturunss. st. Denkschr. 105/1: 59-72. -(1944). Bryophyta (in K. H . R ech inger, Neu e Beitriige zur Flora von Kreta). Akad. Wiss. Wien Math.s.Naturunss. Kl . Denkschr, 105/2 / 1: 48-58. Bilewsky, F. (I 965). Mos s-flora of Israel. No va Hedwigia 9: H5-434. Bizot , M . (I955). Contribution a la Hore bryologiqu e d'Asie Mincur c et de l'i le de Chypre, Rev. Bryol. L ichenol. 24 : 69-72. ZANDER: POTTIACEAE FROM THE AEGEAN 87 Brenan,]. P. M . (1973). Not es on th e mosses of Rhodes and Ko s. ]. Bryol. 7 : 413-416. Coppey, A. (1907 ). Contribution a I'ctude de s muscinees de la Grece, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nan cy ser. 3, 8: 293-360 . Dull, R. (1966 ). Moosflora und -vegetation auf Kreta. Rev. Bryol. L ichenol. 34: 732-762. & 1. Dull-Hermanns (1973). Erganzungen und Nachtrage zur Bryoflora und Bryogeogr aphie der ostmediterranen Insel Kreta in der Agais.]. Bryol. 7: 421-437 . Froehlich ,]. (1961). Bryophyten (in K. H . Re chinger , Di e Flora von Euboea ). Bot. ] ahrb. Syst, 80: 455-459. Gradstein, S. R . (1970). New or othe rwise interesting bryophytes from Cr et e. Rev. B ryol. L ichenol. 38 : 663-679. Laflin, T . (1973). Bryophytes new to Crete. ] . Bryol. 7 : 417-420. M edelius , 'So(1927). Contribution a la flore bryologique de la Crete. Soensk Bot. T idskr. 21: 45-48 . Nicholson, W . E. (1907). Mo sses a nd hepatics from Crete. Rev. Bryol. 34: 81-86. Podperav ] . (1954) . ,CollSpectus muscorum europaeorum. Pragae. Rungby, S. (1967). Mosses new to Cr ete. Bot. N ot. 120 : 236-237. Schiffner , V . (1913). Bryophyta aus M esop otamien und Kurdistan, Syrien, Rhodos, M ytilini und Prinkipo.
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