(r) ‘Snipe’ cv. Lepidote rhododendron: pemakoense X (a) ‘Snow Bunny’ cv. Evergreen azalea: parentage davidsonianum R: P.A. Cox, N: P.A. Cox, I: P.A. Cox unknown R: Greenwood Gardens (pre 1985), N: (1975), REG: P.A. Cox (1975) Fls 3-5/loose terminal Greenwood Gardens clusters, open funnel-shaped, up to 15 x 45mm, 5-lobed, white, variously suffused light purple (77D), peripheral (r) ‘Snow Bunting’ (Syn. of ‘Laurelwood Snow shading strong reddish purple (72C), dorsal throat light- Bunting’) ly spotted vivid purplish red (66B), outside flushed (r) ‘Snow Bunting’ cv. Elepidote rhododendron: strong reddish purple (72C). Calyx scaly, ciliate. Lvs nar- arboreum (s) X sutchuenense I: J.C. Williams, INC: ICRA rowly obovate to oblanceolate, to 30 x 15mm, light glossy (1958) Fls white. (Perhaps raised at Exbury) green, scaly above and below. AM 1975 (r) ‘Snow Candle’ cv. Elepidote rhododendron: ‘Fancy’ (a) ‘Snow’ cv. Evergreen azalea: parentage unknown R: x yakushimanum (s) X ‘Exbury Calstocker’ H: J. Barlup Japan (pre 1920), INC: ICRA (1958) Fls single, hose- (1985), G: J. Barlup (1991), N: J. Barlup (1993), REG: in-hose, 45mm wide, white with a faint chartreuse J. Barlup (1996) Fls 23/domed truss, funnel-campanu- blotch. Shrub 1.9-2.2m tall. Midseason. Kurume late, 55 x 75mm, with 5 wavy-edged lobes, light purplish (Imported to USA from Japan, original name lost, re- pink (62C) in bud, opening yellowish white (155D) inside named by H.A. Dreer) and out; with a moderate red (185B) blotch in the dorsal (r) ‘Snow’ (Syn. of ‘Wynterset White’) throat (c20mm long), edged by a small number of spots of the same colour. Lvs narrowly elliptic, 195 x 65mm, (a) ‘Snowball’ cv. Evergreen azalea: sport from ‘Snow’ with upcurved, wavy margins, acute at apex, cuneate at R: D.J. Cagle (pre 1987), N: D.J. Cagle Fls double, base, glossy and moderate olive green (147A) above, hair- hose-in-hose, 40mm wide, white, the small brown rem- less. Shrub 1.1 x 1.2m in 11 years. Early-mid April nant stamens give a spotted effect. Compact habit. Kurume (r) ‘Snow Cap’ cv. Elepidote rhododendron: souliei X ‘Loderi White Diamond’ x williamsianum H: W.E. (a) ‘Snowball’ cv. Evergreen azalea: parentage unknown Whitney (c 1957), G: W.E. Whitney, N: W.E. Whitney, R: J. Martin (pre 1987), N: J. Martin Fls hose-in-hose, I: W.E. Whitney (1964), REG: G. & Mrs A. Sather white. Low, compact habit. Kurume (1976) Fls 7/ball to lax truss, open funnel-shaped, 40 x 80mm, with 7 flat-edged lobes, moderate yellowish pink (r) ‘Snowball’ (Syn. of ‘Delp’s Snowball’) (37C) in bud, opening yellowish white (155B), (r) ‘Snowball’ cv. Elepidote rhododendron: parentage unmarked. Calyx very small. Lvs elliptic to broadly ellip- unknown L: C. Noble (1860), INC: ICRA (1958) Fls tic, 75 x 40-45mm, cordate at base, moderate olive green a good white (146A), hairless. Shrub 1.1 x 1.1m in 10 years. Mid April (r) ‘Snowball’ cv. Elepidote rhododendron: sutchuenense (a) ‘Snowcap’ cv. Evergreen azalea: parentage unknown (s) X ‘Loderi Pink Diamond’ R: unknown, INC: ICRA R: D. Parmenter (pre 1969), N: D. Parmenter Fls small, (1958) single, white, of Kurume type (a) ‘Snowbank’ cv. Evergreen azalea: parentage (r) ‘Snow Chief’ cv. Elepidote rhododendron: ‘Noyo unknown R: Bobbink & Atkins (1920-1930), INC: Chief’ (s) X ‘Snow Cap’ H: P. Smith (1976), G: P. Smith ICRA (1958) Fls semi-double, 70mm wide, white with (1982), N: P. Smith (1988), REG: P. Smith (2002) Fls a chartreuse throat. Midseason. Syn: ‘Cherokee White’. 