Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii. Tom. 34, No. 1/2018 ISSN 1454-6914 CHOROLOGY OF Sedum urvillei (CRASSULACEAE) IN ROMANIAN DOBROGEA, IMPLICATIONS FOR CONSERVATION NICULAE Marilena Abstract. Sedum urvillei DC. is a xerothermic yellow-flowered perennial species of Crassulaceae with Balkano-Pontic and East- European sub-mediterranean distribution. Its Romanian range includes several disputable populations North of Danube and certainly Dobrogea, where S. urvillei is widespread, despite lack of precise data about its actual occurrence in this region. The typical S. urvillei has a pronounced xero-thermophylic preference for rocky habitats with shallow topsoil where it escapes competition, being most often but not exclusively found on rocky calcareous outcrops. The lack of a botanical work describing the complete distribution range of S.urvillei in Romanian Dobrogea, since more than half a century ago when the only monographic treatment of Crassulaceae family in Romanian flora was published, prompted me to present herein comprehensive (albeit not exhaustive) precise data about the actual occurrence sites of S.urvillei in Romanian Dobrogea resulted from personal fieldwork surveys during over 30 years, results comprising over 150 occurrence sites for Sedum urvillei was seen, around >30 human settlements, spanning the whole province, from practically sea level up to about 400m elevation a.s.l. The data presented herein document for S. urvillei a much larger distribution in Dobrogea than previously precisely documented but co-occurence of S. urvillei with the very similar but more common species S. acre and S. annuum and/or S. sexangulare, predisposes it to confusions with these two species and leads to underreporting. It also is quite important for biodiversity conservation as it participates in several associations harbouring the much rarer congeneric Sedum caespitosum and builds the Assoc. Sedo hillebrandtii-Polytrichetum-piliferi Horeanu et Mihai 1974 in which it is the main species. Understanding the environmental and phytocoenotic characteristics fostering S.caespitosum occurrence in this association would certainly benefit its conservation, together with other rare and locally threatened species like Festuca callieri, Gagea szovitzii, Campanula romanica, Dianthus nardiformis, and Moehringia grisebachii. Keywords: Sedum urvillei DC, Chorology, Dobrogea, biodiversity conservation, Crassulaceae. Rezumat. Corologia Sedum urvillei (Crassulaceae) în Dobrogea Română, implicaţii pentru conservare. Sedum urvillei DC. este o specie perenă, xerothermofilă de Crassulaceae cu flori galbene, cu distribuţie Balcano-Pontică şi Est-Europeană, sub-mediteraneană. Arealul ei românesc include câteva populaţii disputabile Nord-Dunărene şi unele certe în Dobrogea, unde S. urvillei e larg răspândit, în ciuda lipsei de date precise despre existenţa ei actuală în regiune. S. urvillei tipic are pronunţate preferinţe xerotermofile şi pentru habitate stâncoase cu sol superficial unde evită competiţia, fiind găsită adesea dar nu exclusiv pe iviri stâncoase calcaroase. Lipsa unei lucrări botanice dedicată descrierii precise a arealului complet al S. urvillei în Dobrogea Română, de la publicarea cu mai mult de jumătate de secol în urmă a singurei monografii a familiei Crassulaceae în flora românească, m-a impulsionat să prezint aici date cuprinzătoare (deși nu exhaustive) despre actuala existenţă a S. urvillei în Dobrogea Română, rezultate din cercetări de teren efectuate în aproximativ 20 de ani, cuprinzând peste 150 situri pentru Sedum urvillei, în jurul a >30 aşezări umane, întinse în toată provincia, practic de la nivelul mării până la cca. 400 m m.d.m. Datele prezentate documentează o mult mai largă distribuţie a S. urvillei în Dobrogea decât fusese precis documentată, dar coexistenţa S. urvillei cu speciile similare dar mult mai comune S. acre şi S. annuum şi/sau S. sexangulare, predispune la confuzii cu aceste specii şi duce la sub raportare. S. urvillei este foarte important pentru conservarea biodiversităţii întrucât participă în câteva asociaţii adăpostind mult mai rara congenerică Sedum caespitosum şi edifică Assoc. Sedo hillebrandtii-Polytrichetum-piliferi Horeanu et Mihai 1974 în care e specia principală. Înţelegerea caracteristicilor de mediu şi fitocenotice care promovează apariţia S. caespitosum în aceste asociații ar fi cert benefică pentru conservarea ei, împreună cu alte specii rare şi periclitate local precum Festuca callieri, Gagea szovitzii, Campanula romanica, Dianthus nardiformis și Moehringia grisebachii. Cuvinte cheie: Sedum urvillei DC, corologie, Dobrogea, conservarea biodiversitaţii, Crassulaceae. INTRODUCTION Sedum urvillei DC. is a xerothermic yellow-flowered perennial species of Crassulaceae with Balkano-Pontic