•*•> *^-" •I ^w «fjj Kenneth John Williams, David[ Honorary Degree for Bishop Casey SJohn ZiiS6er. " Lithuania s Anglicans Study Program BACHELOR OF Last Bishop BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Of French Worker Priests Vatican City — (RNS) — 739 fo Graduate at Fisher College Donald Michael Cerra, John Bishop Peter Mazelis of Telsiai London — (RNS) — A more men concerned with a modern Patrick Collins, George Francis realistic and fearless approach approach to pastoral problems. Commencement exercises for cis Augustine, Bruce Elnathan cis Schafcr, George Alptionse —the only Roman Catholic bish­ BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Davin, George Jaunes Del Vec-op permitted to function as a by Anglicans to modern prob­ Jl3aLs8niors-wbo-aEe-candidates Babcock, Thomas-George -Bahr, Schelly - -' - chio, Lawrence MCichael Discoll, lems, notably the1 closing of The Rev. Tony Foottit, a team for degrees at St. John Fisher Robert Vincent Bates, Thomas Robert Peter Cellura, Law Richard Leland Taust, Joseph diocesah leader in Soviet-ruled churches in "dead communi­ member who wrote the report, College will be held Sunday, Lithuania, died at'the age of - James Battel, C.S.B.; Louis Frank Melchlor Schexkey, rence Michael Clar, Daniel Frank Fusco, Donald Bert Hof- ties" reducing the number of described how the party toured -June^5, af 3" p~m7 iirthe campus FrederielrBieckrRobert Vernon Vito Joseph' Sciscibli, Eclward Delia Tietra, Joseph Anthony fend, Michael Clark Holvey. 71, according to,a Vatican Radio services, and greater" use of a large "dechristianized' area Athletic Center. Bindert, Richard Allen Bircher, Joseph Sloan Jr., Uarryl Hay- Thomas Brosnahan Hughes, broadcast. transportation was urged here of France in the Tours region, Dragon, Richard Eric Fuierer, ary Patrick heard of the new ''pagans!" and John Leonard Boscoe, C.S.B.; ward Sly, Fraser George Smil- JohnJMichael Hphftiwr Jami>dP Kalleen, Daniel A5.iLr^PPJl on a Church of Eng - Bishop Lawrence B. Casey, Thomas Gregory- Bowen, Mi : Jonn^cnaeiJietjerger,-Jama T^mr Kub^krJ"«RrTPeteT P¥-" —The- bishop—also served as ~spTnr fouT~a*yrirt"lhe nead- -Bishop -of—Paterson, N.J.-,- and lie; Bernard Anthony "Sieger, land mission to France which chaeT Paul Brand," CTSIBr, Gary Jork James Tani, Theodore An­ Robert Johnson, Robert William trqssi, John Richtard Pike, Ed­ Prelate Nullius of Klaipeda — studied Roman Catholic team quarters of the adventurous Ro­ former auxiliary bishop of Roch­ Geory Brauch, Peter Joseph LaPlaca, Albert Ernest Xa a Lithuanian jurisdiction not man Catholic Mission de France ester, will be the speaker at thony Vallone, Edward Xouis ward Patrick Po^vderly, James methods in "dechristianized" Burke, Francis Carl Caccamise VanEpps, Richard Allan..JMahL Vigueur, Theodore. Lawrence Raymond JUeber, Victor Ernest yet given the status of a dio­ areas. -- 8t._Pojitigny, .Tkere_men_are„ Fisher's twelfth graduation cer­ Jr. LePage, Michael "William Malar- cese. emonies. He also will be award­ C.S.B.; Robert Francis Way, Salerno Jr., Thomas Preston trained in teams for ordination Thomas Urban Way, JFames ney, Daniel Michael Marcello, Speares, Sylvester John Spin- Bishop Mazelis was the only The mission was headed by work in dechristianized areas of ed, an honorary Doctor of Laws Edmund Anthony Calvaruso, Philip Joseph Palermo, Alan Bishop William Somers Llew­ degree by the college. Henry Wenner, Charles Joseph ichia, David Griffin Starks, Ger­ Ordinary listed as head of a France. Michael Thomas Casey, Richard erger, C.S.B.; Daniel Ctaarles Peter Strenzwilk, Alex George ald Edward Vah Strydonck, Mi­ ellyn of Lynn and included Charles Cejeste, Bradley Lewis diocese in Lithuania in the eight Anglican priests who are Mr. Foottit wrote: "We can Bishop James E. Kearney of Tyshovnytsky, Daniel Albert chael Joseph "Walsh, David 1966 Annuario Pontificio, the learn from the Mission (de Chase, Gregory John Co'nchelos, SSfShSS^JSSS^"** Walz, Thomas Ciaccio Warren, working in team or group min­ .Rochester and Chancellor of St. John Francis Connelly, Gary Gerald- Michael Yazback. Thomas White. Vatican Yearbook. France) priests to move away John Fisher, will confer the de­ istries in the eastern England Raymond Cuminale, Frederick Diocese of Norwich and St. from clericalism, from thinking grees on his long-time assistant Arthur Curran, John Edward of the ordained ministry as and the graduating class. Edmundsbury and Ipswich, and Depa, C.S.B.; Thomas Daniel two rural area rectors. something separate from the Devine. Thomas Ei resLoi the church, from stand? eT, Gerard Francis Donnelly, They-Avent to Franee fast year irtg-en our dignify, ^romPriding-- I C.S.B., president of the Pontifi­ Donald Lewis Dorschel, Paul with the three-fold object of behind clerical collars in a cal Institute of Medieval Stud­ seeing how the Catholic Church ies, Toronto, will preach the Eugene Ferrari, C.S.B.; Wil­ clerical life, from conceiving of liam Edward Fitzgerald, Wil­ uses team ministeries in rural holiness as separate from ordi­ sermon at baccalaureate serv­ areas, to make contacts which ices to be held Sunday at. 10 liam Joseph Frankenberger, nary life instead of a deepening C.S.B.; William Edward Gaffke, might help ecumenically, and to of it. The secular and often a,m. ia the Center. Mass will be learn something of 'the way in celebrated by Very Rev. Charles Richard Roy Gallagher, Gregory manual—work of the (French- Kenneth Gargan, James Francis which the liturgical movement Mission) priests cannot be dis­ J. Lavery, C.S.B., president of is progressing. St. John Fisher. Griffin III, James Patrick missed as irrelevant to our Growney. situation." The_ Fisher Class of '66 in- eludes. 