10-12/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 55 x 75mm, Rutherford with 6 wavy-edged lobes, strong purplish pink (55B) edged strong red (53C) in bud, opening inside white with (r) ‘Snow Bells’ cv. Elepidote rhododendron: ‘Loder’s deep purplish pink (54B) edges which quickly fade to White’ X williamsianum R: B.F. Lancaster, N: B.F. pale purplish pink (56B); outside deep purplish pink Lancaster, REG: B.F. Lancaster (1967) Fls 5-7/truss, (54B) fading to pale purplish pink (56B); unmarked; sta- open campanulate, 65mm wide, 5-lobed, pure white. Lvs mens white; pistil white. Calyx minute, green. Lvs ovate, 50 x 40mm, cordate at base. Shrub 45 x 60cm in oblong, 125 x 75mm, margins flat, obtuse at apex, cor- 12 years. Mid April date at base, semi-glossy and dark green above, yellow- (r) ‘Snow Bird’ (Syn. of ‘White Bird’) green below with very light yellow-green veins, hairless. Shrub 1.8 x 1.8m in 12 years. Mid April (a) ‘Snowbird’ cv. Evergreen azalea: parentage unknown R: Coolidge Rare Plant Gardens, N: Coolidge Rare Plant (a) ‘Snowclad’ cv. Evergreen azalea: mucronatum (s) X Gardens, I: Coolidge Rare Plant Gardens (1920-1930), ‘Shinnyo-no-tsuki’ R: B.Y. Morrison, N: B.Y. Morrison, INC: ICRA (1958) Fls single, white. Coolidge I: USDA (1948), INC: ICRA (1958) Fls single, 75- 90mm wide, with wavy-edged lobes, white, with a char- (a) ‘Snowbird’ cv. Deciduous azalea: atlanticum X treuse blotch. Spreading shrub, to 1.5m tall. Mid-late canescens N: Biltmore Gardens (1955), INC: ICRA May. Glenn Dale (Has been listed in error as ‘Snow (1958) Fls pure white; scented. (Arose as a natural hybrid Cloud’) at Biltmore Gardens) (a) ‘Snow Cloud’ (An error for ‘Snowclad’) 1277 (a) ‘Snow Cloud’ cv. Evergreen azalea: ‘Linda Jean’ X (a) ‘Snowdrop’ cv. Evergreen azalea: ‘Maxwellii’ x ‘Snow’ ‘Springtime’ (Kurume) H: W.L. Guttormsen (1975), G: X kaempferi x ‘Snow’ R: USDA, Beltsville, N: USDA, W.L. Guttormsen (1979), N: W.L. Guttormsen, I: W.L. Beltsville, I: USDA, Beltsville (1960), REG: USDA, Guttormsen (c 1983), REG: W.L. Guttormsen (1985) Beltsville (1961) Fls hose-in-hose, 2-7/truss, 25-40mm Fls 2-3/truss, semi-double and hose-in-hose, (5+5-lobed, wide, clear white. Lvs dark green. Very dwarf shrub, c3 plus petaloid stamens), funnel-shaped, 30 x 65mm, times as wide as high white, with a pale yellow throat. Calyx 25mm long, coloured as corolla. Lvs more-or-less narrowly obovate, (r) ‘Snowdrop’ cv. Elepidote rhododendron: griffithi- 30-35 x 20mm, with more-or-less strong yellow-green anum hybrid L:Waterer (Knap Hill) (1932), INC: ICRA (144A), hairy. Shrub 0.3 x 0.4m in 6 years (1958) Fls 7/racemose truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 85 x 120-130mm, 5-7-lobed, pure white, with a small green (r) ‘Snow Crest’ cv. Elepidote