Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Island Times Newspaper, 2012 Island Times Newspaper, 2002-2013 7-2012 Island Times, Jul 2012 Kevin Attra Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/itn_2012 Recommended Citation Attra, Kevin, "Island Times, Jul 2012" (2012). Island Times Newspaper, 2012. 6. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/itn_2012/6 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Island Times Newspaper, 2002-2013 at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Island Times Newspaper, 2012 by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SLAND IMES JULY 2012 A com m unity newspaper covering the islands of Casco Bay FREE INSIDE lntheNews News Briefs Plantr's new truck; Health Center update; End0(1111 era; PPD C6iif,omrs to Peaks Island; and more. Page2 Rtunmer Edition - A hug• double-rainbow arches over tbe islands in Casco Bay in this shot taken last year by Peaks lst.nd resident David Cohan from the Machigoune II, though the only pot ofgol d at the end was likely to be filled with bull paint. PeaksFest2012 Photo ofcoverage ofthe ann11alweeke11dofrtVelryon Peaks Island Council Chair resigns the island. BY K EVIN A TTRA Page13 In a surprising move that even meeting scheduled for effect fundin~ subsidizing He added that in his caught fnend and co-councilor Wcdnesd·ay, June 27 included a the Ch ildren s Workshop, resignation announcement Eric Eaton off g_uard, Peaks meeting with city staff to discuss the taxi and the ferry ticket he'd acknowledged the conflict Island Council 'Chair Rusty the zoning regulations on the discounts. T he council's request because it had to be mentioned, Fifth Graders Bid Foster resigned from office. island applying to aux iliary for $40,000 has already &een but that he actually enjoyed his He announced his immediate dwellings, usually called "i n­ apprnved by City Council. time on the council. Fare,vell resignation from the council lawapartments". However, the allocation Said Kelley, "We'll just The Pe11kslsland &hool in a communi~-wide e-mail It has been an issue of of funds fo r ticket discounts have to regroup and sec where Class o/2012 bidsfarewell to on T hursdav une 28, a day interest to the council and the came under fire this year for we're at. Losing Rusty was an elementary education. after the PIC ailed to appear community for a long time. being exclusionary, since it only organizationar hit, out we'll Page16 as scheduled fo r its regular This spring Foster steered the appl ies to monthly and annual figu re it out." The council has month ly meeting at the PIC toward modifying the passes. In fact, Foster became scheduled a meeting for July 11, MacVaoe Center. zoning regulations. a lightening rod for the issue, two weeks earlier t.flan normal, The two events were In nis research Foster com ing unoer personal arrack presumably to elect a new chair. unrelated. According to Eaton determined that th e main at meenngs ancfin e-mails from Kellex said there's not a lot the meeting was cancellca1 obstacle to allowing accessory constituents. re(luireil of the council in July when the council realized only dwellings on the island was the Foster said that made it and August, and work on next IntheArts two members would be able to required lot size, which in the easier to leave, but wasn't a year's budget won't begin until attend, the rest being away on I R2 zone is 30,000 square fett precipitating factor. "l already the fall. ·1 guess we'll just sit business or otherwise occupied. and in IRl, 70,000. kind of felt tnat I was done," he back and enJ0Y the summer on A public notice was supposed "In my opinion all that has said. Peaks like everyone else." Peaks Island Art to liave been sent out, but to be done 1s chan1,,e the square WalkA r11 Editor Betsey according to Eaton that ball footage numbers, he sa,d in Remage-Healey ,xplores the got dropped. It was merely an interview last month. "The coincidental that Foster sent (estricrion is currently bigger JO-year traditi.tm on Peaks the e-mail announcing his than all of the lots [on the lslflnd with an imidt look at resignation the next day. island].· scme ofthe artists showing In it Foster wrote, "After Foster said he will try to work. serving as Chair for a year and follow up with the city and Page14 a half, and passing two budgets other councilors if there 1s still l feel that l have accom_.plished ·an_y__ interest among them. the goals that Eric and r set out However, in the wake of his to accomplish when we took on resignation the PIC may not the task of reviving the near- rursue the project anY. further. 