REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MONDAY,SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. in the City of Campbell River Council Chambers (Main Level), 301 St. Ann's Road, Campbell River, BC. The agenda presents the recommendations extracted from the reports that comprise the agenda background package. To request a copy of a specific report, please contact the appropriate department. OPEN PORTION OF THE MEETING AT 7.:30 P. M. FOLLOWING THE IN-CAMERA BUSINESS. IN-CAMERA BUSINESS: "THAT Council move In-Camera under the authority of Section 90 (1) (c), (e), (j), (k), of the Community Charter. " 1. DELEGATIONS/PRESENTATIONS: (a) RodVisser,Patrick Marshall and members of the Campbell River HostCity Committee for the Fly Fishing Canada, 3rd National Championships and Conservation Symposium requesting financial contributions for theevent.[See Item 4. (d)] (b) Ann Heppner, property owner regarding Development Variance Permit for 160 - 5th Avenue. [See Item 3(b)and her September 1, 2005 correspondence - page 44] (c) Quinsam Heights Citizens Group regarding Spruce Street-Treelane Road connector. 4 (d) Rich Stephens, Highland Engineering, to answer any questions on behalf of Jorden Cook Associates regarding Discovery Bay (Merrill & Ring) Official Community Plan Amendment. [See Item 3(c)] 2. STAFF REPORTS: A. City Manager: (a) City Manager's Executive Assistant's August 11, 2005 Report regarding Visual 5 Identity & Logo Use Policy. "THAT Council adopt the Visual Identity & Logo Use Policy; AND THAT Council receive the City of Campbell River Administrative Policy revised Section 13.8 Logo/Coat of Arms for information; AND FINALLY THAT Council amend City of Campbell River Council Policy, Section 1.5.2 Logo; as attached to the City Manager's Executive Assistant's August 11, 2005 Report. " B. Corporate Services Division: (a) Finance Manager's September 6, 2005 Report regarding Parcel Tax Review Panel. 14 "THAT Council establish November 22, 2005 -10:00 a. m. as the date and time for Regular Council Meeting - Monday, September 12, 2005 Page 2 the first sitting of the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel for Local Improvement purposes; AND THAT Council establish February 21, 2006 - 10:00 a.m. as the date and time for the first sitting of the Parcel Tax Roll review panel for water and sewer and storm water Parcel Tax purposes. " (b) Bylaw Enforcement/Property Services Manager's September 8 2005 Report 15 regarding Standards for Home Inspectors. "THAT Council advise the Provincial Government that, in order to protect homeowners, the City wishes to see prescribed levels of training, education and licencing of home inspectors. " C.Community Services Division: (a) Community Services Director's August 24, 2005 Report regarding Non-Resident Fee 19 for Electoral Areas D & H. "THAT the non-resident fee for Electoral Areas D & H be waived for 2005 based on the August 22, 2005 correspondence from Ms. Debra Oakman, Manager, Financial Services regarding grant-in-aid to support recreation services in the Campbell River Area. " (b) Parks and Recreation Manager's September 7, 2005 Report regarding Grant-in-Aid 23 Request for the Campbell River Branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association. "THAT Council approve the grant-in-aid request from the Campbell River Branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association for up to $311 (50% of the total rental charges) to rent the Sportsplex for their annual Chinese Auction. " D. Municipal Services Division: (a) Airport Manager's August 19, 2005 Report regarding Airport Activity. 25 "THAT the Airport Manager's August 19, 2005 Report regarding the 2005 2nd quarter Airport Revenue be received. " 3. BYLAWS ANDPERMITS: (a) Council Expenses Bylaw No. 3184, 2005. 27 "THAT Council Expenses Bylaw No. 3184, 2005 be adopted. " (b) Planner Buck's September 8, 2005 Report regarding Development Variance Permit - 32 160 5th Ave. "THAT Council approve development variance permit DVP-05-10 for 160 5th Avenue: To vary Section 29.5 of Zoning Bylaw 2700, 1998 to reduce the minimum required rear yard from 7 metres to 4.5 metres for the existing dwelling on proposed Lot A, and to reduce the minimum required rear yard from 7 metres to 2.4 metres for proposed Lot B; and to vary Section 8.1 of Subdivision Bylaw 1340, 1983 to permit a minimum building envelope 12 metres wide and 9 metres deep. " Regular Council Meeting - Monday, September 12, 2005 Page 3 3. BYLAWS AND PERMITS: (c) Planner Fitch's September 7, 2005 Report regarding Discovery Bay (Merrill & 52 Ring) - OCP Amendment. "THAT Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3180, 2005 (Discovery Bay) to amend the OCP designation of the subject lands from Heavy and Water Based Industrial and Greenways, to Country Residential and Greenways and to amend the text of Appendix L: Discovery Bay Conceptual Development Plan, receive 1st and 2nd reading and proceed to public hearing. " 4. CORRESPONDENCE Items of correspondence for Council consideration. (a) "THAT the August 24, 2005 correspondence from Terasen Gas regarding the 75 upcoming BC Utilities Commission proceedings regarding the purchase of the