IT"- 4-. # A 0 8 t W E L V I TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1967 fHanirI)(0t(r lEttptting llrrall) Average Daily Net Presa Run For the Week Ended The Weather 3uly 27, 1957 FRceeaat o f C. B. WMtber Baf<ee Mrs. John P. Bauaola o f Ando­ Manchester Grange N a 31, will Fay Ferris, Mrs. Anthonv Oryk, ver LsUce, formerly of Manchester, meet tomorrow at 8 p.m, in Orange Emerffcncy Doctors Bloodmobile Visits About Town Mrs. Irens Johnson, Mrs. R obert Otepr, quite -eool toolgfct Lew Is a patient at Rartfbrd Hospital Hall. Ttie Home Economics Com Lathrop. where she underwent eye surgery. mlttee will be in charge of the pro­ 12,002 Physicians of the Manchas- Town on Sept. 3 -Also, Mrs. Ralph Leander, Miss 45-6e.' Tkimdoy brigkt ouaaklM, Hr^ and M n. T. Kdward Broa* Mrs. Bausola will be confined to gram. Applications for member­ Membw of the Audit n tn ,. U Waahington S t hav* re- te f Medical Assn, who will rs- .Patricia Lent, Mrs. Sydney MacAl- w NEW EDSEt dry, modeeatety ooo). High obeet the hospital for several weeks. ship should be handed in at this Bureau of Ctronlmtlon 76. tuhiM to their home after meeting. spond to emergeiicy calls tomor­ Mrs. Hyatt Sutliffs and Mrs. plne, Mrs. Herbert McKinney, Mrs. FOB MANCHESTER AND ROCKVILLE Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm m o ^ 'a -visit with their son-in-law Mrs. Dorothy Oemarest, the new row aftemooh and evening are Howard'Lockward are heading up Alma Niese, Mrs. ,C. Leroy Nor­ and daughter, Atty. and Mrs. Clar­ Dr. Alfred Sundqulst, Tel. MI ris, Mrs. Abri^iam Podrove, Mist District president. American Le­ The weekly meeting of the Civil the Recruitment Committee to fe t ence R Cook of Pico, near Los An- gion Auxiliary, has called an or- Air Patrol (CAP) will be held at 3-6316, and Dr. George Luhd- Jessie Reynolds, Mrs. Elmer Rice, gelss, Cahf., and their ^ res chil' berg Jr. (adulta only), Tel. MI donors for the next ,Red C^ss Mrs, Carl Rohrbpch, Mrs. Jay Ru- VOL. LXXVI, NO. 274 (TWENTY-rOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1957 (OloaaUied AdvertMag ea Page S3) ganixational meeting of District the American Legion Home at 7 3-5629. PRI05 FIVE CENTS dren. Mr. and Mrs. BroKian made officers and chairmen at the Amer­ p.m. tomorrow. Bloodmobile Day on . Tuesday, blnow. Mrs. John F. Shea, Mrs. the trip to the Pacific Coast and Sept 3. A group of 27 volunteers Clifford Simpson, Miss Carrid Sey­ Needs 6 Salesmen ican Legion Home, Washington St.. return by air, as they did in Augrust New Britain, for this evening at are phoning Manchester residents mour, Mrs. Charles Wigritn. Mrs. e f 19M. 7:30. for that purpose this week and John J. Wallett. Mrs. Charles TO SELL THE ALL NEW 1958 EDSEL AEC’s Request TPC Reschedules next Young and Mrs. Robert Zelser. GOP Chiefs May Bid Members o f Mystic Review, No. Mrs. Flora Gracia, S'4 Trotter Public Records "Because our next Bloodmobile 18 MODELS 3, Women's Benefit Assn., are re­ S t, has returned from Middlebero, Meeting Monday Day falls (m the day after Labor S STATION WAGONS ~ 2 CONVERTMLES For Funds Cut minded to krtJW •»<>* lunches for Masa, where she attended a family Warrantee Deeds Day, which may mean fewer walk- Safety Promoted the supper at 8:30 this evening in reunion at the home o f her brother. A Town Planning Commission William Lessard to Georga A in donors than usual," Mrs. Sut- Allies Odd pyilowa banquet .hall. A busi­ It was the first get-together of executive session scheduled for last Jessop and Florence S. Jeasop, Ilffe explained, "we are making a The Car Ahead Is EDSBL Special Session Act By House Unit ness iheeting will follow the meal. the family in many years. Five siS' night was postponed for one week property at 74 Ferguson Rd. special effort to schedule enough In Local Schools ters of Mrs. Grade were present, due to the death of Chairman Kenneth E. Bisshopp and Bea­ donors ahead of time to assure us coming fi«m Florida, Morristown Martin Alvord’s mother.. trice B. Bisshopp to Hubert of fulfilling our quota of 150 The 1957 National Behoof Safety ' Washington, Aug. 21 SJ„ Springfield and West Med­ The meeting has been resched­ Donahue and Shirley M. Dona­ pints.” Mrs. SuUiffe pointed out Honor Roll, a program sponsored NO PHOHE CALLS On Judgeship Issue The House Appropriations ford, Mass., and Middleboro. uled for Monday, Aug. 26. hue, pro|>erty at 150 Vernon St that any success which the local Blood Program has been able to by the National Safety Council, Committee today slashed Applications for 'sons changes Harold E. Mikolelt and Doris .E. The Past Mistreea Club of achieve for the last several years has listed seven