1--- ---------t dead PIC in 2010." Without Rusty, J'm not Eaton said he learned of interested in ~ctting the city out Foster's rcsi~nation through here," said Eaton. "That was REGULAR the e-mail. I knew he was Rusty's pet project." planning to resign as C hair. Co-chair Scott Kelley said, FEATURES I was unpr~ared for his full "Personally, I don't care one way resignation, he said. '' lt was a or other. At some point it will PIC Chair Rusty Foster (left) walked out oflast month's council shocK to me." ha\'e to be dealt witli." meeting during a heated argument with resident Robin Clark The agenda for the PIC Foster's resignation v~·on't (standing) over the fu nding of ticket discounts. Letters p.6 a p.8 Fox. "Iialfis owned by the Ciry structure that burned in the else they could cobble together. and half is controlled by PILP." 1957 fire. Residents familiar with the Island skate park The site is located on Brackett It is essentially a se ries of nearly 10-year effort the boys It's a Living p. 9 Avenue near the transfer station, improvised rails and quarter have made trying to get a skate this month-flartoey] obm on underfire on the remaining fo undation P.ipes built by volunteers using park on the island arc irritated BY KEVIN ATTRA a World War II-era military ifonated materials and whatever br. this latest obstacle. Several years ago the boys T he Puzzle p.10 negotiated with the city to build A controversial skate park on one in the Tron-LitrleJOhn Park Brio p.10 Peaks Island that was scheduled and raised over Sl,000 to build to be demolished by the city last it, mainly by collecting bottles Star Gazing p.11 month got a last-mrnute reprieve and cans. But when a neighbor after tlie City J\lanager's office complained the city pulled rug received an outpouring of public out from under them. Fifth Maine P. 12 sup_port. "An.other Jltlilrsront is Re.tultd" lt particularly galled many The park has been under fire people when the city built a since it was first conceived ofby S32),000 skate P,ark in town last Recipes & Ramblings a.ff islanders lackman Wood anil year that none of the island kids Robert Walsh, who've tried to can use. build one since they were kids. ·[The skate park] is the Community Notes p. 18 At issue is the location of the clearest, most positive initiative park, which is on city property Henry Fonr.aine (barelr visible at far end in photo), maintenance from kids on the island picking Events Calendar p.19 havmg a conservation casement s uper visor with Port and Park s & Recreation Department, UP. slack from the city," said Fox. that 6ans the construction of came out on Fridoy,J une 29 to photograph it. T he Department is "There's nothing on the island permanent structures. Business Directory p. 20 "It's a Catch 22 all around," considering the safety of the site ...It looks good to me," he sajd, "'but said PILP board member Carry it's not up to me." '------- ------' swffphoto p/eaAuee PARK.po9e8 PAGE2 ISLAND TIMES July2012 ISLAND TRANSPORTER, LLC MARINF. T RANSPOR TATION 01' EQUIPf\.-tENT AND M ATERIAi. Naws8rials REPORTED BYSUSAN HANLEY, RHONDA BERG & KEVIN A TTRA A CONTINUED COMMITMENT T O OUR CUSTOM ERS, OLD & NEW. IN CASCO BAY won," said PITEA president Cynthia MIV Rclla,,ct, Tug Pi011ee-r, M/V bland t'rans,. Plante's takes possesion porter "iUJ !:,l,"rviCC lu Casec, 8.a)', Penobscot Pcdlikin. Bay and che entire Mainf' c:oas1. our 3 unJts can of new truck bepOsilionc(l io handteewn thelargesa)Ob. Staff Report H ealth Center update Wednesday, June 15 was a memorable Staff Report day on Peaks Island for Lionel Plante Associates who took possession of a The Peaks Island Health Center custom-built CT660 dump truck it had practice has been picked up by the Maine won in a comest sponsored by the truck .lvledical Center, and will resume on the manufacturer, CAT. island sometime in the next few months, • UuildlogS\1pplies according to Mary McDonough, practice • A~ph(llt/roncremtrucks administrator at Maine • Udlirirslwclldrillfng Med's Family Medicine • Cravel. 'irnne Center on India Street. "It is definitely part of our strategic plan to partner with the heahh lU center on Peaks Island," ·-- she said. "We're prcttl excited to be coming out. Currently, the faci lity is being upgraded with new cable and internet service in order to become compatible with Maine Med's medical records system.
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