SUBJECT INDEX A Volume 1 B A–I —Arthur Turns Green. 2014. (Arthur Adventures Ser.). (J). lib. —Who’s in Love with Arthur? (Arthur Chapter Bks.: Bk. 10). —The Errand Boy: Or, How Phil Brent Won Success. 2013. A bdg. 17.20 (978-0-606-34069-4(6)) Turtleback. 57p. (J). (gr. 3-6). pap. 3.95 (978-0-8072-1306-3(3), (Works of Horatio Alger Jr.). 425p. reprint ed. lthr. 79.00 —Arthur Writes a Story. 2004. (Arthur Adventure Ser.). (J). (gr. Listening Library) Random Hse. Audio Publishing Group. (978-0-7812-3566-2(9)) Reprint Services Corp. k-3). spiral bd. (978-0-616-01604-6(2)); spiral bd. Brown, Marc & Sarfatti, Esther. Arturo y la Navidad. 2004. Alonso, Manuel L. Rumbo Sur. 2005. (978-84-263-5948-3(5)) (978-0-616-01605-3(0)) Canadian National Institute for the (SPA.). (J). pap. 6.95 (978-1-930332-48-5(3)) Lectorum Vives, Luis Editorial (Edelvives). ABCBOOKS Blind/Institut National Canadien pour les Aveugles. Pubns., Inc. Baratz-Logsted, Lauren. Jackie’s Jokes. 2009. (Sisters Eight see Alphabet Books —Arthur Writes a Story. 2003. (Arthur Adventure Ser.). (Illus.). deRubertis, Barbara. Marty Aardvark: Vowel Combination Ar. Ser.: 4). (ENG., Illus.). 128p. (J). (gr. 1-4). pap. 6.99 A. D. C. 14.95 (978-1-59319-021-7(2)) LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. Cockrille, Eva Vagreti, illus. 2006. (Let’s Read Together (r) (978-0-547-05328-8(2), 1036247) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt see Child Welfare —Arthur’s Birthday Surprise. 2004. (ENG., Illus.). 24p. (J). (gr. Ser.). (ENG.). 32p. (J). (gr. -1-3). pap. 5.95 Publishing Co. AARDVARK -1-1). pap. 3.99 (978-0-316-73379-3(2)) Little, Brown Bks. for (978-1-57565-042-5(8)) Astra Publishing Hse. —Rebecca’s Rashness, Bk. 7. 2011. (Sisters Eight Ser.: 7). Young Readers. (ENG., Illus.). 144p. (J). (gr. 1-4). pap. 6.99 Borgert-Spaniol, Megan. Aardvarks. 2013. (Animal Safari Ser.). Gilliland, Tom. The Adventures of Archie Aardvark. 2012. 60p. —Arthur’s Classroom Fib. 2007. (Arthur Step into Reading pap. 10.00 (978-1-4691-7957-5(1)) Xlibris Corp. (978-0-547-55434-1(6), 1452145) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (ENG., Illus.). 24p. (J). (gr. k-3). lib. bdg. 25.95 Publishing Co. (978-1-60014-906-1(5), Blastoff! Readers) Bellwether Media. Ser.). lib. bdg. 13.55 (978-1-4177-7281-0(6)) Turtleback. Hood, Morag. Aalfred & Aalbert. Hood, Morag, illus. 2019. Gibbs, Maddie. Aardvarks. 2011. (Safari Animals Ser.). (Illus.). —Arthur’s Family Vacation. 2004. (Arthur Adventure Ser.). (J). (ENG., Illus.). 32p. (J). (gr. -1-3). 16.95 —Zinnia’s Zaniness. 2011. (Sisters Eight Ser.: 8). (ENG., Illus.). 24p. (J). 24.60 (978-1-4488-3187-6(3)); pap. 8.25 (gr. k-3). spiral bd. (978-0-616-01601-5(8)); spiral bd. (978-1-68263-121-8(4)) Peachtree Publishing Co. Inc. 128p. (J). (gr. 1-4). pap. 6.99 (978-0-547-55439-6(7), (978-1-4488-3188-3(1)) Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., The. (978-0-616-01602-2(6)) Canadian National Institute for the Krensky, Stephen. Arthur & the 1,001 Dads. 2003. (Marc 1452175) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co. (PowerKids Pr.). Blind/Institut National Canadien pour les Aveugles. Brown Arthur Chapter Bks.). (Illus.). 