September 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6395 I would like to announce that imme- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- an amendment—and not only considers diately following the business meeting imous consent that Amitai Bin-Nun, a an amendment but is guaranteed a vote the Committee will hold a hearing to fellow in the office of Senator COONS, on it. consider the nominations of Mr. Ron- be granted the privilege of the floor Pretty interesting situation. The ald J. Binz to be a Commissioner of the during consideration of S. 1392. Senator’s amendment is, of course, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without everyone knows it, only for looks. It is sion, Ms. Elizabeth M. Robinson to be objection, it is so ordered. a ‘‘gotcha’’ amendment. The Senator’s Under Secretary of Energy, and Mr. f amendment is the sort of amendment Michael L. Connor to be Deputy Sec- that is to help get some headlines in retary of Interior. NATIONAL SAVE FOR newspapers or some kind of news story. Because of the limited time available RETIREMENT WEEK We recognize it is for show. But be that for the hearing, witnesses may testify Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- as it may, we will work with managers by invitation only. However, those imous consent that the Senate proceed to craft a way forward on this bill, per- wishing to submit written testimony to S. Res. 222. haps, or we may have to take the bill for the hearing record should send it to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The down. But we will make that decision the Committee on Energy and Natural clerk will report the resolution by at a subsequent time. Resources, United States Senate, title. It is unfortunate, but that is the po- Washington, DC, 20510-6150, or by email The legislative clerk read as follows: litical world we live in now with the to [email protected] A resolution (S. Res. 222) supporting the tea-party-driven House of Representa- .gov. goals and ideals of National Save For Retire- tives. And by the way—of course every- For further information, please con- ment Week, including raising public aware- one knows by now—they couldn’t pass tact Sam Fowler at (202) 224–7571 or ness of the various tax-preferred retirement their continuing resolution today, so Abigail Campbell at (202) 224–4905. vehicles and increasing personal financial that is off the table. They were going literacy. f to do that not today but tomorrow, and There being no objection, the Senate they pulled that down. Then we have AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO proceeded to consider the resolution. our folks over here trying to just out- MEET Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- match what they do over there so we COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND imous consent that the resolution be wind up getting nothing done. Such a GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, shame. Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I ask and the motions to reconsider be con- f unanimous consent that the Com- sidered made and laid upon the table, mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- with no intervening action or debate. ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, ernmental Affairs be authorized to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 meet during the session of the Senate objection, it is so ordered. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- on September 11, 2013, at 9:30 a.m. to The resolution (S. Res. 222) was imous consent that when the Senate conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘The De- agreed to. completes its business today, it ad- partment of Homeland Security at 10 The preamble was agreed to. journ until 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sep- Years: Examining Challenges and (The resolution, with its preamble, is tember 12, 2013; and that following the Achievements and Addressing Emerg- printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- prayer and pledge, the morning hour be ing Threats.’’ mitted Resolutions.’’) deemed expired, the Journal of pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without f ceedings be approved to date, and the objection, it is so ordered. ENERGY EFFICIENCY time for the two leaders be reserved for COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY their use later in the day; that fol- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I commend Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I ask lowing any leader remarks the Senate the managers of the energy efficiency unanimous consent that the Com- be in a period of morning business for bill, Senator WYDEN, chairman of the mittee on the Judiciary be authorized 1 hour, with the time equally divided full committee, Senator MURKOWSKI, to meet during the session of the Sen- and controlled between the two leaders the ranking member, and the sponsors ate on September 11, 2013, at 10 a.m., in or their designees, with Senators per- of this legislation, Senators SHAHEEN room SD–226 of the Dirksen Senate Of- mitted to speak therein for up to 10 and PORTMAN, for their work in bring- fice Building, to conduct a hearing en- minutes each, with the majority con- ing this bill to the floor and managing titled ‘‘Judiciary Nominations.’’ trolling the first half and the Repub- it today. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without licans the final half; that following We have had a number of Senators objection, it is so ordered. morning business, the Senate resume who have tried to offer amendments. I f consideration of S. 1392, the Energy was told by Senator SHAHEEN that she Savings and Industrial Competitive- PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR had a dozen or so bipartisan amend- ness Act. ments that were waiting to be offered. Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without There has been an attempt to offer unanimous consent that Sergio objection, it is so ordered. Aguirre, a legislative fellow in my of- amendments dealing with the bill but fice, be granted floor privileges during there is a little hurdle here with some- f morning business today, September 11, thing that is totally nongermane that ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. 2013. has been offered. TOMORROW One of the amendments Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. REID. Mr. President, if there is UDALL of Colorado would like to offer objection, it is so ordered. no further business to come before the is a bipartisan amendment to promote Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, I ask Senate, I ask unanimous consent that energy retrofitting of schools. Senator unanimous consent that my intern, it adjourn under the previous order. BENNET of Colorado seeks to offer a bi- Donnie Turner, have privileges of the There being no objection, the Senate, partisan amendment to facilitate best floor for the balance of the day. at 6:55 p.m., adjourned until Thursday, practices in commercial real estate en- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without September 12, 2013, at 9:30 a.m. objection, it is so ordered. ergy efficiency. Senator KLOBUCHAR Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Presi- would like to offer her amendment to f dent, I ask unanimous consent that promote energy retrofitting of non- NOMINATIONS profit buildings. But once again, Mr. Kevin Reed, a legislative fellow in my Executive nominations received by President, once again my Republican office, be granted the privilege of the the Senate: floor for the remainder of the consider- colleagues can’t help themselves. They ation of S. 1392. have objected to the consideration of DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without any of these amendments or any other ROY K. J. WILLIAMS, OF OHIO, TO BE ASSISTANT SEC- RETARY OF COMMERCE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, objection, it is so ordered. amendments until the Senate considers VICE JOHN R. FERNANDEZ, RESIGNED. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:10 Sep 12, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A11SE6.047 S11SEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 11, 2013 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION THE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF ANDREW MALANDRINO, OF VIRGINIA AMERICA: DAVID R. P. MARTINEZ, OF NEW MEXICO PAUL NATHAN JAENICHEN, SR., OF KENTUCKY, TO BE KATHERINE MARIE DIOP, OF MARYLAND EMMA OLWEN PAMELA MARWOOD, OF NEW YORK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, VANIA Z. GARCIA, OF VIRGINIA ALAN DANIEL MCCARTHY, JR., OF VIRGINIA VICE DAVID T. MATSUDA, RESIGNED. JAHN FRANK JEFFREY, OF VIRGINIA CHARLES ELLIOTT MCCLELLAN, OF ARIZONA WILLIAM APPLETON MCCUE, OF MAINE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY MICHAEL STELLARD OBRYON, JR., OF FLORIDA NIKK SOOKMEEWIRIYA, OF VIRGINIA DANIEL E. MEHRING, OF CALIFORNIA CHRISTOPHER SMITH, OF TEXAS, TO BE AN ASSISTANT DOERING S. MEYER, OF TEXAS FOR APPOINTMENT AS FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER OF SECRETARY OF ENERGY (FOSSIL ENERGY), VICE LEONEL GREENE MIRANDA, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUM- CLASS FOUR, CONSULAR OFFICER AND SECRETARY IN CHARLES DEWITT MCCONNELL, RESIGNED. BIA THE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF MICHAEL WALTER MITCHELL, OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AMERICA: MICHAEL J. MOODY, OF UTAH KRISTEN ELIZABETH AANSTOOS, OF FLORIDA YOON S. NAM, OF CALIFORNIA ESTHER PUAKELA KIA‘AINA, OF HAWAII, TO BE AN AS- BENJAMIN J. ABBOTT, OF NEW YORK PAUL W. NEVILLE, OF WASHINGTON SISTANT SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR, VICE ANTHONY VANESSA GRACE ACKER, OF TEXAS JENNIFER K. NILSON, OF WISCONSIN MARION BABAUTA. ZIA AHMED, OF MASSACHUSETTS RICHARD ANDREW O’NEAL, OF GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY JOEL DUNIWAY ALLEY, OF OREGON ZENNIA D. PAGANINI, OF MARYLAND SYED MUJTABA ANDRABI, OF WASHINGTON REENA PATEL, OF TEXAS BRADLEY CROWELL, OF NEVADA, TO BE AN ASSISTANT JEFFREY MICHAEL AUSTIN, OF FLORIDA DARIN ANN PHAOVISAID, OF ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF ENERGY (CONGRESSIONAL AND INTER- NATHAN DOUGLAS AUSTIN, OF WASHINGTON GRANT G. PHILLIPP, OF ILLINOIS GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS), VICE JEFFREY A. LANE. MICHELLE E.
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