rhododendron: ‘Fawn’ X ‘flash’; scented. Calyx pale green, gland-fringed. Lvs ‘Crest’ H: A.A. Childers (1959), G: A.A. & M. Childers oblong-elliptic, c170 x 65mm, soft green above. Shrub (1964), N: A.A. & M. Childers, I: A.A. & M. Childers, up to at least 3.0m REG: A.A. & M. Childers (1977) Fls 9-11/domed truss, open funnel-shaped, 100mm wide, with 5-7, recurved, (r) ‘Snow Fairy’ cv. Lepidote rhododendron: wavy-edged lobes, white, very lightly tinted light to pale moupinense (s) X mucronulatum (?) I: Mrs R.M. pink (49C-D), with a tiny maroon spot on the dorsal Stevenson (1957), INC: ICRA (1958) PC 1957 lobe. Calyx lobes irregular, to 3mm long, green, with (a) ‘Snowfall’ cv. Evergreen azalea: ‘Eri’ X lavender sport glandular hairs. Lvs oblong to elliptic, 105 x 45mm, apic- of ‘Indicum Roseum’ R: Q.R. Westfall, I: C.R. Brandt ulate at apex, rounded at base, moderate olive green (1950), INC: ICRA (1958) Fls double, white. Indian (146A) above, hairless. Shrub 2.4 x 1.8m in 17 years. Mid May (a) ‘Snowflake’ (Syn. of ‘Kure-no-yuki’) (r) ‘Snow Crown’ cv. Lepidote rhododendron: lindleyi (r) ‘Snowflake’ cv. Parentage unknown R: Waterer x ‘Victorianum’ (s) X lindleyi x ‘Victorianum’ H: S.E. (Knap Hill) (pre 1862), N: Waterer (Knap Hill), INC: Davies (1979), G: B. Sligh (1995), N: B. Sligh (1995), ICRA (1958) Fls in a conical truss, pure white, with a REG: B. Sligh (1996) Fls 5-8/truss, funnel-shaped, 110 small blotch x 110mm, with 5 wavy-edged lobes, pure white, throat (a) ‘Snow Flurry’ cv. Evergreen azalea: ‘Hexe’ x ‘Snow’ blotch 15mm long, brilliant greenish yellow (151D and X kaempferi x ‘Snow’ R: USDA, Beltsville, N: USDA, 6C); strongly scented. Calyx 25mm long, strong yellow- Beltsville, I: USDA, Beltsville (1960), REG: USDA, green (144A) or paler. Lvs 140 x 45mm, matt greyed Beltsville (1961) Fls hose-in-hose, 25-40mm wide, clear green above, pointed at base and apex, hairless, deeply white. Lvs dark green. Very compact shrub, c2 times as veined. Shrub 1.5 tall in 10 years. Mid-late October wide as high (New Zealand) (a) ‘Snow Fly’ cv. Evergreen azalea: parentage unknown (r) ‘Snowden’ cv. Parentage unknown L: W. Rollisson I: Haerens & Wille (1913), INC: ICRA (1958) Fls small, & Sons (1877), INC: ICRA (1958) Fls white, with black pure white. Indian spots. Hardy Hybrid (a) ‘Snow Girl’ cv. Evergreen azalea: ‘Comtesse de (r) ‘Snowden’ cv. Elepidote rhododendron: decorum X Kerchove’ X unknown R: I.C. Nichols (pre 1984), N: yakushimanum H: W.A. Reese (pre 1978) I.C. Nichols, I: Berna Park Nurseries Fls double, large, (r) Snowdon Group gp Parentage unknown I: Lord with wavy-edged lobes, white, with a yellow to lime green Aberconway (1935), INC: ICRA (1958) throat. Indian (a) ‘Snowdrift’ cv. Evergreen azalea: parentage unknown (r) ‘Snow Goose’ cv. Elepidote rhododendron: Day I: Coolidge Rare Plant Gardens (c 1935), INC: ICRA Dream Group (s) X ‘Ice Cream’ R: A.F. George, N: A.F. (1958) Fls double, white. Kurume George, REG: A.F. George (1965) Fls 10/truss, open funnel-shaped, white in bud, opening to white with a (a) ‘Snowdrift’ cv.
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