United States Patent (19) (11) 4,104,027 Carroll (45) Aug. 1, 1978 54 PROCESS FOR THE PRESUMPTIVE 3,713,779 1/1973 Sirago et al. .................. 23/230 B X IDENTIFICATION OF NARCOTICS AND 3,761,227 9/1973 Conrad et al. ..................... 23/230 B DRUGS OF ABUSE - 3,873,270 3/1975 Hamilton et al. .................. 23/230 B 3,955,926 5/1976 Fischer ............................... 23/230 B 7676. InventorI tor: RobertMe. B. Carroll,l, P.O. Box 305, S Primary Examiner-Robert M. Reese (21) Appl. No.: 853,682 57 ABSTRACT 22 Filed: Nov. 21, 1977 &EEE (51) Int. Cl’............................................. G01N 33/16 of color-producing reagents in a sequence which mini 52 U.S.C. ................................ 23/230B mizes the occurrence of false positives, and makes possi 58) Field of Search ....................................... 23/230 B ble the presumptive identification by color matching of (56) References Cited virtually all the important narcotics and drugs of abuse U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS found in traffic at the present time. 3,656,906 4/1972 Bullock .............................. 23/230 B 6 Claims, 5 Drawing Figures REAGENT 1 (MAYER'S) Positive - a creamy white gelatinous substance Creamy White Negative - Color Change REAGENT2 Figure 5 (MARCUIS) Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 4 U.S. Patent Aug. 1, 1978 Sheet 1 of 5 4,104,027 REAGENT 1 (MAYERS) Positive -- a creamy white gelatinous Substance Creamy White Negative - No Color Change 583 REAGENT2 Figure 5 (MARGUIS) wn-----am Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 4 U.S. Patent Aug. 1, 1978 Sheet 2 of 5 4,104,027 Codeine Resultse fromEisge t 2 Darvon (Propoxyphene) Dilaudid Dionin HylanDormin (Methapyrilene) 259 .526 MorphineMDA REAGENT 3 REAGENT 6 (NITRIC ACID) (MANDELIN) Deep Red Purple Dionin Heroin Codeine Darwon Process Hycodan Block 5o Dormin *Its 79 Morphine Flash Color 16 Heroin Morphine REAGENT 4 (COBALT THIOCYANATE) -- After Breaking First Ampoule After Breaking Second Ampouie Blue, Blue-Green Blue, Blue-Green Dilaudid Dionin Codeine (with a few blue flecks on wall) Dormin Hycodan Heroin Dilaudid Hycodan Dionin MDA Heroin Morphine MDA Morphi "with blue E. 32 A/6. 2 U.S. Patent Aug. 1, 1978 Sheet 3 of 5 4,104,027 Results from Reagent 2 (MARCUIS) Orange, Red or Brown Amphetamines Demerol DET 65 DMT Doxepin Mescaline Promazine TMA REAGENT 3 REAGENT 6 (NITRIC ACID) (MANDELIN) Yellow Green Amphetamines Promazine No Color Change Amphetamines Demero Doxepin U.S. Patent Aug. 1, 1978 Sheet 4 of 5 4,104,027 Results from Reagent 2 (MARGUIS) Antipyrine No Color Change Cocaine Dibucaine Lidocaine Phendimetrazine REAGENT 4 Procaine (COBALT THIOCYANATE) Tetracaine After Breaking First Ampoule After Breaking Second Ampoule Blue, Blue Green Blue, Blue Green 32 Cocaine 32 Antipyrine Dibucaine Cocaine Procaine Tetracaine Deep Pink k Dibucaine Lidocaine 76 Phendimetrazine Procaine tetracaine Phendimetrazine * With blue flecks 312 * With blue flecks 312 REAGENT 6 REAGENT 8 (MANDELIN) (DUQUENOIS) Deep Orange Light Greenish Yellow Procaine Tetracaine Yellowish Orange No Color Change Dibucaine Lidocaine Phendimetrazine Tetracaine No Color Change Ios Phendimetrazine A/6. 4 * Flash Color U.S. Patent Aug. 1, 1978 Sheet 5 of 5 4,104,027 SOVETH.LNE8 (SHONE@mond) uSeHIlo 30H1 4,104,027 1. 2 third part is comprised of chloroform, which forms a PROCESS FOR THE PRESUMPTIVE bright blue solution in the presence of cocaine and other IDENTIFICATION OF NARCOTCS AND DRUGS compounds. The purpose of the solvent mixture is to OF ABUSE slow the formation of the color complex in many of the 5 drugs and other chemicals forming a blue complex with In order to obtain sufficient evidence to detail a sus cobalt thiocyanate similar to that formed with cocaine. pected drug peddler or drug user, it is very important This it does to some degree, but not enough to separate for the law enforcement authorities to be able to quickly the false positives. identify materials suspected of being narcotics or drugs Another specific reagent being marketed is a concen of abuse. The quickest test known for drug identifica 10 trated solution of sodium hydroxide in methanol. A tion is a color test, in which the response of the drug to drop or two of this material hydrolyzes the benzoate a specified reagent makes it possible to assign the drug part of the cocaine molecule, and in the presence of the to one or more classes. Accordingly, a combination of methanol forms methyl benzoate, which has an odor such color tests should make it possible to eliminate similar to wintergreen. However, any benzoate com other substances falling in the same category and pre 15 pound will produce the same odor, and the salicylates sumptively identify the drug in question. would produce the odor of wintergreen, since this is the The presumptive identification of a drug using a sin compound formed upon transesterification of