schools in the SEE CHET BRUNNER $215,906,600 from the Atomic LECLERC by Neil BIIU, president of the Mikolelt to Ross'B- Roberts and Liberty No. 17, LOU, will meet has been considerably aided by the Manchester system enrolled In Its Hartford, Aug. 21 {/P)— ^Twould be contacted with a request Energy Commission’s request -Year Farmlchds Exchange Oorp.,- and FUNERAL HOME Thursday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Nancy A. Roberts, property at 50 large number of public-spirited that the Manchester case be heard Anthony Choman,- a wreicker, were Harlnp St. program. Highland Park. Man­ Republican legislative leaders for $^2,485,625,000 for oper­ 2 Elisabeth Caverly, 9 Chestnut 'St. Manchesterites who appear with­ chester Green, Robertson and in October, at the same time aa to have been discussed at the Francis E: Boland and (Tharlotta today were looking into ating expenses and construc­ mseting. out appointment on the days when Washington have been added to mZGERALD MOTORS those involving the Meriden and FUNERAL Q. Boland to Harold B. Mikolelt whether special session action Hartford courts. tion for the current fiscal Considerable opposition to both the Bloodmobile unit is in opera­ the three schools that were previ­ and Doris E. Mikolelt, propirty on tion at Center (Jhurch. ROUTE 8S-rMANCHESTER-VERNON TOWN LINE should be takeif next month Originally, Karp and Gryk were year, Cop Distasteful, SERVICE the applications was expressed at ously enrolled and have continued not-4o Jbe parties to the Supreme Much of the building program a TPC public hearing Aug. 5. Lake St. • "The hours for the Sept. 3 visit this year-^Verplanck, Bowers and to validate specifically a gov­ Walter N. BREAKFAST SPECIAL ^ oV|he unit will be convenient ones Court litigation. They had signed I was authorized only yesterday in Policeman Says New Plans Ellis ^eeka a change from Res­ Philip 3. Bums and Josephine M. Waddell. ernor’s power to make inter­ Leelerc 3 Griddle C a k e s s ) A . 2 Bums to Milton H. Goldschmidt folfmen who work id Blast Hart­ a Btipulatipn under which they had | a 3352 million AEC construction idence Zone A to Residence Zone C The program’! objective is to agreed to abide by the Supreme bill. Some of the cash goes into OU^ctor Batter, Syrup it wC ^ and Ethel H. Goldschmidt ford or Hartford, since they ex­ im court appointments. I Phoenix, Arlz., Aug. 20 l/P)— which would permit him to put up stimulate school faculty, students "W e would like to head off any Court decision. However, after the j a new program of government- an 3840,000 apartment develop­ property on Bonner Rd. tend from 1:45 through 6:30 and people in the community to The word "cop” is distasteful Ask Curbs 2 38 Main Street, Maaebester p.m.,” Mrs. Sutliffe continued. compUcatlona if poaslbie/' the Fair- high court raised new questions j built power reactors opposed by ment on lanq adjacent to the Park- Building Permits provide a safer place to live. The slang to policemen attending ^Arthur Dnic Storts j ■'Despite the end-of-vacation flur­ BUYING A NEW HOME? field Republican said. '* in asking for a reargument of the' the administration, Call Ml 9.5869 ade on W. Middle l^ k e .. To C. Oambolatl and Son, for a directors--------- o f‘ the■ NNational program the national convention of Fra­ ry in almost every household at Such a bill could contain one or issue, Karp felt it advisable to | The reduction of almost 9 per ternal Order of Police. Choman haa requested a change dwelling on Hilliard St., 313,000. believe that safety habits should more of the following proviiiona have the court ruling cover the from Residence B to Industrial this time, we urge everyone who cent did not affect the AEC's raw FOP president Jack Dudek Next Year To K. and S. Contracting Corp.. be acquired at an esj-ly age. be­ Give a governor apecific power Manchester situation specifically. Zone on property on McCibe St. to is physically able to sign up for fore bad habits have a chance to materials, special nuclear mate­ of Cleveland, Ohio, said the' permit him to put up a steel build­ for Tumblebrook Acres Inc., for this Bloodmobile Day aa the blood develop. to make Interim court appoint- Pope,, meanwhile, is asking law­ rials, weapons ’ and community grand lodge is starting a vlg- Paris, Aug. 21 (fP)— ^The ing f o r ,storage purposes. dwellings on Diane Dr., $13,5(X) supplies have been sadly, depleted menta, and to replace interim ap- makers and others to submit ideas operations programs. More than orotM campaign to get news Frances Dr., 313,500 and 316,500 Police Chief Herman O.
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