and East-European sub-Mediterranean distribution, described by A. P. de Candolle in 1828. Since then, according to International Crassulaceae Network, several taxa were synonymised with it, including the following which are more relevant to the territory of my study: - S. stribrnyi Velenovsky (1892) and its derivatives Sedum acre var. stribrnyi (Velenovsky) Stojanov & Stefanoff, Sedum sexangulare ssp. stribrnyi (Velenovsky) Fröderström (1932), Sedum sartorianum ssp. stribrnyi (Velenovsky) D. A. Webb (1963); - Sedum ponticum Velenovsky (1891) with its derivatives: Sedum acre var. ponticum (Velenovsky) Stojanov & Stefanoff, Sedum sartorianum ssp. ponticum (Velenovsky) D. A. Webb (1963); - Sedum sartorianum Boissier (1856) with its derivatives: Sedum acre ssp. sartorianum (Boissier) J. A. Huber (1936), Sedum urvillei ssp. sartorianum (Boissier) Byalt (1997); - Sedum hillebrandtii Fenzl (1856) with its derivatives: Sedum urvillei ssp. hillebrandtii (Fenzl) D. A. Webb, Sedum sexangulare ssp. hillebrandtii (Fenzl) Nyman (1890), Sedum sartorianum ssp. hillebrandtii (Fenzl) D. A. Webb (1963) Sedum acre var. hirsutum Wierzbicki; and Sedum novakii Domin (1929). 75 NICULAE Marilena Although the first taxa are correctly synonymised with S. urvillei, in my opinion and based on the data available from Romanian populations, Sedum hillebrandtii Fenzl (1856) which also is native to Romania, shows enough distinctive characters to warrant taxonomic formal recognition at the level of species (but see also PARNELL & FAVARGER, 1993 and HART t’, 1991). Morphologically characterized by fibrous roots and trailing, multi-ramified ascending to erect lignified reddish-brown stems 10-15cm tall, with persistent dried leaves remaining like whitish-grey scales attached to the naked stems with apical tufts of densely imbricate leaves. The non-flowering shoots are quite brittle and easily break apart; the detached segments serve as propagules and lead to formation of wide clonal mats. The flowering shoots are also ramified, a few centimeters taller than the sterile shoots, usually erect or ascending. The inflorescences are cymes with 2-5 cincinni, usually having 2 bracts per flower. The leaves are alternate, densely imbricate, semi-terrete with broadly truncate spur and conical distal third, linear-oblong, sub-acute, about 10mmong and 1-2mm at the widest part, with highly variable color. Depending on the insolation degree, they vary in color between yellow-grey-green with reddish papillae in the early spring, dark green or glaucous to dark red to burgundy in summer under bright sun. The fIowers are (ob)diplostemonous, sessile to very shortly-pedicellate, the calyx consists of dark-red to glaucous dark-green basally fused lanceolate, subacute sepals, much less unequal than in S. annuum, the corola is pentamerous, with yellow lanceolate, acuminate, petals 5 - 8 mm long, 1-2mm wide, the staminal filaments yellow, anthers yellow, pollen yellow. With 3-20 flowers/plant, S. urvillei shows a certain degree of polymorphism and variability, similar to S. annuum L (see BÂRCĂ, 2016b; NICULAE & BÂRCĂ, 2006) with a considerable variation in many characters as: number of stem branches, shoot length, size and shape of floral parts and inflorescence, and floral morphology. Typically, it perennates through “sterile” lignified and apically densely foliated shoots. According to International Crassulaceae Network (which submerges Sedum hillebrandtii Fenzl into S. urvillei), its general distribution comprises Southeastern Europe, from Danube planes in Hungary, Serbia and Southern and Eastern Romania, through the Balkan Peninsula and Greece down to Central and Southern Anatolia in Turkey, and Eastwards through R. Moldova to Southern Ukraine and Crimea. In my opinion, I maintain these two taxa separated as bona species and I regard S. urvillei as a truly Ponto- euxinic species extending through the Balkans and Greece into Anatolia and probably the Caucasus. Its Romanian range includes several disputable populations North of Danube and certainly Dobrogea, region where S. urvillei is considered widespread, despite lack of exhaustive, precise data about its actual occurrence in this region (but see also PETRESCU 2012). The typical S. urvillei develops well in rocky habitats with shallow topsoil where it doesn’t face a lot of competition from taller plants. It has a pronounced xeric- and thermophylic preference, as opposed to Sedum borissovae which prefers milder habitats with better water availability. It is most often, -but not exclusively, found on calcareous substrates, on rocky outcrops, and the nominotypical taxon spans habitats up to 2000m, although in Dobrogea it just reaches about 400m elevation a.s.l. The area covered by this
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