salicy gle color test is virtually impossible. Clark, Isolation and lates. Identification of Drugs, Pharmaceutical Press (1969), The weakness of the single specific reagent tests has lists some 59 drugs that all respond in the same way to 20 led to the development of various combination tests, Marquis reagent, a test for the identification of the which are intended to be used together in a manner opium alkaloids, and thus appear as opium alkaloids. which seeks to screen out the false positives, and make At least thirty different drugs respond to cobalt thio possible a firm identification of nearly all of the avail cyanate reagent in the same matter as cocaine, including able drugs and narcotics. Velapoldi and Wicks, Journal phendimetrazine and diethyl proprion, and thus, al 25 of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 19, No. 3, pages 636-656 though not cocaine or a derivative of cocaine, would (1974) provide a group of seven reagents used in a rea nonetheless be identified as cocaine. sonable multireagent testing scheme which would de Mandelin's reagent, the color-producing reagent used crease the number of false positives and increase speci to identify the amphetamines, gives more or less the ficity. They also sought to standardize the colors pro same color with a large number of nonamphetamines, 30 duced with these reagents, and develop the colors from such as Anacin, aspirin, Excedrin, Darvon (d-proproxy a spot plate technique, mixing a crystal or two of drug phene), promethazine, D-lysergic acid, and benzocaine. with a microdrop or two of reagent, examining the Ehrlich's reagent responds to LSD and the ergot color so produced by a split field, and comparing the alkaloids to form a purple color. However, since the color with the chips of lacquer available in the ISCC color is imparted by the indole structure, a similar reac 35 NBS Centroid Color Charts. tion can be obtained with milk powder, wheat germ, However, their proposals have proved to have seri serum, tryptophane, and any other compound contain ous limitations. The available colors on these charts are ing the indole nucleus. limited to some 260 variations, and thus do not in many It is thus apparent that single color-producing rea cases provide a color matching the color produced by gents cannot really serve for the field identification of 40 the color producing reagent. Moreover, sample size is a drugs, because of the possibility of giving a false posi function of color response. Some drugs produce a very tive with other substances of similar structure or similar intense color response, propoxyphene with Marquis response characteristics. Accordingly, reagents which reagent will form a purple color that is so intense as to are being marketed as specific reagents for the identifi be virtually black. With other drug combinations, a low cation of various drugs are actually misnamed. 45 level of drug will produce no color, and unless a larger One composition being marketed as a specific reagent amount of drug is used, a negative response may be for PCP (phencyclidine hydrochloride) is composed of recorded. ammonium hydroxide and cobalt thiocyanate, to be For example, in FIG. 4, page 652 of the report indi used together. While PCP gives a blue color with this cates that neither cocaine nor quinine produce a color in reagent so also do heroin, tetracaine, Darvon (d- 50 Mandelin Reagent. In fact when sample sizes are from propoxyphene), methadone, Dormin (methapyrilene). 1-5 mgm with 0.5 ml of reagent, cocaine produces a Promazine, Promethazine, Chloropromazine and Dibu reddish-orange color while quinine forms a lime green C38. color with Mandelin Reagent. Different colors may be Another specific reagent combination for PCP that is produced if the proportions are outside these ranges. being marketed is composed of a first reagent, xylene 55 A further difficulty is that the color that is formed acidulated with an organic acid, and a second reagent, depends upon the time after mixing with the color pro cobalt thiocyanate, formulated with 1:1 glycerine and ducing reagent. Transient colors or color sequences are water. The color formation in cobalt thiocyanate is obtained. Many reagents such as Marquis reagent, supposedly partitioned into the acidulated xylene, to Mecke's reagent and Mandelin's reagent contain strong make it "specific' for PCP but the reagent in fact gives 60 solutions of sulfuric acid, which attacks the compound a similar set of color responses with drugs other than to produce a charred black or brownish black color PCP. w with time. Another reagent being marketed as specific for co The test procedure that they proposed utilizes Mar caine consists of a three part reagent called "Scott Rea quis reagent as the initial reagent, for determining the gent'. The first part of this reagent is also a mixture of 65 first sequential test series.
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