57p. (J). (gr. 1-4). 11.90 Baratz-Logsted, Lauren, et al. The Final Battle... for Now Bk. 9. —Aardvarks: Cerdos Hormigueros. 2011. (Safari —Arthur’s Jelly Beans. 2004. (ENG., Illus.). 24p. (J). (gr. -1-1). (978-0-7569-1600-8(3)) Perfection Learning Corp. 2012. (Sisters Eight Ser.: 9). (ENG., Illus.). 160p. (J). (gr. Animals/Animales de safari Ser.). (SPA., Illus.). 24p. (J). (gr. pap. 3.99 (978-0-316-73382-3(2)) Little, Brown Bks. for —Locked in the Library! (Arthur Chapter Bks.: Bk. 6). 58p. (J). 1-4). pap. 6.99 (978-0-547-55441-9(9), 1452177) Houghton -1-2). lib. bdg. 24.60 (978-1-4488-3214-9(4)) Rosen Young Readers. (gr. 3-6). pap. 3.95 (978-0-8072-1300-1(4), Listening Library) Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co. Publishing Group, Inc., The. —Arthur’s Jelly Beans. 2019. (Arthur 8x8 Bks). (ENG.). 24p. Random Hse. Audio Publishing Group. Beasley, Kate. Gertie’s Leap to Greatness. Tamaki, Jillian, illus. Orr, Tamra. Aardvark or Anteater. 2019. (21st Century Junior (J). (gr. k-1). 14.49 (978-1-64310-992-3(8)) Penworthy Co., Krensky, Stephen & Brown, Marc. Arthur Plays the Blues. 2016. (ENG.). 256p. (J). 16.99 (978-0-374-30261-0(8), Library: Which Is Which? Ser.). (ENG., Illus.). 24p. (J). (gr. LLC, The. 2003. (Marc Brown Arthur Chapter Bks.). (Illus.). 53p. (gr. 9780374302610, Farrar, Straus & Giroux (BYR)) Farrar, 2-5). pap. 12.79 (978-1-5341-5020-1(X), 213387); lib. bdg. —Arthur’s Jelly Beans. Brown, Marc, illus. 2018. (Arthur Ser.). 2-4). 14.25 (978-0-7569-1700-5(X)) Perfection Learning Straus & Giroux. 28.50 (978-1-5341-4734-8(9), 213386) Cherry Lake (ENG., Illus.). 24p. (J). (gr. -1-k). pap. 4.99 Corp. —Gertie’s Leap to Greatness. Tamaki, Jillian, illus. 2018. Publishing. (978-1-338-27762-3(6), Cartwheel Bks.) Scholastic, Inc. O’Toole-Freel, Judy. Aardvark, Aardvark, How Do You Do!, 1 (ENG.). 272p. (J). pap. 7.99 (978-1-250-14374-7(8), AARDVARK—FICTION —Arthur’s New Puppy. (Arthur Adventure Ser.). (J). (gr. k-3). vol. 2008. (ENG.). 31p. 24.95 (978-1-4241-6618-3(7)) 900180551) Square Fish. 7.98 incl. audio NewSound, LLC. Clay, Ian. Coyote Lake. 2007. 104p. per. 9.95 Brown, Marc. Arthur & the 1,001 Dads, Bk. 28. Brown, Marc, America Star Bks. —Arthur’s off to School. 2004. (ENG., Illus.). 24p. (J). (gr. -1-1). Sarfatti, Esther, tr. from ENG. Berto Da la Talla. 2006. (Libro de (978-0-595-44590-5(X)) iUniverse, Inc. illus. 2003. (ENG., Illus.). 64p. (J). (gr. 1-4). pap. 4.25 Cooney, Caroline B. They Never Came Back. 2011. (ENG., (978-0-316-12280-1(7)) Little, Brown Bks. for Young pap. 3.99 (978-0-316-73378-6(4)) Little, Brown Bks. for Capitulos de Arturo Ser.). (Illus.). 55p. (J). (gr. 6-8). per. 4.99 Young Readers. (978-1-930332-94-2(7)) Lectorum Pubns., Inc. Illus.). 208p. (YA). (gr. 7). pap. 7.99 (978-0-385-73809-5(9), Readers. Ember) Random Hse. Children’s Bks. —Arthur’s off to School. Brown, Marc, illus. 