August 21, 1969 Vol. 146 No. 34 REVIEW AND HERALD • GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me 11111C1118 By ROBERT W. NIXON TAY in the race and help find of those who have run before and have answers to today's problems," finished the course. S urged Theodore Carcich, Gen- "Best of all," Elder Carcich added, eral Conference vice-president, as "we can ascertain the course with un- more than 12,000 delegates jammed erring accuracy by constantly keeping the colorful opening session of the our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith first Seventh-day Adventist World depends. Everything that hinders us Youth Congress in Zurich, Switzer- in the race, every attachment to mate- land, on the evening of July 22. rial things, must be abandoned. "The Christian life is not a stroll or "Blowing your mind with 'acid' is a jog, but a strenuous race," Elder not the answer," he continued. "Men Carcich explained. "It is a race that before us met many of the same prob- involves a definite goal. The racer may lems we face today, yet they solved not run just anywhere but must pur- them without pulling the establish- sue the course marked out for him by ment down upon their heads. We can the Word of God and by the example learn much from them." Before Elder Carcich's keynote ad- the United States; a vocal solo by dress, costumed representatives from Mrs. Leland (Kathy) Tetz, of the 91 countries presented their national United States; a Tamil song with flags in Zurich's huge Hallenstadion guitar accompaniment from India; a Zan and were officially recognized by Theo- male quartet from the Camerouns in dore E. Lucas, the church's world West Africa; a piano-violin duet by a youth leader. German couple; a flute solo accom- President Ludwig von Moos, of the panied by a bamboo orchestra from Swiss Confederation, sent a special the Far Eastern Division; and a ladies' message to the delegates. "The future trio from Inter-America. here, as in all parts of the world, rests On Wednesday morning E. Earl in the youth," he said. "Therefore may Cleveland, of the General Conference a good spirit in your congress here in Ministerial Association, began his Switzerland lead to a peaceful future Truth for Youth series. through a highly correct understand- "Sex is today's number-one youth ing and moral foundation to which problem," Elder Cleveland com- you also are bound." Public officials mented. "It rivals the power of God from the canton of Zurich and the city in its appeal. Premarital sex con- council also greeted their visitors. tributes to many problems, including With the help of a computer, con- parenthood for young men and gress planners turned the Zurich pub- women not prepared for such respon- lic school classrooms and gymnasiums sibilities, the spreading of venereal into dormitories for several thousand diseases, lowering of resistance to delegates. Each delegate received a temptations, and an increasing in- card admitting him to a dormitory, a ability to tell right from wrong. plastic inflatable—or deflatable, de- "Faith in Christ can break any pending on how you approached it— habit, kill any vice, turn failure into pillow, and paper sheets for his cot. success, and make you a true leader Meals, precooked and sealed in among other youth," Elder Cleveland plastic containers weeks before the said. "Nature was never created to congress, were heated in tanks of hot rage out of control—even human na- water and served at the rate of 4,800 ture—and only when subjected to each hour in two large dining areas. discipline does it prove the blessing Guiolet Gilbert, of Paris, looks at a paper- Inside the Hallenstadion itself, plat- for which it was intended. back in the Book and Bible House display. form translators presented the speak- er's message in German and English. Victory on Your Knees Delegates speaking other languages "Getting down on your knees is the could tune in on 14 other translations way to gain victory over your sinful by using special transistor radios. self, your sinful environment," ex- Delegates also presented special plained Elder Cleveland. "You must music for all World Youth Congress repeat David's prayer, 'Create in me programs. Selections on the opening a clean heart.' Take out citizenship program included the presentation of in heaven, and you will see the way the official theme song, "Follow Me," out of every problem you can name." by the Takoma Academy chorale from Elder Cleveland predicted that all the United States; solos by Mrs. Dilza the world's problems will be solved Garcia, of Brazil, and Sunny Liu, of someday—the day Christ returns to the United States; a Filipino duet; a claim His faithful followers. quartet of Berlin nurses; and numbers During the morning Youth Speaks by Polish and Yugoslavian choirs. programs, individual delegates pre- Other outstanding musical events sented their personal testimonies for included the always popular German Christ. brass choir; Rolando Santos, pianist One delegate, Juston Nkumba, a and organist from Bolivia; Charles student at Malamulo College in Brooks, Negro soloist from the United Malawi, Africa, told how for six years States; Veikko Friman, flutist from he pleaded for an opportunity for Finland; the Columbians and the higher education. "I had no money. Loma Linda Academy choir from the United States; and Manuel Escorcio, vocalist from Helderberg College in 1. Unusual hats marked the delegates of the Union of South Africa. North Borneo and Palau. 