Terms $8.00 per annum. *»» Tnc rortiand Dally Press business changes. MISCELLANEOUS. BONDS. U published every day (Sundays excepted) by MISCELLANEOUS. business directory. the Dissolution of = Portland Copartnership. daily Publishing Co., copartnership heretofore cxistliis! between ST ATE O?? MAINE. press. rpHE A TLA * SBX 1»BR C ENT, A VVlie- ler, Read & Small, is this day dissolved Ft I C A B«Hcy. At 109 Exchange Portland. mutual consent. VI 1 A*r?*»* PORTLAND. Street, by * ".. ""■'O', advebtipe- Tb» P'our business will 11ES1S inxrtei in Terms;—Eight Dollars a Year in advance. be C'-ntiuued at tbe old Stan 1 157 Commercial st, cor. Union, by Go". M. iVXn tual Insurance who * Small, will seme tbe business of die la'e firm. Comp’y,A MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1871. H. Q WHtELEK, (ORGANIZED IN 1S42.) GOLD The Maine State Press BONDS, Affiicnliural (tttmetnents & J \V. READ, SI 84IV?Eli GEO. M. S u A I Wall st., corner New Free from Government Tax. A No. I|<. Is Thursday Morning at L. of William, York. WOODKORH, St‘ Oar School published every rorlland, Jan 14th, 1671. JalBdlw* Lsir-Rilnoatitnal Ditcu.. $2150 a if in advance, at $2.00 a Insures year; paid Against Marine and Inland Navigation Risks. AdClluiioer. year. Notice. 0. W. A was bad Copartnership Portland and Railroad HOLMES, No. .127 Oongres>St. Auction Sa'e- pub'ic meeting upon tbs ques- inch of ls MUTUAl- The whole PROFIT Ogdcnsburg Bates of Advertising.—One space, iKKiri?r^ai PFR.?LY reverts to the ASSURED, and are divided every Evening. Private Sales doting the day. tion oi tbe law school a undersigned have ibis day associitcd tbem- teImin*ted durlnK tLe year j tor which Ceitificatca are bearing cbangi ->g empowering In length of soiumu. constitutes square. fjpHE1 interest until iaBUed, first week. 75 cents selves together under tbe firm name ot ieSSfcmariePtem“m9 committees *o teacliers, bdor-* tbe $1.50 per square da'lj In Atfeneiew for Sewing employ or January 1890, the Assets Accnnralated from i's vl*i machines, week after; three insertions, less, $1.00; WALDEN & Mil Butinua were ns follows, w S. Committee on per AIV, First Bonds. HTER, 168 Middle Si ..y,rr H. H. Hav'e. Ail Education, Thursday night, at other after first week, 50 tor (be of United States and State of New-York Bank and 00 Mortgage continuing every day purpose carrying on the Boot and Shoe Stocks, City, other Stocks.8T.836.-290 Emds oi Marlnuea lor sale and to Augusta.'or the L*ans secured Stocks and let. Ripening, purpose of those who cents. Manniactnring Bn.iie.s at the old pljce ol C. H by otherwise. jj 14s, too 90 allowing Premium Notes and Bills Real bad three insertions or less, 75 Breed & Co., Nos 54 and 50 Middle st. Receivable, Estate, Bond and Mortgages andothersecurities.. 2,9:11,021 presented pe-itions ^ a 0l Half square, cents; Cash m Principal anil Interest Bilkers. r0iX,a| tbo 50 cents per week after. C. A. Bank,..... 533,797 Payable one week. $1.00; WALDEN, thfl,r one H. H. W. 0.COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. s!Vf> teawns for Special Notices, third additional. _ SHAW. in Gold. w^hf^0pP?rt?nity»0* Portland, Jan 2,187t. Total amount of Assets....$14,160,30^ 80 d Lut » seemed lb irlends Under head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per jatllf and ’; advocates ot a rep»ai were not per week; three insertions or less $1.60. «I°hn D. Jones,President. In Senate Bonis and '■Shoes—Gents Custom Work. ready or •qnare J.?*T?'wIiT,w5®<i?.Ea2i<iYn,ce^,re?fc‘ D. 3d Vice-Prest. Jauuiry4,1J7I. tailed to fand a r-asou lor Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Hewlett, Chaiiles Dennis, Vice-President. The undersigned hnrr authority to offer Obdeued. tbe faith that was NOTICE. •1. H. The House concurring, that a.I peti- WALTER BERRV, No. 101 Middle Street. Chapman, Secretary. far tions tor in them, for but very lil tie w.j said State Press” (which has a large circulation ante ioo Bonds of the Portland and private legislation, es.ept peiiti.>n« tor again,! t|l4 heretofore re tress ol law as a whole, and In part ol the State) for $1.00 per square Copartnership existing between .JOHN W. Railroad wrongs an I grtevabces,’1 whiclt shai. bo except in one case all the every A’ P MTJIVOKK,, Corresnondent, Ogdrntbnvfc Cfonrpony at Booksellers and first and 60 cents for (>.