2019. (Arthur AARON, HANK, 1934- —Arthur & the Baby: A Classic Arthur Adventure. 2011. Coville, Bruce. Always October. 2012. (ENG.). 384p. (J). (gr. (Classic Arthur Adventure Ser.). (Illus.). 32p. (J). (gr. -1-3). [Brown] Ser.). (ENG., Illus.). 24p. (J). (gr. -1-k). pap. 4.99 (978-1-338-27761-6(8), Cartwheel Bks.) Scholastic, Inc. Golenbock, Peter. Hank Aaron: Brave in Every Way. Lee, Paul, 3-7). 16.99 (978-0-06-089095-7(9)) HarperCollins Pubs. pap. 8.99 (978-0-316-12905-3(4)) Little Brown & Co. illus. 2005. (ENG.). 32p. (J). (gr. -1-3). reprint ed. pap. 7.99 —Arthur & the Bad-Luck Brain. 2003. (Marc Brown Arthur —Arthur’s Reading Trick. 2009. (Step into Reading Ser.). Dessen, Sarah. Lock & Key. 2009. (ENG.). 448p. (YA). (gr. (ENG., Illus.). 24p. (J). (gr. k-3). pap. 4.99 (978-0-15-205250-8(X), 1195816) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 7-18). 10.99 (978-0-14-241472-9(7), Speak) Penguin Young Chapter Bks.). (Illus.). 55p. (gr. 2-4). 14.25 Publishing Co. (978-0-7569-1701-2(8)) Perfection Learning Corp. (978-0-375-82977-2(6), Random Hse. Bks. for Young Readers Group. Readers) Random Hse. Children’s Bks. Kappes, Serena. Hank Aaron. 2005. (Sports Heroes & —Lock & Key. 2009. lib. bdg. 22.10 (978-0-606-14396-7(3)) —Arthur & the Bad-Luck Brain, Bk. 30. 2003. (ENG., Illus.). Legends Ser.). (Illus.). 106p. (YA). (gr. 7-12). lib. bdg. 27.93 64p. (J). (gr. 1-4). pap. 4.25 (978-0-316-12377-8(3)) Little, —Arthur’s Teacher Trouble. 2004. (Arthur Adventure Ser.). (J). Turtleback. (gr. k-3). spiral bd. (978-0-616-00406-7(0)); spiral bd. (978-0-8225-3069-5(4)) Lerner Publishing Group. Duey, Kathleen. True Heart. Rayyan, Omar, illus. 2004. Brown Bks. for Young Readers. Morrison, Jessica. Hank Aaron: Home Run Hero. 2010. —Arthur & the Lost Diary. (Arthur Chapter Bks.: Bk. 9). 55p. (978-0-616-01603-9(4)) Canadian National Institute for the (Unicorn’s Secret Ser.). 75p. (gr. 2-5). 15.00 Blind/Institut National Canadien pour les Aveugles. (Crabtree Groundbreaker Biographies Ser.). (ENG., Illus.). (978-0-7569-3385-2(4)) Perfection Learning Corp. (J). (gr. 3-6). pap. 3.95 (978-0-8072-1305-6(5), Listening 112p. (J). pap. (978-0-7787-2547-3(2)); (gr. 5-8). lib. bdg. Library) Random Hse. Audio Publishing Group. —Arthur’s Underwear. 2004. (Arthur Adventure Ser.). (Illus.). Gagnon, Michelle. Don’t Let Go. 2014. (Don’t Turn Around (J). (gr. k-3). spiral bd. (978-0-616-14564-7(0)); spiral bd. (978-0-7787-2538-1(3)) Crabtree Publishing Co. Ser.: 3). (ENG.). 352p. (YA). (gr. 8). 17.99 —Arthur & the Nerves of Steal. 32nd ed. 2004. (ENG., Illus.). Poolos, Jamie & Poolos, J. Hank Aaron. 2007. (Baseball 64p. (J). (gr. 1-4). pap. 4.25 (978-0-316-12618-2(7), Tingley, (978-0-616-14563-0(2)) Canadian National Institute for the (978-0-06-210296-6(6)) HarperCollins Pubs. Blind/Institut National Canadien pour les Aveugles. Superstars Ser.). (Illus.). 122p. (YA). (gr. 7-12). lib. bdg. 30.00 —Don’t Turn Around. 2013. (Don’t Turn Around Ser.: 1). Megan Bks.) Little, Brown Bks.
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