2. Juston Nkumba, The variety of musical talent pre- of Malawi, participates in Youth Speaks. sented by the young delegates showed up at its best in the special Music-of- the-Spheres program on Sabbath after- noon. Photos on cover Written and directed by Lowell 7. More than 12,000 gathered for the Sab- Litten, of the General Conference bath service at Hallenstadion. 2. Official Missionary Volunteer Department, the World Youth Congress seals were posted all over Zurich. 3. Three youth in national dress program included whistle solos by stand during the call to commitment after Mevyn Shittaker, of Australia; choirs GC President Pierson's Sabbath sermop. from Scandinavia, Czechoslovakia, and 2 How could I get into the overcrowded wrote his final examinations. One someone stirred in the quiet audience. schools? Then the dawn came when morning he found a letter on his "What is it, young man? Please Christ answered my prayers. God is desk. Of all the Adventist youth in come forward," said Elder Schoen. with us now. He will be with us dur- his class, he had been the only one "What do you have to say? Sometimes ing the climactic events of this world's to refuse the special instruction on in meetings like this something hap- history," said Mr. Nkumba. "Christ Sabbath. And William was the only pens to our hearts." created this earth and set the stars in Adventist student to be selected for Kumar stood beside Elder Schoen. motion, but still He is interested high school. Today he continues his "As I have attended this congress," enough in us to listen to our prayers. education as a faithful Seventh-day Kumar began, "my heart has really Christ always will be my guide." Adventist. been touched by God. I accept Jesus Afternoon Youth in Action pro- Christ as my Saviour, even though my grams featured representatives of the Fire Walker Turns Adventist parents are not Christians. various world divisions and their re- Delegates from the Far Eastern Di- "I know I will have many trials and ports on how their youth are respond- vision told the story of a 13-year-old temptations," he continued. "Oh, ing to the Missionary Volunteer tar- lad, Kumar, who walked through red- brothers and sisters, please pray for get of 100,000 baptisms through youth hot coals at a Hindu temple trying me, for I am going to stand firm for activities before the General Confer- to cure his cracked, bleeding feet. Christ. Tomorrow I will tell my par- ence session of 1970. With still a year Before Kumar walked the coals he ents that I am now a Christian. I to go, Adventist youth already have chanced to meet an Adventist woman will be baptized soon. I will work made more than 111,000 converts. and revealed to her how his poor for God." During Wednesday and Thursday parents had spent all the money they Kumar was baptized, and he is a night meetings youths dressed in color- could spare in four years trying to faithful Seventh-day Adventist today ful national costumes presented cure his feet. When the Adventist despite his difficult home situation. Youth International programs of na- youth visited Kumar after his fiery Two of the afternoon programs tional songs, historical sketches, and walk, he found Kumar's feet still were focused on health for SDA youth. just plain spectaculars. not cured. Dr. Lothan Traeder, of Germany, The Czechoslovakian delegation, for "Would you be willing to have a assisted by students of Marienhoehe example, portrayed how through the doctor at Youngberg Memorial Hos- Missionary Seminary, portrayed how centuries Bible reading in their land pital treat Kumar's feet?" the Ad- alcohol affects youth—and even Ad- has sometimes been forbidden, some- ventist asked Kumar's parents. They ventist youth may be tempted. The times encouraged. Dressed as various were astounded to learn the treat- Andrews University gymnastic team reformers and oppressors, the young ment would be free. Soon Kumar's performed to indicate the high degree delegates touched the hearts of their feet were receiving expert medical of physical fitness Adventist youth fellow delegates when they revealed treatment, and he was learning about should attain.
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