-CiiarlS? B,lily. Morgan and D. W. Trno, presenteil to the Legislature afer the ttistilay ot Stationers. speakers agreed that with a for insertion, per square :s this the love of 80 with ac- slight amendment day dissolved by mutual consent and lirolta- 166 rcry price February next, be reterreil to the nest insertion. tion Office, Fore Street, Portland. Legislature, HOYT, FOOfl & X Middle Street. the school laws ait- what we want. each subsequent Either ot tbe will the arch crued in ami ihat this order be lu BREED, just surviving partners 6igu 3 e Interest currency. pub isbed the Kennebec Address all communications to tirm name of Paris ( o dtlm&wCw Mr. ot Portland Flouring in settlement of all ,l<70._ -J-r- — Journal until that date. Burgess recnumended that accounts ————« biiii ■ ■ ■■ ii— PORTLAND and demands that exist with sai l firm to In the law be so that PUBLISHING CO. THIS load now Senate. Jan. R, 1871. Ronk-BInders. changed school committees this date, in is completed fo West liquidation. Baldwin, Read, nmenleil by Insetting alter the word could not act as teachers la the ~ We audtrainsare Prin,?,’s schools of beg leave to thank our friends for patronage, Goods for Christ mas EDUCATIONAL. rSunnig to that point, 33 miles lrom "Journal” the words “Baogor Daitr Wing and Cour- Exch”5'- and cheermllv ler and WNo.niQSTOTStATtn tbeirown towns, and some other recommend a continuance of tbe Portland. B.yotd West Faldwin the road is graded Portland Daily Press,” and passed. Sent SMALL » speakers BUSINESS same to our successors, who have been connected down tor concurrence. SHACKFuKD, No, 35 Plnm *troe(. spoke ot cases where Ibis would he a CARDS! to Fryeburg, 50 from Pot and the very wi*h us tor several years, and whose piles Hand, rails SAMUEL W. id.a. This matter management JULES CH. L. MOJtAZAIN, will LANE, Secretary. good might Ire decided we think will by a ot success. be laid to as in the by guarartee fhat point early spring as In House of Kkpri skntativcs Bonnet and Hnt a vote ol tbe thus A. P. FKOll PARIS, the Rleactiery~ district, allowing them io MORGAN, weather will From 9, IB71. H. E. UKl)ERW()(»n Vn omi _ permit. Fryeburg the road January or nut D. W. TRUE. Teacher ol Read and in rnncurrence say whether they w.nfedtbe commit- JOHNOTWINSHIP the French Language, is under to N. to which passed South Paris, January 2d, 1871. contra# Conway, H., point SUMNER tee man as a teacher. Late Master ot Modern in the Provin- J.CHADBOURNE, Cleric. at Languages trains will ran It Jnly, 1871, A true Coal nnd Mr. Attorney Law, cial Training School, High and Grammar Schools. copy. Wood. Stickoev of Presque Isle spoke at sor e Notice. The road bas*Hhuafar been Attest: SAMUEL W. PAUL A Si. John, N.B. built and equipped LANE,Secretary* PRINCE SON, toot of Wllront stree length ot the good results of ibe school Rooms No. 6 <0 6 Fluent A Copartnership is tbis day formed between the from Jan lito Feb 1 present Bloc7,', Reierences: Gen. J. M. Brown, J. W. Syraonds, cash subscriptions to the Capita] but to system in subscribers, for tbe purpose ot carrying on the Flour- Stock; Aroostook county. The schools Corner of and Sts complete it to N. and Cabinet there have Congress Exchange ing busiucss under the old firm name ot jarllett, H., to provide addi- Furniture Wutiiitacturris. improved loo per cent, under the from one P. M. to three o’clock p. si at 58 State of Maine. l*ari« Apply tional for its THBQ. JOHNSON A law. MB. JaSdly Flouring Company, or equipment increasing business, the CO.. No. 13* Union Street. supervisory Teachers icstitures have __PORTLAND, Sprirg street, in writing P. O. Box 2059. Augusta, January 12th, 1871. At South Paris, Maine. scplUdly Company has issued 1 onds to the amount nt srhu _ proved very successful iu his but ho a rneeting of the Committee of the section, Flour, 000, secured a ot Us Legislature Carpenters nnd is opoosed jo any chance of tbe law. w. s. Graham, Corn, Meal, Middlings, Fine Feedt by mortgage ^entire property to on Railroads, Ways and this Builders. garbileb! and Bt constantly on at • Bridges, day held, Mr. ol wh the on an, hand, Aesale and re- following Trustees: tne Petition ot the Boston and Maine Railroad WHITNEY A MEANS. Poor! the Park. Nealley York county, it for tail- CHARLES st, opposite tuought Wo. 7 Exchange Street, HAILEY, ST. WOODBURY representing'‘that it has b« come a matter ot the interests of the State to test the FRANK. H. AUGUSTINE’S DAVIS, itupor- law SKILLINGS. tance, under existing circumstaces, that their ioad wbieh has not GENERAL AGENT TO* ROSWELL F. DOTKN. SAMUEL E. SPRING, thoul I be Cement Drain nnd Water thoroughly, yet been done. It _ extended into Portland, or to such point Pipe, works South Jan 1W1. SCHOOL FOIl on well in his section. The Paris1, 2d, Jtfdtrr .. WESTON F.
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