97 cajndYtMescandidates.fjor. Jox. the William Gregory Hall, Martin Bachelor of Arts degree, 19 for Edward Hanratty, "William John .«! the Bachelor of Science degree, Hanratty, Richard Joseph Her- '•>l and 23 for the Bachelor of Busi­ delein III, Patrick Joseph Hoke ness Administration degree. All Jr., Gary Stepheen Holowka, but 13 are from Monroe County. Michael William Irving; Law­ rence John Jost, H. Theodore The candidates are: Kelly HI, Thomas John Kluch- BACHELOR OF ARTS ko, Jomes Joseph Kolb, John Salvatore Lazio, Raymond Jo­ CORNING GLASS CENTER seph LeFaivre, Charles Howard James W il 1 i a m Anderson, Grandest f-roo attraction in oait (Corning, N.Y.) Dale Henry Atias, Robert Fran- Lyons, Daniel Nawman Max­ well, John James McCarthy Jr., MONASTERY OF ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS David Michael McEneany. A monmtory oi Diicalcod Carmolitoi, whore men ar» dedi­ m Joseph Daniel McGuIre^ John cated to a lifo of prayer and apoitolic service to the mod­ Thomas McKeon, Timothy Pat­ ern world, located on Wavorly Hill, overlooking the beauti­ rick McMahon, Allan Michael ful Chemung Valley, off Route 17. wo«t of Waverly, N.Y. McMillan, C.S.B.; Rodney James Opposite O'Brien's. Mulliger, Donald Michael Mur­ phy, Michael Haley Newcomb, . Tka—Carrrnilitai jwolcnmn -fliLjtliHofi from. 6:00 AJrt. Ronald Joseph Nigro, Louis 9:30 P.M. Man Daily 6:30 A.M.; Sundays and Holidays 1:40 Charles Noto, Terrance Richard Fordham Honors Religious Leaders A.M. Days of Prayor for Groups of 15 or lets (laity or re­ O'Donnell, Peter Robert Par- ligious), tilo, James Kelleher Perry Jr., New ^rk—=(RrVS)=-F<)rdhain-University awarded-hon- Union Theological Seminary; Archbishop Iakovos, Philip Charles Ponzi, Nicholas orary Doctor of Law degrees to five religious leaders head of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and Then Have Dinner at O'Brien's and Stay Overnight Bernard Presutti, Patrick An during its. 125th. anniversary academic coEvncalioiLaL Smith America and a WCC co-president, all receiving "AMERICA'S MOST SCENte-PlNiNG-BOOM11 thony Proietti, Arthur Lewis which honored guest was Father Pedro ArrupeK Gen­ degrees; and Tather Arrupe, who was on a two-week Here you will find doliclous food for the body and an In­ Quinn, Richard Anthony Rami eral of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Shown at the con­ letti, Leland Kenneth Richard visit to the U.S., and Father Leo McLaughlin, S.J., spiring Spiritual Lift for the «oul, stimulated by the molt vocation are, from left: Father John Courtney Murray, outstanding] Sconic Panorama in all Amorica, C.S.B.; Dennis Frank Ringvel S.J., of Woodstock (Md.) College, architect of the Vati­ president of Fordham. The fifth degree recipient was ski, C.S.B., John Forrest Rob- Dr. Louis Finkelstein, chancellor of Jewish Theological On Route 17, I mile west of Waverly, New York, O'Brien'i bins, C.S.B.; Philip Frederick can Council's religious liberty declaration; Dr. Eugene Moto| in the iky_-ll«i pjiyjate balconiej ami htA!ri!Mlx__fur- Roy, Richard Joseph Ruckel, Carson Blake, stated clerk of the United Presbyterian Seminary, wh« wa& honored in absentia because of the niihed rooms. A placo to rolax and got away from the daily Leon Theadore Sawyko, James Church and general secretary-elect of the World Coun­ Passover season. He will be given the degree at Ford- grind. " George Schaefer, William Fran cil of Churches; Dr. John C. Bennett, president of ham's June commencement. Heads Brothers Workers' Hopes Brother Charles Henry But- timer, a native of Brighton, Mass., Is the first American Not in Marxism to be named superior general of the Christian Brothers Vatican City—(RNS)—Pope Paul VI, speaking on since the teaching order was the 75th anniversary of the famed social encyclical, founded in 1680. He Is also Rerum . Novarum, condemned atheistic Marxism as a the first non-Frenchman to head ' the"' ditterY" sut&ecdiHif' anq^oclety must pay tot, In the ~—TFT—=rrrn—'it.'.!"'-1 Brotfie'r' Nlvet-Joseph, * super­ end with the most serious con­ "Wright of Pittsburgh,'episcopal ior" general since 1956. Broth­ sequences." chairman of the NationaE Cath­ er Charles' Henry was elect­ olic Welfare Conference's So­ ed at the Brothers' General It is "impossible' for the cial Action Department.
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