Vladimir Biti Curriculum vitae Orcid dossier: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8873-0339 Positions • 2018-2021 Distinguished Chair Visiting Professor, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University (spring semester) • 2018-2021 Visiting Chair Professor, Institute of Arts and Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (fall semester) • 2019-2020 Yunshan Chair Professor, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (fall semester) • 2008-2017 Chair Professor of South Slav literatures and cultures at the Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Vienna • 1993-2008 Chair Professor of Literary Theory at the Department of Croatian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb • 1988-1993 Associate Professor of Literary Theory at the Department of Croatian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb • 1981-1988 Assistant Professor of Literary Theory at the Department of Croatian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb Fields of research • Literary and Cultural Theory • Narrative Theory • Aesthetics and Philosophy of History • Trauma Theory • Literature between Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism • Europe and its Others • Modern South Slavic Literatures and Cultures • Post-imperial Literatures List of Publications (A Selection) Monographs 1. Bajka i predaja: Povijest i pripovijedanje (Fairy Tale and Legend: History and Narration), Zagreb: Liber, 1981. 2. Interes pripovjednog teksta: Prema prototeoriji pripovijedanja (The Interest of Narrative: Toward a Proto-theory of Narrative), Zagreb: Liber, 1987. 3. Pripitomljavanje drugog: Mehanizam domaće teorije (Taming the Other: The Mechanism of the Domestic Theory), Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, 1989. 4. Upletanje nerečenog; Književnost/povijest/teorija (The Interference of the Unsaid: Literature/History/Theory), Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 1994. 5. Pojmovnik suvremene književne teorije (A Vocabulary of Contemporary Literary Theory), Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 1997. (Second, extended edition 2000). 6. Strano tijelo pri/povijesti (The Foreign Body of Hi/story), Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2000. 7. Literatur- und Kulturtheorie: Ein Handbuch gegenwärtiger Begriffe, Reinbek: Rowohlt, 2001. 8. Doba svjedočenja: Tvorba identiteta u suvremenoj hrvatskoj prozi (The Age of Testimony: The Identity Formation in the Croatian Contemporary Fiction), Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 2005. 9. Tracing Global Democracy: Literature, Theory, and the Politics of Trauma, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016. (Second, paperback edition 2017). 10. Attached to Dispossession: Sacrificial Narratives in Post-imperial Europe, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018. Edited readers and collections 1. Bahtin i drugi (Bakhtin and the Other(s)), Zagreb: Naklada MD, 1992. 2. Suvremena teorija pripovijedanja (Contemporary Narrative Theory), Zagreb: Globus, 1992. 3. (With N. Ivić und J. Užarević) Trag i razlika: Čitanja suvremene hrvatske književne teorije (Trace and Difference: Reading Croatian Contemporary Literary Theory), Zagreb: Naklada MD, 1995. 4. (With D. Burkhart) Diskurs der Schwelle. Aspekte der kroatischen Gegenwartsliteratur, Frankfurt et al.: Peter Lang, 1996. 5. Etika i politika pripovijedanja (Ethics and Politics of Narrative), Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2002. 6. (With Nenad Ivić) Prošla sadašnjost: Znakovi povijesti u Hrvatskoj (Past Present: The Signs of History in Croatia), Zagreb: Naklada MD, 2003. Edited conference proceedings • Various journals’ special issues • With Angela Esterhammer, „Framing Contingency: History and Heterology“, arcadia (Amsterdam) 2:2004 (39), 234-356 (peer reviewed). • “Facing the Other, Othering the Face: Identification as a Border Operation”, Neohelicon (Budapest) 2: 2005 (XXXII), 277-337 (peer reviewed). • „Sharing in/out Cultures“ (Section 5.3), TRANS 17 (April 2010) – Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften (http://www.inst.at/trans/17Nr/5-3/5-3_sektionsbericht17.htm) • „Sacrificial Narratives: Conversation from multiple perspectives”, Frontiers of Narrative Studies (De Gruyter) 1:4 (2018), 123-173. (peer reviewed) • Volumes • Märchen in den südslawischen Literaturen, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2010 (co- edited with Bernarda Katušić; peer reviewed) • Reexamining the National-Philological Legacy: Quest for a New Paradigm?, Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2014 (peer reviewed). • Claiming the Dispossession: The Politics of Hi/storytelling in Post-imperial Europe, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017 (peer reviewed). • The Idea of Europe: The Clash of Projections, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2021 (co-edited with Joep Leerssen and Vivian Liska; forthcoming). Edited thematic clusters „Entangled in (Post-)Empire: The Habsburgs and the South Slavs”, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 78/2016, 5-95 (three contributions, peer reviewed). Journal articles 1. "Die Rezeption der Semiotik in den Arbeiten der Zagreber Literaturwissenschaft", Znakolog (Bochum) 1/1989, 75-99. 