Terasen group of companies by Kinder Morgan Inc. be received. " (b) "THAT the August 31, 2005 correspondence from Ken Stone, President, Campbell 85 River Cricket Club in support of the preservation of the Sybil Andrews Cottage be received. " (c) "THAT the August 24, 2005 correspondence from NVI Mining Ltd. announcing the 86 successful bid to host the 2006 Provincial Mine Rescue Competition and inviting Mayor Nash and any delegates to visit the Myra Falls Mining Operation be received. " (d) "THAT the August 23, 2005 correspondence from Rod Visser, Host Committee for 87 Fly Fishing Canada's 3rd National Championships and Conservation Symposium being held in Campbell River, requesting a Council contribution of $5, 000 as a title contributor for the Awards Presentations, and a $4, 000 contribution on behalf of Tourism Campbell River and Region be received. " (e) "THAT the August 12, 2005 correspondence from G. (Wynne) Powell Chair of the 99 Provincial Health Services Authority regarding research in health care be received. " (f) "THAT the August 31, 2005 correspondence from Richard Cronk, Chair, Campbell 101 River Terry Fox Run inviting elected officials to participate in the Silver Anniversary of the Terry Fox Run on Sunday, September 18th, 2005 be received " (g) "THAT the following correspondence received requesting the Tyee Resort and 102 Marina be allowed to remain on Tyee Spit: -August 22, 2005 from Donna and Bernie Barber, Phoenix, Arizona; -August 22, 2005 from Miriam MacKay; -September 1, 2005 from Cecil Mills; -August 27, 2005 from Everett & Carol Beich be received. " "THAT the City Clerk's September 8, 2005 reply letter to Tyee Resort and Marina 110 residents be received" 5. MAYOR'S REPORTS: (a) Media Release - September 12, 2005. 112 Regular Council Meeting - Monday, September 12, 2005 Page 4 City, Province and Band Agree to Terms of the Six-Acre Site. 6. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS: 7. MINUTES: (a) August 22, 2005 Council Minutes. 114 "THAT the August 22, 2005 Council Minutes be adopted. " 8.OTHER MINUTES: (a) August 17, 2005 Development Liaison Group Minutes. 120 "THAT the August 17, 2005 Development Liaison Group Minutes be received. " (b) August 15, 2005 Audit, Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes. 123 "THAT the August 15, 2005 Audit, Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes be received. " 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 10. NEW BUSINESS: 11. INFORMATION: Information items presented to Council. (a) "THAT the July, 2005 correspondence from Gord Robson, Crystal Meth Task Force 125 Strategies Society regarding the Crystal Meth situation in communities be received. [D VD available from Mayor's Executive Assistant upon request]" (b) "THAT the Campbell River Visitor Information Centre Visitor Analysis be received"126 (c) "THAT the September 1, 2005 correspondence from British Columbia Transmission 128 announcing that they are a sponsor of the 2005 UBCM convention be received. " 12. ADJOURNMENT: "THAT the meeting adjourn. " PUBLIC QUESTIONPERIOD: No Public Question Period will be held during the six months prior to an election. Quinsam Heights Citizens Group Presentation to Campbell River Council Meeting, September 12th Re: The Spruce Street hill and intersection with Tree Lane Road Good evening and thank you for giving us this audience. In response to the overwhelming level of concern brought about by the changes made to the Spruce Street hill connecting with Tree Lane Road, we delivered notices to each home on Tree Lane announcing a meeting. In less than two hours to discuss this. Over 80% of the residents showed up! We believe that these changes came about on the eleventh hour before the Ripple Rock Elementary School opened for the year and as we know, "All Rush Jobs Contain Misteakes" If you turn to the sheet of pictures, Brian will use each one to explain the problems brought on by these changes. Thank you, The issues that we wish to bring to your attention are as follows: A. The placement of the concrete barriers along the edge of the pavement; B. The installation of the stop sign at the junction of Tree Lane and Spruce; C. The marking of a cross-walk on Tree Lane that ends in a steep ditch; and D. The addition of a small culvert and fill in the ditch at the top of the hill. Spruce Street connector to Tree Lane Road. Page 1 In picture #I you can see what happens when you attempt to regulate pedestrian traffic on a residential street. We have never had problems with people walking on our streets so why change it now. In pictures #2 & #3 are the barriers that defy all reason. No where else in Campbell River are concrete barriers required to separate pedestrians from vehicular traffic. Furthermore, these barriers being placed along the edge of the pavement with 12 to 15 foot spacing between them not only do they not protect pedestrians, they crowd the traffic on an already narrow street and in the winter, they prevent drivers from putting two wheels in the gravel to control their decent and they are designed to be interconnected so that they deflect vehicles coming in contact with them.
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