Ikji1 - ---- - Volume 12 Number 1 - February 2004 32534 THE WORLD BANK . -- - - Public Disclosure Authorized plWF ~~* .~~~~~~~ - Public Disclosure Authorized From Development to Management -HfydrogeologyJournal Public Disclosure Authorized Theme Issue Guest Editor: Karin E.Kemper A . Public Disclosure Authorized * Springer Executive Editor Associate Editors Clifford I. Voss Shakeel Ahmed Noel Merrick Survey National Geophysical Research Institute, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia U.S. Geological Survey India Ricky EC Murray 431 National Center Amjad Sami Aliewi CSIR, South Africa Reston, Virginia 20192, USA An Najah National University, Palestine Hans-Peter Nachtnebel Telephone: +1703 648 5885 Premadasa Attanayake University for Agricultural Sciences, Austria Fax: +10 648 527 Bechtel Corporation, USAUnvriyfrAicluaSieesAsta Fax:+17036485274 Alice Aureli Miroslav Nastev e-mail: [email protected] UNESCO, France Geological Survey of Canada, Canada Michel Bakalowicz Bernardas Paukstys BRGM, France Public Establishment "Vandens namal", Managing Editors Adrian Bath Lithuania Intellisci, United Kingdom Alfredo Perez-Paricio Perry G.Olcott Kenneth Belitz Agencia Catalana de l'Algua, Spain 2980 Pine Street U.S. Geological Survey, USA Todd Rasmussen Duluth, Georgia 30096, USA John Bredehoeft The University of Georgia, USA Telephone: +1770 623 4792 The Hydrodynamics Group, USA Moumtaz Razack Jan Bronders University of Poitiers, France e-mail: [email protected] VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Allan Rodhe Robert Schneider JoResearch), Belgium Uppsala University, Sweden 6212 N. 31 Street Universidad Nacional Aut6noma de Elias Salameh Arlington, Virginia 22207, USA Mexico, Mexico University of Jordan, Jordan Telephone: +1r703 5332 9694John, a Chilton Timothy Scheibe Telephone: +1703 533 9694 British Geological Survey, United Kingdom Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Fax: +1703 533 8481 Ian Clark USA e-mail: [email protected] University of Ottawa, Canada Frank Schwartz Donald Daly Ohio State University, USA Geological Survey of Ireland, Ireland Craig T. Simmons Frederick Day-Lewis Flinders University of South Australia, Bucknell University, USA Australia Nathalie D6rfliger James E. Smith BRGM, Water Department, France McMaster University, Canada Trevor Elliot Marios Sophocleous Queen's University Belfast, The University of Kansas, USA Northern Ireland Peter Engesgaard Ove Stephansson Technical University of Denmark, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Denmark Changyuan Tang Graham E. Fogg Chiba University, Japan University of California-Davis, USA John H. Tellam Cheikh Becaye Gaye Birmingham University, International Atomic Energy Agency, United Kingdom Austria Laura Toran Ashim Das Gupta Temple University, USA Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Scott W. Tyler UiEdwin Harvey University of Nevada-Reno, USA University of Nebraska, USA GnihS atna Mary C. Hill Genrich S. Vartanyan U.S. Geological Survey, USA VSEGINGEO, Russia Marc Hinton Luis Sebastian Vives Geological Survey of Canada, Canada Instituto de Hidrologia de Llanuras, Margot Isenbeck-Schroeter Argentina University of Heidelberg, Germany Stephen W. Wheatcraft Karin Kemper University of Nevada, Reno, USA The World Bank, USA Lilik Eko Widodo Henk Kooi Bandung Institute of Technology, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands Indonesia Noel Krothe Warren Wood Indiana University Bloomington, USA Michigan State University SSarah Kruse Yuqun Xue Co-sponsored by University of South Florida, USA Nanjing University, the Hydrogeology Division Simon Ldw Peoples Republic of China Federal Institute of Technology ETH, of The Geological Society Switzerland Yoseph Yechieli ofAmerica ~~~~~~~LuisE.Marin Geological Survey of lsrael, Israel of America Universidad Nacional Aut6noma de Mexico, Chunmiao Zheng Mexico University of Alabama, USA A 2 Hydrogeology Journal 12 (2004) O Springer-Verlag HydrogeologyJoumal has acquired a large periods to regional or global problems Hyd rogeolI ogy worldwide readership since its inception in and geologic time; * ~~~~~~~1992.The Journal's emphasis isto: Jo urn a . 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