2. „Preobrazbe suvremene teorije pripovijedanja“, Književna kritika (Belgrade) 1: XXI (1990), 53-85. 3. "Ideologia znaku literackiego - znak teoretycznej ideologii", Pamiętnik Literacki (Warszaw) 3/1990, 225-252. 4. "Die historiographische Fiktion als Herausforderung der Identitäts- bzw. Differenztheorie", Filozofski Vestnik (Ljubljana) 2/1991, 9-22 (peer reviewed). 5. "Geschichte als Literatur - Literatur als Geschichte?", Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften (Wien) 4:3/1993, 371-396 (peer reviewed). 6. "The Institution of Semiotics in Croatian Academic Life", S - European Journal for Semiotic Studies (Wien) 1-2:5/1993, 189-201. 7. "Der Griff nach der Geschichte - eine Balkanspezialität?", Neue Literatur (Frankfurt/M.) 1/1993, 47-60. 8. "Samoreferenciskiot identitet na teorijata", Kulturen život (Skopje) 1/1994, 14-17. 9. "Ästhetische Erfahrung als Zufluchtsort des Humanismus", Synthesis Philosophica (Zagreb) 17/1994, 201-212. 10. "Form als Medium, Medium als Form", Znakolog (Bochum) 6-7/1994-95, 185-198. 11. "Zur Legitimierungsrolle der vorsprachlichen Erfahrung", Semiotische Berichte (Wien) 1- 4/1995, 33-51. 12. "Wer widersteht der Intertextualität?", S- European Journal for Semiotic Studies (Wien) 3,4/1995, 371-389. 13. „Déjiny jako literatura – literatura jako déjiny”, Kritický sbornik (Bratislava) 16: 1996, 5- 17. 14. „Teorija kao etika“, Lica (Sarajevo) 7: II (1997), 61-65. 15. „Glas u tekstu?“, Novi izraz (Sarajevo) 2:1 (1998), 49-57. 16. „Mestopoložbata na tolkuvanjeto“, Kulturen život (Skopje) 2: 1999, 35-42. 17. "Literatur als Gedächtnis, Literaturgeschichte als Erinnerung", arcadia (Amsterdam: de Gruyter) 2: 34 (1999), 217-224 (peer reviewed). 18. "The Site of Interpretation", Semiotica (Bloomington) 3-4: 2000, 221-231 (peer reviewed) 19. "Speaking for Literature", Neohelicon (Budapest: Springer) 1: XXVII (2000), 21-29 (peer reviewed). 20. "Identiteta", Primerjalna književnost (Ljubljana) 1: 2000, 11-22 (peer reviewed). 21. "History, Theory, and the Middle Voice", in: Cultural History: Straddling Borders. John Neubauer zum 70. Geburtstag, eds. Mieke Bal and Jan van Luxemburg. arcadia (Amsterdam: De Gruyter) 2:38(2003), 354-358 (peer reviewed). 22. „Pojeciownik wspóiczesnej teorii literackiej i kulturowej“, Przestrzenie teorii (Poznań) 2: 2003, 225-247. 23. “Othering Whose Face? Levinas vs. Foucault”, Neohelicon (Budapest: Springer) 2: XXXII (2005), 279-287 (peer reviewed). 24. “Epistemological Frontier Criss-Crossings”, 54.412 characters, invited contribution for the on-line Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (Oxford), /www.eolss.net/ 25. „O ontološkom strukturalizmu“, Književna republika (Zagreb) 10-12/2007, 9-15. 26. „Gospodar i rob: Hermeneutika i poststrukturalizam”, Nova Croatica (Zagreb) 1/2007, 185-198. 27. “Europe and the Others: Holocaust and the Post/colonial Relation”, Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature, Vol. XLV/2007-2008, 35-67. 28. „From Literature to Culture – and Back?”, Primerjalna književnost (Ljubljana) 1: 31 (2008), 15-25 (peer reviewed). 29. “O razdiobi suvremenoga hrvatskog pjesništva”, Književna republika (Zagreb) 8-10/2008, 69-73. 30. „Narrative Identification“, arcadia (Amsterdam: de Gruyter) 1: 43 (2008), 28-40 (peer reviewed). 31. “Theory and Trauma.” Primerjalna književnost (Ljubljana) 2: 32 (2009), 23-30 (peer reviewed). 32. „Od književnosti do kulture – i natrag?” Quorum (Zagreb) 5-6: 2009, 381-393. 33. „Distance and Proximity“, Neohelicon (Budapest: Springer) 2: 37 (2010), 469-475 (peer reviewed). 34. .„Die Kollektivierung des Äußerungsgefüges: Die Frühlinge des Ivan Galeb von Vladan Desnica als polyphoner Roman“, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach (München: Kubon&Sagner) 64/2010, 121-143 (peer reviewed). 35. “The Self, the Novel and History: On the Limits of Bakhtin’s Historical Poetics”, Orbis Litterarum (Copenhagen: Blackwell-Wiley) 4: 66 (2011), 255-279 (peer reviewed). 36. “Die zerstreute Erbschaft: Das Ausagieren und das Durcharbeiten des Traumas im Museum der bedingungslosen Kapitulation von Dubravka Ugrešić“, arcadia (Amsterdam: de Gruyter) 2: 47 (2012): 345-60 (peer reviewed). 37. “Szétszórt otthon”, Filológia közlöny (Budapest) 2: LVIII (2012): 111-132. 38. “The Adulterous Theory”, Neohelicon (Budapest: Springer) 1: 40 (2013), 11-21 (peer reviewed). 39. „The Divided Legacy of the Republic of Letters: Emancipation and Trauma”, Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies (Manchester: University of Nebraska Press) 2: 1 (2012), 1-30 (peer reviewed). 40. “The Fissured Identity of Literature. The Birth of National
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